Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

Since the reverse of what agents say is most often closer to the truth, you've pronounced yourself criminally insane.

SOCIOPATH fits quite well. When the 3,000 murders get involved, PSYCHOPATH might fit, but you're in it for the money OR power OR, you are just a slave.
Since the reverse of what agents say is most often closer to the truth, you've pronounced yourself criminally insane.

SOCIOPATH fits quite well. When the 3,000 murders get involved, PSYCHOPATH might fit, but you're in it for the money OR power OR, you are just a slave.

whatever dude. you claim in court documents that somebody blinked at you aggressively trying to hypnotize you. you claim the truck in front of you caused your car to blow a fuse then went to the business of the truck demanding $65 until the police came and dragged you out of there. you claim you didnt pay your child support because nobody can find a paper from 1876. you insist everyone that doesnt go along with your completely impossible concrete core hoax is a secret government agent.

your insanity has been well documented.:cuckoo:
Since the reverse of what agents say is most often closer to the truth, you've pronounced yourself criminally insane.

SOCIOPATH fits quite well. When the 3,000 murders get involved, PSYCHOPATH might fit, but you're in it for the money OR power OR, you are just a slave.

whatever dude. you claim in court documents that somebody blinked at you aggressively trying to hypnotize you. you claim the truck in front of you caused your car to blow a fuse then went to the business of the truck demanding $65 until the police came and dragged you out of there. you claim you didnt pay your child support because nobody can find a paper from 1876. you insist everyone that doesnt go along with your completely impossible concrete core hoax is a secret government agent.

your insanity has been well documented.:cuckoo:

I missed the one about the hypmotizin' aggressive eye-blinking.

That's funny shit. He is insane.

I never saw anything about the truck and the business. That sounds squirrel-y, too.

I HAVE already mocked his imbecility for demanding records from the 1870's as though any such record could have any hint of a hope of legal relevancy to the case centered on his completely ball-less and unjustifiable refusal to pay for the support of his own children.

He is, on that basis, in my estimation, a sickening dickless non-man and a filthy puke in addition to being certifiably insane.
Since the reverse of what agents say is most often closer to the truth, you've pronounced yourself criminally insane.

SOCIOPATH fits quite well. When the 3,000 murders get involved, PSYCHOPATH might fit, but you're in it for the money OR power OR, you are just a slave.

whatever dude. you claim in court documents that somebody blinked at you aggressively trying to hypnotize you. you claim the truck in front of you caused your car to blow a fuse then went to the business of the truck demanding $65 until the police came and dragged you out of there. you claim you didnt pay your child support because nobody can find a paper from 1876. you insist everyone that doesnt go along with your completely impossible concrete core hoax is a secret government agent.

your insanity has been well documented.:cuckoo:

Agent chrissy's insanity is very amusing, up to a point. The point at which it simply becomes treason by spreading propaganda to provide aid and comfort to the ememy is where it stops being funny.
I am finding him less and less funny with each passing day. I used to have pity for him, as he is obviously deranged. I am out of pity.
Even a retard should be convicted and executed when they commit treason.........
If what I say and show is true, and there was a concrete core and I am doing what I'm doing to protect my children, what does that make you?

I have a feeling that every person seen in this photo would be certain that the reverse of what agents say is closer to the truth.
it isnt
you are a fucking dipshit

They really have no evidence if they are milling about doing this.

The concrete core is the only core that can be proven with evidence that also verifies the identification of authorities INDEPENDENT from the government.

The west end of the WTC 1 concrete core. The north wall has fallen giving and end view of the thickness of the narrow end wall. The interior box columns were fastened to the outside of the concrete as seen.


They really have no evidence if they are milling about doing this.

The concrete core is the only core that can be proven with evidence that also verifies the identification of authorities INDEPENDENT from the government.

The west end of the WTC 1 concrete core. The north wall has fallen giving and end view of the thickness of the narrow end wall. The interior box columns were fastened to the outside of the concrete as seen.
there's no concrete core in your picture. all thats there is the steel core columns. you are completely insane. :cuckoo:

They really have no evidence if they are milling about doing this.

The concrete core is the only core that can be proven with evidence that also verifies the identification of authorities INDEPENDENT from the government.

The west end of the WTC 1 concrete core. The north wall has fallen giving and end view of the thickness of the narrow end wall. The interior box columns were fastened to the outside of the concrete as seen.


more delusions, agent chrissy

Remember, the truth is usually the opposite of what the agents say
There is a column but it is outside the core area and that photo proves it.

This is all verified and consistent evidence. Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.

Oxford information specific to the WTC is quite conclusive.

There is a column but it is outside the core area and that photo proves it.

This is all verified and consistent evidence. Robertson is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core including the latest revised NIST contracted analysis of free fall by Bazant et. al 6/21/2007, which actually provides an equivalent amount of high explosives needed to create the rate of fall they are attempting to justify with physics. It doesn't work, but at least they won't go down in history as totally supporting the deceptions.

Oxford information specific to the WTC is quite conclusive.


mmmmmKay, that convinced me. :eusa_liar:
When you get something specific, credible and pertinent let me know.

In the meantime, I will be over here with the other "perps" and "agents".
There is a column but it is outside the core area and that photo proves it.

there is no "outside the core".

there are the perimeter columns, which make up the outside walls of the towers, and there is the STEEL CORE.

thats it.

thats all there is. :cuckoo:
fiz said:
Christophera said:
There is a column but it is outside the core area and that photo proves it.
there is no "outside the core".
there are the perimeter columns, which make up the outside walls of the towers, and there is the STEEL CORE.

thats it.

thats all there is.

Please point out the structural steel.

Be advised that I know this to be structural steel, and that the above photo does not show the same materials.

This is the image I would like you to point out the structural steel in.


I've shown that the structural steel of the last post is outside the core.
This is the image I would like you to point out the structural steel in.


I've shown that the structural steel of the last post is outside the core.

holy fuck, you are a moron. all this shit has already been proven to be the center two rows of the STEEL CORE. it was not even near your nonexistent concrete core....

.....that is, unless you wish to move where it was AGAIN.

its all photos of the same fucking thing. its ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goGGQhhTcDY]YouTube - 9/11 "spire" Live on CNN[/ame]
ditz said:
all 3 are the same fucking thing you fucking moron

So describe where the structural steel is in this image.


This is structural steel and it appears VERY different that the top image. The vertical elements are very small, to small.


Where is the structural steel?
its an image of the same thing, jackass. the bottom picture is the structure still standing and the top picture is of it in motion as its collapsing.


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