To all those on the left who question the faith of evangelicals for voting Trump

“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

-Barry Goldwater

When did anyone ever say, "God, Barry Goldwater is my hero, he's like the Second Coming of the Messiah, anything he says is automatically the gospel truth I will live my life by"?

If not, then I fail to see why, "Oooh, look, THIS person said THIS, so AH HAAAA!!!" is supposed to matter to me.


You responded to the quote! :hhello:

How pathetic is your existence, that you get this excited about being smacked down, because at least it means someone noticed you?

You go girl.
Oh, they were giving away a military carbine. Yeah, that is faith in mammon.

When did anyone start wanting your approval, religious or otherwise?

Well, gee, according to the bible, you shouldn't seek approval from other humans, but only from god, so a moot point altogether.

Not really, because even if I have zero desire for the approval of humans, I still have even less desire for the approval of you.

That I will take as a compliment :funnyface:
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Not questioning their faith. Just their sanity, their compassion, their morality, and ultimately, their hypocrisy. They hijacked the Republican Party platform in the early 80's. And those Republicans are too wimpy to tell them to get lost. The culture wars were invented by the right wing in this country. I've never seen a group of people so willing to use the courts and legislation at the state and federal level to shove their "values" and their "beliefs" down the throats of every American.

And to be honest, any church that raffles off an AR-15....doesn't have a leg to stand on to bitch and complain. They deserved this.
Gun raffles happen all the fucking time. In churches, fundraisers, whatever. It’s a normal thing. I go to a beef and beer for my towns local PAL every year that has a gun raffle. It’s 100% normal. Unless you live in a bubble like yourself or these protestors where you decide it’s appropriate to commit violence against random people you’ve never met because a gun raffle happened. It’s bonkers there’s even this sort of rhetoric out there.

BTW the gun debate is over. After covid and the riots most of the left are finally starting to get it. For Christ sakes CHOP was taken over by a warlord handing out ARs to kids illegally that clearly never handled a firearm in their life. Y’all didn’t say shit. The gun debate is over. Y’all ended it

Yeah sure. I've never heard of a church raffling off a firearm.
There was never any gun debate. There are only gun control debates.
See the diff?
That’s the one I’m obviously referring to dipshit. Dur dur dur. Yeah the gun control debate is over, when liberals in California were clamoring for guns when covid hit and realized how hard it was to actually get a gun. Oh and the whole thing where chop was taken over by “peaceful protestors” with “scary“ ARs, and there’s videos of them Illegally handing it to kids that have never handled a firearm in their life. Yall didn’t say shit. The debate, despite whatever word games you want to play, is over.

I really wish someone had posted a video of some leftist who's spent years railing about "lax gun laws" and "how easy it is to buy a gun" going to buy his own first gun because of the riots and realizing just how hard it actually is.
Oh my god there has a to be a gun store somewhere with footage of that. It would be wonderful to see.
Do you often find yourself trying to blame others for voting for someone that routinely takes the Lord's name in vain? That calls people names routinely?

Because you do not like the other main candidate you have to vote for the guy who brags about just walking up and sexually assaulting women?
Vs the party that actually calls them names...and wants to kill babies AFTER they’re born. The party that actually vilifies them, and labels their beliefs as “hate speech”. How is them voting for trump a fucking mystery to you? It’s honestly laughable. Your party just tried to block people going to church, vilified them and their kids trying to walk in, and then punched the pastor in the face multiple times.

That being said. To answer your question, even though the OP should’ve sufficed, there was only one dude in the Bible who was blameless. Obviously that was Jesus. The other hero’s in the Bible, even the best of the best, did waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy more fucked up shit than trump has ever done. We’re talking having friends killed so they could hide the affairs they had with their wives. Screwing their brothers out of inheritance. Throwing brothers in a pit and leaving them to die. Traveling from city to city to murder Christians. Plenty of hero’s weren’t even part of Israel or the early church. The Bible is not a kumbayah book. It’s a book that clearly says you are garbage, the human condition is garbage, there WILL be suffering from tragic occurrences, there WILL be suffering from malevolent people, you HAVE to be better because you answer to a higher power that laid out these rules that give all of that suffering meaning.

That still doesn't address my point. Just because you do not like one guy does not mean you have to vote for some other guy. Especially one that laughs about sexually assaulting women.
Yes it does. When one party has been vilifying your religion for decades, and has exponentially turned the vilification up to kind of have to go with the other guy who says that’s wrong to do dipshit. Again why is this such a mystery to you? America wasn’t a communist country. They didn’t really like communism. But we gave the Soviets a fuck ton of weapons and vehicles in WW2. Only 2 of the original 13 colonies insisted on keeping slavery if they were going to participate in bucking British rule. The other 11 had to concede to that or else there’d be no America today.

So why the fuck does it make sense to YOU to tell Christians to “just roll over and let the party that REALLY hates you win by voting for 3rd party”? The left has been calling them hypocrites for decades now. They said the never coffee drinking and wearer of magical underwear boy scout that was Romney was a racist Nazi who wanted to put blacks back in chains and let grandma die. Do you really think they care that your calling them hypocrites now when they already know they’re voting for a guy who publicly bragged about cheating on his wife before he even ran for president? Surprise!!!! They don’t. You can take your self serving advice and shove it. Why don’t you tell the person at work who has the job you want to either get fired or quit, you’ll probably have more luck doing that. That’d be more realistic.

Here are the bald facts. 70% of Democrats are Christians. Your religion has NEVER been vilified by the left. That Democrats and the left will NEVER allow you to do is to impose your narrow and perverted view of Christianity, on the rest of the country. You can hate gays all you want, but you will suck it up and treat them with the same respect you want from others, or you can't have a public business. It's that simple.

If YOU don't want an abortion, don't have an abortion. But the reality is that 13% of all abortions - more than 100,000 abortions every year, are performed on women who list their religion as Evangelical Christians. Your women have just as many abortions as they rest the women in America. But you want to ban abortipon.

When your stated goal is to establish a Christian Theocracy, your in opposition to everything the Constitution stands for. You want to inflict YOUR religion on the rest of the nation, using the legal system. The rest of America don't want your religion codified into laws, and so the left are going to squash these attempts to undermine the freedom of religion for the 80% of Americans who think you people are the American Taliban.
Wow, the American Christian church is now the American taliban. This is the exact vilification I’m talking about. The numbers you listed you clearly just pulled out of your ass.

