To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

actually, The NY DA's Office started the investigation/hearings with the Grand Jury BEFORE Trump announced any candidacy.
But Bragg convened a new grand jury early this year after successfully convicting Trump’s family company for tax fraud. He called that result a “strong demarcation line” for proceeding with other parts of the probe.

In general, the grand jury process is seen as extremely favorable to prosecutors.

Proceedings are closed to the public and there is no judge. Prosecutors call and question witnesses and grand jurors — people drawn from the community — can ask questions. Grand jurors can either agree there is enough evidence to issue an indictment, find there is not enough evidence or tell the prosecutor to file lesser charges.

Yes, he was.

November 30 2018
When Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former longtime personal attorney, pleaded guilty in federal court in New York on Thursday to lying, his plea was not to a charge of perjury. Instead, he was charged with lying to Congress under the federal false-statements statute.

The unusual charge was a stark reminder: Lying to Congress can be a crime, even if the lie is not told while under oath.
Lying to Congress under oath is the crime of perjury. The federal perjury statute applies only to those who "willfully" lie under oath, or under penalty of perjury.

On the other hand, Section 1001, the federal false statements statute, makes it a crime "in any matter within the jurisdiction of the … legislative … branch of the Government … knowingly and willfully ... [to] make[ ] any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation."
Yet none of those in the FBI and other investigative agencies are tried or doing jail time for their fabrications in the Steele Dossier and faux collusion allegations that resulted in bogus impeachment proceedings.

As often mentioned, Trump is the figurehead for that portion of the public that wants a return to the founding principles and the actual meaning and intent of our Constitution. Most of Trump's enemies are also those whom oppose the above agenda and want to strength the power of the State towards tyrannical fascism in support of portions of the oligarchical elite that see themselves as our rulers.
Like I stated...............Crimes according to FOX.
WHEN are they filing a complaint?
With ANY DA, ANYWHERE in the country?

They aren't,
Making too much $$$ off their cult.
Pillow guy is raking in millions,
DA's and judges are not without their prejudices and biases. With many being an elected position, they hide such to provide the illusion of objective impartiality. If one is limited to certain jurisdictions and the DA and/or judge within is an supporter of the politician in question, then it's rare charges and court case will occur.
Yeah, run with that one.
Only a brain dead moron, or a political stooge would buy into that, Smokin' OP.
The event happened in 2016.
Awww...............So, why did the DA bring it?

New York law does identify a couple of ways to stop the statute of limitations clock. If the defendant was continuously outside New York state or if the defendant's whereabouts were "continuously unknown and continuously unascertainable by the exercise of reasonable diligence," then the clock is tolled.

While Trump's whereabouts were pretty much continuously known since the alleged payment to Stormy Daniels was made, as president, Trump was primarily living in Washington D.C. and spent considerable time in Florida as well.
The feds and state officials did not pursue.
That's because , William Barr stopped all investigation of his daddy.

AG Barr says Trump has fired SDNY federal prosecutor ...​

Fox News › politics › william-barr-trump...

Jun 20, 2020 — In a letter to Geoffrey Berman obtained by Fox News, Barr said he asked Trump to fire Berman after the Manhattan federal prosecutor said Friday ...
Now that Trump is running for the presidency, it has become an issue.
That sounds more like common sense than what Fat Alvin is trying to sell.

Trump Fires Geoffrey Berman, U.S. Attorney Who ...​

NPR › 2020/06/20 › geoffrey-berman-u-...

Jun 20, 2020 — The attorney general said Trump removed Geoffrey Berman as the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York.
DA's and judges are not without their prejudices and biases. With many being an elected position, they hide such to provide the illusion of objective impartiality.

Of course just like.

Donald Trump is a very special guy. That is the essence of the legal ruling handed down by Judge Aileen Cannon over the Labor Day weekend. Cannon, who was appointed to a federal district court judgeship in Florida in 2020 by—you guessed it—former President Donald Trump, ordered the use of a special master to review documents seized by the Justice Department from Mar-a-Lago last month. She also barred federal investigators from “[using] the seized materials for investigative purposes,” which may halt prosecutors’ work for the time being.
If one is limited to certain jurisdictions and the DA and/or judge within is an supporter of the politician in question, then it's rare charges and court case will occur.
See Above.
Obama locked children in cages he handed children over to human traffickers, he illegally killed American citizens, he illegally spied on the political opposition,
The cages were for undocumented immigrant kids, held for 72 hours to not mix them with the adults. These kids then were sent to the dept of health & human services, which isnt trafficking.
And the spying was all legal, since it was spying on other countries. Its called foreign intelligence.
What a fucked up troll thread. Slade3200 asked for poster’s opinions, then spends thirty pages bleating “You can’t have that opinion because you don’t know what the charges are”..

Seriously, fuck off, Troll.
Yup and look what came of that… nothing

So why is the lock her up crowd whining so much about Braggs campaign? Because he was more competent than Trump?
No. because they are lying douchebags crapping o the Constitution.
No. You “agree” that there was evidence of crimes which should saftisfy a f fair grand jury. You don’t know it to be true. So, you are indeed assuming the very thing you wish was true
You’re trying way too hard. There was a grand jury. The were showed evidence by a prosecutor. They decided to indict. I know toning about this grand jury other than they are a grand jury and neither do you.

Do you have any proof showing that the grand jury wasn’t “fair”? If so can you show it?

Cause your little game can be played with any situation, it’s what conspiracy theorists do.
Stating a fact does not make me stupid. No one here knows what actually happened, only what some talking head told them. So spew some more lies.

Not knowing what actually was done is why I don't comment on it, your lying ass should try it.
That’s the premise of my whole thread smart guy
Yeah, it should be dismissed in a legitimate court of law.
Again, you’re making an ignorant statement as you don’t know the charges. If you don’t know the charges or evidence then you can’t legitimately say it should be dismissed

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