Time to start ARRESTING left wing stalkers...


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
This is about to get real ugly.. Left wing bigots interfered in the safety of Mr and Mrs. Ted Cruz.. The Stalkers followed them into a restaurant and made them fear for their safety. When they feared for their safety, they had every right to retaliate and protect themselves...

Time to take the gloves off and start holding these left wing zealots accountable and give them taste of their own mob medicine in a group jail cell where they can scream to the sky all they want... If we don't restore order and civility it will end in bloodshed and justifiably so....

Time to hold these left wing fools to account.... before it ends badly...
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This is about to get real ugly.. Left wing bigots interfered in the safety of Mr and Mrs. Ted Cruz.. The Stalkers followed them into a restaurant and made them fear for their safety. When they feared for their safety, they had every right to retaliate and protect themselves...

Time to take the gloves off and start holding these left wing zealots a taste of their own mob medicine in a group jail cell where they can scream to the sky all they want... If we don't restore order and civility it will end in bloodshed and justifiably so....

Time to hold these left wing fools to account.... before it ends badly...

Who wants to risk catching The Ghey from them?
This is about to get real ugly.. Left wing bigots interfered in the safety of Mr and Mrs. Ted Cruz.. The Stalkers followed them into a restaurant and made them fear for their safety. When they feared for their safety, they had every right to retaliate and protect themselves...

Time to take the gloves off and start holding these left wing zealots a taste of their own mob medicine in a group jail cell where they can scream to the sky all they want... If we don't restore order and civility it will end in bloodshed and justifiably so....

Time to hold these left wing fools to account.... before it ends badly...

Who wants to risk catching The Ghey from them?
Last time I checked stupidity was a learned trait of socialist scum bags so its wont rub off on you :04:
Thank Mad Max for this! :mad-61:

Mad Max has been busted by the House ethics committee on 3 counts. Breaking House rules and violating Federal regulations. It will be interesting to see if she gets canned. She also threatened to "knock off" the Pres and the VP. Don't know what that entails.


Here is more via Politico: “The House ethics committee released its formal charges against Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) Monday, accusing her of three counts of violating the letter and spirit of House rules and federal regulations by assisting a bank in which her husband owned stock.

The 10-page “Statement of Alleged Violation” by the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct Investigative Subcommittee focuses on the actions of Waters and Mikael Moore, who is the congresswoman’s chief of staff and her grandson, and tracks broadly along the same lines as the year-old findings from the independent Office of Congressional Ethics.

Waters is accused of improperly intervening on behalf of OneUnited, a minority-owned bank in which her husband held stock valued at roughly $350,000. The federal government’s Sept. 7, 2008, takeover of mortgage-lending giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac threatened to sink the bank, which was heavily invested in the twin titans of the secondary home-mortgage market.

Maxine Just Publicly Vowed To ‘KNOCK OFF’ Trump And Pence, Immediately Pays Dearly For It [Video]
This is about to get real ugly.. Left wing bigots interfered in the safety of Mr and Mrs. Ted Cruz.. The Stalkers followed them into a restaurant and made them fear for their safety. When they feared for their safety, they had every right to retaliate and protect themselves...

Time to take the gloves off and start holding these left wing zealots accountable and give them taste of their own mob medicine in a group jail cell where they can scream to the sky all they want... If we don't restore order and civility it will end in bloodshed and justifiably so....

Time to hold these left wing fools to account.... before it ends badly...

The law only works for liberals, especially in DC.
I think that any patriotic Americans present while Cruz was being g assaulted would have been justified in kicking some pussy - hat wearing ass.

One doesn't have to put up with that shit.
I'm pretty sure it's not getting them any votes. Repubs would be better served letting it continue. Dems really need to focus on things that actually get them more votes....
Of course trumpanzees have a problem with someone being judged based on the content of their character.
Of course trumpanzees have a problem with someone being judged based on the content of their character.
A bunch of pussy's chanting bull shit... The only character they are showing is one of spoiled brats needing a good ass whooping!

