To all those on the left who question the faith of evangelicals for voting Trump

Do you often find yourself trying to blame others for voting for someone that routinely takes the Lord's name in vain? That calls people names routinely?

Because you do not like the other main candidate you have to vote for the guy who brags about just walking up and sexually assaulting women?
I see, you are one of the TDS afflicted morons who thinks Trump sexually assaults women, even you have no rational reason to believe that.

You're a fucking idiot.

I don't know if he did or not. I know he bragged about doing it. If you want to argue he was lying, well OK.
You're the one who is lying. You are mindlessly repeating what your feeble mind has been easily brainwashed into believing.

And of course you cannot provide any evidence to back up your specious accusations. None.

So it was all a video trick? He never said it?
The Access Hollywood video does not show Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women in the first place. Your feeble mind has just been brainwashed into believing it does.

I know that this revelation must come as a huge surprise to an LWNJ moonbat such as yourself because you guys tend to be very unattractive creepy socially awkward misfits, but women actually like to have their pussies touched.

It does. He in his spoiled mind thinks women do not care. They do.

It's just that until recently they knew no one would take them seriously. I suppose we should give Trump some of the credit for changing that.
Just because women don't want you to kiss them or touch their pussy, that does not mean that they don't want anybody to ever kiss them touch their pussy.

It is illogical to presume that all kissing and pussy grabbing is non-consensual. That's why your contention that Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women is so fucking retarded.

Face it, you were easily brainwashed via repeated messaging in the media. Your TDS makes you stupider every day because it prevents you from thinking logically. You cannot believe all the lies about Trump without completely throwing logic and reason out the window.

He said it. No lie.
Of course it's a lie. Otherwise you would directly quote him bragging about sexually assaulting women, you stupid TDS afflicted moron.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.
The fact that you call yourself religious, and hate the millions of ILLEGAL immigrants that risked their lives to come here you are a fake christian. I can go on forever.
Why do you admire lawbreakers?

We hold lawbreakers up as something to admire. Financial whizzes that break our laws and come out with millions are heralded as people to look up to.
Who is "we"? Are you in prison?

We is the entire country for the most part.

Why not address the point?
I don't believe the entire country supports criminals.
Do you often find yourself trying to blame others for voting for someone that routinely takes the Lord's name in vain? That calls people names routinely?

Because you do not like the other main candidate you have to vote for the guy who brags about just walking up and sexually assaulting women?
It’s your opinion that President Trump bragged about assaulting women and nothing more

Say that if you want. Yes, as a Christian I found what he said highly offensive. As a human being I found what he said highly offensive.

I probably would have chuckled when I was 12.
Give us the ENTIRE quote.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Not questioning their faith. Just their sanity, their compassion, their morality, and ultimately, their hypocrisy. They hijacked the Republican Party platform in the early 80's. And those Republicans are too wimpy to tell them to get lost. The culture wars were invented by the right wing in this country. I've never seen a group of people so willing to use the courts and legislation at the state and federal level to shove their "values" and their "beliefs" down the throats of every American.

And to be honest, any church that raffles off an AR-15....doesn't have a leg to stand on to bitch and complain. They deserved this.
Gun raffles happen all the fucking time. In churches, fundraisers, whatever. It’s a normal thing. I go to a beef and beer for my towns local PAL every year that has a gun raffle. It’s 100% normal. Unless you live in a bubble like yourself or these protestors where you decide it’s appropriate to commit violence against random people you’ve never met because a gun raffle happened. It’s bonkers there’s even this sort of rhetoric out there.

BTW the gun debate is over. After covid and the riots most of the left are finally starting to get it. For Christ sakes CHOP was taken over by a warlord handing out ARs to kids illegally that clearly never handled a firearm in their life. Y’all didn’t say shit. The gun debate is over. Y’all ended it
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

What do we expect? We expect gross hypocrisy from the folks to profess that supporting Trump brings them closer to Jesus' message.
Standing up to Satan and rejecting his lies was Jesus’ message.

President Trump is an excellent example of standing up against the lies of the left.
That was not Jesus' message. Go back and read the scriptures. You should be ashamed about comparing DJT to anything biblical concerning Jesus.
You are proposing Jesus preached acceptance and submission to Satan and his lies? I’d like to see those passages.

“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44
Do you often find yourself trying to blame others for voting for someone that routinely takes the Lord's name in vain? That calls people names routinely?

Because you do not like the other main candidate you have to vote for the guy who brags about just walking up and sexually assaulting women?
I see, you are one of the TDS afflicted morons who thinks Trump sexually assaults women, even you have no rational reason to believe that.

