Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

After violations of law of law removed the plans from NIST's access, FEMA lied about the design and construction of the Towers to NIST.

Stop supporting secret methods of mass murder.

Go play in traffic, jag-off. As I've already explained, FEMA HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH BUILDING PLANS, OR CUSTODY OF SAME. FEMA would not know or care how the twins were constructed, and would not testify about them to NIST.

FEMA came in to organize the clean-up. Nothing more, nothing less.

And the only secret of mass murder was how it was done without any of the victims missing child support payments.
By the way, Chri$$y, I know it's been a while, and it's probably feeling a little unappreciated by now, so I thought I would just re-enforce....

The concrete core is well proven.

By who, fuckface, YOU? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You couldn't prove that the Pacific ocean is wet, because the sheriff can't find records from 1865 saying that it is.

Agents unreasonably trying to dismiss facts and evidence with nothing but text in false social groups psyoping the forums, proves it by the immense amount of attention they've given opposition to the concrete core.

Never has any agent even gotten close to supporting the steel core column lie with facts and evidence.

The sheriff had the records a year earlier,


but the county counsel told them to "advise me" they did not have them.

The concrete core is well proven.

By who, fuckface, YOU? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You couldn't prove that the Pacific ocean is wet, because the sheriff can't find records from 1865 saying that it is.

Agents unreasonably trying to dismiss facts and evidence with nothing but text in false social groups psyoping the forums, proves it by the immense amount of attention they've given opposition to the concrete core.

Never has any agent even gotten close to supporting the steel core column lie with facts and evidence.

The sheriff had the records a year earlier,

but the county counsel told them to "advise me" they did not have them.
they were immaterial to your case, dipshit
if you had paid your child support there would have been no case at all

stop being such a fucking moronic idiot and pay your child support
==delusions of a paranoid schizophrenic removed==
nobody gives a fuck about your paper from 1876 and how you claim it's the reason you didnt pay child support.

all your crap has been debunked already. the delusional "agent" rant is getting old.... :cuckoo:

you're full of excuses. where's your proof of "elevator guide rails"??
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By who, fuckface, YOU? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You couldn't prove that the Pacific ocean is wet, because the sheriff can't find records from 1865 saying that it is.

Agents unreasonably trying to dismiss facts and evidence with nothing but text in false social groups psyoping the forums, proves it by the immense amount of attention they've given opposition to the concrete core.

Never has any agent even gotten close to supporting the steel core column lie with facts and evidence.

The sheriff had the records a year earlier,

but the county counsel told them to "advise me" they did not have them.
they were immaterial to your case, dipshit
if you had paid your child support there would have been no case at all

stop being such a fucking moronic idiot and pay your child support

The failure to appear on subpoena was 7 years befoe the family law court began depriving me of rights by not filing pleadings that were properly prepared such as this "MOTION TO STRIKE" an erroneous declaration filed by the commissioner that lied on the bench AND in writing.


Agents would love to change the subject and protect the perpetrators of mass murder.

The Twins had a concrete core just like the engineer of record identified to Newsweek 2 days after 9-11.

Your failure to show the steel core columns in the core area on 9-11 proves you are here to conceal murder and treason.
Idiots posting repetitive debunked bullshit while filing legal documents without payment and depriving their children of support are aiding and abetting the secret methods of the USDA deception concerning the destruction of the towers, and their secret cores made out of 20 inch re-bar reinforced polystyrene.

Hey, making up these goofy conspiracy theories is EASY!
The American Institute of Architects noticed that no one could get the plans for the Towers in 2001.

9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382


“10/05/01 The American Institute of Architects reports that a number of firms have been receiving requests for building plans that have raised some concern. . . .” WTCTragedy
and EXHIBITS “A through E” with PANELS 1 through 6 as indicated in the following.

The deception appears to be misprision of treason. Many Americans may be endangered in their daily lives if justice is not provided and treason exposed.

