To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

As usual there is no rational thought remaining on the left . Justice is upside down and backwards because of their crazy hatred. Details of the secret indictment directed at the former president are B.S. until proven otherwise.
Seems to me they are really bent out of shape over this. They thought their underhanded tactics would destroy Trump. Not only is it not working, but working against them and they can't stand it.

Democrats have shot themselves in the foot and gift wrapped a Trump win in 2024.
All you douchebags attacked Trump When he campaigned on prosecuting crooked Hillary.
Yup and look what came of that… nothing

So why is the lock her up crowd whining so much about Braggs campaign? Because he was more competent than Trump?
Actually Republicans are privately chuckling over this indictment as it has exposed a politically motivated prosecution.
Must be.......privately.
Can't let their dear leader know, publicly.............................privately...................they are LAUGHING AT him.
You asked a question seeking validation for the conspriscay theory the democrat controlled media feed you. I got that part
I asked a question looking for justification for the attacks. The result has been a bunch of excuses and deflections from mindless drones who don’t care in the least if Trump broke any laws…facts be damned it’s all about a blind defense and attacks no matter what. It’s sad.

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