To all those Saying it's ok for the feds to mandate a vaccine

Well the fed govt (deficit dollars) are going to covid. I wonder if there's a study of which states cost more per capita. And while I wouldn't be for "block granting" covid relief, I was not for the gop's ending the SALT deduction
Honestly, I dont give 2 shits. Seat belt laws are STATE laws.
If you want to converse, fine. But at least say something relevant.
You're already blown your State laws rebuttal by admitting the feds mandated Seat belts in the vehicles in the first place. The States couldn't very well mandate their use if they weren't there, could they?

It's the same fight.

You're already blown your State laws rebuttal by admitting the feds mandated Seat belts in the vehicles in the first place. The States couldn't very well mandate their use if they weren't there, could they?

It's the same fight.

No its not. I stated earlier the fed mandate on requiring them was unconstitutional. I dont know why you are still droning on about this failed comparison.
As with ANYTHING the fed gov does, all you have to do is look at the enumerated powers and see if they have the authority. Or amendments that have been added.
No its not. I stated earlier the fed mandate on requiring them was unconstitutional. I dont know why you are still droning on about this failed comparison.
As with ANYTHING the fed gov does, all you have to do is look at the enumerated powers and see if they have the authority. Or amendments that have been added.
Just because you said that the law is unconstitutional doesn't make it true. Nut jobs are protesting all covid related mandates with just as much vitriol as they did when they opposed those seat belt laws.

So Buckle Up.
Just because you said that the law is unconstitutional doesn't make it true. Nut jobs are protesting all covid related mandates with just as much vitriol as they did when they opposed those seat belt laws.

So Buckle Up.
We should vaccinate you with the HIV vaccine. Is there one? And if not, why not? And if there was, would people risk taking it?

You are a dumbass.
The global mandate to comply or die isn't here yet but the path is opening up rapidly. Unfortunately, billions will take this mark/vaccine/tattoo simply to exist in society. Every transaction will be tied to it.
Most of the VAXXERS will take The Mark of AntiChrist and end up right in Hell.

They value Jelly doughnuts, junk food and porn so much that they will not be able to refuse it.
We should vaccinate you with the HIV vaccine. Is there one? And if not, why not? And if there was, would people risk taking it?

You are a dumbass.

Obviously, you're a Satanist who hates America and all freedom loving people. One who follows and apparently adores the Father of all lies.

Repent before it's too late.
Just because you said that the law is unconstitutional doesn't make it true. Nut jobs are protesting all covid related mandates with just as much vitriol as they did when they opposed those seat belt laws.

So Buckle Up.
Correct. What makes what i said true is, it isnt in the constitution. Perhaps you can prove me wrong. Ill wait.
Well, I'm not in favor of osha mandating either vaccinations or employee self funding testing, or requiring employers to pay for testing.

But it's simply untrue to say there's any national mandate.

Rather, I think it should be more up to public opinion and employees and employers being responsible.
What an asinine lie.

I have no idea how to put it other than that. The amount of double think here....
Correct. What makes what i said true is, it isnt in the constitution. Perhaps you can prove me wrong. Ill wait.
How does the sale of a product throughout the US not fall under regulation of interstate commerce?

The vaccines clearly DO NOT fall under that clause but I do not see how you can make an argument that seatbelts being a required component of a car would not.
Becasue they do it for schools.........I just looked it up and it's interesting when you actually find information

Each state decides which vaccines are required for your child’s enrollment and attendance at a childcare facility or school in that state.

Well all be a son of a bitch.....the states decide those...........because it's not up to the keep using but but they do it for schools....NO STATES do it for schools....thank you for playing
There is a reason The Biden administration did a reach around through OSHA originally and then hid a mandate in the 3.5 T budget bill.

If it was legit they wouldn’t be sneaking around trying to scam the public.
Just because you said that the law is unconstitutional doesn't make it true. Nut jobs are protesting all covid related mandates with just as much vitriol as they did when they opposed those seat belt laws.

So Buckle Up.
Both Nut Job Biden and Nan Pelosi stated openly and without coercion that the government could not
compel citizens to get a covid injection (especially considering the recent spate of horrific blood clot

So were they wrong then? Or are they wrong now? People are not having hands and feet amputated
due to seat belts so that red herring fallacy will not fly. Or swim.
Becasue they do it for schools.........I just looked it up and it's interesting when you actually find information

Each state decides which vaccines are required for your child’s enrollment and attendance at a childcare facility or school in that state.

Well all be a son of a bitch.....the states decide those...........because it's not up to the keep using but but they do it for schools....NO STATES do it for schools....thank you for playing
I don't mean to detract from your state and local power point, which is very good.

Both of my children attended public schools in Texas (one is still in high school) without having a bunch of the required vaccines. We were required to execute affidavits stating we have a conscious objection and the kids were enrolled.

It has been funny to watch how they try their hardest to make such an opt out as difficult as possible but we were never detoured.
You anti vac, MAGA people are dumb as a rock. And as a Doc on TV said...if you haven't had a shot..."Delta will find you"
You're already blown your State laws rebuttal by admitting the feds mandated Seat belts in the vehicles in the first place. The States couldn't very well mandate their use if they weren't there, could they?

It's the same fight.

You really think that people all on their own (assuming that they have seatbelts in the car) can't chose to put a seatbeat on or not while riding in a car? REALLY?
Hahaha, as if you can catch that from the breath of the guy next to you.
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