Time-Traveller: Mr. Dianetics


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a commercialism-era idealism vignette inspired by the marketing-evangelism film Toys.

Signing off,


The American movie star Colin Farrell whose work in culturally-exciting films such as The New World, Phone Booth, Miami Vice, and Daredevil established him as a 'hotshot performer,' was involved in a major personal struggle when he discovered he had a secret separated long-lost half-brother named Birdie who was a 'mad scientist.' Birdie tracked Colin down when he found out his brother was now a celebrity. Birdie had kept his family-ties to Colin a secret, and Colin never knew. Birdie had invented a time machine and wanted Colin to go inside it and then report on what he found so he could make a big-time Hollywood film about the experience!


Colin agreed and went inside the time machine and landed in 1950s America, when the Beatnik 'movement' was taking shape and the writings of Jack Kerouac were changing the way the world viewed 'improvisational intellectualism.' Colin met Kerouac and explained to him he was from the future and travelled in a time-machine to record his experiences so he could make a big-time Hollywood film about time travel! Kerouac was astonished but was in a dream-state (perfect for his style of writing) and believed Colin and explained that the Beatniks were involved in a 'revolutionary scheme' to kidnap a group of kids (including a 'golden baby') 'trapped' in a Hollywood, California orphanage.


Colin was so moved that he decided to help Kerouac complete the 'orphanage mission.' However, when Kerouac and Colin and his 'team' arrived at the orphanage, Colin was whisked away to Ancient Rome (since his time-travel machine fitted with a homing-device on his wristwatch was preprogrammed by Colin's brother Birdie to have Colin constantly travel through time). Colin was now in Carthage and thick in the battle between Roman centurions and Carthaginian defenders. Colin remembered Kerouac's baby-rescue mission and was so inspired that he fought like a god on that field of war that day!


Colin finally returned to his own time and told his brother Birdie of his experiences meeting Kerouac and discovering the inspirational orphanage-reform minded 'mission' and then his eventual battle against Carthage on behalf of the Roman Empire. Birdie explained to Colin that Kerouac's friend William Burroughs was rumored to speak philosophically about orphanage-reform requirements around the globe. Birdie realized Colin's experiences were perfect for a time-travel film, and even if no one believed them, their sincere visceral excitement regarding what Colin went through just might be enough to inspire a big-time Hollywood film-producer. Well, Steven Spielberg agreed to make the film, and it would change the way Americans daydreamed about Toys 'R Us. Colin looked up some notes by Kerouac as a young-man and discovered a scribble which read, "According to Burroughs, a 'traveller' will be moved by orphanage-concerns even in this age of commerce/commercialism and mob psychology!"



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