Christianity can't continue to act in opposition to the teachings of Christ and expect to do anything other than faulter.
Oh I have my own problems with the Christian church and they did bring their demise on themselves. I would like to hear how you think they aren’t following the teachings of Jesus. It probably isn’t going to be what I say. Let me guess, they’re hateful fundamentalist that want to subject the rest of the world to their teachings. They don’t follow the teaching of Jesus that I only pay attention too (Jesus as an all inclusive kumbayah Jesus). Newsflash, Jesus preached much more about Hell and how hard it is to actually walk the “straight and narrow” than he ever preached about heaven.
All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
Leo Tolstoy

The whole thought that Christians are just hateful hypocrites is the exact vilification from the left I’m talking about. It’s straight up religious prejudice. Granted there are those “Christians” out there. But they are the vast minority. Christians are their biggest critics. But the left are the ones who parade the likes of the Westboro Baptist church, and try to characterize them as the entire christian church. It’s not even close. Yet when someone correctly points out that, hey there’s a lot of fundamental 12ers over there in the Middle East, the left decries that as islamaphobia. It’s also the left who will declare all religions as equal, yet treat Christians like dirt. Christians led the abolitionist movement worldwide. Christians give the most charity worldwide and it’s not even close. The Christian philosophy is 100% behind the enlightenment movement that gives you the rights you enjoy today, including the belief that you cannot mandate belief in God. The American Christian church is certainly responsible for their own downfall. Not at all entirely because of the lefts hyperbolic and even false criticism of them, though there are some valid points made. But to characterize the entire church like the left has been doing for decades, and is doing now is 100% prejudice and wrong, just as wrong as it is to characterize every Muslim as a terrorist. Nietzsche, one of the biggest critics of the church, correctly predicted the immense bloodshed to come in the 21st century in his parable of the old fool. The left loves this parable for the wrong reasons, they only listen to “God is Dead” part and clap without reading the rest.
"How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it? There has never been a greater deed; and whoever is born after us -- for the sake of this deed he will belong to a higher history than all history hitherto."

They aren't following his INTERPRETATIONS of the teachings of Jesus.

"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'

What is your interpretation?

It means Charity and Love are expected. It also means Abortion is a sin. we show this love by dropping hundreds of thousands of bombs on others?

Do we show this charity by cutting SNAP benefits?

Why do you insist on always moving the goal posts? Can you quote where I've ever advocated for a War of any kind? People with no real knowledge of scripture ALWAYS take things to an illogical extreme. YOU take that scripture to mean that can be no limits to charity much as you do with War. That is as illogical as it gets. One can only give so much, there is a point where one must take care of his own first.
There is also a point where War's must be fought although I would say we have not had one of those since WWII.
Have you personlly given away EVERYTHING you have to feed the poor?No you haven't, but that scripture is used usually as a club, a "gotcha" moment.
What do you do with this one?

Matthew 26:11 New International Version (NIV)
11 The poor you will always have with you,[a] but you will not always have me.

I asked a question. If you are saying you do not support our wars (are you?), then I will say great BUT I will note that this "Christian nation" most certainly does.

Matthew 26:11 New International Version (NIV)
11 The poor you will always have with you,[a] but you will not always have me

What is the context in this verse?

What does this one mean?

Matthew 8:5-13 New International Version (NIV)
The Faith of the Centurion
5 When Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to him, asking for help. 6 “Lord,” he said, “my servant lies at home paralyzed, suffering terribly.”

7 Jesus said to him, “Shall I come and heal him?”

8 The centurion replied, “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed. 9 For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”

10 When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith. 11 I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. 12 But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

13 Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.” And his servant was healed at that moment.

A "yes I support the wars" or "No I do not" would suffice.
Are you suggesting that it was immoral to drop bombs on the Nazis?

The translation of “the meek shall inherit the earth” is incorrect. The correct translation of the word we commonly translated as “meek” is a word we don’t really have in English. The translation is more like “those with swords who know how to use them but keep them sheathed will inherit the earth.” Which is vastly different from “meek”. This reasoning is why Jesus instructed his disciples to sell their cloaks for swords. It’s not as a show of force, it’s not for the revolution that many Jews at the time thought the “messiah” would bring. It is an understanding that violence is sometimes necessary and it is wrong to completely castrate yourself of the ability for violence. The belief that Jesus was strictly a Passivist is wrong.

“When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "Stick to the Devil you know." “

pknopp only wants to ASK questions, never answer them.
Strawman questions at that. Like we’re just bombing completely innocent people and that’s just how we fight war. Like we didn’t spend billions of dollars spearheading precision technology to avoid collateral damage as much as possible. And he’ll cite accidental tragedies as his proof. That’s war. Accidents happen. They’re absolutely tragic. What’s far more tragic is the evil people killing innocent populations that we are trying to stop. Apparently this scenario doesn’t exist in his mind. I’m not saying the US is perfect, or didn’t participate in anything shameful, as I have stated many times. But who is he comparing us too? Name a single country that defends innocent populations as much as US. The rest of the west throws a couple of planes our way and says “we did our part” while were the ones bombing the people that want to murder their civilians en masse. But apparently bombing these evil people isn’t Christian.

We have NO business dropping bombs at all.
We weren’t, we opted not too back in the 90s. One of the guys we chose not too wound up crashing planes into the World Trade Center. What would China take by force knowing we’re not there to stop them? How long would Kim Jong Un wait time attack South Korea and level Seoul knowing we wouldn’t retaliate? What other Baltic countries would Russia take by force knowing we wouldn’t step in to defend? How fast would Iran swallow their neighbors knowing we wouldn’t step in? How many more genocides would brutal dictators order knowing the US is no longer threatening them if they do. We can’t be world police. But the world is not a safe place. The human condition is to carry out conquest, subjugate, enslave, and wipe out the tribes around you. It was the perpetual state of the world before the US became a super power. Now war is limited to boarder skirmishes, civil wars, and small conflicts vs what wars use to be worldwide.

Well's that's a highly selective reading of what happened. Your account ends, right after 9/11 and you go off on another topic. You should have continued that as a result of that bombing and the actions of the USA in retaliation, more than , which was horrific and killed over 3,000 people, plus all of those who died from exposure to toxins in the ashes - the first responders, and the people who helped the clean up. One of the most horrific moments in world history.

Here's what you "forgot" to mention. In retailiation for those attacks, the USA attacked Afghanistan, where Bin Laden thought to be holed up, and Iraq which had no part in any of this. BinLaden, and most of the terrorists who carried out his plan, were Saudis, not Iraqi's. Saudis and Iraqis are not allies and never have been.

To avenge the 9/11 deaths, the USA went to war which resulted in the destabilization of the Middle East, and gave a new generation of Middle Eastern Muslims reasons to hate Americans for the next 50 years. Over 100,000 Iraqi's died in the conflict. Bush disbanded Saddam's Army and let them keep their weapons, which gave rise to ISIS.

Taking out Saddam destabilized the whole region, leading to the Arab Spring. 180,000 more deaths, and 2 million displaced. Then there is the Syrian war which killed another 400,000 and displaced 6.5 million people.

Sadly, more Americans died in the Iraq war than died in 9/11.

So to recap: The USA's "war on terror" has set in motion events in the Middle East whereby 680,000 people have died in the Middle East and 8.5 million people have been displaced.

The rest of the world NOW see YOU as the problem. You are not the "world's policeman", you became the world's bully when you attacked Iran. The USA is now the most dangerous country in the world. And the idea of a irresponsible and malignant asshole like Trump having the most powerful military in the world at his disposal, is a scary idea indeed.

Take LOTS of pills.
The OP
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.

Opposition to abortion isn't necessarily Christ like. As much as he exemplified compassion, I believe he would understand there are times when it is necessary.
Very few. However, we both know that the Democrat party supports abortion for any reason. Try being honest.

Jewish rabbis have thousands of years of recorded judgements concerning Gods Law, as laid out in Torah (the first 5 books of the O.T.) It is worthwhile to look at where they stand on issues of God's Law, don't you think?
Nope. Christians don't live under the law.

