Tired of the Corruption? Then get off your lazy asses and Do THIS !


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013

The main way Socialists and Communists are taking over is by getting ELECTED (IMAGINE THAT) to government offices where they then get full control.
City of Margate Florida is a perfect example.

This is a unique Florida city DEEP in the South, that has NewYork and NewJersey dominated City Commission and mayor.
These NY and NJ transplants have found southerners to be perfect subjects because they are lazy and scare easily into remaining quiet and apathetic.
They then slowly eliminate anyone who is not on their side from City positions, leaving a gestapo in full command.
Even the Police department is under their thumb enforcing crazy oppressive city codes and intimidating the citizens into quiet compliance.

Unsurprisingly, the salaries and pay for all these gang members is FAR above state average.
That's right, the Margate Criminal Mob pays themselves fantastic and inflated salaries at taxpayer expense while neglecting the citizens needs
and mocking them openly.

If you go down there and complain you'll soon understand the brick wall of protection they've set up for themselves.
every government employee is behind expensive 2 inch thick bullet proof glass.
You can only reach government officials via lobby phones.
Their badged henchmen are at all city council meetings to intimidate and remove you if you get out of hand (speak up at all).
They rip off contractors who are not in their pocket by forcing them to take exceptionally low bids and then make them do extras they don't even pay them for. Guess where that money ends up?

I live over 100 miles away but the city government there is becoming notorious.
This is happening everywhere.


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The main way Socialists and Communists are taking over is by getting ELECTED (IMAGINE THAT) to government offices where they then get full control.
City of Margate Florida is a perfect example.

This is a unique Florida city DEEP in the South, that has NewYork and NewJersey dominated City Commission and mayor.
These NY and NJ transplants have found southerners to be perfect subjects because they are lazy and scare easily into remaining quiet and apathetic.
They then slowly eliminate anyone who is not on their side from City positions, leaving a gestapo in full command.
Even the Police department is under their thumb enforcing crazy oppressive city codes and intimidating the citizens into quiet compliance.

Unsurprisingly, the salaries and pay for all these gang members is FAR above state average.
That's right, the Margate Criminal Mob pays themselves fantastic and inflated salaries at taxpayer expense while neglecting the citizens needs
and mocking them openly.

If you go down there and complain you'll soon understand the brick wall of protection they've set up for themselves.
every government employee is behind expensive 2 inch thick bullet proof glass.
You can only reach government officials via lobby phones.
Their badged henchmen are at all city council meetings to intimidate and remove you if you get out of hand (speak up at all).
They rip off contractors who are not in their pocket by forcing them to take exceptionally low bids and then make them do extras they don't even pay them for. Guess where that money ends up?

I live over 100 miles away but the city government there is becoming notorious.
This is happening everywhere.


And who is your campaign manager?
Ain't gonna happen. We will continue to elect liberals and continue circling the drain. The best concerned citizens can do is to be good citizens.

The main way Socialists and Communists are taking over is by getting ELECTED (IMAGINE THAT) to government offices where they then get full control.
City of Margate Florida is a perfect example.

This is a unique Florida city DEEP in the South, that has NewYork and NewJersey dominated City Commission and mayor.
These NY and NJ transplants have found southerners to be perfect subjects because they are lazy and scare easily into remaining quiet and apathetic.
They then slowly eliminate anyone who is not on their side from City positions, leaving a gestapo in full command.
Even the Police department is under their thumb enforcing crazy oppressive city codes and intimidating the citizens into quiet compliance.

Unsurprisingly, the salaries and pay for all these gang members is FAR above state average.
That's right, the Margate Criminal Mob pays themselves fantastic and inflated salaries at taxpayer expense while neglecting the citizens needs
and mocking them openly.

If you go down there and complain you'll soon understand the brick wall of protection they've set up for themselves.
every government employee is behind expensive 2 inch thick bullet proof glass.
You can only reach government officials via lobby phones.
Their badged henchmen are at all city council meetings to intimidate and remove you if you get out of hand (speak up at all).
They rip off contractors who are not in their pocket by forcing them to take exceptionally low bids and then make them do extras they don't even pay them for. Guess where that money ends up?

I live over 100 miles away but the city government there is becoming notorious.
This is happening everywhere.


