To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

These sorts of responses are nonsensical. If you can prove that Soros did NOT fund the New York Lunatic -- I mean AG -- then prove it.
Asking to prove a negative (prove that something did NOT happen) is nonsensical. If you make an assertion (Soros funding), it is up to you to provide the burden of proof for.said assertion. Otherwise, you're spinning wheels and wasting people's time.
How do you know it’s bs?!
From 6 years of Demonicrap lies, scams, shams, false accusations, slandering, harassing, and wasting billions of tax payers dollars on these witch hunts that keep blowing up in their faces, one right after the other.

Their track record of hate, toddler tantrums, and infantile revenge tactics speaks for itself.
From 6 years of Demonicrap lies, scams, shams, false accusations, slandering, harassing, and wasting billions of tax payers dollars on these witch hunts that keep blowing up in their faces, one right after the other.

Their track record of hate, toddler tantrums, and infantile revenge tactics speaks for itself.
I too can bold words.

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