To be an AGW denier is to be paranoid

Oh dear, I don't fall for the GLObull warming scam and rollingthunder is having a meltdown. LOL, your so-called evidence is a bunch of denier cult bullcrap you got off of various rightwingnut sources....two blogs, a denier cult reporter in a Rupert Murdoch rag, a rightwingnut publication and a newspaper owned by the Moonies. LOL.

You are a freaking nitwit who searched out blatent denier cult propaganda written by non-scientists stooging for the fossil fuel industry, and you idiotically imagine that that fraudulent twaddle constitutes actual evidence.
Nope! You really are a pathologically paranoid conspiracy theory crackpot...with no real evidence from reputable sources to support your insane, ideologically driven delusions about the supposed wholesale corruption of the world scientific community., your so-called evidence is a bunch of denier cult bullcrap you got off of various rightwingnut sources....two blogs, a denier cult reporter in a Rupert Murdoch rag, a rightwingnut publication and a newspaper owned by the Moonies. LOL.

You are a freaking nitwit who searched out blatent denier cult propaganda written by non-scientists stooging for the fossil fuel industry, and you idiotically imagine that that fraudulent twaddle constitutes actual evidence.
Nope! You really are a pathologically paranoid conspiracy theory crackpot...with no real evidence from reputable sources to support your insane, ideologically driven delusions about the supposed wholesale corruption of the world scientific community.

You're a nut...go bother someone who gives a rat's ass what you're blabbering about, your so-called evidence is a bunch of denier cult bullcrap you got off of various rightwingnut sources....two blogs, a denier cult reporter in a Rupert Murdoch rag, a rightwingnut publication and a newspaper owned by the Moonies. LOL.

You are a freaking nitwit who searched out blatent denier cult propaganda written by non-scientists stooging for the fossil fuel industry, and you idiotically imagine that that fraudulent twaddle constitutes actual evidence.
Nope! You really are a pathologically paranoid conspiracy theory crackpot...with no real evidence from reputable sources to support your insane, ideologically driven delusions about the supposed wholesale corruption of the world scientific community.

You're a nut...go bother someone who gives a rat's ass what you're blabbering about
You're a deliberately ignorant denier cult retard....and nobody really gives a rat's ass what kind of half-witted twaddle you've fallen for, SillyIdioticLackwit. Your BS got debunked and your ignorance exposed and your delusions mocked. You are too brainwashed and retarded to surrender your delusions, no matter how much actual scientific evidence you're shown. You are a waste of time and a bad joke., your so-called evidence is a bunch of denier cult bullcrap you got off of various rightwingnut sources....two blogs, a denier cult reporter in a Rupert Murdoch rag, a rightwingnut publication and a newspaper owned by the Moonies. LOL.

You are a freaking nitwit who searched out blatent denier cult propaganda written by non-scientists stooging for the fossil fuel industry, and you idiotically imagine that that fraudulent twaddle constitutes actual evidence.
Nope! You really are a pathologically paranoid conspiracy theory crackpot...with no real evidence from reputable sources to support your insane, ideologically driven delusions about the supposed wholesale corruption of the world scientific community.

You're a nut...go bother someone who gives a rat's ass what you're blabbering about
You're a deliberately ignorant denier cult retard....and nobody really gives a rat's ass what kind of half-witted twaddle you've fallen for, SillyIdioticLackwit. Your BS got debunked and your ignorance exposed and your delusions mocked. You are too brainwashed and retarded to surrender your delusions, no matter how much actual scientific evidence you're shown. You are a waste of time and a bad joke.

Bleh,,,,run along and stop getting all butt hurt because I refuse to buy into the junk. Freaking asshole
The people denying Global Warming are scared and ignorant. And violently so!

Leave them to their delusion., your so-called evidence is a bunch of denier cult bullcrap you got off of various rightwingnut sources....two blogs, a denier cult reporter in a Rupert Murdoch rag, a rightwingnut publication and a newspaper owned by the Moonies. LOL.

