Tips For Being An Unarmed Black Teen

The video of the officer walking shows otherwise. UK Daily Mail if you wish to view it, he is not holding his head, appears to have NO INJURIES.
There are medical records documenting the injuries which were pretty significant.
Do you have a link for that? The numbers I have seen show blacks constitute around half the victims of murders, despite the fact that they are only 13% of the population.

FBI — Table 43

First of all, it is important to mention the USA 2010 census data*, according to which:
Whites constitute 72.4% of the population
Blacks constitute 12.6% of the population
The ratio is thus 5.75:1

1. Rape:

The rape rates, from the years 1996 to 2008, can be found here:

The averages for all the years are as follows:
All victims: 219,372
White victims: 180,560
Black victims: 38,812
All white rapists: 131,351
All black rapists: 52,908
White on black rapists: 1,869
Black on white rapists: 21,401

It is thus:
- 14.28 times more likely that any woman will be raped by a black man than a white man.

- 65.82 times more likely that a white woman will be raped by a black man than a black woman by a white man.

Some interesting observations:
For the years 1997, 1999, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008, there were ZERO white on black rapes reported.
When during 2003 to 2008 white men raped zero black women, blacks raped 131,413 white women and 148,343 black women!

In 2005, blacks even outnumbered whites on the number of rapes! 74,080 rapes were committed by blacks, whereas only 49,613 were committed by whites! That is 1.49 times more or 8,57 times more in proportion to the demographics.

2. Homicide by strangers:

The homicide rates** where the offenders were strangers, from the years 1976 to 2005, can be found here, on page 72:

The averages for all the years are as follows:
White on white stranger homicides: 41.64%
White on black stranger homicides: 5.08%
Black on black stranger homicides: 33.23%
Black on white stranger homicides: 18.77%

It is thus:
- 6.4 times more likely that any person will be murdered by a black stranger than a white stranger.

- 21.25 times more likely that a white person will be murdered by a black stranger than a black person by a white stranger.

One can also see that blacks commit more than half of all stranger murders, when they are only 12.6% of the population.

Here are some accurate stats according to population and race. You'll notice a hugely disproportionate number of blacks are represented.
Remember, percentage is the key. According to the raw data, USUALLY whites commit more crime..but notice that as a smaller percentage of the population more crimes are committed by blacks
Fewer blacks but higher numbers, see?

Table 43 - Crime in the United States 2006
Table 49 - Crime in the United States 2006
Table 55 - Crime in the United States 2006
Table 61 - Crime in the United States 2006
Table 67 - Crime in the United States 2006

Here are some more stats from solid, reliable, thoroughly researched and verified sources.
This one you've seen before and it's a bit older but will you stipulate that as the population has risen generally so have crime numbers?

Statistics that compare race and crime are hard to locate (for SOME reason) these days.

*More than 1,600 Whites are murdered by Blacks each year. Blacks murder Whites at 18 times the rate Whites murder Blacks.
*About 1 million Whites were murdered, robbed, assaulted, or raped by Blacks in 1992
*In the last 30 years, 170 million violent and nonviolent crimes were committed by Blacks against Whites in the U.S.
*Blacks commit 7.5 times more violent interracial crimes than Whites, although they comprise only one-seventh of the White population.
*27 million nonviolent crimes were committed in the U.S. in 1992 alone. 31% of the robberies involved Black offenders and White victims; only 2% involved White offenders and Black victims.
The above stats were collected by an Australian reporter, Neil Sheehan, who dug out half-concealed U.S. crime figures for an article in the Sydney Morning Herald (May 2, 1995). The contents of his article, he commented, could not possibly be published or discussed in the U.S. mainstream media.

Paved With Good Intentions, a book by Jared Taylor, also studies crime statistics by race. It must be stressed that Blacks make up only 12% of the population according to the 1990 U.S. census (and Black males about 6%), but they commit a vastly disproportionate number of violent crime.
Mr. Taylor reveals:
1) 58% of all arrests for weapons violations are Blacks.
2) 46% of all arrests for violent crimes are Blacks.
3) 73% of all “justified self-defense” killings are committed by Blacks.
4) 60.5% of all Blacks are armed with some type of weapon at all times.
5) 98% of all youths arrested for gun fights in Atlanta are Blacks.

And just in case you feel that my sources are unreliable, here are FEDERAL statistics verified by the Department of Justice.

*Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
*Blacks are three times more likely to use a hand gun, and twice more likely to use a knife.
*Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery.
*Forty-five percent of black crime is against whites, 43 against other blacks, and 10 percent against Hispanic.

