Time to stop playing military games for political posturing

Commander Bone Spurs is being led around by the nose by Bolton. And Trump was stupid enough to hire him in the first place. Trump is a moron who knows squat about foreign policy. Bolton a war monger.

We are doomed.
The entire Cold war was about Political posturing but it's bad when a republican is in office.

dude, the cold war is over. I know this because I have the Cold War Victory Medal! :21::21::21:

Keep up please.

Yes and no. Here's the thing. An integral part of our country's foreign policy approach is the projection of military power across the globe. This has been the case for a hundred years, and became most especially important after WWII. It's why we have the military that we do. Why we spend the way we do, why we need to "defend" ourselves against everyone and everything. Sabre rattling is step one in the US flow chart. Step two is ginning up an excuse to justify it to the American people. This is how we've done it for decades.

So, if you are saying that this approach is wrong in the first place, then yes, it's time to stop playing military games for political posturing. On the other hand, if you are not rejecting this approach on the whole, then it's never time to stop the games.
Commander Bone Spurs is being led around by the nose by Bolton. And Trump was stupid enough to hire him in the first place. Trump is a moron who knows squat about foreign policy. Bolton a war monger.

We are doomed.

Trump is TOO FUCKING STUPID to know who Bolton is.

Trump prolly thinks Bolton is really 'bolt on' ............... like a piece of hardware for an old muscle car.

FLOFL ................... like Trump would know a fucking thing about a 1967 fucking Chevy Camaro ..............
Commander Bone Spurs is being led around by the nose by Bolton. And Trump was stupid enough to hire him in the first place. Trump is a moron who knows squat about foreign policy. Bolton a war monger.

We are doomed.

Trump is TOO FUCKING STUPID to know who Bolton is.

Trump prolly thinks Bolton is really 'bolt on' ............... like a piece of hardware for an old muscle car.

FLOFL ................... like Trump would know a fucking thing about a 1967 fucking Chevy Camaro ..............

He hired him for the same reason he hired so many others. "I've seen this guy on TV".

So you would rather we wait until after we are attacked to move military assets into the region rather than do it now in hope it avoids an attack.
I would rather we stopped meddling with the camel jockeys. If we started minding our own business there would be nothing for Iran to attack in the middle east. We have more than enough problems of our own without policing everyone elses.
Then I'd be a mental midget.

Iran attacks we wipe them off the map. War is for adults not teenage boys in a dick waving competition.

So you would rather we wait until after we are attacked to move military assets into the region rather than do it now in hope it avoids an attack.
I would rather we stopped meddling with the camel jockeys. If we started minding our own business there would be nothing for Iran to attack in the middle east. We have more than enough problems of our own without policing everyone elses.

When Americans are being targeted, it is our problem and not someone else's.
Then I'd be a mental midget.

Iran attacks we wipe them off the map. War is for adults not teenage boys in a dick waving competition.

What does that mean? You against deploying military assets to DETER attacks? From the "death to america" people who THREATENED to use military force in the Straits of Hormuz this month???
Then I'd be a mental midget.

Iran attacks we wipe them off the map. War is for adults not teenage boys in a dick waving competition.

Yet teenage boys are usually the ones who end up dead.

So you would rather we wait until after we are attacked to move military assets into the region rather than do it now in hope it avoids an attack.
I would rather we stopped meddling with the camel jockeys. If we started minding our own business there would be nothing for Iran to attack in the middle east. We have more than enough problems of our own without policing everyone elses.

When Americans are being targeted, it is our problem and not someone else's.
Americans wouldn't be targets if we minded our own business and only responded to actual threats.
Don't you people ever get tired of being misled? The war machine loves you to be sure.
Why are we still occupying sand dunes? It's a waste of American blood and treasure.
Then I'd be a mental midget.

Iran attacks we wipe them off the map. War is for adults not teenage boys in a dick waving competition.

What does that mean? You against deploying military assets to DETER attacks? From the "death to america" people who THREATENED to use military force in the Straits of Hormuz this month???
If they attack you DESTROY THEM.

Enough with these fucking games.

Time to stop babysitting the worlds shitholes.
That used to be Trumps motto and it was widely applauded. Course now the machine is steering him and as a result you apparently

So you would rather we wait until after we are attacked to move military assets into the region rather than do it now in hope it avoids an attack.
I would rather we stopped meddling with the camel jockeys. If we started minding our own business there would be nothing for Iran to attack in the middle east. We have more than enough problems of our own without policing everyone elses.

When Americans are being targeted, it is our problem and not someone else's.
Americans wouldn't be targets if we minded our own business and only responded to actual threats.
Don't you people ever get tired of being misled? The war machine loves you to be sure.
Why are we still occupying sand dunes? It's a waste of American blood and treasure.

Sounds like you are politically posturing---they thing you profess to be against. I deal with reality, not druthers, and the reality is this was a necessary move. Trump didn't order it be done. He authorized it be done in response to a request from the DoD.

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