Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

How can I pay if the County will not appear on subpoena with very valuable public records?


libalot said:
Surrounding the STEEL core, we KNOW for a FACT that they installed drywall.

In that animated image you love to post and re-post in which you INSIST that we "see" a concrete wall falling (and you cannot establish that it's even a wall as opposed to a collapsed section of flooring which WAS made out of concrete), how do YOU establish that the falling section is concrete and not an area of drywall?

It is too thick.
says who?

It falls too rapidly without catching air.
says who?

The drywall was between elevator guide rail support steel and we don't see any of them.
sure we do....
right here.

Since the core is empty in all 9-11 images, the steel core columns did not exist.[/QUOTE]

core isnt empty in all images. thats just you lying again. got any pictures of concrete forms during constructions? any plans for a concrete core? any pictures of a concrete core? any worker testimonies for a concrete core?

you are the only person on earth that can look at the steel core and say there is not steel.
libalot said:
Surrounding the STEEL core, we KNOW for a FACT that they installed drywall.

In that animated image you love to post and re-post in which you INSIST that we "see" a concrete wall falling (and you cannot establish that it's even a wall as opposed to a collapsed section of flooring which WAS made out of concrete), how do YOU establish that the falling section is concrete and not an area of drywall?

It is too thick.

It falls too rapidly without catching air.

The drywall was between elevator guide rail support steel and we don't see any of them.

Since the core is empty in all 9-11 images, the steel core columns did not exist.
no, whats too thick is your freaken skull
How can I pay if the County will not appear on subpoena with very valuable public records?
dipshit, what proof could possibly have been in records from the 1800's that would have had ANY bearing on your fucking child support?
pay your support dipshit
dcon said:
Christophera said:
How can I pay if the County will not appear on subpoena with very valuable public records?
dipshit, what proof could possibly have been in records from the 1800's that would have had ANY bearing on your fucking child support?

The records verified a great many things. In those things, once verified, was great economic value.

The records had information valuable to the development of medical treatment.

Leslie Robertsons information to Newsweek is verified by concrete surrounding the core on 9-11.

dcon said:
Christophera said:
How can I pay if the County will not appear on subpoena with very valuable public records?
dipshit, what proof could possibly have been in records from the 1800's that would have had ANY bearing on your fucking child support?

The records verified a great many things. In those things, once verified, was great economic value.

The records had information valuable to the development of medical treatment.

Leslie Robertsons information to Newsweek is verified by concrete surrounding the core on 9-11.
more bullshit
Robertson said no such thing
Of course he did. The reporter would not make it up. Just because you only lie doesn't mean everyone else does.
of course he didnt, and thats why it is no longer on the Newsweek site, dipshit
the reporter got it WRONG
you are just to fucking stupid to understand
Of course he did. The reporter would not make it up. Just because you only lie doesn't mean everyone else does.

nobody said the reporter "made it up". we are claiming you are making things up as you go along. the reporter got it wrong. it happens all the time especially when rushed to meet a deadline of sept 12th at the latest. so how many hours was that article written in? was robertson even interviewed for this article at all or were his quotes taken from someplace else (like a documentary)??

your insistence that robertson said something he clearly did not is proof of how FUCKING INSANE your entire concrete core hoax is.:cuckoo:

files from 1876 have nothing to do with your child support. it doesnt matter how valuable you claim they are or even if they are made from concrete.

pay your fucking child support, you deadbeat.
dcon said:
Christophera said:
How can I pay if the County will not appear on subpoena with very valuable public records?
dipshit, what proof could possibly have been in records from the 1800's that would have had ANY bearing on your fucking child support?

The records verified a great many things. In those things, once verified, was great economic value.

The records had information valuable to the development of medical treatment.

Leslie Robertsons information to Newsweek is verified by concrete surrounding the core on 9-11.


EXCEPT, again, your fucking image doesn't show a fucking HINT of concrete, asswipe.

It DOES show STEEL, of course.

Here's a thought: maybe there's a REASON it shows NO fucking concrete but DOES show (exclusively) STEEL!
Since you've proven you serve the same interests that took the plans,

the ex mayor

and will not acknowledge the violations of law the NYCLU pointed out, you have shown yourself to be too bias to have a credible opinion. Your opinion is also not evidenced were verified information.

You fail.​
Since you've proven you serve the same interests that took the plans,

the ex mayor

and will not acknowledge the violations of law the NYCLU pointed out, you have shown yourself to be too bias to have a credible opinion. Your opinion is also not evidenced were verified information.

You fail.​

why is it everything you use is no longer on the original site???
are you that fucking stupid that you dont understand that when something is WRONG, it gets REMOVED from the original site​
Since you've proven you serve the same interests that took the plans,

the ex mayor

and will not acknowledge the violations of law the NYCLU pointed out, you have shown yourself to be too bias to have a credible opinion. Your opinion is also not evidenced were verified information.