OK. That means you can't run back to the O.T to justify anything from now on. Where in the N.T. is abortion banned?
Everytime it says to love one another and do good.

No. That says to do good and love one another. Abortion isn't mentioned. Try again.
Murder is sin.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.

Opposition to abortion isn't necessarily Christ like. As much as he exemplified compassion, I believe he would understand there are times when it is necessary.
Very few. However, we both know that the Democrat party supports abortion for any reason. Try being honest.

Jewish rabbis have thousands of years of recorded judgements concerning Gods Law, as laid out in Torah (the first 5 books of the O.T.) It is worthwhile to look at where they stand on issues of God's Law, don't you think?
Nope. Christians don't live under the law.

OK. That means you can't run back to the O.T to justify anything from now on. Where in the N.T. is abortion banned?
Everytime it says to love one another and do good.

No. That says to do good and love one another. Abortion isn't mentioned. Try again.
Like I said, you're not equipped for this conversation. Jesus said "you shall not murder"

Abortion is not murder.
Tell that to the Lord when you meet him.

If he is against abortion, why didn't he say something about it?
Do you honestly believe Jesus is pro abortion? Idiot.
I think Jesus didn't judge. But if Jesus came today and said we should do whatever we needed to do to make sure no girl went without a clean safe place to live we'd hang the fcker from a tree.

I think Jesus judged rather a lot, since He was and is God, the only one who CAN judge.

In future, please spare me your asinine hypotheticals about, "If Jesus came and said something He'd never say, but that I want to believe he would . . ." Also, I'll tell you the same thing I tell every other patriarchal leftist pig: if you want to argue for how great abortion is, do NOT pretend you're doing it on my behalf.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Not questioning their faith. Just their sanity, their compassion, their morality, and ultimately, their hypocrisy. They hijacked the Republican Party platform in the early 80's. And those Republicans are too wimpy to tell them to get lost. The culture wars were invented by the right wing in this country. I've never seen a group of people so willing to use the courts and legislation at the state and federal level to shove their "values" and their "beliefs" down the throats of every American.

And to be honest, any church that raffles off an AR-15....doesn't have a leg to stand on to bitch and complain. They deserved this.
Gun raffles happen all the fucking time. In churches, fundraisers, whatever. It’s a normal thing. I go to a beef and beer for my towns local PAL every year that has a gun raffle. It’s 100% normal. Unless you live in a bubble like yourself or these protestors where you decide it’s appropriate to commit violence against random people you’ve never met because a gun raffle happened. It’s bonkers there’s even this sort of rhetoric out there.

BTW the gun debate is over. After covid and the riots most of the left are finally starting to get it. For Christ sakes CHOP was taken over by a warlord handing out ARs to kids illegally that clearly never handled a firearm in their life. Y’all didn’t say shit. The gun debate is over. Y’all ended it

Yeah sure. I've never heard of a church raffling off a firearm.
There was never any gun debate. There are only gun control debates.
See the diff?
That’s the one I’m obviously referring to dipshit. Dur dur dur. Yeah the gun control debate is over, when liberals in California were clamoring for guns when covid hit and realized how hard it was to actually get a gun. Oh and the whole thing where chop was taken over by “peaceful protestors” with “scary“ ARs, and there’s videos of them Illegally handing it to kids that have never handled a firearm in their life. Yall didn’t say shit. The debate, despite whatever word games you want to play, is over.

I really wish someone had posted a video of some leftist who's spent years railing about "lax gun laws" and "how easy it is to buy a gun" going to buy his own first gun because of the riots and realizing just how hard it actually is.
Oh my god there has a to be a gun store somewhere with footage of that. It would be wonderful to see.

Right? It would be a bright, entertaining spot in the otherwise relentless evil of the left destroying society.
"Religious" people -- religion irrelevant -- have certainly earned the doubt.

Look at the "Christians" on this board, and their behaviors -- and that doesn't even count the death and destruction caused by "religious" people over history.

You folks have no room to criticize, condescend or whine. You bring this on yourselves. You're no better or more informed than anyone else.

The irony is ironic.
"Religious" people -- religion irrelevant -- have certainly earned the doubt.

Look at the "Christians" on this board, and their behaviors -- and that doesn't even count the death and destruction caused by "religious" people over history.

You folks have no room to criticize, condescend or whine. You bring this on yourselves. You're no better or more informed than anyone else.

The irony is ironic.
You sure bitch about me a lot.

I like it!

“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

-Barry Goldwater

When did anyone ever say, "God, Barry Goldwater is my hero, he's like the Second Coming of the Messiah, anything he says is automatically the gospel truth I will live my life by"?

If not, then I fail to see why, "Oooh, look, THIS person said THIS, so AH HAAAA!!!" is supposed to matter to me.

Barry Goldwater had a cult following, just like Donald Trump. He wanted to nuke Viet Nam to defoliate the jungle.

Barry Goldwater was a REAL conservative. LOTS of people thought he was the second coming of the Messiah in the Republican Party. Goldwater was going to beat LBJ and put those ******* right back in their place. Even the press of the day referred to his followers as a "cult". Ronald Reagan spoke eloquently on his behalf at the convention.

You could have googled that too, but being your typical lazy self, you preferred to display your ignorance. as usual. It's good that you show your true colours, and that you lack sufficient self-awareness to realize how dumb you look when you get caught out on something you SHOULD have known before posting it.
"Religious" people -- religion irrelevant -- have certainly earned the doubt.

Look at the "Christians" on this board, and their behaviors -- and that doesn't even count the death and destruction caused by "religious" people over history.

You folks have no room to criticize, condescend or whine. You bring this on yourselves. You're no better or more informed than anyone else.

The irony is ironic.

"Irony" is, by definition "ironic". The stupid is strong in this one.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.
You must be mad to think that the US can function with just a two party system in place which forces us to accept what the slave masters give us for our representative government.
I voted 3rd party in 2016.
I have for years and years because well, the others suck...

We used to have the Rhinocerous Party in Canada. I voted for them. This is their platform:

1. Take Canada off the gold standard, opting instead to use a snow standard to boost the economy. (And then, when summer comes . . . not sure yet.)

2. Repeal the law of gravity. (my personal favourite)

3. Provide higher education by building taller schools.

4. Pave the Bay of Fundy to make more parking for the Maritimes.

5. Change Montreal’s rue Ste-Catherine into the world’s longest bowling alley.

6. Count the Thousand Islands to make sure the Americans didn’t steal any.

7. Ban crappy Canadian winters.

8. Abolish all laws to end crime.

9. Tear down the Rockies so Albertans can see the Pacific sunset.

10. Abolish lawn mowing in Outremont, Que.

11. Ban guns and butter—both kill.

12. Reform Loto-Canada, replacing cash prizes with Senate appointments. (Canadian Senators are not elected. They're appointed by the Prime Minister. They appoint party hacks and bagmen for these lifetime pork barrel appointements)

13. Forget having two official languages; replace with having two official ears.

14. The Queen would now be seated in Buckingham, Que.

Who couldn't get behind this party of thick-skinned, pre-historic beasts, with poor eyesight, and tiny brains. How different are the Rhinos from the RINO's?
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

What do we expect? We expect gross hypocrisy from the folks to profess that supporting Trump brings them closer to Jesus' message.
Standing up to Satan and rejecting his lies was Jesus’ message.