Only a fucktard liberal pussy would think this is ok...
I like to know how an average Joe ends up getting arrested threating the president on social media but the likes of Kathy Griffen or Snoop dog ( what ever his name is) goes Scott free?

Why don't they at least get this people for trespassing on private property?
This is about to get real ugly.. Left wing bigots interfered in the safety of Mr and Mrs. Ted Cruz.. The Stalkers followed them into a restaurant and made them fear for their safety. When they feared for their safety, they had every right to retaliate and protect themselves...

Time to take the gloves off and start holding these left wing zealots accountable and give them taste of their own mob medicine in a group jail cell where they can scream to the sky all they want... If we don't restore order and civility it will end in bloodshed and justifiably so....

Time to hold these left wing fools to account.... before it ends badly...
Conservatives’ hatred is exceeded only by their ignorance and stupidity – this thread being one of many examples, as it fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

Another rightwing ignoramus started a thread on the same topic, exhibiting her ignorance, stupidity, and hate.

The threat comes not from a tiny minority of individuals who are representative of no one – the ‘left’ in particular; the actual threat comes from the ignorance, stupidity, and hate common to most on the right.
Of course trumpanzees have a problem with someone being judged based on the content of their character.

I’m fine by judging by the content of their character however that does not allow them to break the law in doing so. Following them into a restaurant, threatening them and harassing them goes over the line. This is a hate group that promotes violence and I don’t care if it is a left or right wing group they need to get a grip before someone is really hurt.
This is about to get real ugly.. Left wing bigots interfered in the safety of Mr and Mrs. Ted Cruz.. The Stalkers followed them into a restaurant and made them fear for their safety. When they feared for their safety, they had every right to retaliate and protect themselves...

Time to take the gloves off and start holding these left wing zealots accountable and give them taste of their own mob medicine in a group jail cell where they can scream to the sky all they want... If we don't restore order and civility it will end in bloodshed and justifiably so....

Time to hold these left wing fools to account.... before it ends badly...
Conservatives’ hatred is exceeded only by their ignorance and stupidity – this thread being one of many examples, as it fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

Another rightwing ignoramus started a thread on the same topic, exhibiting her ignorance, stupidity, and hate.

The threat comes not from a tiny minority of individuals who are representative of no one – the ‘left’ in particular; the actual threat comes from the ignorance, stupidity, and hate common to most on the right.
Congratulations, your post contained no actual facts.
I'm pretty sure it's not getting them any votes. Repubs would be better served letting it continue. Dems really need to focus on things that actually get them more votes....
This is just as wrong and ridiculous as the OP.

The thread topic has nothing to do with ‘Dems.’
This is about to get real ugly.. Left wing bigots interfered in the safety of Mr and Mrs. Ted Cruz.. The Stalkers followed them into a restaurant and made them fear for their safety. When they feared for their safety, they had every right to retaliate and protect themselves...

Time to take the gloves off and start holding these left wing zealots accountable and give them taste of their own mob medicine in a group jail cell where they can scream to the sky all they want... If we don't restore order and civility it will end in bloodshed and justifiably so....

Time to hold these left wing fools to account.... before it ends badly...
Conservatives’ hatred is exceeded only by their ignorance and stupidity – this thread being one of many examples, as it fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

Another rightwing ignoramus started a thread on the same topic, exhibiting her ignorance, stupidity, and hate.

The threat comes not from a tiny minority of individuals who are representative of no one – the ‘left’ in particular; the actual threat comes from the ignorance, stupidity, and hate common to most on the right.

The are connected to Antifa which is a left leaning political group. They don’t represent the views of most Democrats or liberals or even the left however they are a left leaning group. Your trying to blame those mostly on the right exhibits your ignorance, stupidity and hate.

The bigger issue is we can’t allow hate groups such as Antifa to harass government officials and have them in fear of their safety. I don’t really care what their politics are. It is wrong.

Your generalization of conservatives is just as wrong as the generalization of the left. It’s pretty amusing.

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