Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

It is completely consistent with all of the independently verified evidence . . , therefore you are fake and the opposite of what you say is most often true.

The only individuals with a motive such as you've failed to define but well exhibit conssitently in your posts are those with an agenda, and are agents.


Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.
It is completely consistent with all of the independently verified evidence . . , therefore you are fake and the opposite of what you say is most often true.
you are a delusional fucktard
nothing you post has any credibility as proven by the fact you have been shown NUMEROUS photos from 9/11 showing steel core columns and you repeatedly claim it hasnt been done
face it jackass. until you come up with a way to fit the elevators inside your concrete core your entire theory is proven to be a hoax.

all your blabbing won't change that. :lol:
The source of your elevator dimensions has been shown to come from frudulent sources.

The faked WTC 1 plans

You support secret methods of mass murder and NIST did not have plans for the Towers to conduct their analysis of collapse therefore their analysis is invalid.

Due process has not been provided in the mass murder of 3,000.
The source of your elevator dimensions has been shown to come from frudulent sources.

==delusional bullshit removed===

i didnt give you a source, moron. its YOUR core YOU need to show us how all those elevators fit inside. :cuckoo:

they dont fit. your concrete core is exposed as a hoax.
We see the 2nd and 3rd floor of WTC 1, north side of the core. There is a 3x7 hallway running the length of the wall section we see. Coiled massive rebar protrudes from the top and concrete stains cross the interior box column to the left at a slop show where they were encased.

core wall at its base

The core floor plans for the 3rd floor, the plans that are the source of you elevator dimensions.


In the plan we see an elevator, an air shaft, a steam shaft and a janitors closet.

Plans from silverstein, that match the FEMA deception, the same deception you support with TEXT, have been digitally altered. They were preliminary conceptual plans from Robertson to Yamasaki. The title block show free hand lettering.


Not acceptable for what are supposed to be final drawings.

Anomalies such as these can be found in the revision tables of up to 20% of the 200+ sheets from silverstein and associates.


You have no official plans. Your subterfuge of elevators exists because you have no evidence of the steel core columns what so ever.

Misrepresentations of elevator guide rail support steel is all you have.

did you figure out how to fit all those elevators into your impossible concrete core yet? :lol:
We see the 2nd and 3rd floor of WTC 1, north side of the core. There is a 3x7 hallway running the length of the wall section we see. Coiled massive rebar protrudes from the top and concrete stains cross the interior box column to the left at a slop show where they were encased.

core wall at its base

That's a blatant lie you weasel. It's nothing more than a section of the gypsum wallboard that is missing or knocked off. These pictures PROVE that.


In the second photo, I can even see a skewed piece of gypsum planking leaning to the right.
Those pictures prove nothing. What I posted at this link about your sources for elevator dimensions is correct.


The hallway has daylight shining down it.


Since you cannot show you source of dimensions from official sources and cannot show the FEMA core on 9-11 your role in support of secret methods of mass murder is fairly clear.
did you figure out how to fit all those elevators into your impossible concrete core yet? :cuckoo:
Since you cannot show you source of dimensions from official sources and cannot show the FEMA core on 9-11 your role in support of secret methods of mass murder is fairly clear.

since you can not show a concrete core from an official source or show the concrete core on 9/11 or any other day.....

your concrete core has been exposed as a hoax. :lol:
We see the 2nd and 3rd floor of WTC 1, north side of the core. There is a 3x7 hallway running the length of the wall section we see. Coiled massive rebar protrudes from the top and concrete stains cross the interior box column to the left at a slop show where they were encased.

core wall at its base

That's a blatant lie you weasel. It's nothing more than a section of the gypsum wallboard that is missing or knocked off. These pictures PROVE that.


In the second photo, I can even see a skewed piece of gypsum planking leaning to the right.
honestly, it is a waste of time to post these photos for him

he will continue with his hoax no matter what the facts are
honestly, it is a waste of time to post these photos for him

he will continue with his hoax no matter what the facts are

dont want to let FACTS get in the way of anyone's delusion!!!!
the man(and i use that loosely) is totally out of touch with reality
the judge he went before DID fail to do his duty by not having him locked up for psychiatric evaluation
Those pictures prove nothing. What I posted at this link about your sources for elevator dimensions is correct.


The hallway has daylight shining down it.


Since you cannot show you source of dimensions from official sources and cannot show the FEMA core on 9-11 your role in support of secret methods of mass murder is fairly clear.

I don't need dimensions to prove your concrete core is a failure. The simple fact is, you've placed the 16' wide skylobby hallway right next to your core wall leaving no room for ANY elevator that was rated for 10,000 lbs. and could carry 50 people.
Those pictures prove nothing. What I posted at this link about your sources for elevator dimensions is correct.


The hallway has daylight shining down it.


Since you cannot show you source of dimensions from official sources and cannot show the FEMA core on 9-11 your role in support of secret methods of mass murder is fairly clear.

I don't need dimensions to prove your concrete core is a failure. The simple fact is, you've placed the 16' wide skylobby hallway right next to your core wall leaving no room for ANY elevator that was rated for 10,000 lbs. and could carry 50 people.
that photo clearly shows STEEL and not one bit of concrete, yet dipshit will still claim there was concrete
Hey Chris.

Do you have a diagram of your WTC2 core yet? Your verbal descriptions have major flaws in them. In order to show the folks here what you are describing, you need to make a drawing.

I bet you won't do it though. I wonder why?


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