President Trump is an excellent example of standing up against the lies of the left.

Given the amount of lying that Trump does, you have to be a total idiot to believe that Trump stands against any lies. He is the lord king of all lies.

What you're saying is that because you disagree with some of the policies of the Democratic party, you support an out right satanist for President.

Do you really believe that Jesus would be happy with Trump?

Can you truly be that stupid?
People, this is no longer Democrat vs Republican. That is not what you will be voting for in November.

This is America vs the United Nations. < If they win, they will open the flood gates. Our land is #1 on the list of where people from all over the world want to be. The masses will saturate to overflowing, our poor country.
Life as we know it will cease to exist. No constitution, no bill of rights, no protection and we will be taxed un-mercilessly.
We will do whatever the UN tells the next globalist we elect, what to do. We will adhere to the UN demands of the Muslim quota, we will relinquish our guns, and if you resist then off to "re-educations camps" that Haliburton has been constructing all over the world.
We are so close to what I have described it is making the UN's mouth water. The only thing standing in their way is our present president. It doesn't matter one bit what you think of him. What matters is what he thinks of the UN. He is standing his ground, which is literally our ground, to strengthen our might against theirs. LET HIM...
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

What do we expect? We expect gross hypocrisy from the folks to profess that supporting Trump brings them closer to Jesus' message.
Standing up to Satan and rejecting his lies was Jesus’ message.

President Trump is an excellent example of standing up against the lies of the left.

Given the amount of lying that Trump does, you have to be a total idiot to believe that Trump stands against any lies. He is the lord king of all lies.

What you're saying is that because you disagree with some of the policies of the Democratic party, you support an out right satanist for President.

Do you really believe that Jesus would be happy with Trump?

Can you truly be that stupid?
Can you point out one of these “lies”?

No Dem ever responds.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

What do we expect? We expect gross hypocrisy from the folks to profess that supporting Trump brings them closer to Jesus' message.
Standing up to Satan and rejecting his lies was Jesus’ message.

President Trump is an excellent example of standing up against the lies of the left.

Given the amount of lying that Trump does, you have to be a total idiot to believe that Trump stands against any lies. He is the lord king of all lies.

What you're saying is that because you disagree with some of the policies of the Democratic party, you support an out right satanist for President.

Do you really believe that Jesus would be happy with Trump?

Can you truly be that stupid?
Can you point out one of these “lies”?

No Dem ever responds.

I'm not a Dem but yes they do. An easy one is in the news right now. His promise to release his taxes.

A big one for me was his lie about releasing his health care reform program that he had ready to go that everyone was going to love and say it was the best.

How about his lie to address the debt?

To get Mexico to pay for the wall? To round up a million illegals? How many do you need?
Do you often find yourself trying to blame others for voting for someone that routinely takes the Lord's name in vain? That calls people names routinely?

Because you do not like the other main candidate you have to vote for the guy who brags about just walking up and sexually assaulting women?
Vs the party that actually calls them names...and wants to kill babies AFTER they’re born. The party that actually vilifies them, and labels their beliefs as “hate speech”. How is them voting for trump a fucking mystery to you? It’s honestly laughable. Your party just tried to block people going to church, vilified them and their kids trying to walk in, and then punched the pastor in the face multiple times.

That being said. To answer your question, even though the OP should’ve sufficed, there was only one dude in the Bible who was blameless. Obviously that was Jesus. The other hero’s in the Bible, even the best of the best, did waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy more fucked up shit than trump has ever done. We’re talking having friends killed so they could hide the affairs they had with their wives. Screwing their brothers out of inheritance. Throwing brothers in a pit and leaving them to die. Traveling from city to city to murder Christians. Plenty of hero’s weren’t even part of Israel or the early church. The Bible is not a kumbayah book. It’s a book that clearly says you are garbage, the human condition is garbage, there WILL be suffering from tragic occurrences, there WILL be suffering from malevolent people, you HAVE to be better because you answer to a higher power that laid out these rules that give all of that suffering meaning.

That still doesn't address my point. Just because you do not like one guy does not mean you have to vote for some other guy. Especially one that laughs about sexually assaulting women.
Yes it does. When one party has been vilifying your religion for decades, and has exponentially turned the vilification up to kind of have to go with the other guy who says that’s wrong to do dipshit. Again why is this such a mystery to you? America wasn’t a communist country. They didn’t really like communism. But we gave the Soviets a fuck ton of weapons and vehicles in WW2. Only 2 of the original 13 colonies insisted on keeping slavery if they were going to participate in bucking British rule. The other 11 had to concede to that or else there’d be no America today.

So why the fuck does it make sense to YOU to tell Christians to “just roll over and let the party that REALLY hates you win by voting for 3rd party”? The left has been calling them hypocrites for decades now. They said the never coffee drinking and wearer of magical underwear boy scout that was Romney was a racist Nazi who wanted to put blacks back in chains and let grandma die. Do you really think they care that your calling them hypocrites now when they already know they’re voting for a guy who publicly bragged about cheating on his wife before he even ran for president? Surprise!!!! They don’t. You can take your self serving advice and shove it. Why don’t you tell the person at work who has the job you want to either get fired or quit, you’ll probably have more luck doing that. That’d be more realistic.

Here are the bald facts. 70% of Democrats are Christians. Your religion has NEVER been vilified by the left. That Democrats and the left will NEVER allow you to do is to impose your narrow and perverted view of Christianity, on the rest of the country. You can hate gays all you want, but you will suck it up and treat them with the same respect you want from others, or you can't have a public business. It's that simple.

If YOU don't want an abortion, don't have an abortion. But the reality is that 13% of all abortions - more than 100,000 abortions every year, are performed on women who list their religion as Evangelical Christians. Your women have just as many abortions as they rest the women in America. But you want to ban abortipon.

When your stated goal is to establish a Christian Theocracy, your in opposition to everything the Constitution stands for. You want to inflict YOUR religion on the rest of the nation, using the legal system. The rest of America don't want your religion codified into laws, and so the left are going to squash these attempts to undermine the freedom of religion for the 80% of Americans who think you people are the American Taliban.

Here are the bald facts. Saying you're a Christian doesn't mean you are one. Being a Christian doesn't mean that you're any good at it, or a good person. Christianity is routinely vilified by the left, but useful idiots like you spend insane amounts of time thinking of excuses why it's okay, and "not really vilifying, it's just that they suck so much, that makes it okay". That leftist drones will continually lie to themselves that anything other than overt government hostility toward Christianity is "imposing Christianity on the country" doesn't make it so. You can claim that disagreeing with homosexual activists is "hating gays", but that won't get you any farther to "just suck it up and do what we want, respect means kowtowing to our demands, and we'll destroy your life, and tell ourselves we're wonderful people for doing it". It's that simple.

If you want to kill a baby, don't try to justify it to us as "People who say they're Christians do it, so that means I'm not evil garbage". It's not my fault that you're too pig-stupid to know that just because someone says something doesn't mean it's true. This creates no responsibility in me for the people who lie to you.

