Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

An agent would naturally say that in service to infiltrators. The fact is, you have no evidence so there is nothing else you can do to support the secret methods of mass murder.

Due process has not been served and the cause of death cannot be correct. People have a sense of this so the morning continues. You are an agent, so cannot imagine, being a child, knowing that a parent was murdered in a scam then their death was used to take your rights and freedoms, your future.

An agent would naturally say that in service to infiltrators. The fact is, you have no evidence so there is nothing else you can do to support the secret methods of mass murder.

Due process has not been served and the cause of death cannot be correct. People have a sense of this so the morning continues. You are an agent, so cannot imagine, being a child, knowing that a parent was murdered in a scam then their death was used to take your rights and freedoms, your future.
"Due process" is a concept associated with the criminal justice system.

Since the people killed by the enemy on 9/11/2001 were not victims of mere criminality, but were instead the victims of barbaric atrocities of illegal combatants, "due process" is a completely irrelevant concept in this entire discussion.

The NULL POSTER remains a nullity as do his idiotic meaningless null posts.
Assuming collapse. and I've proven the analysis of collapse cannot be correct.

A building cannot be analyzed for collapse without building plans, NIST did not have the plans. That is why the disclaimer.


The ex mayor ilegally took the plans depriving the public of plans for public buildings and obstructing justice so the assumption of collapse could be made.

Due process is an aspect of equal protection of law, not the criminal justice system. The justice system must provide equal protection of law.
assuming collapse. And i've proven the analysis of collapse cannot be correct.

A building cannot be analyzed for collapse without building plans, nist did not have the plans. That is why the disclaimer.

The ex mayor ilegally took the plans depriving the public of plans for public buildings and obstructing justice so the assumption of collapse could be made.

Due process is an aspect of equal protection of law, not the criminal justice system. The justice system must provide equal protection of law.

This is how agents loose their credibility, except you already lost yours.

Obviously the concrete core the BBC thinks existed is too small and has a solid core whereas the world knows it was hollow with elevators and stairways in it.


The buildings engineer of record identifies a concrete core and so does Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992.

And no, this independetly verified information has not been debunked or anything even close to it.

Such cannot be done with juvenile text assertions.
Assuming collapse. and I've proven the analysis of collapse cannot be correct.

A building cannot be analyzed for collapse without building plans, NIST did not have the plans. That is why the disclaimer.

The ex mayor ilegally took the plans depriving the public of plans for public buildings and obstructing justice so the assumption of collapse could be made.

Due process is an aspect of equal protection of law, not the criminal justice system. The justice system must provide equal protection of law.

all delusional bullshit and already debunked.

null post
The sugar plum fairies, after an all night drinking binge.

A slightly intoxicated Jedi knight.

And a recent porno video that surfaced of Fred Flintstone doing the nasty with The Great Gazoo.

Completely consistent with other video and stills.

A little consolidation is a wonderful thing, isn't it Chri$$y

the United States court, disclosure and knowledge of felony and treason pursuant to the law.


‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

Section 4 states “Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States” such language is clear in that a citizen is allowed and required under law to disclose if such disclosure is “cognizable by a court of the United States”


Citizens depend on the judges of the United States Courts for competent and prompt action intervening in treason by felony under duly ratified and promulgated statutes, laws limiting conduct.

Citizens Brown and Elton on February 18, 2010 have presented independently verified evidence with facts establishing felony obstruction of justice in 3,000 homicides on September 11, 2001, wherein it is cognizably shown that fraudulent information regarding the fundamental design of the core of the Twin Towers was produced by a federal agency. Another named party, via misprision violating laws, deprived public agencies of vital information for the due process determination of “cause of death”. Another public system of media removed, then re edited a video documentary against the public interest to conceal the true design of the towers. By these acts the fraud of the federal agency was rendered credible ultimately obstructing proper analysis of structural collapse enabling presumption of collapse. That presumption was fraudulently used to justify compromise of the United States Constitution or its laws in misprision of felony, and illegal uses of the United States Military in treason.


Consistent with the Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution, “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” A citizens duty and right to defend the Constitution against treason by their use of laws having no words to “deny or disparage” using the laws as they are obviously intended, U.S.C. TITLE 18, PART I, CHAPTER 1 §4 & CHAPTER 115 §2382, in those sections or codes, compels these citizens with allegiance to the Constitution of United States of America to claim those rights and the court to accept the filed disclosure in the spirit of the law and the Constitution it was created under or show cause for not doing so with appropriate points and authorities.


The Citizens seeking a response to the application for an ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE for clarification of law in their efforts to comply in good faith with allegiance to the United States in the protection of its Constitution and laws made under it, pray for a decision from the judge of the court showing allegiance to the same.

Respectfully submitted,

DATE:_____________________ ____________________________
Christopher A. Brown

DATE:_____________________ ____________________________
Patricia C. Elton

The judges rejected their duty and assigned it to us.

9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382
Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382
9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382
rat, Americans have the duty to prosecute you for felony and treason, and your masters. That is what the message from the court is.

Meaning you need to come up with an image from 9-11 showing this structure in the core of the Twin Towers.


When you don't, true Americans are going to realize unity in support and defense of the Constitution is REQUIRED.

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