To all my fellow supporters of the 2nd Amendment:


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
The best thing we can do is join or contribute money to the NRA.

I know that some of us don't like LaPierre, but don't let that stop you. you can disagree with him, you can think him a fool but the fact is that the NRA is the most powerful thing we have to defend our 2nd Amendment rights. The left HATES them and rightly so. The NRA has been bitch-slapping them for years now. That is how it should be. You think Boehner is going to fight for us? The NRA doesn't have to worry about getting re-elected and doesn't have to worry about bad publicity. The politicians cannot be counted on except to take the NRA's money.

The left WANTS to disarm you and not just assault weapons. That's just a step in the right direction to them. We give the left an inch and they will take a mile. The NRA understands this and fights every step. Sometimes you might sctatch your head and wonder why the NRA fights what seems to be sensible regulation. well, it's because they know that it's another brick in the wall.

Death by 1000 paper cuts. Support the 2nd Amendment.
Wow another cocksucking paranoia thread based on delusions.

Hey, can't you read moron, it clearly says "To all my fellow supporters of the 2nd Amendment".

That isn't you asshat.

P.S. (You sure are obsessed with cock)

Of course I support the 2nd amendment. However, I get irritated with brain dead assholes who continually fight against a fictitious enemy who they think is coming to take their guns when there's absolutely no evidence to support that. You're a fucking partisan moron who's trying to get other idiots all worked over nothing. It's stupid.

P.S. you should get out of the closet, it's pretty obvious you have some latent homosexual tendencies.
I support the second amendment and the right to bear arms.

However, I'm also aware that no right is an unlimited right, and just as it cannot be legal for someone to yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater, it should not be legal for people to have no limits whatsoever on the type of arms that they can own.

The NRA does not support the second amendment - they solely represent the interests of gun manufacturers.
I do believe the ultimate aim of the left is to completely ban all firearms. An assault weapons ban is just the beginning, and I believe whatever AWB they hatch in Congress will be far more restrictive than the 1994 version.

We discern the true goal by their rhetoric. They cite statistics of gun violence, comparing our gun violence to countries that ban all guns. If they only wanted to ban assault weapons, comparing gun homicide rates involving all guns would not make sense.

It only makes sense if your ultimate aim is to ban all guns.

And when they harp on about, "What state militia do you belong to?" That again is a question only someone who wants to ban all guns would ask.

Just the way they talk about all guns in general tips their hand. They want to repeal the 2nd Amendment.
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I supported the NRA, for years, the more I gave, the more I was hounded for money - just like the cops, and the fire department! They may be great causes, but when someone is trying to extract money from you, it makes you feel like what you have given is not appreciated, and coerced! I don't give to any of them anymore. When I do give to anyone, it's anonymous.
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I support the second amendment and the right to bear arms.

However, I'm also aware that no right is an unlimited right, and just as it cannot be legal for someone to yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater, it should not be legal for people to have no limits whatsoever on the type of arms that they can own.

The NRA does not support the second amendment - they solely represent the interests of gun manufacturers.

I haven't noticed your posts on here too much before today. I'll keep watching for them. You seem to be moderate and your opinions well thought out. It's refreshing to hear from one of the few on here who are not pushing an extremist agenda.
American Rifleman
Uzi Rifle .22 Long Rifle

Built by Carl Walther and imported by Umarex, the Uzi Rifle is a semi-auto .22 blowback version of an iconic firearm.
I support the second amendment and the right to bear arms.

However, I'm also aware that no right is an unlimited right, and just as it cannot be legal for someone to yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater, it should not be legal for people to have no limits whatsoever on the type of arms that they can own.

The NRA does not support the second amendment - they solely represent the interests of gun manufacturers.

I disagree.

And why should it be illegal for a law-abiding citizen to own any weapon he wants to?
From the American Rifleman, on of the NRA publications.
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I supported the NRA, for years, the more I gave, the more I was hounded for money - just like the cops, and the fire department! They may be great causes, but when someone is trying to extract money from you, it makes you feel like what you have given is not appreciated, and coerced! I don't give to any of them anymore. When I do give to anyone, it's anonymous.

Of course they do that. They are form letters and you shouldn't be insulted by it. If you are giving money to the NRA so that they will feel gratitude to you then you are doing it for the wring reason. That money you give is used to protect your right to own guns. That's the only reason for giving it.
I do believe the ultimate aim of the left is to completely ban all firearms. An assault weapons ban is just the beginning, and I believe whatever AWB they hatch in Congress will be far more restrictive than the 1994 version.

We discern the true goal by their rhetoric. They cite statistics of gun violence, comparing our gun violence to countries that ban all guns. If they only wanted to ban assault weapons, comparing gun homicide rates involving all guns would not make sense.

It only makes sense if your ultimate aim is to ban all guns.

And when they harp on about, "What state militia do you belong to?" That again is a question only someone who wants to ban all guns would ask.

Just the way they talk about all guns in general tips their hand. They want to repeal the 2nd Amendment.

You are wrong.

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