Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

Upon close inspection, I've concluded that the 2 photos are taken from almost the same location. Zapp drive. The space between the world financial buildings on the left is proportionately the same.

This shows the spire outside of the core area and an end view of the west concrete core wall after the north wall has fallen.

the spire is the core, you moronic dipshit
Since CriscoFEARa, the NULL POSTER, is too lacking in any iota of integrity, I will highlight his cowardice, here, by simply REPOSTING my earlier challenge. As he was too gut-less the first time, I predict that he will prove gut-less again, now:

A picture is worth a thousand words. You have no 9-11 pictures of steel core columns.

End view of concrete core wall.


Since that is the same image you've posted dozens of times, claiming (without any hint of credibility) that it depicts concrete, and since you've been told by everyone who sees it that they see the steel but not a speck of concrete, it appears that you, NULL POSTER are suffering from some psychotic delusion or that you are stupidly lying -- unless you have somehow mistaken something else for a concrete core.

I know you've got the ability to do the following, since you've used that easy skill in the past on other images.

CIRCLE, in a broad and vivid red line of color the precise portion of the image that YOU claim shows a concrete core.
Upon close inspection, I've concluded that the 2 photos are taken from almost the same location.

once again, your text assertions are meaningless. not only that, you are full of shit.:lol:

PROOF. you have none. you make shit up as you go along. there is no way in hell that a pictures taken from 2 different angles with the buildings plopped down wherever you feel like it are more accurate than pictures taken from the same exact angle, by the same person, on the same day.

this overlay PROVES the spire was the center two rows of the STEEL CORE. write all the text and make all the "conclusions" you like. you are a moron and never back up any of your statements. the fact is the spire was the steel core.
Agent, you expose yourself as unreasonable and true to my signatures description of your behavior.

Now you impliment psyops "confuser" tactics by implying I've said what you have said. I've never said they were different and never thought any difference that might be there was minor.

This is a valid superimposition . . . someone did, not I, but I copied the image they posted. they were actully opposing what I argued at the time, but agreed the spire was not in the core.

That is called "honest, normal" communication. Where photographic evidence is reasonably and logically compared or agreed upon as to what it depicts.

Being agents, your false social group cannot do that and still serve the perpetrators of mass murder with secret methods . . . you work maintain.
Agent, you expose yourself as unreasonable and true to my signatures description of your behavior.

Now you impliment psyops "confuser" tactics by implying I've said what you have said. I've never said they were different and never thought any difference that might be there was minor.

This is a valid superimposition . . . someone did, not I, but I copied the image they posted. they were actully opposing what I argued at the time, but agreed the spire was not in the core.

That is called "honest, normal" communication. Where photographic evidence is reasonably and logically compared or agreed upon as to what it depicts.

Being agents, your false social group cannot do that and still serve the perpetrators of mass murder with secret methods . . . you work maintain.
you are such a fucking idiot
you call anyone that doesn't fall for your HOAX an Agent
there are sure an awful lot of "agents" around then
Yes, lots of agents.

Lots of false, contrived social groups, but never an image of this core on 9-11.


Only this core is seen.


And it looks like concrete, exactly what you would expect because the engineer of record identified a concrete core in the days after 9-11.

Then Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992 identifies a concrete core also.

Another structural engineer certified in 12 states identifies a concrete core.

August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE.

See chapter 2.1 for that.

Independently verified concrete core.

If the "skyscraper museum" is scoured for its sources you will find none.
Yes, lots of agents.

Lots of false, contrived social groups, but never an image of this core on 9-11.

Only this core is seen.

And it looks like concrete, exactly what you would expect because the engineer of record identified a concrete core in the days after 9-11.

Then Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992 identifies a concrete core also.

Another structural engineer certified in 12 states identifies a concrete core.

August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE.

See chapter 2.1 for that.

Independently verified concrete core.

If the "skyscraper museum" is scoured for its sources you will find none.
you are a fucking moronic idiot
no concrete in any photo you post
Robertson didnt say what you atribute to him
Oxford didnt say what you claim it did
Domel got it wrong
you remain a delusional fucktard
And you do not support lawful government and the U.S Constitution.

You also have never produced one image of the supposed steel core columns that the FEMA deception foists upon the public.
actually, i do support the US and the US Constitution
and there was NO FEMA deception

you are delusional and you need serious psychiatric help
and its too bad you aren't getting it
Your actions support secret methods of mass murder and your refusal to acknowledge violations of law shows you support the deprivation of due procees and equal protection of law.

More on the stolen NYC WTC documents.
there were NO VIOLATIONS OF LAW, other that your failure to pay your child support, for which you were convicted
As an agent for the perpetrators woking to protect secret methods of mass murder, it is logical you would try to change the subject.

It is also logical that you would fail to recognize that the ex NYC mayor took the WTC documents depriving the public of building plans, but then misrepresent the deprivations of right by courts and the enabling of violations of law by local government that deprive the public of medical treatment that could save maany lives.


And so the plight of the many family victims to see justice means nothing to you as well.

WHY haven't you posted an image of this core from 9-11 yet?



You still haven't posted a picture of an intact concrete core from the period of 1980 through 2000.




You still haven't given the length & width dimension of the local, express and freight elevators that fit inside your concrete core.




You still haven't given us the names of the company, contractors, or subcontractors who did any concrete pours above grade level during the construction of the twins.




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