Tingly leg Chrissy Matthews ousted at MSDNC for sexism?

"Cancel Culture" is alive and well.

Watch every damn word that comes out of your mouth, or you're fucked.

America, 2020.
it won't matter. anyone looking to hate or be offended will be. they'll make some jacked up connection YOU never put there and cry out you DID mean something else and then rail you for their loose interpretation of what you said.

the trick isn't to watch what you say and play that game. the trick is to tell them to fuck off when they do it.

this one took a second to kick in.
I remember when broadcaster Win Elliot addressed the class at the public school I attended (don't get me started on the hideousness of public schools after they were taken over by really bad people). Anyhow, it was career day or something and Win was nice enough to donate his time. The first thing he did was go around the room and have everyone say their name. After several kids could barely say their name he stopped and stated how important it was to articulate words in English. Mumbling was bad in general as far as interaction and obviously had no place in professional broadcasting. Mathews was quite possibly the worst offender of drooling type mumbling in regards to Fake News. He was never qualified to be a broadcaster, yet the psychotic democrat actually considered himself a historian because he read the newspaper and some books written by douchebags who copied stuff from others and polished it with the "progressive" agenda.
The democrats are eating their own. Nice. Lots of love, tolerance, and diversity there.
WTF are those old white farts Biden, Bloomberg, and Bernie still doing there?
this is what happens when you quit trying to appease a crowd and ignore them. they take their bullshit to people who will respond and pretend their whining matters and needs to be dealt with.

I think that's called "pandering" to the various democrat constituencies. The democrats do know how to "rabble rouse"
1. Reparations to the blacks to stay loyal in their urban plantations
2. Free education to the college age kids, and keeping colleges liberal bastions
3. Free healthcare for the old or those with "pre-existing conditions"
4. High taxes on the wealthy to make the working class feel better
5. More power to the unions, lawyers, and teachers
6. Continued support for the MSM shills
The democrats are eating their own. Nice. Lots of love, tolerance, and diversity there.
WTF are those old white farts Biden, Bloomberg, and Bernie still doing there?
this is what happens when you quit trying to appease a crowd and ignore them. they take their bullshit to people who will respond and pretend their whining matters and needs to be dealt with.

I think that's called "pandering" to the various democrat constituencies. The democrats do know how to "rabble rouse"
1. Reparations to the blacks to stay loyal in their urban plantations
2. Free education to the college age kids, and keeping colleges liberal bastions
3. Free healthcare for the old or those with "pre-existing conditions"
4. High taxes on the wealthy to make the working class feel better
5. More power to the unions, lawyers, and teachers
6. Continued support for the MSM shills
it's called being a dumbass as far as i'm concerned.

it's fine to have an opinion on all these matters. it's NOT fine to go whole hog apeshit on those who disagree with you and make it a huge issue when in reality, it's simply not.

1. reparations - for what? these are *usually* done to people/countries/entities impacted by your actions. i am NOT excusing slavery as it WAS a dark time in our own history. but we're far from the only nation that used it, blacks are far from the only people enslaved. however, simply saying "no" to the idea will get me branded as a white supremacist racist. ergo - the people who do this can't talk over issues, they are seeking emotional validation.

not my job.

2. colleges have usually been "liberal" per se. the cost itself these days is morphing people to get educated in other fashions. mike rowe leading the way in a very productive manner. a plummer or electrician is likely to make more than a college graduate anymore. making it "free" simply means the cost is placed elsewhere and does nothing to address the skyrocketing costs of education. so the left again is inventing issues vs. solutions. people can't afford it, make it free.

not my job.

3. free healthcare for the old, et al. again, we can't afford it so make it free. under what bubble of common sense does this fall under? to compare us to a country who does this is ludicrous and avoids the issues we'd have in the cost of doctors education then salaries, cost of our heavily we regulate drugs and hospitals, and then insurance who is out to profit off of selling it. while i agree how we do things needs to be heavily looked into and changed put in place with a long term strategy of resolving these issues while also providing coverage to people, it can't and won't be done overnight. as for making it "free"?

not my job.

and i could keep doing but we continue to tax the rich vs. find other ways to move income around to the people themselves the gov SAYS they are taking rich peoples money to give to them in these programs, but i can't think of too many successful gov programs that would make me want to continue putting money into their systems regardless of who's side it is. both sides suck as taking a lot and returning little value.

