Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court


Other 9-11 researchers wonder where the steel core columns are.

See the video, "9-11 mysteries", it asks, "and where are the steel core columns?".

Not such a mystery if one has seen the "Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers". Now DISAPPEARED from PBS, replaced with a re edited version that leaves out the concrete core. As if their creepy deception of secret methods mass of murder could actually succeed when the concrete tubular core of WTC2 stands at 1/2 height on 9-11.

Other 9-11 researchers wonder where the steel core columns are.

See the video, "9-11 mysteries", it asks, "and where are the steel core columns?".

Not such a mystery if one has seen the "Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers". Now DISAPPEARED from PBS, replaced with a re edited version that leaves out the concrete core. As if their creepy deception of secret methods mass of murder could actually succeed when the concrete tubular core of WTC2 stands at 1/2 height on 9-11.

American Experience | The Center of the World - New York: A Documentary Film | People & Events | PBS
Other 9-11 researchers wonder where the steel core columns are.

See the video, "9-11 mysteries", it asks, "and where are the steel core columns?".

Not such a mystery if one has seen the "Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers". Now DISAPPEARED from PBS, replaced with a re edited version that leaves out the concrete core. As if their creepy deception of secret methods mass of murder could actually succeed when the concrete tubular core of WTC2 stands at 1/2 height on 9-11.

hey jackass, it was just proven that you TALK OUT OF YOUR ASS and completely fabricate evidence. no response?

of course not. there's nothing you can say.

so you ignore it and try to change the subject. too bad for you that the subject you try to change it to is just more of your lies and more shit that you simply pulled out of your ass.

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Do I cognit that you hijacked the thread and are now complaining? Consider that as losers, you need to make their own thread

I've underlined the need for the official plans and the PBS documentary, the engineering and construction of the Twin towers, not to mention the 6,000 files of photographs of the towers.

cognit? I am guessing you mean something related to this;

Main Entry: cog·ni·tive
Pronunciation: \ˈkäg-nə-tiv\
Function: adjective
Date: 1586

1 : of, relating to, being, or involving conscious intellectual activity (as thinking, reasoning, or remembering) <cognitive impairment>
2 : based on or capable of being reduced to empirical factual knowledge

— cog·ni·tive·ly adverb

Cognitive - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

I maintain that you possess no cognitive abilities, if you did you would "cognit" that your a delusional retard in need of professional help.
Do I cognit that you hijacked the thread and are now complaining? Consider that as losers, you need to make their own thread

I've underlined the need for the official plans and the PBS documentary, the engineering and construction of the Twin towers, not to mention the 6,000 files of photographs of the towers.

where are you getting the info that the 6000 files were photographs of the towers?

there's something else you are completely PULLING OUT OF YOUR ASS. :lol:

by the way, jackass. YOU said the picture YOU posted was taken from a moving car. its not hijacking the thread. its showing the the evidence YOU use is a complete figment of your imagination. you are completely making it up. you simply pull shit out of your ass constantly in order to justify your ridiculous position that has been thoroughly shown to be a hoax. :cuckoo:
Do I cognit that you hijacked the thread and are now complaining? Consider that as losers, you need to make their own thread

I've underlined the need for the official plans and the PBS documentary, the engineering and construction of the Twin towers, not to mention the 6,000 files of photographs of the towers.

Again the citation to the idiotic NYCLU complaint as though their contention, their allegation, their complaint somehow constitutes a factual basis for anything. :cuckoo:

THEIR claim regarding the alleged 6000 files of photographs is meaningless in and of itself. But to the extent that the Guiliani Center had an agreement with the City of New York for the handling of the mayor's administration's records, THAT issue got DEALT WITH not by the fucking NYCLU, you nitwit. IT got dealt with in the normal process of City business:

Powered by Google Docs OR try: http://prtl-drprd-web.nyc.gov/html/...local_law_22_report_to_mayor,_june__2009_.pdf

Item III B 1., found on page 2 of the pdf document, covers it rather succinctly.
B. Summary of DOR archival processing activities, ca. 2004-2009
1. The Archives of Mayor Rudolph Giuliani
On December 24, 2001, at the request of Mayor Giuliani, Department of Records Commissioner George Rios signed a contract with the Rudolph W. Giuliani Center for Urban Affairs, Inc. to process the records of the Giuliani mayoral administration. The Giuliani Center contracted the Winthrop Group, a private archival consulting firm, to carry out specific processing activities, based upon a “processing plan” developed by representatives from the Municipal Archives, the Law Department, and the Winthrop Group. The contract archivists completed their work in December 2006. The archivists divided the records into several series including departmental correspondence, deputy mayors and assistants, World Trade Center-related correspondence, press digest, scheduling office, etc. The Winthrop Group contracted with the vendor Alpha Systems to microfilm and digitize the records. All paper-based records were microfilmed and digitized. The records are currently available in both formats at the Municipal Archives reference room.
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Do I cognit that you hijacked the thread and are now complaining? Consider that as losers, you need to make their own thread

I've underlined the need for the official plans and the PBS documentary, the engineering and construction of the Twin towers, not to mention the 6,000 files of photographs of the towers.

