To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

Notice this vermin never can address what lies were told or what crimes were committed. Never!
I said I didn’t tell a lie. Instead of you addressing that and showing the lie you deflect and name call. Pathetic
Haha, well welcome to the world of anti Trump. That’s why so many dislike him

If so many disliked him the Communists would not be going so far out on the limb to try and stop him from running in 2024. If you are half-way honest with yourself, you'd admit that's all this is about.
I said I didn’t tell a lie. Instead of you addressing that and showing the lie you deflect and name call. Pathetic
I already addressed it you lying filth. Stop lying. Every thing that spews out you filthy hole about trump is a lie. You know nothing.
Trump got impeached over a phone call he made and a transcript of that call… he got impeached again because of his part in what lead to an insurrection on our capital

And the transcript showed Trump never threatened Zelenskyy and the moronic 1/6 committee never proved Trump had anything to do with the riot. Of course we're talking Nazis here, so they impeached him over exercising his constitutional rights.
I'm no lawyer but I've been watching them on TV. The way I understand it is that a statute can be extended IF the subject was not in the state for them to gain access to him or her. Trump switched his permanent residence to Florida but still lived in Trump towers when he had business there thus giving authorities to access him anytime they wanted. Fat Alvin can try to use that law but it simply is not written that way.
Another poster (who I argue with) did something unexpected. He posted a NY State high court ruling which seems to say the statute might apply. I found another case that undermines the argument (but only by close analogy).

I don’t know how this dispute may be resolved. But if the DA got the Grand Jury to include some Tax law counts, at least those counts may have longer periods of limitation.

I can’t wait to see the charges.
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I don’t know what he broke. I know he is being accused of breaking laws and those charges are not yet known to the public. So why are y’all calling bullshit on stuff you haven’t even seen yet? It’s because you’re mindless hacks
If you don't know then stfu.
If so many disliked him the Communists would not be going so far out on the limb to try and stop him from running in 2024. If you are half-way honest with yourself, you'd admit that's all this is about.
So many are going after exactly because of his behavior which is the source of their dislike for him. People don’t go after good people they like
I already addressed it you lying filth. Stop lying. Every thing that spews out you filthy hole about trump is a lie. You know nothing.
Haha oh it’s everything now?!?! Says the dumbass that can’t just name one specific thing. Idiot
And the transcript showed Trump never threatened Zelenskyy and the moronic 1/6 committee never proved Trump had anything to do with the riot. Of course we're talking Nazis here, so they impeached him over exercising his constitutional rights.
Trump wasn’t impeached for threatening Zelensky. And nobody gets impeached for exercising constitutional rights. High crimes and misdemeanors are what qualify for impeachments
If you don't know then stfu.
This is my thread and it has nothing to do with me having to know what laws trump broke. So don’t come in here telling me to STFU for not knowing that. Your stupidity is now getting boring
Trump wasn’t impeached for threatening Zelensky. And nobody gets impeached for exercising constitutional rights. High crimes and misdemeanors are what qualify for impeachments

Which neither impeachment had. Yes, Trump was exercising his freedom of assembly and was impeached for it. Yes, they impeached Trump for asking for a "favor" from Zelenskyy.
Are you on the legal team where you’re seeing what was presented to the grand jury? If not then you haven’t seen the subject matter and have no way of knowing what is and isn’t there. Yet you ignorantly declare that there is nothing. What a joke

It's just coincidence that fat Alvin ran on getting Trump without even saying what for. It's just coincidence that even some of his team members walked off the job when he introduced what he was going after Trump for. I'm sure those people knew exactly what the charges were.

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