You're a fucking idiot.

I don't know if he did or not. I know he bragged about doing it. If you want to argue he was lying, well OK.
You're the one who is lying. You are mindlessly repeating what your feeble mind has been easily brainwashed into believing.

And of course you cannot provide any evidence to back up your specious accusations. None.

So it was all a video trick? He never said it?
The Access Hollywood video does not show Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women in the first place. Your feeble mind has just been brainwashed into believing it does.

I know that this revelation must come as a huge surprise to an LWNJ moonbat such as yourself because you guys tend to be very unattractive creepy socially awkward misfits, but women actually like to have their pussies touched.

It does. He in his spoiled mind thinks women do not care. They do.

It's just that until recently they knew no one would take them seriously. I suppose we should give Trump some of the credit for changing that.
Just because women don't want you to kiss them or touch their pussy, that does not mean that they don't want anybody to ever kiss them touch their pussy.

It is illogical to presume that all kissing and pussy grabbing is non-consensual. That's why your contention that Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women is so fucking retarded.

Face it, you were easily brainwashed via repeated messaging in the media. Your TDS makes you stupider every day because it prevents you from thinking logically. You cannot believe all the lies about Trump without completely throwing logic and reason out the window.

He said it. No lie.
Of course it's a lie. Otherwise you would directly quote him bragging about sexually assaulting women, you stupid TDS afflicted moron.

You know what he said. I stated why I do not support what he said. You can address my points or call me names.

I think we know which one it will be.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.
The fact that you call yourself religious, and hate the millions of ILLEGAL immigrants that risked their lives to come here you are a fake christian. I can go on forever.
Why do you admire lawbreakers?

We hold lawbreakers up as something to admire. Financial whizzes that break our laws and come out with millions are heralded as people to look up to.
Who is "we"? Are you in prison?

We is the entire country for the most part.

Why not address the point?
I don't believe the entire country supports criminals.

And oddly nothing has ever been done about their unlawfulness. Just like the tens of thousands hiring illegals.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.
The fact that you call yourself religious, and hate the millions of ILLEGAL immigrants that risked their lives to come here you are a fake christian. I can go on forever.
We don’t hate any immigrants. But we need to know who are coming into this country. We need to keep out human smugglers drug dealers And murderers.
Do you often find yourself trying to blame others for voting for someone that routinely takes the Lord's name in vain? That calls people names routinely?

Because you do not like the other main candidate you have to vote for the guy who brags about just walking up and sexually assaulting women?
I see, you are one of the TDS afflicted morons who thinks Trump sexually assaults women, even you have no rational reason to believe that.

You're a fucking idiot.

I don't know if he did or not. I know he bragged about doing it. If you want to argue he was lying, well OK.
You're the one who is lying. You are mindlessly repeating what your feeble mind has been easily brainwashed into believing.

And of course you cannot provide any evidence to back up your specious accusations. None.

So it was all a video trick? He never said it?
The Access Hollywood video does not show Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women in the first place. Your feeble mind has just been brainwashed into believing it does.

I know that this revelation must come as a huge surprise to an LWNJ moonbat such as yourself because you guys tend to be very unattractive creepy socially awkward misfits, but women actually like to have their pussies touched.

It does. He in his spoiled mind thinks women do not care. They do.

It's just that until recently they knew no one would take them seriously. I suppose we should give Trump some of the credit for changing that.
Just because women don't want you to kiss them or touch their pussy, that does not mean that they don't want anybody to ever kiss them touch their pussy.

It is illogical to presume that all kissing and pussy grabbing is non-consensual. That's why your contention that Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women is so fucking retarded.

Face it, you were easily brainwashed via repeated messaging in the media. Your TDS makes you stupider every day because it prevents you from thinking logically. You cannot believe all the lies about Trump without completely throwing logic and reason out the window.

He said it. No lie.
Of course it's a lie. Otherwise you would directly quote him bragging about sexually assaulting women, you stupid TDS afflicted moron.

You know what he said. I stated why I do not support what he said. You can address my points or call me names.

I think we know which one it will be.
It's both. I destroyed your argument and called you names.

Why did you frame that as a bifurcation fallacy? I think it's because your TDS affliction has made you so stupid that you cannot even recognize it when your logic is faulty.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.
The fact that you call yourself religious, and hate the millions of ILLEGAL immigrants that risked their lives to come here you are a fake christian. I can go on forever.
This is an absurd straw man. But that’s all the left has anymore. Strawmen and ad hominems.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.
The fact that you call yourself religious, and hate the millions of ILLEGAL immigrants that risked their lives to come here you are a fake christian. I can go on forever.
Why do you admire lawbreakers?

