To all those on the left who question the faith of evangelicals for voting Trump

What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.

Opposition to abortion isn't necessarily Christ like. As much as he exemplified compassion, I believe he would understand there are times when it is necessary.
Very few. However, we both know that the Democrat party supports abortion for any reason. Try being honest.

Jewish rabbis have thousands of years of recorded judgements concerning Gods Law, as laid out in Torah (the first 5 books of the O.T.) It is worthwhile to look at where they stand on issues of God's Law, don't you think?
Nope. Christians don't live under the law.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.

Opposition to abortion isn't necessarily Christ like. As much as he exemplified compassion, I believe he would understand there are times when it is necessary.
Very few. However, we both know that the Democrat party supports abortion for any reason. Try being honest.

Since Jesus never mentioned it anyway, what authority do you have to try to deny it to anyone?
The Constitution. LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Make up your mind. Do you oppose it because of God's law, or the constitution? You might consider that using the constitution would also include banning executions. After all, life is guaranteed by the constitution.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.
Wrong. Show me the Scriptures where Jesus taught that government should provide our needs instead of having faith in God.
Lol there’s a shit load of things NOT in the Bible but you pretend such things are. What we do know is that Jesus condemned greed and encouraged giving to the less fortunate.
Agree. Christians give billions to Christian organizations, churches, overseas missions and inner city missions. You believe government should provide through taxation.
Lol to missions does not count.
You obviously are ignorant of the great works Christian missionaries do in the world. You ever been to an inner city mission?
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.

Opposition to abortion isn't necessarily Christ like. As much as he exemplified compassion, I believe he would understand there are times when it is necessary.
Very few. However, we both know that the Democrat party supports abortion for any reason. Try being honest.

Since Jesus never mentioned it anyway, what authority do you have to try to deny it to anyone?
The Constitution. LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Make up your mind. Do you oppose it because of God's law, or the constitution? You might consider that using the constitution would also include banning executions. After all, life is guaranteed by the constitution.
Capital punishment is up to the state. You're not equipped for this conversation.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.

Opposition to abortion isn't necessarily Christ like. As much as he exemplified compassion, I believe he would understand there are times when it is necessary.
Very few. However, we both know that the Democrat party supports abortion for any reason. Try being honest.

Jewish rabbis have thousands of years of recorded judgements concerning Gods Law, as laid out in Torah (the first 5 books of the O.T.) It is worthwhile to look at where they stand on issues of God's Law, don't you think?
Nope. Christians don't live under the law.

OK. That means you can't run back to the O.T to justify anything from now on. Where in the N.T. is abortion banned?
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.

Opposition to abortion isn't necessarily Christ like. As much as he exemplified compassion, I believe he would understand there are times when it is necessary.
Very few. However, we both know that the Democrat party supports abortion for any reason. Try being honest.

Jewish rabbis have thousands of years of recorded judgements concerning Gods Law, as laid out in Torah (the first 5 books of the O.T.) It is worthwhile to look at where they stand on issues of God's Law, don't you think?
Nope. Christians don't live under the law.

OK. That means you can't run back to the O.T to justify anything from now on. Where in the N.T. is abortion banned?
Everytime it says to love one another and do good. Scripture says Jesus is the Creator of Life. You're an idiot.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.

Opposition to abortion isn't necessarily Christ like. As much as he exemplified compassion, I believe he would understand there are times when it is necessary.
Very few. However, we both know that the Democrat party supports abortion for any reason. Try being honest.

Since Jesus never mentioned it anyway, what authority do you have to try to deny it to anyone?
The Constitution. LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Make up your mind. Do you oppose it because of God's law, or the constitution? You might consider that using the constitution would also include banning executions. After all, life is guaranteed by the constitution.
Capital punishment is up to the state. You're not equipped for this conversation.

Doesn't matter if you make that determination on religious grounds like you do abortion. Make up your mind.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.

Opposition to abortion isn't necessarily Christ like. As much as he exemplified compassion, I believe he would understand there are times when it is necessary.
Very few. However, we both know that the Democrat party supports abortion for any reason. Try being honest.

Jewish rabbis have thousands of years of recorded judgements concerning Gods Law, as laid out in Torah (the first 5 books of the O.T.) It is worthwhile to look at where they stand on issues of God's Law, don't you think?
Nope. Christians don't live under the law.

OK. That means you can't run back to the O.T to justify anything from now on. Where in the N.T. is abortion banned?
Everytime it says to love one another and do good.

No. That says to do good and love one another. Abortion isn't mentioned. Try again.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.

Opposition to abortion isn't necessarily Christ like. As much as he exemplified compassion, I believe he would understand there are times when it is necessary.
Very few. However, we both know that the Democrat party supports abortion for any reason. Try being honest.