Is that good enough for you?..or do you need some more proof?
FBI — Table 43

First of all, it is important to mention the USA 2010 census data*, according to which:
Whites constitute 72.4% of the population
Blacks constitute 12.6% of the population
The ratio is thus 5.75:1

1. Rape:

The rape rates, from the years 1996 to 2008, can be found here:

The averages for all the years are as follows:
All victims: 219,372
White victims: 180,560
Black victims: 38,812
All white rapists: 131,351
All black rapists: 52,908
White on black rapists: 1,869
Black on white rapists: 21,401

It is thus:
- 14.28 times more likely that any woman will be raped by a black man than a white man.

- 65.82 times more likely that a white woman will be raped by a black man than a black woman by a white man.

Some interesting observations:
For the years 1997, 1999, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008, there were ZERO white on black rapes reported.
When during 2003 to 2008 white men raped zero black women, blacks raped 131,413 white women and 148,343 black women!

In 2005, blacks even outnumbered whites on the number of rapes! 74,080 rapes were committed by blacks, whereas only 49,613 were committed by whites! That is 1.49 times more or 8,57 times more in proportion to the demographics.

2. Homicide by strangers:

The homicide rates** where the offenders were strangers, from the years 1976 to 2005, can be found here, on page 72:

The averages for all the years are as follows:
White on white stranger homicides: 41.64%
White on black stranger homicides: 5.08%
Black on black stranger homicides: 33.23%
Black on white stranger homicides: 18.77%

It is thus:
- 6.4 times more likely that any person will be murdered by a black stranger than a white stranger.

- 21.25 times more likely that a white person will be murdered by a black stranger than a black person by a white stranger.

One can also see that blacks commit more than half of all stranger murders, when they are only 12.6% of the population.

Here are some accurate stats according to population and race. You'll notice a hugely disproportionate number of blacks are represented.
Remember, percentage is the key. According to the raw data, USUALLY whites commit more crime..but notice that as a smaller percentage of the population more crimes are committed by blacks
Fewer blacks but higher numbers, see?

Table 43 - Crime in the United States 2006
Table 49 - Crime in the United States 2006
Table 55 - Crime in the United States 2006
Table 61 - Crime in the United States 2006
Table 67 - Crime in the United States 2006

Here are some more stats from solid, reliable, thoroughly researched and verified sources.
This one you've seen before and it's a bit older but will you stipulate that as the population has risen generally so have crime numbers?

Statistics that compare race and crime are hard to locate (for SOME reason) these days.

*More than 1,600 Whites are murdered by Blacks each year. Blacks murder Whites at 18 times the rate Whites murder Blacks.
*About 1 million Whites were murdered, robbed, assaulted, or raped by Blacks in 1992
*In the last 30 years, 170 million violent and nonviolent crimes were committed by Blacks against Whites in the U.S.
*Blacks commit 7.5 times more violent interracial crimes than Whites, although they comprise only one-seventh of the White population.
*27 million nonviolent crimes were committed in the U.S. in 1992 alone. 31% of the robberies involved Black offenders and White victims; only 2% involved White offenders and Black victims.
The above stats were collected by an Australian reporter, Neil Sheehan, who dug out half-concealed U.S. crime figures for an article in the Sydney Morning Herald (May 2, 1995). The contents of his article, he commented, could not possibly be published or discussed in the U.S. mainstream media.

Paved With Good Intentions, a book by Jared Taylor, also studies crime statistics by race. It must be stressed that Blacks make up only 12% of the population according to the 1990 U.S. census (and Black males about 6%), but they commit a vastly disproportionate number of violent crime.
Mr. Taylor reveals:
1) 58% of all arrests for weapons violations are Blacks.
2) 46% of all arrests for violent crimes are Blacks.
3) 73% of all “justified self-defense” killings are committed by Blacks.
4) 60.5% of all Blacks are armed with some type of weapon at all times.
5) 98% of all youths arrested for gun fights in Atlanta are Blacks.

And just in case you feel that my sources are unreliable, here are FEDERAL statistics verified by the Department of Justice.

*Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
*Blacks are three times more likely to use a hand gun, and twice more likely to use a knife.
*Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery.
*Forty-five percent of black crime is against whites, 43 against other blacks, and 10 percent against Hispanic.

Is that good enough for you?..or do you need some more proof?

Someone stated that white are slaughtered far more than blacks. That was what I was asking for a link on. The diatribe (with numbers) concerning all the crimes committed BY blacks was not even remotely what I asked for.
Someone stated that white are slaughtered far more than blacks. That was what I was asking for a link on. The diatribe (with numbers) concerning all the crimes committed BY blacks was not even remotely what I asked for.

Oh..well, it is resolved, nevertheless, that negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in the u.s. despite only making up 13% of the population according to the FBI and Bureau of Justice Statistics....whether you like it or not.
don't assault people...especially people who have guns and who will shoot violent criminals...
There is another stat. When I was 16 to 25 I got pulled over and frisked WAY more often than I do now. Being local I would hazard a guess the white population of Ferguson (and north stlouis county) is aging and the percentage of 16 to 25 year old blacks is significantly higher than their percentage of the population.

