To all those Saying it's ok for the feds to mandate a vaccine

Do you not see what prolonged, high levels of Covid is doing to our economy? Get ready for more shortages of goods.

Covid has almost entirely only killed those over 70, so has not done a thing to our economy.
But the government reaction has been devastating, with hundreds of thousands of restaurants and companies force out of business.
There are no mandates.
No one is forcing anyone to take the vaccine.
If you don't want to take the shot, don't.
I'm vaccinated, the GF isn't.
She had to take a test and will need to take another for the return trip.
When you make your decision you're deciding to accept the consequences.
Don't want to vaccinate the kids, no problem.
They just can't attend a public school.
Your choice, accept responsibility.
That's you know what a mandate is? Biden calls it a mandate.
It's not just school, they want you fired from your job....because they want to FORCE you to get it.....the is nothing close to freedom in this.

I had COVID.......its a big deal over nothing
Nancy Pelosi and Senile Fool, Joe Biden, says the government cannot force people to take their dubious
vaccine that is killing and crippling people with blood clots.

Were they lying then? Or lying now?
Covid has almost entirely only killed those over 70, so has not done a thing to our economy.
But the government reaction has been devastating, with hundreds of thousands of restaurants and companies force out of business.
So many variables in the area of pre-existing conditions
in relation to the number of Covid deaths, it will take years to study ....if such an accurate study is even possible.
Those are state laws, not federal, dumbass! You even fail at sarcasm!
Why did all our vehicles suddenly grow seat belts you might ask.

"There were no regulations for seat belt performance in the U.S. until after National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 created what is now the National Highway Safety Traffic Administration (NHTSA). The first seat belt law—federal law Title 49 of the United States Code, Chapter 301, Motor Vehicle Safety Standard—took effect in 1968. The law required manufacturers to fit seat belts into vehicles."

Nancy Pelosi and Senile Fool, Joe Biden, says the government cannot force people to take their dubious
vaccine that is killing and crippling people with blood clots.

Were they lying then? Or lying now?
their vaccine?
wasnt Trump supposed to get credit for operation warp speed?
As near as I can tell from listening to them, they seem to think that the vaccine doesn't work until every single person in the country is vaccinated, at which point it magically activates.
You seem to not understand anything about vaccines at all.
that enumerated power means the fed gov has a right to facilitate the free flow of goods. Ergo, to inject itself when the free flow of goods has been prohibited.
Manufacturing has an indirect effect on "commerce" therefore is not included in "commerce." I believe there was even a court case about that.
Is there a case because, to be frank, I do not think that such a ruling would occur. Considering what the court decided in Wickard v. Filburn, the idea there is any limitation on the commerce clause is basically gone. In that case, the 'product' was not even being sold at all or even traded. Far beyond the idea that manufacturing is not directly tied to commerce, the creation and consumption of an item entirely by a singular person being classified as falling under the commerce clause is truly insane. Under that precedent, manufacturing certainly would be considered under the commerce clause. AFAIK, this case has not been overturned.

To be clear, I think that case is one of the worst precedents ever set by the SCOTUS.

As to the core objection, I am not sure what spurred the original seatbelt regulations but I can see a reasonable argument that normalizing regulations throughout the states so that CA does not have a stricter standard than WA is ensuring the free flow of goods across state lines. Why would that be beyond congressional power to enact under the commerce clause?
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Is there a case because, to be frank, I do not think that such a ruling would occur. Considering what the court decided in Wickard v. Filburn, the idea there is any limitation on the commerce clause is basically gone. In that case, the 'product' was not even being sold at all or even traded. Far beyond the idea that manufacturing is not directly tied to commerce, the creation and consumption of an item entirely by a singular person being classified as falling under the commerce clause is truly insane. Under that precedent, manufacturing certainly would be considered under the commerce clause. AFAIK, this case has not been overturned.

To be clear, I think that case is one of the worst precedents ever set by the SCOTUS.

As to the core objection, I am not sure what spurred the original seatbelt regulations but I can see a reasonable argument that normalizing regulations throughout the states so that CA does not have a stricter standard than WA is ensuring the free flow of goods across state lines. Why would that be beyond congressional power to enact under the commerce clause?
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