We hold lawbreakers up as something to admire. Financial whizzes that break our laws and come out with millions are heralded as people to look up to.
Who is "we"? Are you in prison?

We is the entire country for the most part.

Why not address the point?
I don't believe the entire country supports criminals.

And oddly nothing has ever been done about their unlawfulness. Just like the tens of thousands hiring illegals.
Agree with that, but I don't agree with you that most Americans admire people who scam the system.
Per my faith the questioning of another's is far outside my job description. So coming at the problem from another angle, I feel that for such a diverse country the limitation of just two major political parties is ridiculous. l don't buy into the, "if you don't vote then don't complain", nonsense.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.
The fact that you call yourself religious, and hate the millions of ILLEGAL immigrants that risked their lives to come here you are a fake christian. I can go on forever.
Why do you admire lawbreakers?

We hold lawbreakers up as something to admire. Financial whizzes that break our laws and come out with millions are heralded as people to look up to.
Who is "we"? Are you in prison?

We is the entire country for the most part.

Why not address the point?
I don't believe the entire country supports criminals.

And oddly nothing has ever been done about their unlawfulness. Just like the tens of thousands hiring illegals.
Agree with that, but I don't agree with you that most Americans admire people who scam the system.

I gave a specific example as opposed to your general example.

You even agreed.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Not questioning their faith. Just their sanity, their compassion, their morality, and ultimately, their hypocrisy. They hijacked the Republican Party platform in the early 80's. And those Republicans are too wimpy to tell them to get lost. The culture wars were invented by the right wing in this country. I've never seen a group of people so willing to use the courts and legislation at the state and federal level to shove their "values" and their "beliefs" down the throats of every American.

And to be honest, any church that raffles off an AR-15....doesn't have a leg to stand on to bitch and complain. They deserved this.
Gun raffles happen all the fucking time. In churches, fundraisers, whatever. It’s a normal thing. I go to a beef and beer for my towns local PAL every year that has a gun raffle. It’s 100% normal. Unless you live in a bubble like yourself or these protestors where you decide it’s appropriate to commit violence against random people you’ve never met because a gun raffle happened. It’s bonkers there’s even this sort of rhetoric out there.

BTW the gun debate is over. After covid and the riots most of the left are finally starting to get it. For Christ sakes CHOP was taken over by a warlord handing out ARs to kids illegally that clearly never handled a firearm in their life. Y’all didn’t say shit. The gun debate is over. Y’all ended it

Yeah sure. I've never heard of a church raffling off a firearm.
There was never any gun debate. There are only gun control debates.
See the diff?
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Not questioning their faith. Just their sanity, their compassion, their morality, and ultimately, their hypocrisy. They hijacked the Republican Party platform in the early 80's. And those Republicans are too wimpy to tell them to get lost. The culture wars were invented by the right wing in this country. I've never seen a group of people so willing to use the courts and legislation at the state and federal level to shove their "values" and their "beliefs" down the throats of every American.

And to be honest, any church that raffles off an AR-15....doesn't have a leg to stand on to bitch and complain. They deserved this.
Gun raffles happen all the fucking time. In churches, fundraisers, whatever. It’s a normal thing. I go to a beef and beer for my towns local PAL every year that has a gun raffle. It’s 100% normal. Unless you live in a bubble like yourself or these protestors where you decide it’s appropriate to commit violence against random people you’ve never met because a gun raffle happened. It’s bonkers there’s even this sort of rhetoric out there.

BTW the gun debate is over. After covid and the riots most of the left are finally starting to get it. For Christ sakes CHOP was taken over by a warlord handing out ARs to kids illegally that clearly never handled a firearm in their life. Y’all didn’t say shit. The gun debate is over. Y’all ended it

Yeah sure. I've never heard of a church raffling off a firearm.
There was never any gun debate. There are only gun control debates.
See the diff?

I would say this was pretty rare.

What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.

Opposition to abortion isn't necessarily Christ like. As much as he exemplified compassion, I believe he would understand there are times when it is necessary.
Ah, more non-Christians telling Christians what Christ was like. It’s hilarious. The whole concept of “all men created equal” is a Christian concept. Obviously all men aren’t created equal, Lebron is not created equal to someone with Down syndrome. It wasn’t a concept until the DOI laid it out as one. Before that Kings had the “divine right” to be the rulers. Before that it was just we conquered you therefore we have the right to subjugate you, the inferior. The concept comes from the “divine spark” idea AKA created in the image of God. You know the same argument hilarious made by the left when they first tried to claim trump called Mexicans animals, and then when it was clear he was referring to MS-13 they had to shift to “no we meant everyone has the divine spark.” A concept they obviously don’t believe in because of abortion, and the whole fact they would like to see a world where kids with Down syndrome don’t exist thanks to abortion. A concept they also show they don’t believe in since it’s ok to punch pastors in the face “because guns....gasp, they’re evil.” The whole concept of pro life is that the if the life of the least of us doesn’t matter, than life doesn’t matter.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Jesus said nothing about abortion but a lot about greed, helping the poor, humility....

