To all those Saying it's ok for the feds to mandate a vaccine

Becasue they do it for schools.........I just looked it up and it's interesting when you actually find information

Each state decides which vaccines are required for your child’s enrollment and attendance at a childcare facility or school in that state.

Well all be a son of a bitch.....the states decide those...........because it's not up to the keep using but but they do it for schools....NO STATES do it for schools....thank you for playing
I still don’t understand why vaccinated people care if others around them are vaccinated.
Considering you made no attempt to give an example by posting a link or statement about your problem then we really have no idea what is cooking in yer brain. As far as your position in life from your birth parent that is on yous.
Yeah, par for the course. The wing-nuts start a thread with a fake assertion and when challenged to prove it with a valid link, they either post none or bring in something from nutty sources like brightfart. The thread then goes downhill from there.
Hence the inclusion of "anymore."
You would think that intelligent people would learn from history how the path they now seek has already been taken by other nations, nations whose economies and governments collapsed, nations who are now looking at us and asking themselves (and us), 'WTF are they doing?" 'Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.' Unfortunately we are 'taxi cab riders' in the back of the cab driven by a blind cab driver as he drives off the cliff. We are along for the ride.
The Government needs to mandate precision upper cervical spesific only chiropractic. That is not neck popping diversified, or neck popping Gonstead or upper back pushing Core or ABC chiropractic. Upcspine, Upper cervical health centers, NUCCA, TheSpesific. wait 4 - 5 days had you hit your head or have somthing hit it, or fall or get whiplash, sitting in a car. A car bumping into you car will make your head move really fast. That is why I don't like Bumper cars at the fair. Government needs to help people who cannot afford that care to get that care. Immune system function can be improved up to 200%. A gifting society would cost people nothing. The world needs to be that way.
If you define survival as people who survive the infection, you’d have to believe that everyone in the country has been infected.

And that’s idiotic.
Per the CDC already showed you the link. So who is idiotic? Are you going to put me on ignore again because you can’t do basic math?

These estimates suggest that during this period, there were approximately:

120.2 Million​

Estimated Total Infections

101.8 Million​

Estimated Symptomatic Illnesses

6.2 Million​

Estimated Hospitalizations


Estimated Total Deaths
Becasue they do it for schools.........I just looked it up and it's interesting when you actually find information

Each state decides which vaccines are required for your child’s enrollment and attendance at a childcare facility or school in that state.

Well all be a son of a bitch.....the states decide those...........because it's not up to the keep using but but they do it for schools....NO STATES do it for schools....thank you for playing

While that may be true, the federal government can mandate vaccines as a matter of worker safety under OSHA.

Ok, so they could ban people with AIDs from working......sure

No they can't, unless you're banning them from prostitution. People with AIDS can't spread the disease at work, unless they're sharing bodily fluids with co-workers or customers.
Per the CDC already showed you the link. So who is idiotic? Are you going to put me on ignore again because you can’t do basic math?

These estimates suggest that during this period, there were approximately:

120.2 Million​

Estimated Total Infections

101.8 Million​

Estimated Symptomatic Illnesses

6.2 Million​

Estimated Hospitalizations


Estimated Total Deaths
Based on these estimates, the mortality rate is twice of what was stated.

Being off by a factor of 2 isn't ballpark in my book.
You would think that intelligent people would learn from history how the path they now seek has already been taken by other nations, nations whose economies and governments collapsed, nations who are now looking at us and asking themselves (and us), 'WTF are they doing?" 'Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.' Unfortunately we are 'taxi cab riders' in the back of the cab driven by a blind cab driver as he drives off the cliff. We are along for the ride.
Um......Ok, and?
I still don’t understand why vaccinated people care if others around them are vaccinated.

You don't understand because you're too stupid to figure it out, fatso!!

We want the pandemic to end. Period. As long as people are getting sick and dying, it's not ending. 2000 people a day are still dying - 99% of them unvaccinated.

The public is tired of paying the costs of testing and treating these clowns.

The medical community is exhausted and fed up with caring for people who could prevent themselves from getting sick.

The general public wants access to the health care system which for the past year and an half has done little but treat covid patients. People are dying waiting for hospital beds to open up for treatment of something other than covid.

Last but not least, people in countries with high vaccination rates are getting back to a normal life. Yesterday I went for a haircut. This weekend, I'm going into the city via public transit to go to a major league baseball game. Monday, I'm going to a birthday party for a friend.

Our hospitals are now accelerating treating people who postponed treatment during covid. That means I should have my knee replacement surgery soon.

But keep resisting that vaccination. Asian and European companies are no longer looking to open manufacturing or branch plants in the USA. Investment is drying up because your country is in such political chaos and resistant to ending the pandemic.

Canada is now the go-to country to set up manufacturing in the NAFTA free trade zone. Better infrastructure. One of the best educated and healthiest work forces in the world. Politically and economically stable.

That is the ballpark survival rate. You’re welcome

Once again you focus on the rate of survival, rather than the costs of testing and treating all of the people who are getting sick. It's like having covid has been free for everyone. Going to the hospital with covid is costing millions of dollars. Who is paying for the 6 million hospitalizations. The Tooth Fairy?

Who is paying for the 600 million covide tests? The costs of the survival are much, much higher, economically speaking, than the costs of dying from covid.
You don't understand because you're too stupid to figure it out, fatso!!

We want the pandemic to end. Period. As long as people are getting sick and dying, it's not ending. 2000 people a day are still dying - 99% of them unvaccinated.

The public is tired of paying the costs of testing and treating these clowns.

The medical community is exhausted and fed up with caring for people who could prevent themselves from getting sick.

The general public wants access to the health care system which for the past year and an half has done little but treat covid patients. People are dying waiting for hospital beds to open up for treatment of something other than covid.

Last but not least, people in countries with high vaccination rates are getting back to a normal life. Yesterday I went for a haircut. This weekend, I'm going into the city via public transit to go to a major league baseball game. Monday, I'm going to a birthday party for a friend.

Our hospitals are now accelerating treating people who postponed treatment during covid. That means I should have my knee replacement surgery soon.

But keep resisting that vaccination. Asian and European companies are no longer looking to open manufacturing or branch plants in the USA. Investment is drying up because your country is in such political chaos and resistant to ending the pandemic.

Canada is now the go-to country to set up manufacturing in the NAFTA free trade zone. Better infrastructure. One of the best educated and healthiest work forces in the world. Politically and economically stable.

Fatso? LOL

Using my verbiage against me? So you're saying it is due to the hospital system being overwhelmed? But why do you care if those who had COVID are vaccinated? They don't go to the hospitals as reinfection is very rare? I had COVID and I am vaccinated but I do not care if you are or aren't. It has zero impact on me.
Once again you focus on the rate of survival, rather than the costs of testing and treating all of the people who are getting sick. It's like having covid has been free for everyone. Going to the hospital with covid is costing millions of dollars. Who is paying for the 6 million hospitalizations. The Tooth Fairy?

Who is paying for the 600 million covide tests? The costs of the survival are much, much higher, economically speaking, than the costs of dying from covid.
Now you worry about money? When you're OK with illegals coming here and we taxpayers wasting billions. The US is a buffer to Canada so you don't have to absorb these costs. Fine. Close the southern border completely. Deport all illegals and I will agree that every American must get the vaccine. Deal?
The only mandate proposed by OSHA, and not yet in effect, is for workers to choose between being tested and getting the vaccinations.
Yeah and weekly tests you have to take time off and pay for are like the fines for not having's to force you to get vaccinated.......

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