Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

If it does not show rebar, why did you delete it from the quote?

WHY haven't you posted an image of the supposed FEMA core? WHY? Why do you support unconstitutional courts?

Hmmm, I'm convicting you of concealing treason.

Then I hereby convict you of libel, slander, giving aid and comfort to our enemies, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and failure to pay child support.

Of course, my convictions hold as much weight in a court of law as your conviction of Fizz does. Meaning absolutely zero. But I am capable or recognizing this, unlike you, the delusional Village Idiot.
Your failure to produce an image of this core while failing to recognize violations of law AND your current behavior makes you guilyt by common knowledge. Your behavior is consistent with that logically defined as done with an intent to conceal treason.
images of the steel core have been posted
if you weren't so fucking delusional you would admit it
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But I am not delusional, so I won't admit it. You are a liar, not delusional. I have never posted an image of steel core columns in the core. The vertical steel in the core was elevator guide rail support steel.

But I am not delusional, so I won't admit it. You are a liar, not delusional. I have never posted an image of steel core columns in the core. The vertical steel in the core was elevator guide rail support steel.


You have a point, besides the one on the top of your tinfoil hat.
A truly delusional person would be unable to recognize their own condition, therefore would never admit to being delusional.

So since you denied being delusional..........
The text of your post had nothing to do with the images of the evidence proving that the elevator guide rail support steel has been misrepresented as steel core columns. Therefore it is only concievable that you know the core was concrete and are simply trying character attacks like your fellow agents.
The text of your post had nothing to do with the images of the evidence proving that the elevator guide rail support steel has been misrepresented as steel core columns. Therefore it is only concievable that you know the core was concrete and are simply trying character attacks like your fellow agents.

Since you have determined that my post contained unrelated subject matter, the only other choice is that I and my "fellow agents" are attacking your character?

If you are trying to convince someone, anyone, that your not delusional then you should consider revising or deleting your post. Come to think of it, if you really want to convince us, delete all your posts.........
Still waiting for the construction photos of an intact concrete core.

What about his new "solid concrete pedestal" that he now says existed in WTC2? I want to see photos of that.

A solid concrete pedestal that went from the ground all the way up to the mezzanine level. I wonder if anyone can find foundation photos for this pedestal.
The vertical steel in the core was elevator guide rail support steel.


So your only proof that these are elevator guide rail support columns is that they have buttplates on the top of them? This is purely speculation as you have provided no evidence to support this other than your own ramblings.

You have been asked to supply supporting evidence for these claims of yours and you have provided none. Therefore you are only guessing at this point.

I have provided you with many photos showing that these supposed buttplates are nothing more than lugs on the sides of the columns.

Why is it that you selected the last column as the one with a buttplate, but the first two show lugs?

This is clearly evidence that the last column also has lugs.
Butt plates and the complete lack of diagonal braces as well as gusset plates COMBINED with your total failure, as well as all agents failures, to produce an image of the FEMA core,


make you a traitor conducting treason by working to conceal treason.


‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

Section 4 states “Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States” such language is clear in that a citizen is allowed and required under law to disclose if such disclosure is “cognizable by a court of the United States”

TITLE 18, PART I , CHAPTER 115, §2382 U.S. Code as of: 01/19/04
Section 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
All of your efforts represent concealing treason. No text from you has any value to Americans because its purpose is to destroy the Constitution.

Produce an image of this core on 9-11.


or go away.

Below is why you're full of shit.

You've yammered, cried, and shouted to all that would hear about your concrete core theory. You've claimed that that you have construction knowledge and that you are very intimate with the details concerning the construction of the towers.

Yet despite all that above, you have constantly made grave errors, contradictions, and have changed your story countless times in order to come up with an explanation as to why people have found evidence that shows your core theory to be nothing but made up lies.

Why has your theory changed so much over the years? Mine hasn't changed one bit because you can't find anything wrong with my explanations and evidence.

You argued from the very beginning that the towers had no access at all from outside the core walls to any elevators on the lobby level. You gave detailed descriptions of what was supposedly there and what the lobby looked like. Even down to the fact that the express elevator doors were only marble facades put in between the columns in the lobby to make it SEEM like there was access there. Then I found the photo below as evidence that you completely wrong. To which you admitted that there was access to the elevators as I had always said. Did you make up all that shit about there being no access? Did you make up the shit about the marble facades? Did you make up that shit about there being only access from inside the cores?

What about the article below that you keep using as proof of your core? You know the one from Oxford? The one that says the core contained the shafts, stairwells, and vertical ducts. CONTAINED. Yet you draw some bullshit detail that totally goes against what the Oxford article says and put the 23 express elevators OUTSIDE the core!!!! Not to mention that your drawings suck. I find it hard to believe you were EVER involved in any drafting or blueprint creation at all based on some of the drawings you have produced.