our educational system needs an enema as well. but it needs to be built by ideas around people educating our youth. what is working today, what isn't? we need to rethink how we do it and how we "reward" people for their success and achievements.

there's a lot of things we can do if done differently. however, the extreme left driving these days is hellbent on writing checks their platform can't cash and the people who want FREE STUFF are too stupid to look around and see it's not opportunity but handcuffs they're being handed.
Breaking – Chris Matthews resigns from MSNBC…


This shitstain has been sanctimoniously lecturing us for decades.... turns out he's a serial molester. Hope he goes down Weinstein Ave, takes a left at Bill Cosby Blvd., takes a right at Matt Lauer Dr. and ends up on Epstein Cemetery Road.

Is there a more self-righteous piece of shit that deserves a disgraceful exit like this? Me thinks not.
You loved him when he called GWB the "boy warrior" and when he called Al Gore the bathtub ring of Clinton's dirt. Not to mention your flare for over-drama. Matthews is accused of 'inappropriate flirting' and you claim he's a 'serial molester' for a non-touch abuse? How does a grown person hate so much he/she allows him/herself to turn into a bloviating gossip-monger?
Tell us all how you feel about Trump, hypocrite.
The democrats are eating their own. Nice. Lots of love, tolerance, and diversity there.
WTF are those old white farts Biden, Bloomberg, and Bernie still doing there?
this is what happens when you quit trying to appease a crowd and ignore them. they take their bullshit to people who will respond and pretend their whining matters and needs to be dealt with.

I think that's called "pandering" to the various democrat constituencies. The democrats do know how to "rabble rouse"
1. Reparations to the blacks to stay loyal in their urban plantations
2. Free education to the college age kids, and keeping colleges liberal bastions
3. Free healthcare for the old or those with "pre-existing conditions"
4. High taxes on the wealthy to make the working class feel better
5. More power to the unions, lawyers, and teachers
6. Continued support for the MSM shills
it's called being a dumbass as far as i'm concerned.

it's fine to have an opinion on all these matters. it's NOT fine to go whole hog apeshit on those who disagree with you and make it a huge issue when in reality, it's simply not.

1. reparations - for what? these are *usually* done to people/countries/entities impacted by your actions. i am NOT excusing slavery as it WAS a dark time in our own history. but we're far from the only nation that used it, blacks are far from the only people enslaved. however, simply saying "no" to the idea will get me branded as a white supremacist racist. ergo - the people who do this can't talk over issues, they are seeking emotional validation.

not my job.

2. colleges have usually been "liberal" per se. the cost itself these days is morphing people to get educated in other fashions. mike rowe leading the way in a very productive manner. a plummer or electrician is likely to make more than a college graduate anymore. making it "free" simply means the cost is placed elsewhere and does nothing to address the skyrocketing costs of education. so the left again is inventing issues vs. solutions. people can't afford it, make it free.

not my job.

3. free healthcare for the old, et al. again, we can't afford it so make it free. under what bubble of common sense does this fall under? to compare us to a country who does this is ludicrous and avoids the issues we'd have in the cost of doctors education then salaries, cost of our heavily we regulate drugs and hospitals, and then insurance who is out to profit off of selling it. while i agree how we do things needs to be heavily looked into and changed put in place with a long term strategy of resolving these issues while also providing coverage to people, it can't and won't be done overnight. as for making it "free"?

not my job.

and i could keep doing but we continue to tax the rich vs. find other ways to move income around to the people themselves the gov SAYS they are taking rich peoples money to give to them in these programs, but i can't think of too many successful gov programs that would make me want to continue putting money into their systems regardless of who's side it is. both sides suck as taking a lot and returning little value.

our educational system needs an enema as well. but it needs to be built by ideas around people educating our youth. what is working today, what isn't? we need to rethink how we do it and how we "reward" people for their success and achievements.

there's a lot of things we can do if done differently. however, the extreme left driving these days is hellbent on writing checks their platform can't cash and the people who want FREE STUFF are too stupid to look around and see it's not opportunity but handcuffs they're being handed.

You are correct that the US education system needs a major overhaul. Agree, Public schools either need to perform or get replaced by Charter Schools, or replace the management. Also agree that the democrat's promise of free stuff can't happen, the math simply doesn't work.

Also have to agree that government training programs may not be the answer.
Maybe just give companies tax breaks for apprenticeships and placing new workers?

