Tiny Dancer

TinyDancer always radiated beauty, love, and dignity, like a Water Lily, so I'm bringing some here to remember her spirit of love for country.




I wish I could post more like tinydancer did and less like..me. She had the grace and tact.
TinyDancer was loyal to the principles of freedom. And she had the great courage of her convictions. I agree seeing her posts was an awesome experience. But don't sell yourself short, Marion. Men can show grace and tact. Think of viewing the real world in terms of mathematics. I was married for 44 years to an electrical engineer, and they are known for being the most mathematically-minded logicians in the entire field of engineering. One quirk of him and his pals in the Engineering Society of America was that in problem-solving their approach to getting things right was with slide-rule calculations that are now performed more quickly on hand-held calculators. Oh, the quirk--my husband never lost arguments with me, and I have language acuity. He taught me that math beats language in being right every time. Logic wins over art when it comes to saving people, conserving energy, everything. Engineers must be trained to rely only on planning based on the numbers. He knew he was right when he entered an argument. And he won his arguments with the same grace and tact as the best of good debaters. Only he had one other advantage. Due to his uncanny ability to calculate, he made it his life's mission to make sure he calculated jokes keen enough to make people laugh. That way, his always being the winner, he averted people's anger by preceding the whole debate with a few good shoulder-shaking laughs. That way, the onus was off the genius and on the good heartedness people have when their funny bone has been touched.

It took me years to figure out why smart me couldn't hold a candle to his pleasantly-delivered arguments. He already knew what was the right thing, and it's hard to feel like a loser when you're laughing at yourself. Just sayin'. The man made my life a Heaven on this earth for 44 years. At his funeral, our minister decided to read my essay on the good things he did with his life word for word. I wanted my children to know what a winner he was to make his talents deliver his skills that proved life-saving kudos in an industry that had a high incidence of death and disability due to working with high-voltage cables daily. There were no deaths and no lost-time accidents in his 25 years as manager of electric lines in 3 of his company's 7 state regions in which every man who worked high lines had astute weekly safety education classes and exercising safety, miss meeting, desk duty for 1 week. A thousand people showed up to his retirement party. His ashes reside in a prayer garden of a church he served actively every year of his blessed life. I visit there often just to touch the marble slab that covers his blessed remains and the joy his being lit up any room he entered.
I wish I could post more like tinydancer did and less like..me. She had the grace and tact.
TinyDancer was loyal to the principles of freedom. And she had the great courage of her convictions. I agree seeing her posts was an awesome experience. But don't sell yourself short, Marion. Men can show grace and tact. Think of viewing the real world in terms of mathematics. I was married for 44 years to an electrical engineer, and they are known for being the most mathematically-minded logicians in the entire field of engineering. One quirk of him and his pals in the Engineering Society of America was that in problem-solving their approach to getting things right was with slide-rule calculations that are now performed more quickly on hand-held calculators. Oh, the quirk--my husband never lost arguments with me, and I have language acuity. He taught me that math beats language in being right every time. Logic wins over art when it comes to saving people, conserving energy, everything. Engineers must be trained to rely only on planning based on the numbers. He knew he was right when he entered an argument. And he won his arguments with the same grace and tact as the best of good debaters. Only he had one other advantage. Due to his uncanny ability to calculate, he made it his life's mission to make sure he calculated jokes keen enough to make people laugh. That way, his always being the winner, he averted people's anger by preceding the whole debate with a few good shoulder-shaking laughs. That way, the onus was off the genius and on the good heartedness people have when their funny bone has been touched.

It took me years to figure out why smart me couldn't hold a candle to his pleasantly-delivered arguments. He already knew what was the right thing, and it's hard to feel like a loser when you're laughing at yourself. Just sayin'. The man made my life a Heaven on this earth for 44 years. At his funeral, our minister decided to read my essay on the good things he did with his life word for word. I wanted my children to know what a winner he was to make his talents deliver his skills that proved life-saving kudos in an industry that had a high incidence of death and disability due to working with high-voltage cables daily. There were no deaths and no lost-time accidents in his 25 years as manager of electric lines in 3 of his company's 7 state regions in which every man who worked high lines had astute weekly safety education classes and exercising safety, miss meeting, desk duty for 1 week. A thousand people showed up to his retirement party. His ashes reside in a prayer garden of a church he served actively every year of his blessed life. I visit there often just to touch the marble slab that covers his blessed remains and the joy his being lit up any room he entered.

