To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

You LIE, stupid leftard trashheap.

You lie like a dirty rug.

You lie like a diseased hooker.

You lie like a dumbass leftard.

Which you are.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

You LIE, stupid leftard trashheap.

You lie like a dirty rug.

You lie like a diseased hooker.

You lie like a dumbass leftard.

Which you are.
Haha, do you feel better now?

Toss out all the accusations you want. You can’t prove any of them. Can’t show one lie from me. Not one

Haha, do you feel better now?

Toss out all the accusations you want. You can’t prove any of them. Can’t show one lie from me. Not one
I keep telling you, leftards are too stupid to know when they're being dishonest.

What have I been telling you from day one? Leftards have lost the ability to discern. Completely. Entirely. Y'all prove it up here every single day.

You can't tell a lie from the truth anymore. I was just watching that other leftard Coyote going through hoops trying to defend the indefensible.

You lie so fucking much you have no idea when you're telling the truth anymore.
I keep telling you, leftards are too stupid to know when they're being dishonest.

What have I been telling you from day one? Leftards have lost the ability to discern. Completely. Entirely. Y'all prove it up here every single day.

You can't tell a lie from the truth anymore. I was just watching that other leftard Coyote going through hoops trying to defend the indefensible.

You lie so fucking much you have no idea when you're telling the truth anymore
You’re really good at calling me a liar. You’re piss poor at showing a single lie I’ve told.

you’re full of shit.
Why? Because he refused to follow Trump into fascism?
You fuckers are nuts.

You throw around idiotic talking points like "fascism" without having ANY idea what it means.

You stupid asswipes are destined to be on the butt end of repeated history, because yes, you're THAT stupid.
I'm full of TRUTH.

I calls em like I sees em.

You used the word "disinformation".

THAT, is an outright lie.

Do you even know what that word means?
Prove it then… prove you’re telling the truth and I’m a liar. Show a lie that I’ve told
We are calling BS on the Chinacrats for the seven year long GET TRUMP campaign.
Aww, come on Trump has been a lying criminal, longer than that.

Inside the government's racial bias case against Donald ...​

Washington Post › 2016/01/23

Jan 23, 2016 — A 1973 federal lawsuit provided an early look at the hardball tactics the GOP presidential front-runner has employed in business and, ...

Of course, Trump denies it.

Fair Housing Act Anniversary: Trump and His Father Were ...
Newsweek › fair-housing-acts-50th-a...

Apr 11, 2018 — The president has denied knowledge of the alleged housing discrimination in his past; neither the White House nor the Trump organization ...

This is just the latest BS they are shoveling. Goldfish like you are mesmerized by Trump distractions and ignore what the Chinacrats are doing to this country.
No, I'm not.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Centerpiece of Trump's trade deal with China 'failed ...​

Fortune › 2021/02/09 › trump-china-trade-de...

Feb 8, 2021 — The U.S. and China signed the “phase one” trade agreement in January 2020, and its “centerpiece” was China's pledge to purchase $200 billion ...

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