To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

I don’t know what he broke. I know he is being accused of breaking laws and those charges are not yet known to the public. So why are y’all calling bullshit on stuff you haven’t even seen yet? It’s because you’re mindless hacks
Why? Because you filthy lying scum never have anything but lies.
They are trying to make a defense for something that is two years past it statute of limitation expiration date.
There are at least three potential problems with the likely defense statute of limitations motion:

1. A provision within the very statute allows tolling for the time when the accused is continuously outside of NY State. I don’t believe that applies here, but it could. And a judge will have to decide that. If the judge says it applies, the statute is tolled and the prosecution will be deemed “timely.”

2. During the Pandemic the former governor issued a series of executive orders to further toll the statute of limitations. The amount of time tolled could bring the prosecution just within the time limit.

3. Some of the counts might not be based on the NY State Penal Law, but instead on alleged tax law violations. Those individual charges would have lengthier time allowances.
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If it’s so easily understood then you’d explain it to make me look stupid… but you can’t do that, you’re dodging by playing the insult game, so the egg is on your face.
What is easily understood?
That’s all in your head. What you think and what can be proven are very different things in your world
No liar, you fascist vermin prove it daily. What country are you really from?
Wishful thinking on your part. You lying bastards never have anything but lies.
Are you on the legal team where you’re seeing what was presented to the grand jury? If not then you haven’t seen the subject matter and have no way of knowing what is and isn’t there. Yet you ignorantly declare that there is nothing. What a joke
Are you on the legal team where you’re seeing what was presented to the grand jury? If not then you haven’t seen the subject matter and have no way of knowing what is and isn’t there. Yet you ignorantly declare that there is nothing. What a joke
Democrats are filthy lying criminal scum. It's all bullshit just like your mouth.
There are at least three potential problems with the likely defense statute of limitations motion:

1. A provision within the very statute allows tolling for the time when the accused is continuously outside of NY State. I don’t believe that applies here, but it could. And a judge will have to decide that. If the judge says it applies, the statute is rolled and the prosecution will be deemed “timely.”

2. During the Pandemic the former governor issued a series of executive orders to further toll the statute of limitations. The amount of time tolled could bring the prosecution just within the time limit.

3. Some of the counts might not be based on the NY State Penal Law, but instead on alleged tax law violations. Those individual charges would have lengthier time allowances.

I'm no lawyer but I've been watching them on TV. The way I understand it is that a statute can be extended IF the subject was not in the state for them to gain access to him or her. Trump switched his permanent residence to Florida but still lived in Trump towers when he had business there thus giving authorities to access him anytime they wanted. Fat Alvin can try to use that law but it simply is not written that way.
How can anyone with a brain say that when the rule of law is clearly gone? You are supporting fascists.
No the rule of law is clearly there. It’s actually what spurred this conversation. You choose to live in some fantasy world based on trumps lies so you are constantly wrong and let down. I understand why you’re frustrated but you put yourself into that position. You can wake up at any time
No the rule of law is clearly there. It’s actually what spurred this conversation. You choose to live in some fantasy world based on trumps lies so you are constantly wrong and let down. I understand why you’re frustrated but you put yourself into that position. You can wake up at any time
Notice this vermin never can address what lies were told or what crimes were committed. Never!
No the rule of law is clearly there. It’s actually what spurred this conversation. You choose to live in some fantasy world based on trumps lies so you are constantly wrong and let down. I understand why you’re frustrated but you put yourself into that position. You can wake up at any time
Pelosi's rule of law? Proving innocence? Moron.

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