Guess I could be wrong but most of my white friends with kids moved away from this/that area to St Charles.

Just a stat. I despise all the racists on here and the rioters and still think this shooting needs looked into.
Oh..well, it is resolved, nevertheless, that negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in the u.s. despite only making up 13% of the population according to the FBI and Bureau of Justice Statistics....whether you like it or not.

I didn't say anything about liking it or not liking it. I simply told you that it was not the answer to the question I asked.
There are medical records documenting the injuries which were pretty significant.

Why then is the officer on ADMINSTRATIVE leave, not medical? Why do the videos of him, right after the shooting, show no obvious injury? Why did even the FPD* state he was devestated, never mentioning an physical injury?

*I see the fault here with FPD, lack of training, proven misstatements already.
Piece of shit.

1. Don't charge a officer
2. Don't loot a store

Seriously...You support crime. Trash like you are why so many blacks die. Also twice as many whites are killed every year by you fucking blacks. Want to talk asshole?
And never, ever, arm yourself with Skittles and Ice Tea.
With riots raging in Ferguson, MO following the shooting death by police of an unarmed African-American youth, the nation has turned its eyes toward social injustice and the continuing crisis of race relations. Here are The Onion’s tips for being an unarmed black teen in America:

  • Shy away from dangerous, heavily policed areas.
  • Avoid swaggering or any other confident behavior that suggests you are not completely subjugated.
  • Be sure not to pick up any object that could be perceived by a police officer as a firearm, such as a cell phone, a food item, or nothing.
  • Explain in clear and logical terms that you do not enjoy being shot, and would prefer that it not happen.
  • Don’t let society stereotype you as a petty criminal. Remember that you can be seen as so much more, from an armed robbery suspect, to a rape suspect, to a murder suspect.
  • Try to see it from a police officer’s point of view: You may be unarmed, but you’re also black.
  • Avoid wearing clothing associated with the gang lifestyle, such as shirts and pants.
  • Revel in the fact that by simply existing, you exert a threatening presence over the nation’s police force.
  • Be as polite and straightforward as possible when police officers are kicking the shit out of you.

Be sure not to do these things and you wont get beat up. Unless the officer had a bad day or something

Really Pathetic dude, You failed to include the 2 most important.

Don't Attack a Police officer
Don't Rob a store

You people really should be ashamed of yourselves.
IMO the kid who was shot in the gated community paid the price for all the Black males who'd been robbing the homes in the gated community where he died.

A Black woman allegedly told a reporter about all the robberies and who did them.

Foreign media;
From the outside looking in one often gets a clearer picture that do the people living in the midst of all the drama.

On Fox News last night I saw people in Ferguson strolling around the streets, and walking towards the street where the tear gas smoke they were sauntering around at the Easter Show.
It was midnight.
Don't they have jobs they have to attend the next day...bright-eyed and bushy-tailed?
With riots raging in Ferguson, MO following the shooting death by police of an unarmed African-American youth, the nation has turned its eyes toward social injustice and the continuing crisis of race relations. Here are The Onion’s tips for being an unarmed black teen in America:

  • Shy away from dangerous, heavily policed areas.
  • Avoid swaggering or any other confident behavior that suggests you are not completely subjugated.
  • Be sure not to pick up any object that could be perceived by a police officer as a firearm, such as a cell phone, a food item, or nothing.
  • Explain in clear and logical terms that you do not enjoy being shot, and would prefer that it not happen.
  • Don’t let society stereotype you as a petty criminal. Remember that you can be seen as so much more, from an armed robbery suspect, to a rape suspect, to a murder suspect.
  • Try to see it from a police officer’s point of view: You may be unarmed, but you’re also black.
  • Avoid wearing clothing associated with the gang lifestyle, such as shirts and pants.
  • Revel in the fact that by simply existing, you exert a threatening presence over the nation’s police force.
  • Be as polite and straightforward as possible when police officers are kicking the shit out of you.

Be sure not to do these things and you wont get beat up. Unless the officer had a bad day or something

Sad, but some grain of truth to it.
Why then is the officer on ADMINSTRATIVE leave, not medical? Why do the videos of him, right after the shooting, show no obvious injury? Why did even the FPD* state he was devestated, never mentioning an physical injury?

*I see the fault here with FPD, lack of training, proven misstatements already.
His injury was mentioned several times by the chief of police in the first press conferences.
But I need drama and confusion because the original stories of "witnesses" aren't holding up.
Condolences to the store clerk that fat pos robbed, and to the officer and his family. Clearly the world is now a better place minus that worthless thug.

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