Again the citation to the idiotic NYCLU complaint as though their contention, their allegation, their complaint somehow constitutes a factual basis for anything. :cuckoo:

THEIR claim regarding the alleged 6000 files of photographs is meaningless in and of itself. But to the extent that the Guiliani Center had an agreement with the City of New York for the handling of the mayor's administration's records, THAT issue got DEALT WITH not by the fucking NYCLU, you nitwit. IT got dealt with in the normal process of City business:

Powered by Google Docs OR try: http://prtl-drprd-web.nyc.gov/html/...local_law_22_report_to_mayor,_june__2009_.pdf

Item III B 1., found on page 2 of the pdf document, covers it rather succinctly.
B. Summary of DOR archival processing activities, ca. 2004-2009
1. The Archives of Mayor Rudolph Giuliani
On December 24, 2001, at the request of Mayor Giuliani, Department of Records Commissioner George Rios signed a contract with the Rudolph W. Giuliani Center for Urban Affairs, Inc. to process the records of the Giuliani mayoral administration. The Giuliani Center contracted the Winthrop Group, a private archival consulting firm, to carry out specific processing activities, based upon a “processing plan” developed by representatives from the Municipal Archives, the Law Department, and the Winthrop Group. The contract archivists completed their work in December 2006. The archivists divided the records into several series including departmental correspondence, deputy mayors and assistants, World Trade Center-related correspondence, press digest, scheduling office, etc. The Winthrop Group contracted with the vendor Alpha Systems to microfilm and digitize the records. All paper-based records were microfilmed and digitized. The records are currently available in both formats at the Municipal Archives reference room.
wont matter, he will just ignore the facts and ramble on about his perceived injustice that never happened
wont matter, he will just ignore the facts and ramble on about his perceived injustice that never happened

yep. he will just ignore the fact that he was proven wrong and claim "thats what the perps would want you to say" as if that somehow negates the fact he was just proven wrong.:cuckoo:
wont matter, he will just ignore the facts and ramble on about his perceived injustice that never happened

yep. he will just ignore the fact that he was proven wrong and claim "thats what the perps would want you to say" as if that somehow negates the fact he was just proven wrong.:cuckoo:
yes, his mental illness has been well documented here
divot said:
wont matter, he will just ignore the facts and ramble on about his perceived injustice that never happened

"World trade Center correspondence" is not the WTC documents. You misrepresent, the perpetratrators of mass murder would appreciate you helping to keep their secrets.
divot said:
wont matter, he will just ignore the facts and ramble on about his perceived injustice that never happened

"World trade Center correspondence" is not the WTC documents. You misrepresent, the perpetratrators of mass murder would appreciate you helping to keep their secrets.

proof please.:cuckoo:

or is this something else you are just pulling out of your ass? :lol:
divot said:
wont matter, he will just ignore the facts and ramble on about his perceived injustice that never happened

"World trade Center correspondence" is not the WTC documents. You misrepresent, the perpetratrators of mass murder would appreciate you helping to keep their secrets.

Another quibble from the evasive manipulator and lying loser, ChrissytoFEARa.

The cite I referenced, you imbecile, did not refer to JUST the WTC correspondance. Yet you cherry pick JUST that one item.

Gee. How unsurprising.

There's only one question about you that remains open: are you even CAPABLE of telling the truth?

It appears that you aren't.
Liability said:
Another quibble from the evasive manipulator and lying loser, ChrissytoFEARa.

The cite I referenced, you imbecile, did not refer to JUST the WTC correspondance. Yet you cherry pick JUST that one item.

You lie. The report from 2009 ONLY mentions world trade center correspondence on page 2, part B.1.


he's not lying, you fucking moron. you are!! :lol:

"The archivists divided the records into several series including departmental correspondence, deputy mayors and assistants, World Trade Center-related correspondence, press digest, scheduling office, etc."
Bwahaaaaaaaahaaaaha, anyone can read the report, or better, search the page for critical words.

slacker and fiz are both liars.

i hope they do check. they will find the exact phrase i quoted above in the exact paragraph you said to check.

you are delusional. :cuckoo:

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