To all those on the left who question the faith of evangelicals for voting Trump

No one who is a true Christian will vote for Donald Trump. Maybe they need to review the Sermon on the Mount and consider Trump's words and deeds at rallies and in tweets before they vote.

It's always hilarious when people who hate Christians, Christianity, and God Himself believe they can dictate what Christians should think and do.

Stay in your lane, Skippy.

As a Christian I can understand someone not wanting to vote (D) but I can't understand voting for Trump.

What turned the corner for you? His constant taking the Lord's name in vain? Constantly calling people names? Maybe his lies? The way he treats women? The way he doesn't seem to have any problems with screwing people over?

I'm willing to overlook religious values for certain secular ones: like working for Americans, not hating America, and not wanting to destroy the Constitution.

Free will's a bitch, huh? Have you figured out yet that you don't get to dictate what other people do?

Because it sure doesn't look like you have.

Trump isn't working for Americans. He's working for Trump.

Not hating America. This proves you're a complete idiot. Trump LOATHES America. He thinks it's full of losers like YOU. He's deliberating killing people and destroying the country because he and his friends are getting richer in the pandemic.

Trump is trampling the Constitution under foot. You won't have a country in four years, if Trump is re-elected.

I'm sure we're all going to rush to take instruction on "trampling the Constitution" from some Canadian twat-on-legs who wouldn't recognize the Constitution if someone slapped her stupid, wrinkled face with it.

You continue to have nothing whatsoever that OUR country wants, needs, or values.

Too bad
No one who is a true Christian will vote for Donald Trump. Maybe they need to review the Sermon on the Mount and consider Trump's words and deeds at rallies and in tweets before they vote.

It's always hilarious when people who hate Christians, Christianity, and God Himself believe they can dictate what Christians should think and do.

Stay in your lane, Skippy.

As a Christian I can understand someone not wanting to vote (D) but I can't understand voting for Trump.

What turned the corner for you? His constant taking the Lord's name in vain? Constantly calling people names? Maybe his lies? The way he treats women? The way he doesn't seem to have any problems with screwing people over?

I'm willing to overlook religious values for certain secular ones: like working for Americans, not hating America, and not wanting to destroy the Constitution.

Free will's a bitch, huh? Have you figured out yet that you don't get to dictate what other people do?

Because it sure doesn't look like you have.

Trump isn't working for Americans. He's working for Trump.

Not hating America. This proves you're a complete idiot. Trump LOATHES America. He thinks it's full of losers like YOU. He's deliberating killing people and destroying the country because he and his friends are getting richer in the pandemic.

Trump is trampling the Constitution under foot. You won't have a country in four years, if Trump is re-elected.

I'm sure we're all going to rush to take instruction on "trampling the Constitution" from some Canadian twat-on-legs who wouldn't recognize the Constitution if someone slapped her stupid, wrinkled face with it.

You continue to have nothing whatsoever that OUR country wants, needs, or values.

Too bad dragon isn't a US citizen We need a whole lot more of her and a whole lot less of you

She's a hateful deranged cockroach. Like you.
No one who is a true Christian will vote for Donald Trump. Maybe they need to review the Sermon on the Mount and consider Trump's words and deeds at rallies and in tweets before they vote.

It's always hilarious when people who hate Christians, Christianity, and God Himself believe they can dictate what Christians should think and do.

Stay in your lane, Skippy.

It’s always ridiculous when cons try to claim that liberals aren’t Christians or they hate Christians. Obviously the religious right hates the Constitution, and is trying to overturn it, but we never mention THAT. They want religious tests for public office. They want to be free to discriminate against "sinners".

The religious right already have private church schools to keep their little darlings from mixing with anyone who isn't straight, white, and fundamentalist. At this schools, they that global warning is a hoax. The earth is 6000 years old, and evolution is a lie. They send their children to these private schools because the public schools are "brainwashing" their children.

The religous right has aligned themselves with the KKK, white supremacists, and bigots, racists, and right wing terrorists - all of whom are right at home in today's Republican Party.