Since Jesus never mentioned it anyway, what authority do you have to try to deny it to anyone?
The Constitution. LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Make up your mind. Do you oppose it because of God's law, or the constitution? You might consider that using the constitution would also include banning executions. After all, life is guaranteed by the constitution.
Capital punishment is up to the state. You're not equipped for this conversation.

Doesn't matter if you make that determination on religious grounds like you do abortion. Make up your mind.
You're confused.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.

Opposition to abortion isn't necessarily Christ like. As much as he exemplified compassion, I believe he would understand there are times when it is necessary.
Very few. However, we both know that the Democrat party supports abortion for any reason. Try being honest.

Jewish rabbis have thousands of years of recorded judgements concerning Gods Law, as laid out in Torah (the first 5 books of the O.T.) It is worthwhile to look at where they stand on issues of God's Law, don't you think?
Nope. Christians don't live under the law.

OK. That means you can't run back to the O.T to justify anything from now on. Where in the N.T. is abortion banned?
Everytime it says to love one another and do good.

No. That says to do good and love one another. Abortion isn't mentioned. Try again.
Murder is sin.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.

Opposition to abortion isn't necessarily Christ like. As much as he exemplified compassion, I believe he would understand there are times when it is necessary.
Very few. However, we both know that the Democrat party supports abortion for any reason. Try being honest.

Jewish rabbis have thousands of years of recorded judgements concerning Gods Law, as laid out in Torah (the first 5 books of the O.T.) It is worthwhile to look at where they stand on issues of God's Law, don't you think?
Nope. Christians don't live under the law.

OK. That means you can't run back to the O.T to justify anything from now on. Where in the N.T. is abortion banned?
Everytime it says to love one another and do good.

No. That says to do good and love one another. Abortion isn't mentioned. Try again.
Like I said, you're not equipped for this conversation. Jesus said "you shall not murder"
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.
Wrong. Show me the Scriptures where Jesus taught that government should provide our needs instead of having faith in God.
Lol there’s a shit load of things NOT in the Bible but you pretend such things are. What we do know is that Jesus condemned greed and encouraged giving to the less fortunate.
Agree. Christians give billions to Christian organizations, churches, overseas missions and inner city missions. You believe government should provide through taxation.
Lol to missions does not count.
You obviously are ignorant of the great works Christian missionaries do in the world. You ever been to an inner city mission?
If Christians really cared about giving to the poor, they would focus on charities for those who are without adequate food or clean water. That’s the nuts and bolts.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.
Wrong. Show me the Scriptures where Jesus taught that government should provide our needs instead of having faith in God.
Lol there’s a shit load of things NOT in the Bible but you pretend such things are. What we do know is that Jesus condemned greed and encouraged giving to the less fortunate.
Agree. Christians give billions to Christian organizations, churches, overseas missions and inner city missions. You believe government should provide through taxation.
Lol to missions does not count.
You obviously are ignorant of the great works Christian missionaries do in the world. You ever been to an inner city mission?
If Christians really cared about giving to the poor, they would focus on charities for those who are without adequate food or clean water. That’s the nuts and bolts.
They do. Again, you are obviously ignorant of the Christian organizations that feed and dig wells for people all over the world. Idiot.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.
Wrong. Show me the Scriptures where Jesus taught that government should provide our needs instead of having faith in God.
Lol there’s a shit load of things NOT in the Bible but you pretend such things are. What we do know is that Jesus condemned greed and encouraged giving to the less fortunate.
Agree. Christians give billions to Christian organizations, churches, overseas missions and inner city missions. You believe government should provide through taxation.
Lol to missions does not count.
You obviously are ignorant of the great works Christian missionaries do in the world. You ever been to an inner city mission?
If Christians really cared about giving to the poor, they would focus on charities for those who are without adequate food or clean water. That’s the nuts and bolts.
They do. Again, you are obviously ignorant of the Christian organizations that feed and dig wells for people all over the world. Idiot.
Oh I know they exist, but republican Christians don’t give a shit about that stuff. I mean many (not all) republican “Christians” don’t give a shit about anyone that isn’t white so...
What the fuck are you talking about? The biggest bible thumping fanatical religion today is the one telling people they need to read white fragility, confess to their privilege, and literally prostrate themselves or be canceled. That religion burned down a fuck ton of cities in their jihad. That’s a theocracy right there. Everyone is religious whether they know it or not.

Yep. ..pretty much
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.

Opposition to abortion isn't necessarily Christ like. As much as he exemplified compassion, I believe he would understand there are times when it is necessary.
Very few. However, we both know that the Democrat party supports abortion for any reason. Try being honest.