Federal Job-Training Programs ‘Largely Ineffective,’ Trump’s Advisers Find
How fucking bad is it when MSNBC benches one of their star Trump haters?
Will Chrissy be doing his show today? Or will Steve Cornholelacky be "in for Chris Matthews"?
As my prediction about Chrissy was spot on.
MSNBC kicked the fucking idiot out the door.
Chrissy left the show last night with the same amount of class he has always shown.
Go spend the rest of your pathetic life secretly getting drunk every morning by nine!
Breaking – Chris Matthews resigns from MSNBC…


This shitstain has been sanctimoniously lecturing us for decades.... turns out he's a serial molester. Hope he goes down Weinstein Ave, takes a left at Bill Cosby Blvd., takes a right at Matt Lauer Dr. and ends up on Epstein Cemetery Road.

Is there a more self-righteous piece of shit that deserves a disgraceful exit like this? Me thinks not.
You loved him when he called GWB the "boy warrior" and when he called Al Gore the bathtub ring of Clinton's dirt. Not to mention your flare for over-drama. Matthews is accused of 'inappropriate flirting' and you claim he's a 'serial molester' for a non-touch abuse? How does a grown person hate so much he/she allows him/herself to turn into a bloviating gossip-monger?
You ought to be asking yourself that question ASSHOLE!
All you do here is put up Trump-hate posts.
The democrats are eating their own. Nice. Lots of love, tolerance, and diversity there.
WTF are those old white farts Biden, Bloomberg, and Bernie still doing there?
this is what happens when you quit trying to appease a crowd and ignore them. they take their bullshit to people who will respond and pretend their whining matters and needs to be dealt with.

I think that's called "pandering" to the various democrat constituencies. The democrats do know how to "rabble rouse"
1. Reparations to the blacks to stay loyal in their urban plantations
2. Free education to the college age kids, and keeping colleges liberal bastions
3. Free healthcare for the old or those with "pre-existing conditions"
4. High taxes on the wealthy to make the working class feel better
5. More power to the unions, lawyers, and teachers
6. Continued support for the MSM shills
it's called being a dumbass as far as i'm concerned.

it's fine to have an opinion on all these matters. it's NOT fine to go whole hog apeshit on those who disagree with you and make it a huge issue when in reality, it's simply not.

1. reparations - for what? these are *usually* done to people/countries/entities impacted by your actions. i am NOT excusing slavery as it WAS a dark time in our own history. but we're far from the only nation that used it, blacks are far from the only people enslaved. however, simply saying "no" to the idea will get me branded as a white supremacist racist. ergo - the people who do this can't talk over issues, they are seeking emotional validation.

not my job.

2. colleges have usually been "liberal" per se. the cost itself these days is morphing people to get educated in other fashions. mike rowe leading the way in a very productive manner. a plummer or electrician is likely to make more than a college graduate anymore. making it "free" simply means the cost is placed elsewhere and does nothing to address the skyrocketing costs of education. so the left again is inventing issues vs. solutions. people can't afford it, make it free.

not my job.

3. free healthcare for the old, et al. again, we can't afford it so make it free. under what bubble of common sense does this fall under? to compare us to a country who does this is ludicrous and avoids the issues we'd have in the cost of doctors education then salaries, cost of our heavily we regulate drugs and hospitals, and then insurance who is out to profit off of selling it. while i agree how we do things needs to be heavily looked into and changed put in place with a long term strategy of resolving these issues while also providing coverage to people, it can't and won't be done overnight. as for making it "free"?

not my job.

and i could keep doing but we continue to tax the rich vs. find other ways to move income around to the people themselves the gov SAYS they are taking rich peoples money to give to them in these programs, but i can't think of too many successful gov programs that would make me want to continue putting money into their systems regardless of who's side it is. both sides suck as taking a lot and returning little value.

our educational system needs an enema as well. but it needs to be built by ideas around people educating our youth. what is working today, what isn't? we need to rethink how we do it and how we "reward" people for their success and achievements.

there's a lot of things we can do if done differently. however, the extreme left driving these days is hellbent on writing checks their platform can't cash and the people who want FREE STUFF are too stupid to look around and see it's not opportunity but handcuffs they're being handed.

You are correct that the US education system needs a major overhaul. Agree, Public schools either need to perform or get replaced by Charter Schools, or replace the management. Also agree that the democrat's promise of free stuff can't happen, the math simply doesn't work.