I'm sorry for your loss. Traveller's too.
O Wow, I just looked her up elsewhere, and she really was smart! :eek:

I mean, I always considered her to be a great poster, but I didn't know..

Can't post link.
I wish I could post more like tinydancer did and less like..me. She had the grace and tact.
TinyDancer was loyal to the principles of freedom. And she had the great courage of her convictions. I agree seeing her posts was an awesome experience. But don't sell yourself short, Marion. Men can show grace and tact. Think of viewing the real world in terms of mathematics. I was married for 44 years to an electrical engineer, and they are known for being the most mathematically-minded logicians in the entire field of engineering. One quirk of him and his pals in the Engineering Society of America was that in problem-solving their approach to getting things right was with slide-rule calculations that are now performed more quickly on hand-held calculators. Oh, the quirk--my husband never lost arguments with me, and I have language acuity. He taught me that math beats language in being right every time. Logic wins over art when it comes to saving people, conserving energy, everything. Engineers must be trained to rely only on planning based on the numbers. He knew he was right when he entered an argument. And he won his arguments with the same grace and tact as the best of good debaters. Only he had one other advantage. Due to his uncanny ability to calculate, he made it his life's mission to make sure he calculated jokes keen enough to make people laugh. That way, his always being the winner, he averted people's anger by preceding the whole debate with a few good shoulder-shaking laughs. That way, the onus was off the genius and on the good heartedness people have when their funny bone has been touched.

It took me years to figure out why smart me couldn't hold a candle to his pleasantly-delivered arguments. He already knew what was the right thing, and it's hard to feel like a loser when you're laughing at yourself. Just sayin'. The man made my life a Heaven on this earth for 44 years. At his funeral, our minister decided to read my essay on the good things he did with his life word for word. I wanted my children to know what a winner he was to make his talents deliver his skills that proved life-saving kudos in an industry that had a high incidence of death and disability due to working with high-voltage cables daily. There were no deaths and no lost-time accidents in his 25 years as manager of electric lines in 3 of his company's 7 state regions in which every man who worked high lines had astute weekly safety education classes and exercising safety, miss meeting, desk duty for 1 week. A thousand people showed up to his retirement party. His ashes reside in a prayer garden of a church he served actively every year of his blessed life. I visit there often just to touch the marble slab that covers his blessed remains and the joy his being lit up any room he entered.

I'm sorry for your loss. Traveller's too.
What loss, Marion? God needed that sense of humor of his to cheer up the tough job angels have to do when they watch over us. I know exactly his death would be to continue life on another plane. My gratitude is this: all I have to do is think of any given memory in all that time. Good or bad, his ways were my teacher, and any thought of him is a joyful blessing, every time. Sometime around our second anniversary, I figured it out. Since every day had been funny and fun, the rest of our lives, every day would be a well-planned April 1. No, it never got boring. Yes, every day he delivered a good one, and I'd fall for it. Every time! :lmao:One thought of him--my lonely tears disappear and I am laughing about something he said or did to make me or someone else laugh. Some people get mad at God when their loved one passes. Not having him around makes me realize how lucky I was to have him in my life, and in vesper times, I often thank God for the privilege I had on his account, and he comes back to me with the loving hands that laughter put on my soul and turned my sorrows into joy. I do occasionally wonder how 44 years could have slipped by as quickly as a wink, though. *sigh*

I got to hit the trail upstairs to the sewing room. I'm making a charity quilt to night to thank God for the goodness his man brought me. :sleep:
Sorry for your loss, Traveler....she was a humdinger alright. I traded posts with her a few times...she was smart and quick. Now she's moved on...so don't you get left behind. You need to move to a different place and start a new life, as difficult as that seems now. Nothing works better than a change of scenery after a respectful time of mourning there.....trust me, I know this to be true.
I posted here a few days ago (and rated a lot of posters here) and all that disappeared after the server was down last week.

I was shocked to read about our dearest partner Tiny (I saw this thread last week by accident). Many people have said many wonderful things about her which I completely agree with. I am sorry for Traveller 's loss, it's painful even for me. I can't imagine how he could survive that.

Tiny was always fighting for the truth and even made me smile when she said: "I don't know should I go and cook for my husband or keep saving the world "(meaning fighting with Deep State propaganda). Who will be saving the world now?