Christians my ass.

You have some tremendously stupid ideas about Christians.

Yes, there are a handful of people who believe the things you claim. No, they are not as common as you insist -- or, more likely, as you're told to insist.

Yes, the left hates Christians. I don't know why you even bother to insist it isn't a fact.

Did her post sound to you like someone who doesn't hate Christians? I mean, completely aside from her viciously stupid attacks on them, it's painfully obvious she has never spoken to one.

I read your hate filled posts against liberals, or anyone who disagrees with Trump and I see no humanity, decency or Christian love for your fellow humans in any of those posts. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" isn't even in your vocabulary. Neither is "love one another as I have loved you".

I await your rationalization of this most un-Christian of behaviours by those who claim to love Jesus.

Yet, here you are judging others. Explain to us how your judging others is different.
No one who is a true Christian will vote for Donald Trump. Maybe they need to review the Sermon on the Mount and consider Trump's words and deeds at rallies and in tweets before they vote.

It's always hilarious when people who hate Christians, Christianity, and God Himself believe they can dictate what Christians should think and do.

Stay in your lane, Skippy.

It’s always ridiculous when cons try to claim that liberals aren’t Christians or they hate Christians. Obviously the religious right hates the Constitution, and is trying to overturn it, but we never mention THAT. They want religious tests for public office. They want to be free to discriminate against "sinners".

The religious right already have private church schools to keep their little darlings from mixing with anyone who isn't straight, white, and fundamentalist. At this schools, they that global warning is a hoax. The earth is 6000 years old, and evolution is a lie. They send their children to these private schools because the public schools are "brainwashing" their children.

The religous right has aligned themselves with the KKK, white supremacists, and bigots, racists, and right wing terrorists - all of whom are right at home in today's Republican Party.

Christians my ass.

You have some tremendously stupid ideas about Christians.

Yes, there are a handful of people who believe the things you claim. No, they are not as common as you insist -- or, more likely, as you're told to insist.

Yes, the left hates Christians. I don't know why you even bother to insist it isn't a fact.

No dave, the left hates Trump ,,That's who supposed Christians support. You lump yourself with this garbage ,,what do you expect?

No, Eddie, the left hates conservatives. That's who Trump supports. Just because you're too stupid to remember anything earlier than this year doesn't mean the past didn't happen.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?

Read the bible, he said nothing about it.... Abortion was going on in the area at the time... He didn't consider it important enough to talk about it...

I can show plenty of places that Jesus talked about Greed, Humility, using God's name in vain, judging others, keeping church and state apart....

I don't know Jesus's thinking on Abortion but I am sure as hell you don't know either...

US is not a Theocracy....

Maybe if you read the Bible as often as you try to claim that it supports your evil, you would know that it DOES address the question, albeit not as simplistically as fools like you require to understand it. Also, are you actually trying to suggest that the Israelites were aborting babies right and left, and considering it no big deal? Is this anything like the time you leftists told us that Osama bin Laden was a respected hero in the Middle East because he went around building daycare centers?
No one who is a true Christian will vote for Donald Trump. Maybe they need to review the Sermon on the Mount and consider Trump's words and deeds at rallies and in tweets before they vote.

It's always hilarious when people who hate Christians, Christianity, and God Himself believe they can dictate what Christians should think and do.

Stay in your lane, Skippy.

It’s always ridiculous when cons try to claim that liberals aren’t Christians or they hate Christians. Obviously the religious right hates the Constitution, and is trying to overturn it, but we never mention THAT. They want religious tests for public office. They want to be free to discriminate against "sinners".

The religious right already have private church schools to keep their little darlings from mixing with anyone who isn't straight, white, and fundamentalist. At this schools, they that global warning is a hoax. The earth is 6000 years old, and evolution is a lie. They send their children to these private schools because the public schools are "brainwashing" their children.

The religous right has aligned themselves with the KKK, white supremacists, and bigots, racists, and right wing terrorists - all of whom are right at home in today's Republican Party.