You are a freaking nitwit who searched out blatent denier cult propaganda written by non-scientists stooging for the fossil fuel industry, and you idiotically imagine that that fraudulent twaddle constitutes actual evidence.
Nope! You really are a pathologically paranoid conspiracy theory crackpot...with no real evidence from reputable sources to support your insane, ideologically driven delusions about the supposed wholesale corruption of the world scientific community.

You're a nut...go bother someone who gives a rat's ass what you're blabbering about
You're a deliberately ignorant denier cult retard....and nobody really gives a rat's ass what kind of half-witted twaddle you've fallen for, SillyIdioticLackwit. Your BS got debunked and your ignorance exposed and your delusions mocked. You are too brainwashed and retarded to surrender your delusions, no matter how much actual scientific evidence you're shown. You are a waste of time and a bad joke.

Bleh,,,,run along and stop getting all butt hurt because I refuse to buy into the junk. Freaking asshole
You have no response to the debunking of your precious denier cult myths , so you are running away like the scared chickenshit paranoid retard that you are., your so-called evidence is a bunch of denier cult bullcrap you got off of various rightwingnut sources....two blogs, a denier cult reporter in a Rupert Murdoch rag, a rightwingnut publication and a newspaper owned by the Moonies. LOL.

You are a freaking nitwit who searched out blatent denier cult propaganda written by non-scientists stooging for the fossil fuel industry, and you idiotically imagine that that fraudulent twaddle constitutes actual evidence.
Nope! You really are a pathologically paranoid conspiracy theory crackpot...with no real evidence from reputable sources to support your insane, ideologically driven delusions about the supposed wholesale corruption of the world scientific community.

You're a nut...go bother someone who gives a rat's ass what you're blabbering about
You're a deliberately ignorant denier cult retard....and nobody really gives a rat's ass what kind of half-witted twaddle you've fallen for, SillyIdioticLackwit. Your BS got debunked and your ignorance exposed and your delusions mocked. You are too brainwashed and retarded to surrender your delusions, no matter how much actual scientific evidence you're shown. You are a waste of time and a bad joke.

Bleh,,,,run along and stop getting all butt hurt because I refuse to buy into the junk. Freaking asshole
You have no response to the debunking of your precious denier cult myths , so you are running away like the scared chickenshit paranoid retard that you are.
I'll go with them getting caught fudging the data...that's no conspiracy, that's a fact.

Who do you believe has been "fudging the data" and what is your evidence?

Google is your friend, try it and enlighten yourself

No. I want to know who YOU believe to be fudging data and why.
By Christopher Booker, your so-called evidence is a bunch of denier cult bullcrap you got off of various rightwingnut sources....two blogs, a denier cult reporter in a Rupert Murdoch rag, a rightwingnut publication and a newspaper owned by the Moonies. LOL.

You are a freaking nitwit who searched out blatent denier cult propaganda written by non-scientists stooging for the fossil fuel industry, and you idiotically imagine that that fraudulent twaddle constitutes actual evidence.

Now this is a pure denial post if there ever was one.

* Adhomenim attacks all over the place..
* Attacks the persons telling the story and never the data..
*Shows pure fear that man is somehow to blame without facts to support his supposition all the while using conjecture and conspiracy theroy to support his own..

It appears to me its the left wing nut bags who are paranoid without cause.. and the above post is proof positive of it!, your so-called evidence is a bunch of denier cult bullcrap you got off of various rightwingnut sources....two blogs, a denier cult reporter in a Rupert Murdoch rag, a rightwingnut publication and a newspaper owned by the Moonies. LOL.

You are a freaking nitwit who searched out blatent denier cult propaganda written by non-scientists stooging for the fossil fuel industry, and you idiotically imagine that that fraudulent twaddle constitutes actual evidence.
Nope! You really are a pathologically paranoid conspiracy theory crackpot...with no real evidence from reputable sources to support your insane, ideologically driven delusions about the supposed wholesale corruption of the world scientific community.