What about your mistake laden, annotated picture of the foundation below? How do you explain all the damn mistakes you made in that cluster-fuck of a photo. Hardly anything in that photo is correctly depicted. How did you mess that up so bad? Do I need to go through and point out all the errors you made?

And then you give us this monstrosity below? What a mashed up piece of shit this is. It makes no design sense at all. Solid pedestal? Are you high? Where were the elevator pits for the 24 local elevators you moron? Not to mention the fact that now there are 4 goddamn hallways in the center of the core according to you. Do you realizes that you just killed your theory????? How in the hell did they arrange 24 local elevators in that restricted space??? They would have to have designed 24 shafts to miss those 4 hallways and not run into the 3 stairwells. What a fool! How did they do that? Did you try and fit this together before making yourself look like a complete idiot? I didn't think so.

If there was a solid concrete pedestal in the core that went to the mezzanine, then why is there a friggin' hallway going THROUGH it at the lobby level. Here is that hallway pictured next.

What about your "the columns were encased in concrete" crap. First it was they were encased in the first three floors of the basement. Then it was that they were encased up to the mezzanine.

What about the 6' foot mistake you made in these next two photos? First you scale 31' in this photo.

Then draw this scaled drawing of the lobby that shows 25' for that dimension (circled in black).

How about you buttplate crap? How can the first two columns in this next photo have lugs on the sides and then the last column all of a sudden has a buttplate on top? Pure bullshit. I've shown you countless other photo that show nothing put lugs. You ca;t even find one clear photo of these stupid buttplates you think where there which is why you have to use blurry photos to trick people into thinking what they see.

When you first started this lie infested concrete core crusade, you never mentioned anything about WTC2's core being redesigned differently than WTC1 and that it was based on Cape Canaveral. You never mentioned one word about the pedestal of WTC2 and that the express elevators ran outside that pedestal. You ALWAYS thought the both towers had no access from outside the core to the elevators. Until I proved you wrong. Then your story changed to the redesigned, pedestal, Cape Canaveral crap. How long was it? 4 years? You say you saw a documentary that explained all this. Did the documentary change or something? Did they add the pedestal part? Did the edit in the part about Cape Canaveral? Did the splice in the part about WTC2 being redesigned because of poor elevator access in WTC1?

Where did you get this new information after I proved you wrong as you never used it before then?

You have been shown to be nothing more than a lying weasel at this point. Someone who has no interest in the truth. If you story had any truth to it, you wouldn't have changed it so dramatically over the years. You wouldn't be making the kinds of major errors you have been making.

Remember this old site of yours?
World Trade Center Towers Core was Concrete 9/11

Here is a quote from you taken from the site above.
Christophera said:
Both the WTC 1 & WTC 2 towers had a rectangular cast concrete core structure formed into rectangular cells that had elevators and stairways in them.

Why'd you change your tune so that now WTC2 has a pedestal and the 23 express elevators run OUTSIDE the core?

Where'd you get this new information? Please post a link. I though you were 100% positive about both towers based on the documentary you saw???

Just two lines above the quote above you say this.
Christophera said:
These were fact I learned from a documentary in 1990 about the construction of the north tower.
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More bullshit from Chris. More evidence that he changes his story to support his lies as people find mistakes in his theory. Next is a quote that Chris posted atthe Minuteman Message board back on February 1st, 2009. Here is the link.
Minuteman Message Board • View topic - FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

By particular attention to the part I bolded and enlarged in his quote.

Christophera said:
One good thing that came from the BFN episode was that I realized exactly where the 17 foot thick wall was exactly from the 1990 documentary, "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers". There are 12 feet where I annotate it, then 5 foot encasing the bases of the interior box columns. This is the north core base wall of WTC 1.

The narrow ends were 12 feet if I remember rightly. I've already posted the image of the Mezzanine scaled at 31 feet.. With 120 as the inside long axis and 24 feet of wall, both ends, the remainder from a 204 foot inside for the towers leaves 60 feet/2 =30 feet. Pretty darn close and all evidenced from available images.
Here is the image he scaled for the 31'.

But wait Chris! Before that you posted this drawing that you did of the lobby level, right below the mezzanine area pictured above. Notice the 25' dimension circled in black.

What happened to that 6' feet on each side Chris? How did you screw that up?
How did you fail in 6 years as an internet psyops disinfo stalker to post an image from 9-11 of the core you say existed ?


Why did you post an image that has a footbridge bleeding through the perimeter columns?

goof-o-phera still at the domestic psyops campaign for profit

That's why he will go down in history as agent chri$$y......

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