The Democrats are far closer to what Jesus actual said than Republicans...

Abortion is just a wedge issue hyped by the GOP... They have pushed a bunch of pro corporation judges on the promise of restricting Abortion rights.... A heavy majority of Americans believe Abortion under certain circumstances and not illegal in all cases...

But again Jesus said nothing about abortion even though it was readily available in area at the time...
So you honestly believe that Jesus would approve of abortion?
No, his point is that all things considered in the teachings of Jesus, Democrats come a lot closer than republicans. Your self righteousness about abortion is the only thing you can even consider Christ like in your political ideology.

Opposition to abortion isn't necessarily Christ like. As much as he exemplified compassion, I believe he would understand there are times when it is necessary.
Ah, more non-Christians telling Christians what Christ was like. It’s hilarious. The whole concept of “all men created equal” is a Christian concept. Obviously all men aren’t created equal, Lebron is not created equal to someone with Down syndrome. It wasn’t a concept until the DOI laid it out as one. Before that Kings had the “divine right” to be the rulers. Before that it was just we conquered you therefore we have the right to subjugate you, the inferior. The concept comes from the “divine spark” idea AKA created in the image of God. You know the same argument hilarious made by the left when they first tried to claim trump called Mexicans animals, and then when it was clear he was referring to MS-13 they had to shift to “no we meant everyone has the divine spark.” A concept they obviously don’t believe in because of abortion, and the whole fact they would like to see a world where kids with Down syndrome don’t exist thanks to abortion. A concept they also show they don’t believe in since it’s ok to punch pastors in the face “because guns....gasp, they’re evil.” The whole concept of pro life is that the if the life of the least of us doesn’t matter, than life doesn’t matter.

In the eyes of God the down syndrome person and LeBron James are created the same.

You are looking as life through secular eyes, not spiritual ones.
What option are you giving them? Do you actually believe they’re going to vote for the party that’s been sneering at them for decades now? Should they go to the party that’s taking out “in god we trust”? Do you actually think they’re going to go with the party that’s for abortion up until the moment of birth and even after? Do you actually think they want to vote for the party that is making it illegal for them to practice their religion in the business they own?

How about the party that’s now attacking them? All I mentioned before was just saber rattling and aggressive stances in the culture war. They have now just fired the first of many shots they’re going to fire in the culture war.

PS: To the moderators. Don’t you dare move this to any other thread. The left has made this political and politics is exactly where this belongs.

Not questioning their faith. Just their sanity, their compassion, their morality, and ultimately, their hypocrisy. They hijacked the Republican Party platform in the early 80's. And those Republicans are too wimpy to tell them to get lost. The culture wars were invented by the right wing in this country. I've never seen a group of people so willing to use the courts and legislation at the state and federal level to shove their "values" and their "beliefs" down the throats of every American.

And to be honest, any church that raffles off an AR-15....doesn't have a leg to stand on to bitch and complain. They deserved this.
Gun raffles happen all the fucking time. In churches, fundraisers, whatever. It’s a normal thing. I go to a beef and beer for my towns local PAL every year that has a gun raffle. It’s 100% normal. Unless you live in a bubble like yourself or these protestors where you decide it’s appropriate to commit violence against random people you’ve never met because a gun raffle happened. It’s bonkers there’s even this sort of rhetoric out there.

BTW the gun debate is over. After covid and the riots most of the left are finally starting to get it. For Christ sakes CHOP was taken over by a warlord handing out ARs to kids illegally that clearly never handled a firearm in their life. Y’all didn’t say shit. The gun debate is over. Y’all ended it

Yeah sure. I've never heard of a church raffling off a firearm.
There was never any gun debate. There are only gun control debates.
See the diff?
That’s the one I’m obviously referring to dipshit. Dur dur dur. Yeah the gun control debate is over, when liberals in California were clamoring for guns when covid hit and realized how hard it was to actually get a gun. Oh and the whole thing where chop was taken over by “peaceful protestors” with “scary“ ARs, and there’s videos of them Illegally handing it to kids that have never handled a firearm in their life. Yall didn’t say shit. The debate, despite whatever word games you want to play, is over.

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