You're a nut...go bother someone who gives a rat's ass what you're blabbering about
You're a deliberately ignorant denier cult retard....and nobody really gives a rat's ass what kind of half-witted twaddle you've fallen for, SillyIdioticLackwit. Your BS got debunked and your ignorance exposed and your delusions mocked. You are too brainwashed and retarded to surrender your delusions, no matter how much actual scientific evidence you're shown. You are a waste of time and a bad joke.

Bleh,,,,run along and stop getting all butt hurt because I refuse to buy into the junk. Freaking asshole
You have no response to the debunking of your precious denier cult myths , so you are running away like the scared chickenshit paranoid retard that you are.

Failure to address the facts presented and then Adhom attacks.... Nice!!!

Your bolstering your lack of credibility very nicely, without help from any of us....
well how special. the lies just never end. Seriously. who is running around clucking how we are going to burn up, drown or die of starvation because of that "gloBULL warming"? and who was it (when they realized warming wasn't happening) the warmers decided they had to lie some more, so they slinked off in the middle of the night and slyly (I guess they thought they were) and went and changed THE NAME of gloBULL warming to AKA Climate change. now who is paranoid again.
from what we've been hearing about warmers, is if they could they would lock up everybody who doesn't bow to their cult. so is it that is paranoid again? paranoid sickos go around calling people stupid names like deniers because they won't bow to the cult. and it's just goes on and on
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I don't blame you (much) for running away but you could have given your self-respect a hike by simply admitting the truth.

---------------- Crick -----------------

---------------- Truth ---------------

Parallel lines that never meet
I don't blame you (much) for running away but you could have given your self-respect a hike by simply admitting the truth.

---------------- Crick -----------------

---------------- Truth ---------------

Parallel lines that never meet

He's either receiving money in grants or he's making money some other way off this Globull warming
The only argument you folks have any more is the grand conspiracy. Let me offer some enlightenment: the grand conspiracy isn't a viable argument. It's not even sane. Open your eyes and look where you're going.


Got that backwards, we go out side and live our lives not on writing letters to the editors and now on these boards screaming doom and gloom for the past 40 years.
That's P-A-R-A-N-O-I-D and I couldn't care less where you spend your days. If your arguments against AGW includes lies and falsification by scientists and politicians, you're a paranoid idiot.
At least we don't see the hockey stick crap anymore. And those emails sure got squelched. Gotta throw the :bsflag:on AGW.


They are in full delete mode these days. Failed predictions are being deleted all over the place..

One of the longest running climate prediction blunders has disappeared from the Internet

AR5 has hockey sticks coming out the kazoo and if you want to talk about failed predictions, let's talk about all of YOURS. Where is the model that can recreate the last 50 years without inlcuding AGW? What's been YOUR personal record with el Nino predictions Billy?, your so-called evidence is a bunch of denier cult bullcrap you got off of various rightwingnut sources....two blogs, a denier cult reporter in a Rupert Murdoch rag, a rightwingnut publication and a newspaper owned by the Moonies. LOL.

You are a freaking nitwit who searched out blatent denier cult propaganda written by non-scientists stooging for the fossil fuel industry, and you idiotically imagine that that fraudulent twaddle constitutes actual evidence.
Now this is a pure denial post if there ever was one.

* Adhomenim attacks all over the place..
* Attacks the persons telling the story and never the data..
*Shows pure fear that man is somehow to blame without facts to support his supposition all the while using conjecture and conspiracy theroy to support his own..

It appears to me its the left wing nut bags who are paranoid without cause.. and the above post is proof positive of it!

Too bad you're so insane, Booby. I point out the fraudulent nature of the denier cult propaganda that the Lackwit cited to try to criticize the real working climate scientists and their conclusions, and you moronically conclude that that constitutes "denial". LOL.

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