To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

I asked a question looking for justification for the attacks. The result has been a bunch of excuses and deflections from mindless drones who don’t care in the least if Trump broke any laws…facts be damned it’s all about a blind defense and attacks no matter what. It’s sad.
No you asked a question seeking validation
His GOP competitors are not laughing as Democrats have elevated Trump to unbeatable status.
To the orange retard?
Gotta long way to go, to elevate themselves into bloviating and lying, like Trump.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Classic, Trump.
Statute of limitations on what?! You don’t know the charges!!!
Here, perhaps this will help you understand where I'm coming from.
State of New York:

No Statute of Limitations​

  • Class A felonies, including the following:
    • Murder (first and second degree)
    • Arson (first degree)
    • Conspiracy (first degree)
    • Criminal possession or sale of a controlled substance (first degree)
    • Kidnapping (first degree)
    • Aggravated enterprise corruption
    • Terrorism (if risk of death or serious physical injury)
  • Rape (first degree)
  • Aggravated Sexual Abuse (first degree)
  • Course of Sexual Conduct Against a Child (first degree)

Eight-Year Statute of Limitations​

  • Terrorism (if no risk of death or serious physical injury)

Five-Year Statute of Limitations​

  • All other felonies not classified as Class A felonies
  • Course of Sexual Conduct Against a Child (second degree)
  • Misconduct in Public Office (statute of limitations period begins to run once defendant leaves office, although action may be brought earlier)

Four-Year Statute of Limitations​

  • Environmental conversation law violation (statute of limitations period begins to run upon discovery of violation)

Three-Year Statute of Limitations​

  • Misdemeanor violations of tax law or NYC administrative code (statute of limitations period begins to run upon discovery of violation)

Two-Year Statute of Limitations​

  • Class A misdemeanors
  • Class B misdemeanors

One-Year Statute of Limitations​

  • Petty offenses
  • Larceny by person with fiduciary duty (statute of limitations period begins to run upon discovery of larceny)
Here, perhaps this will help you understand where I'm coming from.
State of New York:

No Statute of Limitations​

  • Class A felonies, including the following:
    • Murder (first and second degree)
    • Arson (first degree)
    • Conspiracy (first degree)
    • Criminal possession or sale of a controlled substance (first degree)
    • Kidnapping (first degree)
    • Aggravated enterprise corruption
    • Terrorism (if risk of death or serious physical injury)
  • Rape (first degree)
  • Aggravated Sexual Abuse (first degree)
  • Course of Sexual Conduct Against a Child (first degree)

Eight-Year Statute of Limitations​

  • Terrorism (if no risk of death or serious physical injury)

Five-Year Statute of Limitations​

  • All other felonies not classified as Class A felonies
  • Course of Sexual Conduct Against a Child (second degree)
  • Misconduct in Public Office (statute of limitations period begins to run once defendant leaves office, although action may be brought earlier)

Four-Year Statute of Limitations​

  • Environmental conversation law violation (statute of limitations period begins to run upon discovery of violation)

Three-Year Statute of Limitations​

  • Misdemeanor violations of tax law or NYC administrative code (statute of limitations period begins to run upon discovery of violation)

Two-Year Statute of Limitations​

  • Class A misdemeanors
  • Class B misdemeanors

One-Year Statute of Limitations​

  • Petty offenses
  • Larceny by person with fiduciary duty (statute of limitations period begins to run upon discovery of larceny)
I understand what the statute of limitations is. What I’m asking is how you know it applies here when you haven’t seen the charges?
No you don’t have to assume anything… that’s the point. Go off of the facts and evidence that we know before making judgements. Simple
The facts are that this is the same incident investigated by multiple entities both state and federal. There have t been any additional witnesses.

1. Trump banged a porn star in 2006
2. Said PS did an interview in 2010 (I thinkabout said affair
3. Trump runs for President in 2016 and PS sees an opportunity to make a little scratch.
4. Trump pays PS through his lawyer 130k of his own money to sign an NDA .
5. That transaction is recorded improperly as legal fees (the misdemeanor and only crime there is any solid evidence of)
6. The SDNY, FEC, Mueller Investigation, and Braggs predecessor all investigated this and didn’t bring charges against or even pursue an indictment of Trump for it.
7. Bragg is saying the payment to Daniels was actually a campaign contribution which makes the business records misdemeanor a felony and extends the statute of limitations and that’s what he indicted on.

What am I possibly missing?

The problem with this case will be proving that Trump wouldn’t have otherwise made that payment. The other issue for me anyway is that John Edward’s was charged for campaign finance violations for using campaign funds to payoff an affair. I don’t like a damned if you do damned if you don’t situations in law. Neither should you or anyone else.
Fact is it's the truth. You filth need prison. There is never any use in debating you scum. All you do is spew bullshit.
Haha. I don’t think I could fabricate a more fascist statement. Well done comrade
The facts are that this is the same incident investigated by multiple entities both state and federal. There have t been any additional witnesses.

1. Trump banged a porn star in 2006
2. Said PS did an interview in 2010 (I thinkabout said affair
3. Trump runs for President in 2016 and PS sees an opportunity to make a little scratch.
4. Trump pays PS through his lawyer 130k of his own money to sign an NDA .
5. That transaction is recorded improperly as legal fees (the misdemeanor and only crime there is any solid evidence of)
6. The SDNY, FEC, Mueller Investigation, and Braggs predecessor all investigated this and didn’t bring charges against or even pursue an indictment of Trump for it.
7. Bragg is saying the payment to Daniels was actually a campaign contribution which makes the business records misdemeanor a felony and extends the statute of limitations and that’s what he indicted on.

What am I possibly missing?

The problem with this case will be proving that Trump wouldn’t have otherwise made that payment. The other issue for me anyway is that John Edward’s was charged for campaign finance violations for using campaign funds to payoff an affair. I don’t like a damned if you do damned if you don’t situations in law. Neither should you or anyone else.
you're missing the actual charges and evidence behind the charges that the grand jury used to decide to indict. I know I know, Minor details…. But somewhat important don’t you think?!

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