Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

You still have not posted that image from 9-11 of this core.

I actually started it but got busy with work and haven''t picked it back up.

Well let's see it!!! No need for 3D crap. Just a plain plan at the lobby level with dimensions. Should be easy for someone who has seen the documentary with all the information.

Also, you need to provide a layout of the 44th level skylobby as that also is a problem. You have been shown that your core is a physical impossibility due to space constraints.

I'll tell you what. You produce these two drawings and prove that they are physically feasible with what you have described in the past and I'll never say anything about you or your theory again.

I've said this before, but you balked at it.

Let's see what you've got.
I actually started it but got busy with work and haven''t picked it back up. It though of using some 3d software in combinaton with my coordinate geometry software so I could rotate it and make a 3d rendering which is the best for conceptual.

On 9-11 this supposed core would have been bared for hundreds of cameras, so just get a pic of the supposed steel core columns in the core area. Okay?


No Chris, it's NOT okay. The problem I have with you is your core, the way you describe it, can not be physically possible. Period.

That fact that we cannot provide you with what you ask for is NOT proof that your core existed, but would be proof towards the fact that a steel column core did not possibly exist.

Do you get that? Do you understand? It has been proven to you many times that your core could not have existed.


You fail to answer questions that people have which is suspect. You cannot provide, nor do you want to, scaled drawings of your two cores. This should be a PRIORITY for you. Being the "construction person" you claim you are, you should know this. With all the supposed information you have and resources available, you should see if it works. I have and it doesn't.

You haven't even attempted to contact people who used to work there and get a first hand descriptions of the lobbies in each tower to see if you "cores were different" claim is true. I have and it's NOT. Why haven't you done that? I have talked with William Rodriguez about the layout of the towers and he referred me to the leaked blueprints as accurate representations.

Have you submitted your core dimensions and drawings to Domel to see if he agrees with what you claim existed? No? Why not?
Since you refuse to identify your sources of elevator dimensions, and 50x people size WILL NOT suffice, and cannot post an image of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11 in the core area, you are just an f'n agent.
Since you refuse to identify your sources of elevator dimensions, and 50x people size WILL NOT suffice, and cannot post an image of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11 in the core area, you are just an f'n agent.

Then you tell me Mr. Construction.

What dimension size would fit 50 people? Since the space between your core wall and the skylobby is no more than 3', you lose.

Can't be done.
Your logic that such an approach can prove that there were steel core columns is flawed beyond description.

Just post an image from 9-11 showing the supposed steel core columns in the core area.

I post information from an authority.

Then I post an image ffrom 9-11 when the towers are coming apart in front of cameras showing what the engineer describes.

Your logic that such an approach can prove that there were steel core columns is flawed beyond description.

And that is where you are WRONG!


You just don't get it do you. I am not posting this information to prove there were core columns. I am posting this information to show people that your core could not have physically existed.

You can't prove my logic wrong can you? You're sinking fast Chris...
Your logic that such an approach can prove that there were steel core columns is flawed beyond description.

Just post an image from 9-11 showing the supposed steel core columns in the core area.

I post information from an authority.

Then I post an image ffrom 9-11 when the towers are coming apart in front of cameras showing what the engineer describes.


How sad for you Chris. 9 years of your life only to find out that you've been arguing nothing but bullshit from the start.

Only to have it proved to you that your core is a physical impossibility and that all your work is for naught.

You've been arguing a lie for 9 years when you COULD have been arguing for the truth.

Like I said, that's damn sad...
Then I post an image ffrom 9-11 when the towers are coming apart in front of cameras showing what the engineer describes.


Where are the 6' of beams you say were embedded into the core wall connecting the elevator support steel to the core columns?

The sides of that supposed core wall should look like a porcupine according to you. Where is the light coming through the 2 hallways you say existed?


You and you theory are FINISHED unless you can provide a scaled drawing that shows the layout of WTC1 and WTC2.

Since you refuse to identify your sources of elevator dimensions, and 50x people size WILL NOT suffice, and cannot post an image of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11 in the core area, you are just an f'n agent.

are you fucking serious?!!!!! :lol:

identify your sources first, you jackass!!!!!

where is your source that the core wall was 12 feet thick? or 17 feet thick..... depending on what day of the week it is apparently.

where is your source for 6 inch rebar...... or 3 inch rebar... or 4 inch rebar.... again, depending on the day of the week.... that was couted in C4?!!

where is your source for "elevator guide rail support steel"?!!!

where is your source for the building plans being amongst guiliani's documents??

where is your source your claim of "butt plates" instead of welds?

where is your source that robertson said what you claim he did?

where is your source that the picture you keep posting of the silhouette is concrete? because we can see from the other side that its clearly steel.

where is your source for your claim that FEMA didnt have the building plans?

where is your source that the concrete core (that didnt exist) was poured up to 80 feet below the top of construction.

where is your source for...... well, any of the fucking bullshit you pull out of your ass!!!!!! :lol:

did you find a way to make the elevators fit in your impossible concrete core yet?!!! :lol:
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My evidence is independently verified. All that need be done is examine the consistency across it.

Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.

[bbThe agents have no evidence of the steel core columns. All they have is misrepresentations of elevator guide rail support steel and text support back and forth in their psyops here.[/b]

It is treason that they do.
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My evidence is independently verified.

Verified by whom?

Let's see.

1. Has it been independently verified by Domel and Robertson that the cores were radically different?
2. Has it been independently verified by Domel and Robertson that all elevators of WTC1 were accessible ONLY from inside your concrete core?
3. Has it been independently verified by Domel and Robertson that Cape Canaveral was used as a model for WTC2's core?
4. Has it been independently verified by Domel and Robertson that there was a concrete core with 12' and 16' thick walls at it's base tapering to 2' thick at the top?
5. Has it been independently verified by Domel and Robertson that they used 6" diameter rebar on 4' centers?
6. Has it been independently verified by Domel and Robertson that they used buttplates to join the elevator guide rail support steel?
7. Has it been independently verified by Domel and Robertson that they inner columns inside your core were not used in the support of the structure?

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