If you want abortion to remain legal, get out and vote.
A lot of corrupt scum has come to Florida'' to get what they can get'' I put that in quotes because I have heard these types say it. We sent one to prison so far from my home county of Orange but the criminal-minded and their lackeys are all in government and the private sector in all of Florida. We had a state legislator where I live now get arrested in the last election. Party doesn't matter to these people they just want to stick their faces in the trough and feed. Make sure you document all the corruption you see in that town and report it to the nearest FBI office.
Around here it's the gop you have to worry about. They never saw a patch of land they did not want to build a subdivision on for the transplants and make themselves richer.

We vote for mostly independents on the local level here. Some are good, some are meh, but all are slow growth. Dems don't even bother running.

The joke here is to go by the gop HQ prior to election day and use the signs out front to tell who (locally) not to vote for.
A lot of corrupt scum has come to Florida'' to get what they can get'' I put that in quotes because I have heard these types say it. We sent one to prison so far from my home county of Orange but the criminal-minded and their lackeys are all in government and the private sector in all of Florida. We had a state legislator where I live now get arrested in the last election. Party doesn't matter to these people they just want to stick their faces in the trough and feed. Make sure you document all the corruption you see in that town and report it to the nearest FBI office.
Yes corrupt scum has come to Florida. It started with Jeb. Now Florida is RED.

Actually, Florida hasn't had a free and fair election since 1998.
The main way Socialists and Communists are taking over is by getting ELECTED (IMAGINE THAT) to government offices where they then get full control.
You see, the three-branch separation does not work right. Not supposed to get full control.
What city council are you on?

WTF does it matter what I do ??

This is exactly my point. Everyone is waiting for someone else to do their dirty hard work FOR them.
You would rather play this weak game than actually DO ANYTHING YOURSELF.

And who is your campaign manager?

WTF does it matter what I do ??

This is exactly my point. Everyone is waiting for someone else to do their dirty hard work FOR them.
You would rather play this weak game than actually DO ANYTHING YOURSELF.

You see, the three-branch separation does not work right. Not supposed to get full control.

I think the majority of people are too afraid to speak out, too lazy to get involved.
It hasn't hit home hard enough....YET.

As The Left's corruption gets more of the average citizen's family and friends killed, releases more violent criminals into their own communities, taxes them to death......
They will eventually realize their silence IS violence.

it is astonishing how many from NewYork, New Jersey and hard core blue states with Soros mentality and backing are now running home town cities everywhere.
People are still dead asleep.
Yes corrupt scum has come to Florida. It started with Jeb. Now Florida is RED.
Actually, Florida hasn't had a free and fair election since 1998.

Jeb Bush and ALL the Bushs' are Globalists, NOT true Republicans.
Just like Mitt Romney and the like. But you know that.

Without Ron DeSantis you would be correct.
Leftist Governors, and Globalists pretending to be Republicans ALWAYS corrupt the process.

Remember Brenda Snipes? Democrat. Most corrupt elections supervisor on record.
Corruption. It's what Socialists, Communists and the Democrat party at large today DO.
I think the majority of people are too afraid to speak out, too lazy to get involved.
It hasn't hit home hard enough....YET.

As The Left's corruption gets more of the average citizen's family and friends killed, releases more violent criminals into their own communities, taxes them to death......
They will eventually realize their silence IS violence.

it is astonishing how many from NewYork, New Jersey and hard core blue states with Soros mentality and backing are now running home town cities everywhere.
People are still dead asleep.

Soros? Damn.
So basically, you are a hypocrite who is telling all of us we need to get off our asses to do something but you yourself can't be bothered, armchair warrior! Rules for me but not for thee--- Got it.

Doubling down on stupidity. Figures.
You are a Supreme Loser.
You have no idea what I am doing. obviously FAR more than weak losers like you WILL EVER do.

You are indeed a freak. And obviously an imbecile who does not deserve freedom.
Yes corrupt scum has come to Florida. It started with Jeb. Now Florida is RED.

Actually, Florida hasn't had a free and fair election since 1998.
Oh goody, more of the left’s “the election was stolen” nuttiness, you conspiracy nuts are funny.
WTF does it matter what I do ??

This is exactly my point. Everyone is waiting for someone else to do their dirty hard work FOR them.
You would rather play this weak game than actually DO ANYTHING YOURSELF.

Well, you're bitching about nobody running...and you refuse to do so yourself.

You should tone down the hyprocrisy you worthless piece of shit.

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