I hope she's now with our Lord. She will be very missed and remembered for a long long time.

I still can't believe....
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I posted here a few days ago (and rated a lot of posters here) and all that disappeared after the server was not working last week.

I was shocked to read about our dearest partner Tiny (I saw this thread last week by accident). Many people have said many wonderful things about her which I completely agree with. I am sorry for Traveller 's loss, it's painful even for me. I can't imagine how he could survive that.

Tiny was always fighting for the truth and even made me smile when she said: "I don't know should I go and cook for my husband or keep saving the world "(meaning fighting with Deep State propaganda). Who will be saving the world now?

I hope she's now with our Lord. She will be very missed and remembered for a long long time.

I still can't believe....
She may likely be an angel, Stratford57, and as God is President of Heaven, she will likely be one of his most influential cabinet members in time. When an angel is nearby, you are supposed to know it by the aroma of fragrant roses ...

I posted here a few days ago (and rated a lot of posters here) and all that disappeared after the server was not working last week.

I was shocked to read about our dearest partner Tiny (I saw this thread last week by accident). Many people have said many wonderful things about her which I completely agree with. I am sorry for Traveller 's loss, it's painful even for me. I can't imagine how he could survive that.

Tiny was always fighting for the truth and even made me smile when she said: "I don't know should I go and cook for my husband or keep saving the world "(meaning fighting with Deep State propaganda). Who will be saving the world now?

I hope she's now with our Lord. She will be very missed and remembered for a long long time.

I still can't believe....
She may likely be an angel, Stratford57, and as God is President of Heaven, she will likely be one of his most influential cabinet members in time. When an angel is nearby, you are supposed to know it by the aroma of fragrant roses ...

Oh, I'm sure she'll be near by just because seeking the truth seemed to be her second (if not the first) nature. Oh, what a loss for all of us...
I posted here a few days ago (and rated a lot of posters here) and all that disappeared after the server was not working last week.

I was shocked to read about our dearest partner Tiny (I saw this thread last week by accident). Many people have said many wonderful things about her which I completely agree with. I am sorry for Traveller 's loss, it's painful even for me. I can't imagine how he could survive that.

Tiny was always fighting for the truth and even made me smile when she said: "I don't know should I go and cook for my husband or keep saving the world "(meaning fighting with Deep State propaganda). Who will be saving the world now?

I hope she's now with our Lord. She will be very missed and remembered for a long long time.

I still can't believe....
She may likely be an angel, Stratford57, and as God is President of Heaven, she will likely be one of his most influential cabinet members in time. When an angel is nearby, you are supposed to know it by the aroma of fragrant roses ...

Oh, I'm sure she'll be near by just because seeking the truth seemed to be her second (if not the first) nature. Oh, what a loss for all of us...
I haven't the wisdom to answer you, Stratford57, only the knowledge that she's in a better place from which to do God's will, which is to help mankind in good ways, and that's only the opinion of a fellow traveler.
It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you all that my angel, my beloved wife, my beautiful and brilliant Tiny Dancer passed away today. I know she had so many friends in here and I thought you all should know.

I'm glad that she was loved by You and I'm certain by many others, a beautiful lady of kindness, well deserving of respect and admiration, I'll miss her unique perspectives and humor .. and as you say brilliance..

.. she's blessed

Best wishes and prayers to you and your loved ones...
It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you all that my angel, my beloved wife, my beautiful and brilliant Tiny Dancer passed away today. I know she had so many friends in here and I thought you all should know.
So sorry to hear it. RIP
It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you all that my angel, my beloved wife, my beautiful and brilliant Tiny Dancer passed away today. I know she had so many friends in here and I thought you all should know.
I don't know how I missed this. My prayers and thoughts are with you, those she loved and all the rest of those who loved her.
It's hard to believe that on Monday, March 2nd it is a whole year without our darling TinyDancer or Dana (as we got to know after she passed away). I miss her quite a bit and I'm sure there are a lot of people on this forum who feel the same way. So many events have happened since then, especially with corrupt Ukraine, which her grandparents were from and which she desperately wanted Americans to know the real ugly truth about. I just imagine she'd be happy to know Rudy might investigate it.

I'd like to think she's praying for her home country of Canada, for USA, for Ukraine, for president Trump (whom she always was fighting for with liberals) for all of us, her virtual buddies there, where she's now. Let's all say a prayer for her on this particular day as well.

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