Also have to agree that government training programs may not be the answer.
Maybe just give companies tax breaks for apprenticeships and placing new workers?

Federal Job-Training Programs ‘Largely Ineffective,’ Trump’s Advisers Find
just funny. on one hand we keep saying it's a new world. on the other hand, we're being handed the same old "solutions" in the form of fear and uncertainty and hate.

collective intelligence is one of the most stupid things out there.
The only way it could be any better is if it was Chunk Todd
A little bird tells me that Chuck Todd and a few other radical LIB bobble talking heads are going to get their turn in the barrel.
Watch for a couple of very sudden 'retirements' from your favorite CNN/MSNBC cable shows in the next few months.
Regardless of his comments towards women it's probably time for him to retire anyway. I think he's been a net benefit to political discourse in the sense that it seemed whoever he was interviewing just assumed he was a blowhard. For example asking Trump if women should go to jail for having an abortion right after Trump laid claim to be 'pro-life' when everyone and there dog knows at best Trump could care less and at worst has paid for several of them. Trump wasn't ready for the question and gave a horrible, idiotic answer exposing the fact that he didn't put much thought into his family planning position.

I liked the guy, I disagreed and often times found myself yelling at my tv but I appreciate what he brought and the show he had. I don't think he had any agendas since his opinions were all over the map, criticizing anyone and everyone, Clinton (both of them) Bush, Trump and yes even Obama.

Some will miss you, Chris, don't be weird with the ladies in the old folks home.
Well said, and true. Most of the clowns on here are just celebrating because he is an MSNBC host, period. He went too far with devil's advocate positions to spark debate quotes, but he brought a lot to the table. Bet he gets a hell of an exit package, and he deserves it.
The asshole claims he quit. If that's true he gets fuck all in severance.
I do not like anyone to lose his/her job, for we all need money in order to live.

But I never liked Mr. Matthews or ever watched his show, especially after his creepy "tingle down my leg" comment.

I hope, however, that he is not the victim of ladies' lies, as some men have been because of the #MeToo movement.
The asshole is a multimillionaire you fool!
Regardless of his comments towards women it's probably time for him to retire anyway. I think he's been a net benefit to political discourse in the sense that it seemed whoever he was interviewing just assumed he was a blowhard. For example asking Trump if women should go to jail for having an abortion right after Trump laid claim to be 'pro-life' when everyone and there dog knows at best Trump could care less and at worst has paid for several of them. Trump wasn't ready for the question and gave a horrible, idiotic answer exposing the fact that he didn't put much thought into his family planning position.

I liked the guy, I disagreed and often times found myself yelling at my tv but I appreciate what he brought and the show he had. I don't think he had any agendas since his opinions were all over the map, criticizing anyone and everyone, Clinton (both of them) Bush, Trump and yes even Obama.

Some will miss you, Chris, don't be weird with the ladies in the old folks home.
Well said, and true. Most of the clowns on here are just celebrating because he is an MSNBC host, period. He went too far with devil's advocate positions to spark debate quotes, but he brought a lot to the table. Bet he gets a hell of an exit package, and he deserves it.
The asshole claims he quit. If that's true he gets fuck all in severance.

How do you know what he is getting?
The democrats are eating their own. Nice. Lots of love, tolerance, and diversity there.
WTF are those old white farts Biden, Bloomberg, and Bernie still doing there?
this is what happens when you quit trying to appease a crowd and ignore them. they take their bullshit to people who will respond and pretend their whining matters and needs to be dealt with.

I think that's called "pandering" to the various democrat constituencies. The democrats do know how to "rabble rouse"
1. Reparations to the blacks to stay loyal in their urban plantations
2. Free education to the college age kids, and keeping colleges liberal bastions
3. Free healthcare for the old or those with "pre-existing conditions"
4. High taxes on the wealthy to make the working class feel better
5. More power to the unions, lawyers, and teachers
6. Continued support for the MSM shills
it's called being a dumbass as far as i'm concerned.

it's fine to have an opinion on all these matters. it's NOT fine to go whole hog apeshit on those who disagree with you and make it a huge issue when in reality, it's simply not.

1. reparations - for what? these are *usually* done to people/countries/entities impacted by your actions. i am NOT excusing slavery as it WAS a dark time in our own history. but we're far from the only nation that used it, blacks are far from the only people enslaved. however, simply saying "no" to the idea will get me branded as a white supremacist racist. ergo - the people who do this can't talk over issues, they are seeking emotional validation.

not my job.