Christians my ass.

You have some tremendously stupid ideas about Christians.

Yes, there are a handful of people who believe the things you claim. No, they are not as common as you insist -- or, more likely, as you're told to insist.

Yes, the left hates Christians. I don't know why you even bother to insist it isn't a fact.

No dave, the left hates Trump ,,That's who supposed Christians support. You lump yourself with this garbage ,,what do you expect?

No, Eddie, the left hates conservatives. That's who Trump supports. Just because you're too stupid to remember anything earlier than this year doesn't mean the past didn't happen.

Trump is not a conservative. He does not support a smaller govt. He's a populist who apparently is losing his popular appeal.
No one who is a true Christian will vote for Donald Trump. Maybe they need to review the Sermon on the Mount and consider Trump's words and deeds at rallies and in tweets before they vote.

It's always hilarious when people who hate Christians, Christianity, and God Himself believe they can dictate what Christians should think and do.

Stay in your lane, Skippy.

It’s always ridiculous when cons try to claim that liberals aren’t Christians or they hate Christians. Obviously the religious right hates the Constitution, and is trying to overturn it, but we never mention THAT. They want religious tests for public office. They want to be free to discriminate against "sinners".

The religious right already have private church schools to keep their little darlings from mixing with anyone who isn't straight, white, and fundamentalist. At this schools, they that global warning is a hoax. The earth is 6000 years old, and evolution is a lie. They send their children to these private schools because the public schools are "brainwashing" their children.

The religous right has aligned themselves with the KKK, white supremacists, and bigots, racists, and right wing terrorists - all of whom are right at home in today's Republican Party.

Christians my ass.

You have some tremendously stupid ideas about Christians.

Yes, there are a handful of people who believe the things you claim. No, they are not as common as you insist -- or, more likely, as you're told to insist.

Yes, the left hates Christians. I don't know why you even bother to insist it isn't a fact.

No dave, the left hates Trump ,,That's who supposed Christians support. You lump yourself with this garbage ,,what do you expect?

No, Eddie, the left hates conservatives. That's who Trump supports. Just because you're too stupid to remember anything earlier than this year doesn't mean the past didn't happen.

As an ex owner of a business for 40 or so years and the owner of a rather large stock portfolio I think I'm conservative in most things Just because I think Trump is a stupid AH and GWB wasn't much better doesn't make me a bad guy Oh yeah people who support the trump ah aren't in a very high paygrade either
No one who is a true Christian will vote for Donald Trump. Maybe they need to review the Sermon on the Mount and consider Trump's words and deeds at rallies and in tweets before they vote.

It's always hilarious when people who hate Christians, Christianity, and God Himself believe they can dictate what Christians should think and do.

Stay in your lane, Skippy.

As a Christian I can understand someone not wanting to vote (D) but I can't understand voting for Trump.

What turned the corner for you? His constant taking the Lord's name in vain? Constantly calling people names? Maybe his lies? The way he treats women? The way he doesn't seem to have any problems with screwing people over?

I'm willing to overlook religious values for certain secular ones: like working for Americans, not hating America, and not wanting to destroy the Constitution.

Free will's a bitch, huh? Have you figured out yet that you don't get to dictate what other people do?

Because it sure doesn't look like you have.

Trump isn't working for Americans. He's working for Trump.

Not hating America. This proves you're a complete idiot. Trump LOATHES America. He thinks it's full of losers like YOU. He's deliberating killing people and destroying the country because he and his friends are getting richer in the pandemic.

Trump is trampling the Constitution under foot. You won't have a country in four years, if Trump is re-elected.

I'm sure we're all going to rush to take instruction on "trampling the Constitution" from some Canadian twat-on-legs who wouldn't recognize the Constitution if someone slapped her stupid, wrinkled face with it.

You continue to have nothing whatsoever that OUR country wants, needs, or values.

Too bad
No one who is a true Christian will vote for Donald Trump. Maybe they need to review the Sermon on the Mount and consider Trump's words and deeds at rallies and in tweets before they vote.