You fail.​

you refuse to recognize that all the records were microfilmed AND RETURNED. you have shown not one shred of evidence of your claim that the towers blueprints were among these documents or that photos of a concrete core were taken. NOT A SINGLE PIECE OF EVIDENCE FOR YOUR CLAIM EXISTS. you simply made it up.:cuckoo:

Gotham Center Action Alert
Since you've proven you serve the same interests that took the plans,

the ex mayor

and will not acknowledge the violations of law the NYCLU pointed out, you have shown yourself to be too bias to have a credible opinion. Your opinion is also not evidenced were verified information.

You fail.​

the failure, as always, is all yours and yours entirely . . . you and the other scumbag lying fuckface Troofer assholes.

I don't "serve" any "interest" except the one associated with exposing your never-ending supply of lies and frauds.

(By the way, nice handle you have on the simple task of centering a phrase within a text box. :cuckoo: Next week the attendants think they might be able to let you try wiping your own ass.)

You have failed, among other things, to EVER "point out" what you falsely CLAIM was a violation of law, idiot.

You CITE the CLAIM of the douchetards in the NYCLU. But their CLAIM is no more a "proof" than YOUR claims are.

You don't even have the decency to support your own children, lowlife. Your credibility remains on par with that. In other words, you are a massive suck.​
Last edited:
Since you've proven you serve the same interests that took the plans,

the ex mayor

and will not acknowledge the violations of law the NYCLU pointed out, you have shown yourself to be too bias to have a credible opinion. Your opinion is also not evidenced were verified information.

You fail.​

Agent chrissy continues to accuse any and all who see the lunacy in his posts to be exactly what he himself is; an agent of treason.​
fis said:
you refuse to recognize that all the records were microfilmed AND RETURNED.

Your links says NOTHING about the "world trade center documents"

But now, four boxes of the papers - which contain Giuliani's public appearances from 1994 up until 2001 - are in the city's archives after having been processed by the privately funded Rudolph W. Giuliani Center for Urban Affairs.

fis said:
you have shown not one shred of evidence of your claim that the towers blueprints were among these documents or that photos of a concrete core were taken. NOT A SINGLE PIECE OF EVIDENCE FOR YOUR CLAIM EXISTS. you simply made it up.

Of course you masters would want you to say that. Which is a lie. All civic center documents have the buildings plans.


Giuliani's "World Trade Center files" and "Millennium Project files," together with 6000 files of photographs, 1000 audiotapes, and 15,000 videotapes, are also reported to be a part of the records covered by the contract.

Typically, the reverse of what agents say is true.
fis said:
you refuse to recognize that all the records were microfilmed AND RETURNED.

Your links says NOTHING about the "world trade center documents"

But now, four boxes of the papers - which contain Giuliani's public appearances from 1994 up until 2001 - are in the city's archives after having been processed by the privately funded Rudolph W. Giuliani Center for Urban Affairs.

fis said:
you have shown not one shred of evidence of your claim that the towers blueprints were among these documents or that photos of a concrete core were taken. NOT A SINGLE PIECE OF EVIDENCE FOR YOUR CLAIM EXISTS. you simply made it up.

Of course you masters would want you to say that. Which is a lie. All civic center documents have the buildings plans.


Giuliani's "World Trade Center files" and "Millennium Project files," together with 6000 files of photographs, 1000 audiotapes, and 15,000 videotapes, are also reported to be a part of the records covered by the contract.

Typically, the reverse of what agents say is true.

whenever you have been proven wrong you go into this stupid "agent" bullshit.

ALL THE EVIDENCE WAS RETURNED. what part of the word "all" dont you understand?

The legislation was inspired by the actions of former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, who removed more than 2,000 boxes of his mayoral records to a Queens warehouse before leaving office. However, Giuliani does not have to immediately turn over his records, an exception negotiated by the Bloomberg administration. Councilmember Bill Perkins, who drafted the legislation, promised that an oversight committee would ensure that all of the Giuliani records are eventually returned to the city.

New York City Council STATED MEETING - MARCH 12, 2003 (Gotham Gazette, Mar 12, 2003)
fis said:
ALL THE EVIDENCE WAS RETURNED. what part of the word "all" dont you understand?

But now, four boxes of the papers - which contain Giuliani's public appearances from 1994 up until 2001 - are in the city's archives after having been processed by the privately funded Rudolph W. Giuliani Center for Urban Affairs.

What part of four boxes do you not understand . . . agent?

Eventually is not now, liar.
fis said:
ALL THE EVIDENCE WAS RETURNED. what part of the word "all" dont you understand?

But now, four boxes of the papers - which contain Giuliani's public appearances from 1994 up until 2001 - are in the city's archives after having been processed by the privately funded Rudolph W. Giuliani Center for Urban Affairs.

What part of four boxes do you not understand . . . agent?

Eventually is not now, liar.

found the other one.......


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