You know, I get tired of playing games with Trumpettes about abortion:
1; Trump, at one time, supported pro-choice..
2. The president of the USA has no say in whether our not abortion is legal.
3. If the Supreme Court were to overturn Roe, then the states would decide, and several states would NEVER outlaw abortion.
4. If they did, there are now over the counter drugs available by mail in Europe that will abort a fetus at home, without a doctor being involved.

I wish the pro-life fanatics would wake up and realize that this is the 21at century, and that the abortion ship has sailed.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.
Wrong. Show me the Scriptures where Jesus taught that government should provide our needs instead of having faith in God.
Lol there’s a shit load of things NOT in the Bible but you pretend such things are. What we do know is that Jesus condemned greed and encouraged giving to the less fortunate.
Agree. Christians give billions to Christian organizations, churches, overseas missions and inner city missions. You believe government should provide through taxation.
Lol to missions does not count.
You obviously are ignorant of the great works Christian missionaries do in the world. You ever been to an inner city mission?
If Christians really cared about giving to the poor, they would focus on charities for those who are without adequate food or clean water. That’s the nuts and bolts.
They do. Again, you are obviously ignorant of the Christian organizations that feed and dig wells for people all over the world. Idiot.
Oh I know they exist, but republican Christians don’t give a shit about that stuff. I mean many (not all) republican “Christians” don’t give a shit about anyone that isn’t white so...
You're an idiot.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
No not widely available in the area. He was in ancient Israel and Jews were against it, as they have been against Baal posts for Millenia. What was far more common and safer than ancient “abortion” was to have the baby and just leave it out in the elements to die. The early church was thought of as crazy because they’d take these babies on as their own because in a time when food was scarce it was crazy to take on extra mouths to feed. Many of the early church apologists in Roman times were staunchly against both ancient “abortion” and leaving your children in the elements to die. The worship of Baal in the Old Testament was to sacrifice your infants in order to gain prosperity, which is exactly what it is today. The Jews, which Jesus was a Jew, were very much agains that.

Isn’t it great when people who’ve never read the Bible try lecture others on it. Isn’t it also great when the left takes bits of history and twist it in their favor by leaving out all the inconvenient details. Take for instance the fact that Jefferson was a staunch abolitionist by the time he wrote the declaration. He even fought the state of Virginia 3 times for the right to free his slaves, which he lost. His relationship with sally fields was a monogamous one after his wife died. That’s not being taught today.
Do you often find yourself trying to blame others for voting for someone that routinely takes the Lord's name in vain? That calls people names routinely?

Because you do not like the other main candidate you have to vote for the guy who brags about just walking up and sexually assaulting women?
I see, you are one of the TDS afflicted morons who thinks Trump sexually assaults women, even you have no rational reason to believe that.

You're a fucking idiot.

I don't know if he did or not. I know he bragged about doing it. If you want to argue he was lying, well OK.
Do you often find yourself trying to blame others for voting for someone that routinely takes the Lord's name in vain? That calls people names routinely?

Because you do not like the other main candidate you have to vote for the guy who brags about just walking up and sexually assaulting women?
You vote for the guy who holds a woman against the wall and puts his hand INSIDE HER BODY!

No idea what you are saying.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.

Opposition to abortion isn't necessarily Christ like. As much as he exemplified compassion, I believe he would understand there are times when it is necessary.
Very few. However, we both know that the Democrat party supports abortion for any reason. Try being honest.

Jewish rabbis have thousands of years of recorded judgements concerning Gods Law, as laid out in Torah (the first 5 books of the O.T.) It is worthwhile to look at where they stand on issues of God's Law, don't you think?
Nope. Christians don't live under the law.

OK. That means you can't run back to the O.T to justify anything from now on. Where in the N.T. is abortion banned?
Everytime it says to love one another and do good.

No. That says to do good and love one another. Abortion isn't mentioned. Try again.
Murder is sin.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.

Opposition to abortion isn't necessarily Christ like. As much as he exemplified compassion, I believe he would understand there are times when it is necessary.
Very few. However, we both know that the Democrat party supports abortion for any reason. Try being honest.

Jewish rabbis have thousands of years of recorded judgements concerning Gods Law, as laid out in Torah (the first 5 books of the O.T.) It is worthwhile to look at where they stand on issues of God's Law, don't you think?
Nope. Christians don't live under the law.

OK. That means you can't run back to the O.T to justify anything from now on. Where in the N.T. is abortion banned?
Everytime it says to love one another and do good.

No. That says to do good and love one another. Abortion isn't mentioned. Try again.
Like I said, you're not equipped for this conversation. Jesus said "you shall not murder"

Abortion is not murder.

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