It's always hilarious when people who hate Christians, Christianity, and God Himself believe they can dictate what Christians should think and do.

Stay in your lane, Skippy.

As a Christian I can understand someone not wanting to vote (D) but I can't understand voting for Trump.

What turned the corner for you? His constant taking the Lord's name in vain? Constantly calling people names? Maybe his lies? The way he treats women? The way he doesn't seem to have any problems with screwing people over?

I'm willing to overlook religious values for certain secular ones: like working for Americans, not hating America, and not wanting to destroy the Constitution.

Free will's a bitch, huh? Have you figured out yet that you don't get to dictate what other people do?

Because it sure doesn't look like you have.

Trump isn't working for Americans. He's working for Trump.

Not hating America. This proves you're a complete idiot. Trump LOATHES America. He thinks it's full of losers like YOU. He's deliberating killing people and destroying the country because he and his friends are getting richer in the pandemic.

Trump is trampling the Constitution under foot. You won't have a country in four years, if Trump is re-elected.

I'm sure we're all going to rush to take instruction on "trampling the Constitution" from some Canadian twat-on-legs who wouldn't recognize the Constitution if someone slapped her stupid, wrinkled face with it.

You continue to have nothing whatsoever that OUR country wants, needs, or values.

Too bad dragon isn't a US citizen We need a whole lot more of her and a whole lot less of you

She's a hateful deranged cockroach. Like you.

That's what repubs think of those much smarter than they are You can see that here every day
No one who is a true Christian will vote for Donald Trump. Maybe they need to review the Sermon on the Mount and consider Trump's words and deeds at rallies and in tweets before they vote.

It's always hilarious when people who hate Christians, Christianity, and God Himself believe they can dictate what Christians should think and do.

Stay in your lane, Skippy.

As a Christian I can understand someone not wanting to vote (D) but I can't understand voting for Trump.

What turned the corner for you? His constant taking the Lord's name in vain? Constantly calling people names? Maybe his lies? The way he treats women? The way he doesn't seem to have any problems with screwing people over?

I'm willing to overlook religious values for certain secular ones: like working for Americans, not hating America, and not wanting to destroy the Constitution.

Free will's a bitch, huh? Have you figured out yet that you don't get to dictate what other people do?

Because it sure doesn't look like you have.

Trump isn't working for Americans. He's working for Trump.

Not hating America. This proves you're a complete idiot. Trump LOATHES America. He thinks it's full of losers like YOU. He's deliberating killing people and destroying the country because he and his friends are getting richer in the pandemic.

Trump is trampling the Constitution under foot. You won't have a country in four years, if Trump is re-elected.

I'm sure we're all going to rush to take instruction on "trampling the Constitution" from some Canadian twat-on-legs who wouldn't recognize the Constitution if someone slapped her stupid, wrinkled face with it.

You continue to have nothing whatsoever that OUR country wants, needs, or values.

Too bad
No one who is a true Christian will vote for Donald Trump. Maybe they need to review the Sermon on the Mount and consider Trump's words and deeds at rallies and in tweets before they vote.

It's always hilarious when people who hate Christians, Christianity, and God Himself believe they can dictate what Christians should think and do.

Stay in your lane, Skippy.

As a Christian I can understand someone not wanting to vote (D) but I can't understand voting for Trump.

What turned the corner for you? His constant taking the Lord's name in vain? Constantly calling people names? Maybe his lies? The way he treats women? The way he doesn't seem to have any problems with screwing people over?

I'm willing to overlook religious values for certain secular ones: like working for Americans, not hating America, and not wanting to destroy the Constitution.

Free will's a bitch, huh? Have you figured out yet that you don't get to dictate what other people do?

Because it sure doesn't look like you have.

Trump isn't working for Americans. He's working for Trump.

Not hating America. This proves you're a complete idiot. Trump LOATHES America. He thinks it's full of losers like YOU. He's deliberating killing people and destroying the country because he and his friends are getting richer in the pandemic.

