Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

How did you fail in 6 years as an internet psyops disinfo stalker to post an image from 9-11 of the core you say existed ?

Let's cut the crap Chris. You're core theory sucks. There are gaping holes in every portion of your theory. There are huge mistakes in your theory. You have contradicted yourself at every turn. Your stories have changed so many times that they can only BE lies.

Let's get down to business if you have the balls. Although I think your just a coward and will NEVER address the issues I or anyone else bring up.

Let's talk about your annotated foundation drawing below.

Are you honest enough to address and correct all the glaring errors in the above photo that you annotated?

Yes or no?
Here's how the foundation photo matches up with the blueprint.

Here is the correct callouts that Chris screws up in the foundation photo.

Here is Chris's screwed up annotated foundation photo.
Gee, an error in annotation. Please post your images from construction showing supposed steel core columns, clearly in the core, with diagonal bracing and gussett plates that MUST be present for structural integrity. I need to check your annotation agent.

Oh, gee, I guess you have no evidence from construction showing those needed features IF there were steel core columns. But there were not, so you will post nothing showing that this core stood by showing it on 9-11 and you will never post images of steel core columns clearly in the core with diagonal bracing, because the steel core columns DID NOT EXIST.


What was there were elevator guide rail support steel. Butt plates are too weak to join steel core columns sections. Only 100% deep fillet welds on all four faces of a box column are strong enough.

How did you fail in 6 years as an internet psyops disinfo stalker to post an image from 9-11 of the core you say existed ?

Let's cut the crap Chris. You're core theory sucks. There are gaping holes in every portion of your theory. There are huge mistakes in your theory. You have contradicted yourself at every turn. Your stories have changed so many times that they can only BE lies.

Let's get down to business if you have the balls. Although I think your just a coward and will NEVER address the issues I or anyone else bring up.

Let's talk about your annotated foundation drawing below.

Are you honest enough to address and correct all the glaring errors in the above photo that you annotated?

Yes or no?

Gee, an error in annotation. Please post your images from construction showing supposed steel core columns, clearly in the core, with diagonal bracing and gussett plates that MUST be present for structural integrity. I need to check your annotation agent.

Oh, gee, I guess you have no evidence from construction showing those needed features IF there were steel core columns. But there were not, so you will post nothing showing that this core stood by showing it on 9-11 and you will never post images of steel core columns clearly in the core with diagonal bracing, because the steel core columns DID NOT EXIST.


What was there were elevator guide rail support steel. Butt plates are too weak to join steel core columns sections. Only 100% deep fillet welds on all four faces of a box column are strong enough.


You could have saved a lot of space by just saying "NO".
Please post your images from construction showing supposed steel core columns, clearly in the core, with diagonal bracing and gussett plates that MUST be present for structural integrity.

now its your turn. post a picture of the concrete core under construction!! :lol:
And now it's time for Goof-0-phera to post his "show me the FEMA drawing" again.

And a one, and a two, and a......
fuzzer expect images from construction when guiliani took the WTC documents having the plans, 6,000 photo files and 15,000 video tapes. And fuzit KNOWS this fact.

Correct, it is time to remind the lurkers what agents have completely failed to produce from 9-11. An image of thie core.

fuzzer expect images from construction when guiliani took the WTC documents having the plans, 6,000 photo files and 15,000 video tapes. And fuzit KNOWS this fact.

Correct, it is time to remind the lurkers what agents have completely failed to produce from 9-11. An image of thie core.

fuzzer expect images from construction when guiliani took the WTC documents having the plans, 6,000 photo files and 15,000 video tapes. And fuzit KNOWS this fact.

Correct, it is time to remind the lurkers what agents have completely failed to produce from 9-11. An image of thie core.


sorry assface, the nyclu says absolutlely nothing about the plans. its another one of your lies. guiliani had absolutely no way of removing construction photos fron books distributed worldwide showing the construction of the towers. guiliani could not possibly remove construction photos from the internet.

the simple answer is you cant produce a single photo of a concrete core BECAUSE THERE WASNT ONE.

no amount of excuses is going to change that fact.
same old delusional bullshit over and over again that has already been debunked... :cuckoo:

1. The Spire is outside the core area. debunked

2. Robertson identifies a concrete core. debunked.

3. A picture of a silhouetted object covered in smoke is a concrete core. debunked

4. No pictures exist of a steel core on 9/11 (accompanied by FEMA drawing). debunked

5. Butt plates are used to join steel core columns and are too weak. debunked

6. Diagonal bracing of steel core columns is actually part of the crane structure. debunked

7. Anyone that disagrees with the concrete core hoax is a secret government agent. (totally delusional. needs no debunking)

fema drawing.

construction photo.

its a perfect match!!
Gee, an error in annotation.

An error Chris? Are you kidding me?

It's more than just "an error" you idiot. Trying to down play the amount of fucked up information you've handed out over the years? Is this the kind of bullshit memory based evidence you use to accuse people of murder?

What a damn despicable person you really are. Let's look at "an error" that you made. All four of your annotations are grossly incorrect and even laughable. That makes EVERYTHING you annotated incorrect. I've corrected the errors that you refuse to correct yourself you scumbag.

Not to mention that you screwed up your the encased columns claim with this photo also. You said the columns were encased in the 17' thick concrete wall. Not possible per your annotated photo above.

5 huge mistakes all because you can't keep all you lies straight.


Yeah, you're interested in the truth.

gumout, you refuse to recognize violations of law that deprive us of the building plans and 6000 photo files and 15,000 video tapes then fail to show the FEMA in support of the FEMA deception, then post photoshopped WTC 2 images with WTC 1 exterior features shopped in. The foot bridge windows are visible THROUGH the perimeter columns.


Imagine all of the concrete core images in the stolen WTC documents guilini took in the VIOLATION OF LAW you refuse to recognize.

Stop trying to conceal treason.


‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.

Section 4 states “Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States” such language is clear in that a citizen is allowed and required under law to disclose if such disclosure is “cognizable by a court of the United States”

TITLE 18, PART I , CHAPTER 115, §2382 U.S. Code as of: 01/19/04
Section 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.
And now it's time for The Amazing Goof-0 to post the FEMA drawing again.

And if we're really lucky, he'll put in an algoxy link or two!

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