I stand as a witness to the construction because of viewing an extensively detailed 2 hour “PUBLIC BROADCAST SYSTEM” (PBS) documentary in 1990 about the Twin tower construction. With 35 years experience as a welder who has worked in civil engineering for 25 years, I understood, very well, all that was communicated by that regarding documentary described in the attached Affidavit.
The documentary is now gone, even from the digital records of PBS which broadcast it. This factor enables the deception concealing treason disclosed herein. However a retired physicist/Ph.D. and a former Marine major searched for it and found paper records at PBS through contacts employed there which corroborates this testimony. A VHS original copy was found but DVD copy of it appears to have been intercepted. An excerpt from a 2007 web radio show that Dr. Larsen produced and I co hosted where he updated the search. It can be downloaded from, rl-cb6-27-07pbs.doc_1-2.mp3 - concrete, core,, PBS, video,.

Butt plates are too weak to use in joining "core columns".

Butt plates are too weak to use in joining "core columns".

Those are not buttplates. Those are lugs as has been explained to you many times.

My question to you is, how can you use a distant photo of the columns and discern what is on the top of those columns? I have shown you numerous closeups of the columns and they clearly show lugs. Where are your closeups or even one clear photo of the buttplates you claim existed?
Butt plates are too weak to use in joining "core columns".

Those are not buttplates. Those are lugs as has been explained to you many times.

My question to you is, how can you use a distant photo of the columns and discern what is on the top of those columns? I have shown you numerous closeups of the columns and they clearly show lugs. Where are your closeups or even one clear photo of the buttplates you claim existed?
check out that link that i quoted

Butt plates are too weak to use in joining "core columns".

Those are not buttplates. Those are lugs as has been explained to you many times.

My question to you is, how can you use a distant photo of the columns and discern what is on the top of those columns? I have shown you numerous closeups of the columns and they clearly show lugs. Where are your closeups or even one clear photo of the buttplates you claim existed?

Now I'm certain your psyops is mostly sock puppets. Your language is too close to the other agents here.

Once you tried to tell me these are lugs.


There are lugs AND butt plates in photos. Butt plates cannot be used to join core column sections.

You need to show the supposed steel core columns in the core area on 9-11, like the FEMA diagram.

Until then we see a core that looks like concrete,


and we have independently verified evidence that it is a concrete core.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
Butt plates are too weak to use in joining "core columns".

Those are not buttplates. Those are lugs as has been explained to you many times.

My question to you is, how can you use a distant photo of the columns and discern what is on the top of those columns? I have shown you numerous closeups of the columns and they clearly show lugs. Where are your closeups or even one clear photo of the buttplates you claim existed?

Now I'm certain your psyops is mostly sock puppets. Your language is too close to the other agents here.

<old, tired, and REPETITIVE, DELUSIONAL BULLSHIT removed>.
ever wonder if maybe, just MAYBE, if everyone else is telling you the same thing, that THEY might be right and you are WRONG?

pay your child support, dipshit and stop wasting your money on your fucking website when you should be paying for the care of your progeny
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ever wonder if maybe, just MAYBE, if everyone else is telling you the same thing, that THEY might be right and you are WRONG?

of course not. that would require rational thought. he isnt capable of that.:cuckoo:
Those are not buttplates. Those are lugs as has been explained to you many times.

My question to you is, how can you use a distant photo of the columns and discern what is on the top of those columns? I have shown you numerous closeups of the columns and they clearly show lugs. Where are your closeups or even one clear photo of the buttplates you claim existed?

Now I'm certain your psyops is mostly sock puppets. Your language is too close to the other agents here.

<old, tired, and REPETITIVE, DELUSIONAL BULLSHIT removed>.
ever wonder if maybe, just MAYBE, if everyone else is telling you the same thing, that THEY might be right and you are WRONG?

pay your child support, dipshit and stop wasting your money on your fucking website when you should be paying for the care of your progeny

Since you cannot post an image of the supposed steel core columns in the core area your post is lies, subterfuge.

You are simply a pitiful agent of the infiltrators of the US government that supports the perpetrators of mass murder in their secret methods.

You respect no law and work to destroy the Consitution while trying to change the subject.

Why haven't you posted an image from 9-11 of this structure that FEMA presents in their diagram?


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