Trump is trampling the Constitution under foot. You won't have a country in four years, if Trump is re-elected.

I'm sure we're all going to rush to take instruction on "trampling the Constitution" from some Canadian twat-on-legs who wouldn't recognize the Constitution if someone slapped her stupid, wrinkled face with it.

You continue to have nothing whatsoever that OUR country wants, needs, or values.

Too bad dragon isn't a US citizen We need a whole lot more of her and a whole lot less of you

She's a hateful deranged cockroach. Like you.

That's what repubs think of those much smarter than they are You can see that here every day

Neither you or the Dragon Harpy are smarter than anyone.
No one who is a true Christian will vote for Donald Trump. Maybe they need to review the Sermon on the Mount and consider Trump's words and deeds at rallies and in tweets before they vote.

It's always hilarious when people who hate Christians, Christianity, and God Himself believe they can dictate what Christians should think and do.

Stay in your lane, Skippy.

It’s always ridiculous when cons try to claim that liberals aren’t Christians or they hate Christians. Obviously the religious right hates the Constitution, and is trying to overturn it, but we never mention THAT. They want religious tests for public office. They want to be free to discriminate against "sinners".

The religious right already have private church schools to keep their little darlings from mixing with anyone who isn't straight, white, and fundamentalist. At this schools, they that global warning is a hoax. The earth is 6000 years old, and evolution is a lie. They send their children to these private schools because the public schools are "brainwashing" their children.

The religous right has aligned themselves with the KKK, white supremacists, and bigots, racists, and right wing terrorists - all of whom are right at home in today's Republican Party.

Christians my ass.

You have some tremendously stupid ideas about Christians.

Yes, there are a handful of people who believe the things you claim. No, they are not as common as you insist -- or, more likely, as you're told to insist.

Yes, the left hates Christians. I don't know why you even bother to insist it isn't a fact.

No dave, the left hates Trump ,,That's who supposed Christians support. You lump yourself with this garbage ,,what do you expect?

No, Eddie, the left hates conservatives. That's who Trump supports. Just because you're too stupid to remember anything earlier than this year doesn't mean the past didn't happen.

Trump is not a conservative. He does not support a smaller govt. He's a populist who apparently is losing his popular appeal.

I never said Trump WAS a conservative, but thank you so much for sharing your argument against what you WISH I had said.

I said that Trump supports conservatives, and he does . . . certainly far more than anyone on the left is going to.

The next time you want to tell me how Trump "isn't a perfect conservative", please do take at least a second to consider the alternatives, and save me the time of pointing out how ridiculous you sound.
No one who is a true Christian will vote for Donald Trump. Maybe they need to review the Sermon on the Mount and consider Trump's words and deeds at rallies and in tweets before they vote.

It's always hilarious when people who hate Christians, Christianity, and God Himself believe they can dictate what Christians should think and do.

Stay in your lane, Skippy.

It’s always ridiculous when cons try to claim that liberals aren’t Christians or they hate Christians. Obviously the religious right hates the Constitution, and is trying to overturn it, but we never mention THAT. They want religious tests for public office. They want to be free to discriminate against "sinners".

The religious right already have private church schools to keep their little darlings from mixing with anyone who isn't straight, white, and fundamentalist. At this schools, they that global warning is a hoax. The earth is 6000 years old, and evolution is a lie. They send their children to these private schools because the public schools are "brainwashing" their children.

The religous right has aligned themselves with the KKK, white supremacists, and bigots, racists, and right wing terrorists - all of whom are right at home in today's Republican Party.

Christians my ass.

You have some tremendously stupid ideas about Christians.

Yes, there are a handful of people who believe the things you claim. No, they are not as common as you insist -- or, more likely, as you're told to insist.

Yes, the left hates Christians. I don't know why you even bother to insist it isn't a fact.

No dave, the left hates Trump ,,That's who supposed Christians support. You lump yourself with this garbage ,,what do you expect?