2. colleges have usually been "liberal" per se. the cost itself these days is morphing people to get educated in other fashions. mike rowe leading the way in a very productive manner. a plummer or electrician is likely to make more than a college graduate anymore. making it "free" simply means the cost is placed elsewhere and does nothing to address the skyrocketing costs of education. so the left again is inventing issues vs. solutions. people can't afford it, make it free.

not my job.

3. free healthcare for the old, et al. again, we can't afford it so make it free. under what bubble of common sense does this fall under? to compare us to a country who does this is ludicrous and avoids the issues we'd have in the cost of doctors education then salaries, cost of our heavily we regulate drugs and hospitals, and then insurance who is out to profit off of selling it. while i agree how we do things needs to be heavily looked into and changed put in place with a long term strategy of resolving these issues while also providing coverage to people, it can't and won't be done overnight. as for making it "free"?

not my job.

and i could keep doing but we continue to tax the rich vs. find other ways to move income around to the people themselves the gov SAYS they are taking rich peoples money to give to them in these programs, but i can't think of too many successful gov programs that would make me want to continue putting money into their systems regardless of who's side it is. both sides suck as taking a lot and returning little value.

our educational system needs an enema as well. but it needs to be built by ideas around people educating our youth. what is working today, what isn't? we need to rethink how we do it and how we "reward" people for their success and achievements.

there's a lot of things we can do if done differently. however, the extreme left driving these days is hellbent on writing checks their platform can't cash and the people who want FREE STUFF are too stupid to look around and see it's not opportunity but handcuffs they're being handed.

You are correct that the US education system needs a major overhaul. Agree, Public schools either need to perform or get replaced by Charter Schools, or replace the management. Also agree that the democrat's promise of free stuff can't happen, the math simply doesn't work.

Also have to agree that government training programs may not be the answer.
Maybe just give companies tax breaks for apprenticeships and placing new workers?

Federal Job-Training Programs ‘Largely Ineffective,’ Trump’s Advisers Find
just funny. on one hand we keep saying it's a new world. on the other hand, we're being handed the same old "solutions" in the form of fear and uncertainty and hate.

collective intelligence is one of the most stupid things out there.

I like "collective intelligence" for thinking "outside the box", but ultimately the box is there for your protection, so subject-matter experts need to make the final call. These forums can be considered "collective intelligence", when they aren't food fighting.
Chris Mathews needed to go....forget about all the accusations, his journalism style sucked. He'd ask a question and then answer it before the guest could get a word in. I'm glad he's gone and I hope Joy takes his place. No more spit on guest, just dry clean questions.......bye Chris!!
Tell us all how you feel about Trump, hypocrite.
Trump? Trump? Oh, yeah..you mean the chronic pussy grabber? The guy who says he just can't help himself? The guy who lusts after his daughter? That Trump? Well I don't like him, but not because of his adulterous tendencies. My complaint is his negating large parts of the Constitution which I have listed often, and because the guy is just plain nasty mean...like some of his supporters.
Breaking – Chris Matthews resigns from MSNBC…


This shitstain has been sanctimoniously lecturing us for decades.... turns out he's a serial molester. Hope he goes down Weinstein Ave, takes a left at Bill Cosby Blvd., takes a right at Matt Lauer Dr. and ends up on Epstein Cemetery Road.

Is there a more self-righteous piece of shit that deserves a disgraceful exit like this? Me thinks not.
You loved him when he called GWB the "boy warrior" and when he called Al Gore the bathtub ring of Clinton's dirt. Not to mention your flare for over-drama. Matthews is accused of 'inappropriate flirting' and you claim he's a 'serial molester' for a non-touch abuse? How does a grown person hate so much he/she allows him/herself to turn into a bloviating gossip-monger?
You ought to be asking yourself that question ASSHOLE!
All you do here is put up Trump-hate posts.
Hilarious!! You post a screed that would get your mouth washed out with soap if your Mom heard such trash emanation from your blind-spot brain, and you bitch about my post about Matthews' vocal offense.
I can't defend Matthews' behavior if true, but your long and loud silence over a confirmed-by-his-own-mouth practice by your corrupt hero while comparing Matthews' non-touch abuse to human slime is just as indefensible.

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