Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

ditz said:
all 3 are the same fucking thing you fucking moron

So describe where the structural steel is in this image.


This is structural steel and it appears VERY different that the top image. The vertical elements are very small, to small.


Where is the structural steel?


Do you hear voices too?
The structural steel is sticking up in every pic you post. Your simply too delusional to see it.
ditz said:
all 3 are the same fucking thing you fucking moron

So describe where the structural steel is in this image.


This is structural steel and it appears VERY different that the top image. The vertical elements are very small, to small.


Where is the structural steel?

Those two guys in the foreground are most likely agents and perps........they are only standing in front of the scene to cover up proof of a concrete core.
Yep, you can tell that the guy on the right is trying to spot photographers. The photos were taken from a moving car.
Yep, you can tell that the guy on the right is trying to spot photographers. The photos were taken from a moving car.

Did you take the pic yourself? How do you know that it was taken from a moving car?
Maybe that's just what "they" want you to believe..........
ditz said:
it was already decided and he lost

You morons cannot seem to understand. There is no decision that we learn about now. After you are arrested, then we know.
The fact there are no other people around.


The fact we have a fire vehicle parked on the sidewalk.


People would be as near the water as they could be to observe such a spectacle. Why wouldn't the infiltrators keep people from setting up cameras as close as they could safely get at the time?

Officials ex mayor not only took the WTC documents having the plans, like ALL civic center documents do, along with thousands of photos. why not cordon off areas where photgraphs might see secrets.

Perhaps it is time for the Rudy Giulianis of the world to recognize that freedom of the press is important for a reason. We need to see the images that come out of national tragedies so that we can work to stop history from repeating itself. We need to know the stories these photos tell so that we can heal. We need to see the truth of what happened so that we can know in our hearts that the “war on terror” is just.

Other jurisdictions over-reacted to September 11th and photographers were jailed in a number of cities without cause. But it was Rudy and New York that led the way. In New York, photographer’s film, their cameras and their livelihoods were confiscated. In some cases, the equipment and film has been returned and all charges dropped. In still others, proceedings continue with no end in sight and no guarantee that the photographers will get their equipment or film back.

While New York has a right to see that order is maintained at Ground Zero, the almost Nazi-like complete ban on photography in the area is an inappropriate and disproportionate act. The moves made to confiscate property and deny liberty to the brave storytellers who still go to New York with nothing more than a camera in their hand, is an abomination in a supposedly free society.
And they would all be lined up with cameras by the rail at the water . . . if they were allowed to.
The east wall of the WTC 1 concrete core toppling into the empty core area.


Newsweek on September 13, 2001.

Accurate, logically because 3,000 were killed, and 5,000 were thought to have been killed.
And they would all be lined up with cameras by the rail at the water . . . if they were allowed to.

chris, you are such a fucking liar its almost unimaginable. first you say the picture was taken from a moving car... something you completely fabricated because the pictures were taken from INSIDE LIBERTY STATE PARK!!! (this is what proof is called. maybe you should take notes on how to actually prove something instead of just making shit up as you go along)

this is a picture of liberty state park's waterfront.

here's a picture of the liberty state park water taxi. you would have recognized it in the background of your pic if you actually had any knowledge of the area and werent TALKING OUT OF YOUR ASS.

if you had ever bothered to check on the internet or, god forbid, actually fucking gone to the places you claim to know so much about you would know that liberty state park is cut off from the surrounding area by a portion of the new jersey turnpike. this is a toll road. its fenced off. you can not walk across it. there are also very few exits and the nearest one to liberty state park takes you through an industrial area consisting mostly of warehouses. a large number of them are abandoned. there simply isnt enough people in the area to line the banks of liberty state park.

you claim that people would be lined up with cameras if allowed and say they were not allowed to. were are you getting this info from?

once again its something YOU COMPLETELY MADE UP.:cuckoo:

so if people were not allowed to take picture WHERE DID THIS FUCKING PICTURE COME FROM, JACKASS!!! :lol:
And they would all be lined up with cameras by the rail at the water . . . if they were allowed to.

chris, you are such a fucking liar its almost unimaginable. first you say the picture was taken from a moving car... something you completely fabricated because the pictures were taken from INSIDE LIBERTY STATE PARK!!! (this is what proof is called. maybe you should take notes on how to actually prove something instead of just making shit up as you go along)

this is a picture of liberty state park's waterfront.

here's a picture of the liberty state park water taxi. you would have recognized it in the background of your pic if you actually had any knowledge of the area and werent TALKING OUT OF YOUR ASS.

if you had ever bothered to check on the internet or, god forbid, actually fucking gone to the places you claim to know so much about you would know that liberty state park is cut off from the surrounding area by a portion of the new jersey turnpike. this is a toll road. its fenced off. you can not walk across it. there are also very few exits and the nearest one to liberty state park takes you through an industrial area consisting mostly of warehouses. a large number of them are abandoned. there simply isnt enough people in the area to line the banks of liberty state park.

you claim that people would be lined up with cameras if allowed and say they were not allowed to. were are you getting this info from?

once again its something YOU COMPLETELY MADE UP.:cuckoo:

so if people were not allowed to take picture WHERE DID THIS FUCKING PICTURE COME FROM, JACKASS!!! :lol:
ChristoFEARa shown once again to be a total dipshit
like all troofers
You morons cannot seem to understand. There is no decision that we learn about now. After you are arrested, then we know.

i can't wait. is there free jello in prison? i heard there was free jello. chris, you have been in jail, right? tell us if there is free jello.
You morons cannot seem to understand. There is no decision that we learn about now. After you are arrested, then we know.

i can't wait. is there free jello in prison? i heard there was free jello. chris, you have been in jail, right? tell us if there is free jello.

Since chrissy will just be returning home, he likely be a trustee.
I bet he aspires to be the "jello nazi"

Can't you just here him in his jungle book snake voice saying;
"no jello for you agent!"


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