When our stated goal becomes "establish a Christian theocracy", we'll tell you so. It doesn't become that because YOUR stupid ass believes it and tries to justify the evil you support because of it. And at no point in time does anyone require a Canadian - and the stupidest twat in Canada, at that - to helpfully lecture us about what our Constitution "really" means.

As always, do us all a favor and focus your attention on imposing your idiocy onto your own country, since it's so insignificant that no one will notice or care.
Do you often find yourself trying to blame others for voting for someone that routinely takes the Lord's name in vain? That calls people names routinely?

Because you do not like the other main candidate you have to vote for the guy who brags about just walking up and sexually assaulting women?
Vs the party that actually calls them names...and wants to kill babies AFTER they’re born. The party that actually vilifies them, and labels their beliefs as “hate speech”. How is them voting for trump a fucking mystery to you? It’s honestly laughable. Your party just tried to block people going to church, vilified them and their kids trying to walk in, and then punched the pastor in the face multiple times.

That being said. To answer your question, even though the OP should’ve sufficed, there was only one dude in the Bible who was blameless. Obviously that was Jesus. The other hero’s in the Bible, even the best of the best, did waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy more fucked up shit than trump has ever done. We’re talking having friends killed so they could hide the affairs they had with their wives. Screwing their brothers out of inheritance. Throwing brothers in a pit and leaving them to die. Traveling from city to city to murder Christians. Plenty of hero’s weren’t even part of Israel or the early church. The Bible is not a kumbayah book. It’s a book that clearly says you are garbage, the human condition is garbage, there WILL be suffering from tragic occurrences, there WILL be suffering from malevolent people, you HAVE to be better because you answer to a higher power that laid out these rules that give all of that suffering meaning.

That still doesn't address my point. Just because you do not like one guy does not mean you have to vote for some other guy. Especially one that laughs about sexually assaulting women.
Yes it does. When one party has been vilifying your religion for decades, and has exponentially turned the vilification up to kind of have to go with the other guy who says that’s wrong to do dipshit. Again why is this such a mystery to you? America wasn’t a communist country. They didn’t really like communism. But we gave the Soviets a fuck ton of weapons and vehicles in WW2. Only 2 of the original 13 colonies insisted on keeping slavery if they were going to participate in bucking British rule. The other 11 had to concede to that or else there’d be no America today.

So why the fuck does it make sense to YOU to tell Christians to “just roll over and let the party that REALLY hates you win by voting for 3rd party”? The left has been calling them hypocrites for decades now. They said the never coffee drinking and wearer of magical underwear boy scout that was Romney was a racist Nazi who wanted to put blacks back in chains and let grandma die. Do you really think they care that your calling them hypocrites now when they already know they’re voting for a guy who publicly bragged about cheating on his wife before he even ran for president? Surprise!!!! They don’t. You can take your self serving advice and shove it. Why don’t you tell the person at work who has the job you want to either get fired or quit, you’ll probably have more luck doing that. That’d be more realistic.

Here are the bald facts. 70% of Democrats are Christians. Your religion has NEVER been vilified by the left. That Democrats and the left will NEVER allow you to do is to impose your narrow and perverted view of Christianity, on the rest of the country. You can hate gays all you want, but you will suck it up and treat them with the same respect you want from others, or you can't have a public business. It's that simple.

If YOU don't want an abortion, don't have an abortion. But the reality is that 13% of all abortions - more than 100,000 abortions every year, are performed on women who list their religion as Evangelical Christians. Your women have just as many abortions as they rest the women in America. But you want to ban abortipon.

When your stated goal is to establish a Christian Theocracy, your in opposition to everything the Constitution stands for. You want to inflict YOUR religion on the rest of the nation, using the legal system. The rest of America don't want your religion codified into laws, and so the left are going to squash these attempts to undermine the freedom of religion for the 80% of Americans who think you people are the American Taliban.
Christians don't support abortion. 70% might claim to be Christians, but they're lying. Democrats lie.

They might be lying. They might also just be really bad Christians. God knows, even the best Christians are far from perfect at it.
No one who is a true Christian will vote for Donald Trump. Maybe they need to review the Sermon on the Mount and consider Trump's words and deeds at rallies and in tweets before they vote.

"A true Christian". Meaning what? Someone who behaves the way you approve of, "Reverend" Rye? Maybe YOU need to review the fact that you aren't God, and don't get to define Christianity according to your personal political biases.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.

Opposition to abortion isn't necessarily Christ like. As much as he exemplified compassion, I believe he would understand there are times when it is necessary.
Very few. However, we both know that the Democrat party supports abortion for any reason. Try being honest.

Jewish rabbis have thousands of years of recorded judgements concerning Gods Law, as laid out in Torah (the first 5 books of the O.T.) It is worthwhile to look at where they stand on issues of God's Law, don't you think?
Nope. Christians don't live under the law.

OK. That means you can't run back to the O.T to justify anything from now on. Where in the N.T. is abortion banned?
Everytime it says to love one another and do good.

No. That says to do good and love one another. Abortion isn't mentioned. Try again.
Murder is sin.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.

Opposition to abortion isn't necessarily Christ like. As much as he exemplified compassion, I believe he would understand there are times when it is necessary.
Very few. However, we both know that the Democrat party supports abortion for any reason. Try being honest.

Jewish rabbis have thousands of years of recorded judgements concerning Gods Law, as laid out in Torah (the first 5 books of the O.T.) It is worthwhile to look at where they stand on issues of God's Law, don't you think?
Nope. Christians don't live under the law.

OK. That means you can't run back to the O.T to justify anything from now on. Where in the N.T. is abortion banned?
Everytime it says to love one another and do good.

No. That says to do good and love one another. Abortion isn't mentioned. Try again.
Like I said, you're not equipped for this conversation. Jesus said "you shall not murder"

Abortion is not murder.
Tell that to the Lord when you meet him.

If he is against abortion, why didn't he say something about it?
Do you honestly believe Jesus is pro abortion? Idiot.

Even the rabbis believe life doesn't begin until 40 days, and they have studied God's Law for thousands of years. Jesus never mentioned it. He did change certain aspects of God's law, but he was very specific in what he changed. There was no doubt what he was doing. Nothing that monumental was ever done lightly or without specific reference. If he was going to change God's law, he would have at least mentioned it. I'm not aware of anyone else capable of changing God's law.

He didn't "change" God's Law, he fulfilled it.

OK. So in what verse did Jesus ban abortion?

LOL, just because you don't know your Bible like you thought you did doesn't mean I'm going to be dragged into your war of semantics. I know you think you're being clever but you aren't. You're looking for that 11th commandemnt; "Thou shalt not abort one's child". That's not the way it works kid.

OK. So you tell me how it works. Without adding words to what he said, or taking vast stretches of your imagination, you tell me why you think Jesus would want to ban abortion. I only ask that you provide one reason at the time. Don't try to muddle the conversation or distract by spouting everything you have ever heard at the same time.

LOL, you're over your head here. Here is your response to no matter what I post: "That doesn't say anything about abortion". Like I said, you aren't as clever as you think.

Matthew 18:14

So it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones perish.

Matthew 18:10

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father who is in heaven

That goes for the ones that are born also.

That's the entire point, Jesus is "Pro Life" no matter how you cut it.

Many who claim to be are not.

The subject is Jesus.

The subject is also "pro-life".