No, Eddie, the left hates conservatives. That's who Trump supports. Just because you're too stupid to remember anything earlier than this year doesn't mean the past didn't happen.

As an ex owner of a business for 40 or so years and the owner of a rather large stock portfolio I think I'm conservative in most things Just because I think Trump is a stupid AH and GWB wasn't much better doesn't make me a bad guy Oh yeah people who support the trump ah aren't in a very high paygrade either

*yawn* I'll get right on caring about your Internet "credentials", Sparky.

You can flatter yourself that you're "conservative in most things", but the evidence of your actions gives the lie to your pathetic justifications.

Oh, also, only fools think "in a high paygrade" is the only measure of success that matters.
No one who is a true Christian will vote for Donald Trump. Maybe they need to review the Sermon on the Mount and consider Trump's words and deeds at rallies and in tweets before they vote.

It's always hilarious when people who hate Christians, Christianity, and God Himself believe they can dictate what Christians should think and do.

Stay in your lane, Skippy.

As a Christian I can understand someone not wanting to vote (D) but I can't understand voting for Trump.

What turned the corner for you? His constant taking the Lord's name in vain? Constantly calling people names? Maybe his lies? The way he treats women? The way he doesn't seem to have any problems with screwing people over?

I'm willing to overlook religious values for certain secular ones: like working for Americans, not hating America, and not wanting to destroy the Constitution.

Free will's a bitch, huh? Have you figured out yet that you don't get to dictate what other people do?

Because it sure doesn't look like you have.

Trump isn't working for Americans. He's working for Trump.

Not hating America. This proves you're a complete idiot. Trump LOATHES America. He thinks it's full of losers like YOU. He's deliberating killing people and destroying the country because he and his friends are getting richer in the pandemic.

Trump is trampling the Constitution under foot. You won't have a country in four years, if Trump is re-elected.

I'm sure we're all going to rush to take instruction on "trampling the Constitution" from some Canadian twat-on-legs who wouldn't recognize the Constitution if someone slapped her stupid, wrinkled face with it.

You continue to have nothing whatsoever that OUR country wants, needs, or values.

Too bad
No one who is a true Christian will vote for Donald Trump. Maybe they need to review the Sermon on the Mount and consider Trump's words and deeds at rallies and in tweets before they vote.

It's always hilarious when people who hate Christians, Christianity, and God Himself believe they can dictate what Christians should think and do.

Stay in your lane, Skippy.

As a Christian I can understand someone not wanting to vote (D) but I can't understand voting for Trump.

What turned the corner for you? His constant taking the Lord's name in vain? Constantly calling people names? Maybe his lies? The way he treats women? The way he doesn't seem to have any problems with screwing people over?

I'm willing to overlook religious values for certain secular ones: like working for Americans, not hating America, and not wanting to destroy the Constitution.

Free will's a bitch, huh? Have you figured out yet that you don't get to dictate what other people do?

Because it sure doesn't look like you have.

Trump isn't working for Americans. He's working for Trump.

Not hating America. This proves you're a complete idiot. Trump LOATHES America. He thinks it's full of losers like YOU. He's deliberating killing people and destroying the country because he and his friends are getting richer in the pandemic.

Trump is trampling the Constitution under foot. You won't have a country in four years, if Trump is re-elected.

I'm sure we're all going to rush to take instruction on "trampling the Constitution" from some Canadian twat-on-legs who wouldn't recognize the Constitution if someone slapped her stupid, wrinkled face with it.

You continue to have nothing whatsoever that OUR country wants, needs, or values.

Too bad dragon isn't a US citizen We need a whole lot more of her and a whole lot less of you

She's a hateful deranged cockroach. Like you.

That's what repubs think of those much smarter than they are You can see that here every day

Have you contemplated at all the possibility that it's because those people AREN'T "much smarter", and it's actually just that you see being a cockroach as "smarter"?
No one who is a true Christian will vote for Donald Trump. Maybe they need to review the Sermon on the Mount and consider Trump's words and deeds at rallies and in tweets before they vote.

