Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

None of your images show steel core columns INSIDE the core agent. You are supporting secrete methods of mass murder of innocent people.

Just like gamolon who cannot say how the supposed gypsum fastened to the supposed steel core columns is seen absolutely uniform with no structural steel protruding AFTER hundreds of thousands of tons of heavy strucutral steel crashed over it.


That . . . is a concrete core just like the engineer of record identifies 2 days after 9-11 in a globally published magazine.
None of your images show steel core columns INSIDE the core agent.
==delusional bullshit removed==

all of them show steel core columns INSDIE the core area. there were no columns outside the core area except the perimeter walls of the building. :cuckoo:
None of your images show steel core columns INSIDE the core agent. You are supporting secrete methods of mass murder of innocent people.

Just like gamolon who cannot say how the supposed gypsum fastened to the supposed steel core columns is seen absolutely uniform with no structural steel protruding AFTER hundreds of thousands of tons of heavy strucutral steel crashed over it.

That . . . is a concrete core just like the engineer of record identifies 2 days after 9-11 in a globally published magazine.
the STEEL COLUMNS were the CORE, you fucking idiot
None of your images show steel core columns INSIDE the core agent. You are supporting secrete methods of mass murder of innocent people.

Just like gamolon who cannot say how the supposed gypsum fastened to the supposed steel core columns is seen absolutely uniform with no structural steel protruding AFTER hundreds of thousands of tons of heavy strucutral steel crashed over it.


That . . . is a concrete core just like the engineer of record identifies 2 days after 9-11 in a globally published magazine.

How did 12 express elevators and 24 local elevators, 3 access hallways for those local elevators at about 10' wide, staircases, and steel columns fit into two 24' x 56.5' rectangles.

Can't do it can you Chris? Physically impossible isn't it Chris?
None of your images show steel core columns INSIDE the core agent. You are supporting secrete methods of mass murder of innocent people.

Just like gamolon who cannot say how the supposed gypsum fastened to the supposed steel core columns is seen absolutely uniform with no structural steel protruding AFTER hundreds of thousands of tons of heavy strucutral steel crashed over it.


That . . . is a concrete core just like the engineer of record identifies 2 days after 9-11 in a globally published magazine.

Hey Chris, how come there are none of your steel cross members protruding out of the side of the concrete core???? Remember that? You said the beams connecting the out ring of core columns and inner ring of elevator guide steel was EMBEDDED within the concrete core. How come we don't see those sticking 8 to 10 feet out of the sides of the concrete core there? I mean you are able to see 6" diameter rebar right? Clealry we should be able to see those beams sticking out of the sides...

None of your images show steel core columns INSIDE the core agent. You are supporting secrete methods of mass murder of innocent people.

Just like gamolon who cannot say how the supposed gypsum fastened to the supposed steel core columns is seen absolutely uniform with no structural steel protruding AFTER hundreds of thousands of tons of heavy strucutral steel crashed over it.

That . . . is a concrete core just like the engineer of record identifies 2 days after 9-11 in a globally published magazine.
Hey Brown, how can you make the claim that the gypsum board was "absolutely uniform" based on a long range, blurry, out of focus, smoke & dust filled picture of the steel core??

Is this a new "secrete" method of analyzing pictures of "strucutral" steel?? The new retard/dipshit method???
If this were gypsum fastened to steel core columns,


Then there would be holes in it and steel would be protruding out the top with bracing dangling from it.
If this were gypsum fastened to steel core columns,

Then there would be holes in it and steel would be protruding out the top with bracing dangling from it.
dipshit, there might be holes in it
but, since it is a 3 dimensional object, the holes might not line up to where light would shine through
and that also might be other things in the way, such as elevator cars, A/C ducting, electrical conduit etc
you prove over and over that you are a fucking moronic idiot
So you suggest that no holes would line up and no steel would protrude AND the information of engineer of record was not accurately published in a global magazine when the information is CRITICAL to the perceptions of 3,000 deaths?

Gee, and you do his while failing to recognize violations of law that deprive the public of building plans and 6,000 files of photographs?

Do you think people are really stupid?

F'nnn traitor.
So you suggest that no holes would line up and no steel would protrude AND the information of engineer of record was not accurately published in a global magazine when the information is CRITICAL to the perceptions of 3,000 deaths?

Gee, and you do his while failing to recognize violations of law that deprive the public of building plans and 6,000 files of photographs?

Do you think people are really stupid?

F'nnn traitor.
nope. people are that stupid. only you. thats why you are the only person pushing this stupid concrete core hoax. :cuckoo:

you're a fucking deadbeat scumbag that refuses to support his own children, tries to collect social security disability while working under the table and also abuses the legal system for stupid fucking insignificant things.
Of course the deprivation of Constitional rights means nothing to a traitor supporting secret methods of mass murder. But reader may appreciate the documentation of such gaucheries.


And of course you've never recognized the violations of law depriving America of the plans of the Twin towers as well as 6,000 photo files.

And agents have never posted an image from 9-11 of the core they barely provide even bogus evidence for.

If this were gypsum fastened to steel core columns,


Then there would be holes in it and steel would be protruding out the top with bracing dangling from it.

You're goddamn stupid you know that?

If we should see holes in the gypsum planking then we should see the hallways you say existed in your core walls!!!!!

I don't see ANY!!!!

Also, where are the beams connecting the perimeter core columns to the elevator guide rail support steel? You know, the ones you say were embedded in your core wall? the ones that would be sticking out about 6 feet all over the damn place!

Apply your same reasoning to your own claims and theory.

And we see no protruding columns, and we see a uniform top. All impossible with steel core columns under those conditions.

You are a traitor supporting secret methods of mass murder.
And we see no protruding columns, and we see a uniform top. All impossible with steel core columns under those conditions.

You are a traitor supporting secret methods of mass murder.

And we see no protruding beams sticking out of the concrete wall by 6 feet. We see no hallway openings like you claim there was in your core.

Using the same criteria you just laid out, your core didn't exist either.

You're done moron.

I show what can only be concrete in many ways.



I show the plans from silverstein (revision table digitally altered after scanning), after the real ones are stolen by guiliani. You try to use the lie and the theft of public documents to keep secret methods of mass murder secret.

lets count the delusions.

1. you show a picture of the steel core and claim it's concrete. :cuckoo:
2. you show another picture of the steel core and claim it proves a concrete core. :cuckoo:
3. you claim leaked plans were digitally altered. :cuckoo:
4. you claim documents taken to be microfilmed and were later returned were stolen. :cuckoo:
5. you make an extremely absurd claim with no basis in fact at all that the building plans and every picture of a concrete core that ever existed were included in these documents. :cuckoo:
6. there was a secret method of mass murder (people flew planes into buildings. its no secret) :cuckoo:

why do you keep trying to change the subject from explaining how its impossible to fit all those elevators inside your concrete core?!! :lol:
1. you show no image of supposed steel core columns from 9-11 where the core structure is heavily tested and exposed.
2. you misrepresent elevator guide rail support steel with weak butt plate joints used randomly to join sections.
3. You cannot show any official plans only leaked plans shown to be digitally altered.
4. You refuse to recognize the WTC documents were stolen from the city and falsely state they were scanned.
5. you make a claim with no independently verified evidence and have no plans or images from 9-11 showing the core you claim, which you cannot even describe.
6. there was a secret method of mass murder because the analysis of collapse cannot be correct when NIST (disclaimer) did not have the buildings plans.

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