Jesus is "Pro Life". Jesus is whom we are talking about.

That would include all the innocent brown children in the middle east we continue to kill every year.
Ya know who stacks up the brown bodies in the Middle East far more than anyone else? The Islamic extremist who live there that terrorize their own countries daily. Islamic extremist harm, kill, enslave, rape, torture, and subjugate their own countrymen at a far faster clip than our military could even if they were trying. Islamic extremist are far more devastating to their own countries than they are to any country in the west.

Which doesn't excuse us.
Us doing what exactly? Who are we killing in the Middle East? Name some instances “brown” children died caused by the US. I certainly can. But the way you’re talking it sounds like you have a much better grasp on the subject so enlighten us.

Kunduz: When MSF Came Under Attack in Afghanistan
One instance from 5 years ago in America’s longest war to date? Not bad considering the use of very precise strikes using highly explosive materials delivers by vehicles traveling at supersonic speeds. Extremely superb considering the way war is conducted by almost every single other country today, and all throughout human history.

You asked for one instance. But yeah, your support for life does not include all.
Not my point. You characterized the war as killing brown babies all the time. Reminder, talking about war. As compared to what? Name another country today, or anytime in the past that fights wars as carefully as we do? Wars have always been necessary evils that bring devastation, pillaging, and death to innocent population. The US on the other hand fights their wars by being extremely selective with their targets, talking to the villages to see what they need help with, whether it’s medical supplies, building wells, etc. War is a terrible endeavor. The US has one hell of a job making it suck way less. Accidents are going to happen. Friendly fire always happens. Is it fair to characterize the US as evil when that happens?

No, there was NOTHING necessary about Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen and there is most certainly no reason we are still in Afghanistan for near 20 years now. Yes, the US is evil for what it is doing and we are going to end up paying for it.

The Guilty Conscience of a Drone Pilot Who Killed a Child
Oh I can agree with you 100% on the initial Syrian and Libyan destabilization (and that whole “Arab spring” debacle). Yemen I honestly don’t know much about other than our support is to stabilize the current government. I can’t imagine the rebels are any better than the current regime, mostly worse. Iraq in hindsight wasn’t a good decision, but remember, it was voted in favor for almost unanimously at the time. Does that mean the US is evil, no, not necessarily.

We have done 20 times over what we claimed we overthrew Saddam for doing.
Genocide? Or are you referring to taking over countries in the manner saddam did? I have never been one to say that propping up dictators in certain regions to serve our interest is something we should have ever practiced. But I don’t equate that with anything to likes of saddam taking countries by force. I also don’t think of the world as a safe place, or that these countries would flourish if we had just left them to their own devices. We are the most stabilizing force in the world. I don’t like us being the world police, but it’s undeniable that the world is a far safer place with us as strong interventionist whether the cause was justified or not. North and South Korea are a perfect example of this. Now that’s not the case in every example of our intervention, but the sad truth is in most countries of the world, as it has been since the inception of governments, is that governments are by far the biggest murderers of humans. They are the by far the largest violators of humans rights. A strong America that leans on the side of defending human rights worldwide is a good thing for billions of people who cannot defend themselves. Once again, the world is an extremely complex place. “America Evil” is not a sufficient analysis, and the consequences that would derive from this assumption would be devastating for billions of people. We should be kissing this land for the simple fact that we were the first country to develop nuclear bombs. Had we not, god only knows what kind of hell on earth would exist today

Saddam Never took another country. He tried one time. We do it routinely.
Is that the logic you’re using? Ok who are you more mad at, the person that tried to trip you and failed, or the person who accidentally tripped you? Saddam literally tried to wipe out the Kurds. Used mustard gas on entire villages. That’s pretty bad. And you’re saying the US is worse than Saddam?

Mad? I'm simply correcting a false statement.

Yes, the US is worse than Saddam.
It’s a simple question that in turn questions your logic. What’s more morally wrong. The person who tries to trip you but fails, or the person who trips you by accident. Simple question.

if you think the US is worse than saddam you are dogshit crazy. The guy is guilty of genocide. With mustard gas. Not to mention the whole brutal dictatorship, and the scores upon scores of fucked up shit he did in the 10 years war. Either read a history book, or get your head checked

The USA has committed genocide as well, and on a much grander scale than Saddam. They dropped napalm on Vietnamese villages. Then there's the genocide of the Native Americans. The history of the United States of America is written in the blood of the minorities - black slaves, Native Americans, Chinese guest workers.
Do you often find yourself trying to blame others for voting for someone that routinely takes the Lord's name in vain? That calls people names routinely?

Because you do not like the other main candidate you have to vote for the guy who brags about just walking up and sexually assaulting women?
Vs the party that actually calls them names...and wants to kill babies AFTER they’re born. The party that actually vilifies them, and labels their beliefs as “hate speech”. How is them voting for trump a fucking mystery to you? It’s honestly laughable. Your party just tried to block people going to church, vilified them and their kids trying to walk in, and then punched the pastor in the face multiple times.

That being said. To answer your question, even though the OP should’ve sufficed, there was only one dude in the Bible who was blameless. Obviously that was Jesus. The other hero’s in the Bible, even the best of the best, did waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy more fucked up shit than trump has ever done. We’re talking having friends killed so they could hide the affairs they had with their wives. Screwing their brothers out of inheritance. Throwing brothers in a pit and leaving them to die. Traveling from city to city to murder Christians. Plenty of hero’s weren’t even part of Israel or the early church. The Bible is not a kumbayah book. It’s a book that clearly says you are garbage, the human condition is garbage, there WILL be suffering from tragic occurrences, there WILL be suffering from malevolent people, you HAVE to be better because you answer to a higher power that laid out these rules that give all of that suffering meaning.

That still doesn't address my point. Just because you do not like one guy does not mean you have to vote for some other guy. Especially one that laughs about sexually assaulting women.
Yes it does. When one party has been vilifying your religion for decades, and has exponentially turned the vilification up to kind of have to go with the other guy who says that’s wrong to do dipshit. Again why is this such a mystery to you? America wasn’t a communist country. They didn’t really like communism. But we gave the Soviets a fuck ton of weapons and vehicles in WW2. Only 2 of the original 13 colonies insisted on keeping slavery if they were going to participate in bucking British rule. The other 11 had to concede to that or else there’d be no America today.

So why the fuck does it make sense to YOU to tell Christians to “just roll over and let the party that REALLY hates you win by voting for 3rd party”? The left has been calling them hypocrites for decades now. They said the never coffee drinking and wearer of magical underwear boy scout that was Romney was a racist Nazi who wanted to put blacks back in chains and let grandma die. Do you really think they care that your calling them hypocrites now when they already know they’re voting for a guy who publicly bragged about cheating on his wife before he even ran for president? Surprise!!!! They don’t. You can take your self serving advice and shove it. Why don’t you tell the person at work who has the job you want to either get fired or quit, you’ll probably have more luck doing that. That’d be more realistic.

Here are the bald facts. 70% of Democrats are Christians. Your religion has NEVER been vilified by the left. That Democrats and the left will NEVER allow you to do is to impose your narrow and perverted view of Christianity, on the rest of the country. You can hate gays all you want, but you will suck it up and treat them with the same respect you want from others, or you can't have a public business. It's that simple.