It's always hilarious when people who hate Christians, Christianity, and God Himself believe they can dictate what Christians should think and do.

Stay in your lane, Skippy.

It’s always ridiculous when cons try to claim that liberals aren’t Christians or they hate Christians. Obviously the religious right hates the Constitution, and is trying to overturn it, but we never mention THAT. They want religious tests for public office. They want to be free to discriminate against "sinners".

The religious right already have private church schools to keep their little darlings from mixing with anyone who isn't straight, white, and fundamentalist. At this schools, they that global warning is a hoax. The earth is 6000 years old, and evolution is a lie. They send their children to these private schools because the public schools are "brainwashing" their children.

The religous right has aligned themselves with the KKK, white supremacists, and bigots, racists, and right wing terrorists - all of whom are right at home in today's Republican Party.

Christians my ass.

You have some tremendously stupid ideas about Christians.

Yes, there are a handful of people who believe the things you claim. No, they are not as common as you insist -- or, more likely, as you're told to insist.

Yes, the left hates Christians. I don't know why you even bother to insist it isn't a fact.

No dave, the left hates Trump ,,That's who supposed Christians support. You lump yourself with this garbage ,,what do you expect?

No, Eddie, the left hates conservatives. That's who Trump supports. Just because you're too stupid to remember anything earlier than this year doesn't mean the past didn't happen.

Trump is not a conservative. He does not support a smaller govt. He's a populist who apparently is losing his popular appeal.

I never said Trump WAS a conservative, but thank you so much for sharing your argument against what you WISH I had said.

I said that Trump supports conservatives, and he does . . . certainly far more than anyone on the left is going to.

The next time you want to tell me how Trump "isn't a perfect conservative", please do take at least a second to consider the alternatives, and save me the time of pointing out how ridiculous you sound.

We prefer leaders who don't kill 140,000 of their citizens. A dead skunk would be a better alternative to Trump.

That you think otherwise, shows how morally and intellectually bankrupt Republicans truly are.
Do you often find yourself trying to blame others for voting for someone that routinely takes the Lord's name in vain? That calls people names routinely?

Because you do not like the other main candidate you have to vote for the guy who brags about just walking up and sexually assaulting women?

Yikes. Preaching the gospel out of political convenience. You're not concerned in the least bit with anyone following God's teachings, just only that you can use them as political weapons.
We prefer leaders who don't kill 140,000 of their citizens. A dead skunk would be a better alternative to Trump.

LOL. You have immediately discredited yourself with this statement. You accused Trump of murdering people. Outright murder. Kindly exit this thread before I smear your argument like butter on a hot frying pan.
That you think otherwise, shows how morally and intellectually bankrupt Republicans truly are.

People who think differently and vote differently are not morally bankrupt, they simply disagree with you.

You are simply too arrogant for your own good.
No one who is a true Christian will vote for Donald Trump. Maybe they need to review the Sermon on the Mount and consider Trump's words and deeds at rallies and in tweets before they vote.

It's always hilarious when people who hate Christians, Christianity, and God Himself believe they can dictate what Christians should think and do.

Stay in your lane, Skippy.

It’s always ridiculous when cons try to claim that liberals aren’t Christians or they hate Christians. Obviously the religious right hates the Constitution, and is trying to overturn it, but we never mention THAT. They want religious tests for public office. They want to be free to discriminate against "sinners".

The religious right already have private church schools to keep their little darlings from mixing with anyone who isn't straight, white, and fundamentalist. At this schools, they that global warning is a hoax. The earth is 6000 years old, and evolution is a lie. They send their children to these private schools because the public schools are "brainwashing" their children.

The religous right has aligned themselves with the KKK, white supremacists, and bigots, racists, and right wing terrorists - all of whom are right at home in today's Republican Party.

Christians my ass.

You have some tremendously stupid ideas about Christians.

Yes, there are a handful of people who believe the things you claim. No, they are not as common as you insist -- or, more likely, as you're told to insist.

