Tipped, then fired.


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
This is bullshit.

NYC Sanitation Worker Gets Dumped for Taking a $20 Tip - Careers Articles

There are all sorts of people you might tip from time to time: mail carriers, people who plow snow from your driveway, babysitters, or even sanitation workers who haul away the refuse of life. At least, you might tip the latter anywhere but within New York City.

Lenworth Dixon, a 25-year veteran of the sanitation department in New York, was forced into retirement, losing his $73,534-a-year job, and fined $1,500, according to the New York Post. Why? Because last September he took a $20 tip for going above and beyond what you might expect in most cities. However, when it comes to trash, unusual for most places could be ordinary for New York.
there is no tipping in the socialist mecca :D

on a serious note - the job is very high sought for. It already pays VERY WELL.

It might seem ridiculous, but if tips are forbidden - then do not get tempted.

On an educational side - accepting a tip in socialism is a crime.
He could have done it without the tip, but I really don't see what the ruckus is about. Sometimes I try to tip the box boy when he carries my groceries and he says he can't. So I say "oh gosh. Is that money on the ground?" and I toss a few bucks down there. He picks it up, grins, walks away.
He could have done it without the tip, but I really don't see what the ruckus is about. Sometimes I try to tip the box boy when he carries my groceries and he says he can't. So I say "oh gosh. Is that money on the ground?" and I toss a few bucks down there. He picks it up, grins, walks away.

I am not saying it is correct, but I suspect it is the way to get rid of somebody who can retire and have the opening for a nephew, a son in law or a brother.

it is not easy to get those types of jobs and a lot of corruption is involved.

Tips are tempatative and therefore they are forbidden - so there is an easy way to oust a union worker.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but how did the powers that be even get wind of the person being given a tip?

God bless you and them always!!!

Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but how did the powers that be even get wind of the person being given a tip?

God bless you and them always!!!


Read the article. Same question was asked but nobody knows. Unless the dude's driving partner snitched on him. Or he told some of his co workers and they snitched. Or...maybe the cameras on the vehicle caught what went down.
This is one of many reasons why I am no fan of unions. Right to work law is the way to go. If New York were a right to work state, this fellow would still have his job today.
To me, this kind of thing is not fair to not just the workers, but also to those who think that they deserve the tips that they are offered.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

All you whining about socialism, from the usual suspects, the reality is, in a private sector job, you can get fired for the same thing. Taking any kind of gratuity from a vendor or customer if that is not part of your job can get you fired in a lot of companies.
If company policy is that employees are not allowed to accept tips then the guy should be fired.

I was ay Home depot the other day and a couple kids helped me load a shit load of stuff on my truck I wanted to tip them they said , "Thank you sir but we are not allowed to accept tips."

Now that wasn't too difficult was it?
All you whining about socialism, from the usual suspects, the reality is, in a private sector job, you can get fired for the same thing. Taking any kind of gratuity from a vendor or customer if that is not part of your job can get you fired in a lot of companies.

True, especially if you are in a position of sales or purchasing.
Taking gifts or any other form of gratuity is grounds for dismissal in our company.
Big no-no.
Having said that, would I fire a 20 plus year driver for accepting a tip from a customer?
No. The no gratuity clause is primarily designed to prevent sales kick-backs and "preferred purchasing" gimmicks.
All you whining about socialism, from the usual suspects, the reality is, in a private sector job, you can get fired for the same thing. Taking any kind of gratuity from a vendor or customer if that is not part of your job can get you fired in a lot of companies.

True, especially if you are in a position of sales or purchasing.
Taking gifts or any other form of gratuity is grounds for dismissal in our company.
Big no-no.
Having said that, would I fire a 20 plus year driver for accepting a tip from a customer?
The no gratuity clause is primarily designed to prevent sales kick-backs and "preferred purchasing" gimmicks.

That's because you have common sense.
What a greedy bastard. He was overpaid and overcompensated to begin with. 25 years? My guess is that it was a good excuse to get the fossil out of there and let someone else have a career.
Firing seems excessive

If he took $20 to take away some hazardous waste, I can see firing. But this was just normal bulk items. A warning or maybe some loss of overtime would have beed sufficient to remind him of the rules
In a country that contained any sort of socialism at all instead of nobody being allowed to tip this man would still have his job as a proper union that looks after it's members would have lobbied for his reinstatment and if it were not given they would have pulled the entire workforce in a strike.
I'd bet dollars to donuts lots of his fellow workers have been and will continue to accept such tips. Why this guy was singled out I have no clue, but for others it'll be business as usual going forward.
In a country that contained any sort of socialism at all instead of nobody being allowed to tip this man would still have his job as a proper union that looks after it's members would have lobbied for his reinstatment and if it were not given they would have pulled the entire workforce in a strike.

It would have been useless to strike. Literally, the employee was wrong. There is no use putting the rest of the employees in jeopardy over this case.

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