If YOU don't want an abortion, don't have an abortion. But the reality is that 13% of all abortions - more than 100,000 abortions every year, are performed on women who list their religion as Evangelical Christians. Your women have just as many abortions as they rest the women in America. But you want to ban abortipon.

When your stated goal is to establish a Christian Theocracy, your in opposition to everything the Constitution stands for. You want to inflict YOUR religion on the rest of the nation, using the legal system. The rest of America don't want your religion codified into laws, and so the left are going to squash these attempts to undermine the freedom of religion for the 80% of Americans who think you people are the American Taliban.
Wow, the American Christian church is now the American taliban. This is the exact vilification I’m talking about. The numbers you listed you clearly just pulled out of your ass.

When you start stripping rights from women, taking away their right to birth control, and banning abortions, you are the Taliban. 100,000 abortions every year tell me that your women are going behind your back and doing whatever they want.

The founders separate church and state for a reason, and gave freedom of religion in the Constitution because the Pilgrim fled Europe because of religious persecution by the Catholic Church. The Founders were well aware of the dangers of a state religion.

This is something you fools continue to press for to your own detriment. The reason evangelicals are being "vilifed" because you're seeking to subvert the Constitution and turn the USA into a theocracy. You're trying to force your religion on the rest of American and 80% of Americans.

No man can serve two masters: for either he. will hate the one, and love the other; or else. he will hold to the one, and despise the other, Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

In aligning themselves with the racist, misogynistic and corrupt Republican Party, and becoming a political force, you have abandoned everything that Jesus taught. The Christian right has sold their souls for political power. You have turned your houses of worship into political rallies.

Millionaire preachers, in glass cathedrals, preaching "prosperity Christianity". You want to end the "persecution" of the Christian Right? Get the fuck out of politics. You brought this on yourselves and it will continue until you stop trying to undermine the Constitution.

Separation of Church and State should be legally enforced. Any church which tells you which way to vote should lose their tax free status - immediately.

YOU are not "women", so stop presuming to speak for anyone but yourself. Consider the possibility that other other women have very different opinions to yours, and just as much right to have their opinions presented under the rubric of "women's rights" as you. I am sick and tired of the likes of you strutting around, spouting your evil as though we're all hive-minded drones and you've been chosen our spokes-bug.
Do you often find yourself trying to blame others for voting for someone that routinely takes the Lord's name in vain? That calls people names routinely?

Because you do not like the other main candidate you have to vote for the guy who brags about just walking up and sexually assaulting women?
Vs the party that actually calls them names...and wants to kill babies AFTER they’re born. The party that actually vilifies them, and labels their beliefs as “hate speech”. How is them voting for trump a fucking mystery to you? It’s honestly laughable. Your party just tried to block people going to church, vilified them and their kids trying to walk in, and then punched the pastor in the face multiple times.

That being said. To answer your question, even though the OP should’ve sufficed, there was only one dude in the Bible who was blameless. Obviously that was Jesus. The other hero’s in the Bible, even the best of the best, did waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy more fucked up shit than trump has ever done. We’re talking having friends killed so they could hide the affairs they had with their wives. Screwing their brothers out of inheritance. Throwing brothers in a pit and leaving them to die. Traveling from city to city to murder Christians. Plenty of hero’s weren’t even part of Israel or the early church. The Bible is not a kumbayah book. It’s a book that clearly says you are garbage, the human condition is garbage, there WILL be suffering from tragic occurrences, there WILL be suffering from malevolent people, you HAVE to be better because you answer to a higher power that laid out these rules that give all of that suffering meaning.

That still doesn't address my point. Just because you do not like one guy does not mean you have to vote for some other guy. Especially one that laughs about sexually assaulting women.
Yes it does. When one party has been vilifying your religion for decades, and has exponentially turned the vilification up to kind of have to go with the other guy who says that’s wrong to do dipshit. Again why is this such a mystery to you? America wasn’t a communist country. They didn’t really like communism. But we gave the Soviets a fuck ton of weapons and vehicles in WW2. Only 2 of the original 13 colonies insisted on keeping slavery if they were going to participate in bucking British rule. The other 11 had to concede to that or else there’d be no America today.

So why the fuck does it make sense to YOU to tell Christians to “just roll over and let the party that REALLY hates you win by voting for 3rd party”? The left has been calling them hypocrites for decades now. They said the never coffee drinking and wearer of magical underwear boy scout that was Romney was a racist Nazi who wanted to put blacks back in chains and let grandma die. Do you really think they care that your calling them hypocrites now when they already know they’re voting for a guy who publicly bragged about cheating on his wife before he even ran for president? Surprise!!!! They don’t. You can take your self serving advice and shove it. Why don’t you tell the person at work who has the job you want to either get fired or quit, you’ll probably have more luck doing that. That’d be more realistic.

Here are the bald facts. 70% of Democrats are Christians. Your religion has NEVER been vilified by the left. That Democrats and the left will NEVER allow you to do is to impose your narrow and perverted view of Christianity, on the rest of the country. You can hate gays all you want, but you will suck it up and treat them with the same respect you want from others, or you can't have a public business. It's that simple.

If YOU don't want an abortion, don't have an abortion. But the reality is that 13% of all abortions - more than 100,000 abortions every year, are performed on women who list their religion as Evangelical Christians. Your women have just as many abortions as they rest the women in America. But you want to ban abortipon.

When your stated goal is to establish a Christian Theocracy, your in opposition to everything the Constitution stands for. You want to inflict YOUR religion on the rest of the nation, using the legal system. The rest of America don't want your religion codified into laws, and so the left are going to squash these attempts to undermine the freedom of religion for the 80% of Americans who think you people are the American Taliban.
Wow, the American Christian church is now the American taliban. This is the exact vilification I’m talking about. The numbers you listed you clearly just pulled out of your ass.

Christianity can't continue to act in opposition to the teachings of Christ and expect to do anything other than faulter.
Oh I have my own problems with the Christian church and they did bring their demise on themselves. I would like to hear how you think they aren’t following the teachings of Jesus. It probably isn’t going to be what I say. Let me guess, they’re hateful fundamentalist that want to subject the rest of the world to their teachings. They don’t follow the teaching of Jesus that I only pay attention too (Jesus as an all inclusive kumbayah Jesus). Newsflash, Jesus preached much more about Hell and how hard it is to actually walk the “straight and narrow” than he ever preached about heaven.
All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
Leo Tolstoy

The whole thought that Christians are just hateful hypocrites is the exact vilification from the left I’m talking about. It’s straight up religious prejudice. Granted there are those “Christians” out there. But they are the vast minority. Christians are their biggest critics. But the left are the ones who parade the likes of the Westboro Baptist church, and try to characterize them as the entire christian church. It’s not even close. Yet when someone correctly points out that, hey there’s a lot of fundamental 12ers over there in the Middle East, the left decries that as islamaphobia. It’s also the left who will declare all religions as equal, yet treat Christians like dirt. Christians led the abolitionist movement worldwide. Christians give the most charity worldwide and it’s not even close. The Christian philosophy is 100% behind the enlightenment movement that gives you the rights you enjoy today, including the belief that you cannot mandate belief in God. The American Christian church is certainly responsible for their own downfall. Not at all entirely because of the lefts hyperbolic and even false criticism of them, though there are some valid points made. But to characterize the entire church like the left has been doing for decades, and is doing now is 100% prejudice and wrong, just as wrong as it is to characterize every Muslim as a terrorist. Nietzsche, one of the biggest critics of the church, correctly predicted the immense bloodshed to come in the 21st century in his parable of the old fool. The left loves this parable for the wrong reasons, they only listen to “God is Dead” part and clap without reading the rest.
"How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it? There has never been a greater deed; and whoever is born after us -- for the sake of this deed he will belong to a higher history than all history hitherto."