Yes, the left hates Christians. I don't know why you even bother to insist it isn't a fact.

No dave, the left hates Trump ,,That's who supposed Christians support. You lump yourself with this garbage ,,what do you expect?

No, Eddie, the left hates conservatives. That's who Trump supports. Just because you're too stupid to remember anything earlier than this year doesn't mean the past didn't happen.

Trump is not a conservative. He does not support a smaller govt. He's a populist who apparently is losing his popular appeal.

I never said Trump WAS a conservative, but thank you so much for sharing your argument against what you WISH I had said.

I said that Trump supports conservatives, and he does . . . certainly far more than anyone on the left is going to.

The next time you want to tell me how Trump "isn't a perfect conservative", please do take at least a second to consider the alternatives, and save me the time of pointing out how ridiculous you sound.

We prefer leaders who don't kill 140,000 of their citizens. A dead skunk would be a better alternative to Trump.

That you think otherwise, shows how morally and intellectually bankrupt Republicans truly are.
No one who is a true Christian will vote for Donald Trump. Maybe they need to review the Sermon on the Mount and consider Trump's words and deeds at rallies and in tweets before they vote.

It's always hilarious when people who hate Christians, Christianity, and God Himself believe they can dictate what Christians should think and do.

Stay in your lane, Skippy.

As a Christian I can understand someone not wanting to vote (D) but I can't understand voting for Trump.

What turned the corner for you? His constant taking the Lord's name in vain? Constantly calling people names? Maybe his lies? The way he treats women? The way he doesn't seem to have any problems with screwing people over?

I'm willing to overlook religious values for certain secular ones: like working for Americans, not hating America, and not wanting to destroy the Constitution.

Free will's a bitch, huh? Have you figured out yet that you don't get to dictate what other people do?

Because it sure doesn't look like you have.

Trump isn't working for Americans. He's working for Trump.

Not hating America. This proves you're a complete idiot. Trump LOATHES America. He thinks it's full of losers like YOU. He's deliberating killing people and destroying the country because he and his friends are getting richer in the pandemic.

Trump is trampling the Constitution under foot. You won't have a country in four years, if Trump is re-elected.

I'm sure we're all going to rush to take instruction on "trampling the Constitution" from some Canadian twat-on-legs who wouldn't recognize the Constitution if someone slapped her stupid, wrinkled face with it.

You continue to have nothing whatsoever that OUR country wants, needs, or values.

And you continue to counter the facts with insults. Your insults are proof postive you have nothing - as always.

For your insults to be anything other than my laugh of the day, you would have to be someone I respected or thought had a valid point of view, not some right wing hack parroting alt-right lies and talking points.
We prefer leaders who don't kill 140,000 of their citizens. A dead skunk would be a better alternative to Trump.

LOL. You have immediately discredited yourself with this statement. You accused Trump of murdering people. Outright murder. Kindly exit this thread before I smear your argument like butter on a hot frying pan.
Because he didn't stab or shoot them he's not a murderer?? That he made a joke of the virus causing 1000's of needless deaths doesn't make him a killer??
And you continue to counter the facts with insults. Your insults are proof postive you have nothing - as always.

Coming from someone who just accused the president of murder. Who accuses others who disagree with her of being "morally bankrupt".

Spare us your preaching. Please.
We prefer leaders who don't kill 140,000 of their citizens. A dead skunk would be a better alternative to Trump.

LOL. You have immediately discredited yourself with this statement. You accused Trump of murdering people. Outright murder. Kindly exit this thread before I smear your argument like butter on a hot frying pan.
Because he didn't stab or shoot them he's not a murderer?? That he made a joke of the virus causing 1000's of needless deaths doesn't make him a killer??

No, he didn't kill anyone. The virus did. The sooner you understand that the better. Human behavior, things like not taking proper precautions, ignoring basic common sense during a pandemic, is what kills people. Politicizing this pandemic to the point where people refuse to take these precautions like your side did, is what kills people.

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