They aren't following his INTERPRETATIONS of the teachings of Jesus.

"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'

What is your interpretation?

It means Charity and Love are expected. It also means Abortion is a sin. we show this love by dropping hundreds of thousands of bombs on others?

Do we show this charity by cutting SNAP benefits?

Why do you insist on always moving the goal posts? Can you quote where I've ever advocated for a War of any kind? People with no real knowledge of scripture ALWAYS take things to an illogical extreme. YOU take that scripture to mean that can be no limits to charity much as you do with War. That is as illogical as it gets. One can only give so much, there is a point where one must take care of his own first.
There is also a point where War's must be fought although I would say we have not had one of those since WWII.
Have you personlly given away EVERYTHING you have to feed the poor?No you haven't, but that scripture is used usually as a club, a "gotcha" moment.
What do you do with this one?

Matthew 26:11 New International Version (NIV)
11 The poor you will always have with you,[a] but you will not always have me.

I asked a question. If you are saying you do not support our wars (are you?), then I will say great BUT I will note that this "Christian nation" most certainly does.

Matthew 26:11 New International Version (NIV)
11 The poor you will always have with you,[a] but you will not always have me

What is the context in this verse?

What does this one mean?

Matthew 8:5-13 New International Version (NIV)
The Faith of the Centurion
5 When Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to him, asking for help. 6 “Lord,” he said, “my servant lies at home paralyzed, suffering terribly.”

7 Jesus said to him, “Shall I come and heal him?”

8 The centurion replied, “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed. 9 For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”

10 When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith. 11 I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. 12 But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

13 Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.” And his servant was healed at that moment.

A "yes I support the wars" or "No I do not" would suffice.
Are you suggesting that it was immoral to drop bombs on the Nazis?

The translation of “the meek shall inherit the earth” is incorrect. The correct translation of the word we commonly translated as “meek” is a word we don’t really have in English. The translation is more like “those with swords who know how to use them but keep them sheathed will inherit the earth.” Which is vastly different from “meek”. This reasoning is why Jesus instructed his disciples to sell their cloaks for swords. It’s not as a show of force, it’s not for the revolution that many Jews at the time thought the “messiah” would bring. It is an understanding that violence is sometimes necessary and it is wrong to completely castrate yourself of the ability for violence. The belief that Jesus was strictly a Passivist is wrong.

“When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "Stick to the Devil you know." “

pknopp only wants to ASK questions, never answer them.
Strawman questions at that. Like we’re just bombing completely innocent people and that’s just how we fight war. Like we didn’t spend billions of dollars spearheading precision technology to avoid collateral damage as much as possible. And he’ll cite accidental tragedies as his proof. That’s war. Accidents happen. They’re absolutely tragic. What’s far more tragic is the evil people killing innocent populations that we are trying to stop. Apparently this scenario doesn’t exist in his mind. I’m not saying the US is perfect, or didn’t participate in anything shameful, as I have stated many times. But who is he comparing us too? Name a single country that defends innocent populations as much as US. The rest of the west throws a couple of planes our way and says “we did our part” while were the ones bombing the people that want to murder their civilians en masse. But apparently bombing these evil people isn’t Christian.

We have NO business dropping bombs at all.
We weren’t, we opted not too back in the 90s. One of the guys we chose not too wound up crashing planes into the World Trade Center. What would China take by force knowing we’re not there to stop them? How long would Kim Jong Un wait time attack South Korea and level Seoul knowing we wouldn’t retaliate? What other Baltic countries would Russia take by force knowing we wouldn’t step in to defend? How fast would Iran swallow their neighbors knowing we wouldn’t step in? How many more genocides would brutal dictators order knowing the US is no longer threatening them if they do. We can’t be world police. But the world is not a safe place. The human condition is to carry out conquest, subjugate, enslave, and wipe out the tribes around you. It was the perpetual state of the world before the US became a super power. Now war is limited to boarder skirmishes, civil wars, and small conflicts vs what wars use to be worldwide.
And yet you are vilifying the person who's running on a return to this status quo. While at the same time supporting the person that has spent his entire first term in office, trying to upturn the exact mechanisms that have decreased global conflict. Do you see any problem with that?
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.
You must be mad to think that the US can function with just a two party system in place which forces us to accept what the slave masters give us for our representative government.
I voted 3rd party in 2016.
I have for years and years because well, the others suck...
2 party systems aren’t a 100% negative. They force multiple factions within the parties to work with the multiple factions of the other to come to a consensus. Vs European multi party systems where factions stay in their respected factions and only the party that wins gets their way. It’s also closer to the way the human psyche operates. The masculine law and order conservation side, and the feminine creative destruction renewal side. Both side obviously have their terrible extremes, but both need to work together to fight those extremes. That being said, both parties in the US are in need of dire reform.
Actually you are a hundred percent wrong here. I live in a parliamentary Democracy that has about 10 separate parties. The winner of the elections typically gets around 20 to 25 percent of the vote. This most of the time allows them to have the leadership position but they are REQUIRED to compromise with other parties to get a majority. They don't just"get their way. "
My characterization might have been hyperbolic if multi-party systems...but it wasn’t too far off. My characterization of the 2 party system and the human psyche was spot on on the other hand. Its not all roses and butterflies for either system. My point was the 2 party system is not a disaster as many in the US like to characterize.
I characterize it pretty disastrous in its current state. Two-party systems only work when there is a genuine desire to protect the rights of the minority when they aren't in power. This desire has pretty much gone the way of the Dodo I think ever since the tea party and the idea of zero-sum politics.

I would say that it started with the Clinton Administration and Newt Gingerich. Newt was desperate to impeach a Democratic President as revenge for Watergate and Iran Contra. The Starr Investigation was a 6 1/2 year witch hunt which produced a few Whitewater convictions, but after investigating everything the Clintons had done since Bill was governor of Arkansas and even before, and the best they could come up with was a lie about a blow job.

Gingerich was desperate to discredit a very popular and successful President, and he impeached him for perjury. Despite their treatment of the Clintons, Democrats helped and cooperated with Republicans in the wake of 9/11, but I think something snapped in the Republican Party when the Democrats ran a black man against them and won.

Republicans went bat shit crazy over a black man in the White House, and they became unhinged. It is long past time to end this party and send them back to the rocks and swamps they crawled out of. The USA needs a conservative alternative to the Democrats, but the current iteration of the Republican Party is corrupt to the core, and they keep trying to take the countries back to the 1950's when things were great for white men, and minorities knew their place.

I think after this election, what's left of the Republican Party will shed these bigots and racists and form a new genuine Constitutionally based Conservative Party. End this dance with religious extremists and/or racists.

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