To be an AGW denier is to be paranoid

At least we don't see the hockey stick crap anymore. And those emails sure got squelched. Gotta throw the :bsflag:on AGW.


They are in full delete mode these days. Failed predictions are being deleted all over the place..

One of the longest running climate prediction blunders has disappeared from the Internet

AR5 has hockey sticks coming out the kazoo and if you want to talk about failed predictions, let's talk about all of YOURS. Where is the model that can recreate the last 50 years without inlcuding AGW? What's been YOUR personal record with el Nino predictions Billy?

My predictions are right on the money when unaltered data is used. But keep the faith man... your lies will be pronounced in Paris and then withdrawn in a few months after the crap is exposed..
AR5 has hockey sticks coming out the kazoo and if you want to talk about failed predictions, let's talk about all of YOURS. Where is the model that can recreate the last 50 years without inlcuding AGW? What's been YOUR personal record with el Nino predictions Billy?

My predictions are right on the money when unaltered data is used. [...ROTFLMFAO...] But keep the faith man... your lies will be pronounced in Paris and then withdrawn in a few months after the crap is exposed..

So extremely delusional and out of touch with reality, it borders on pathologically insane....

Keep up the good work,'re making your deranged little cult of reality denial look even more ridiculous and absurd than they already do....
My predictions are right on the money when unaltered data is used.

So, you're claiming that the el Nino is over and done with? You're claiming that the world's experts are all lying about ocean temperatures and weather patterns? You're claiming the Grand Conspiracy has taken over ENSO as well?

You are either extraordinarily stupid or extraordinarily insane.
The alarmist deniers are all getting wee wee'd up..

Funny that they make assertions about others and fail to see their own paranoia is so big that they are very afraid!
The alarmist deniers are all getting wee wee'd up..

Funny that they make assertions about others and fail to see their own paranoia is so big that they are very afraid!
Even more meaningless than your usual twaddle. FAIL.

Your paranoid conspiracy theory insanity about how all of the world's scientists are faking the data for some incomprehensible reason is just fucking nuts.

On the other hand...A concern over the dangers posed, to our world and our civilization and the whole human race plus all of the other life on Earth, by human caused global warming and its consequent climate changes, is quite sane and rational and fully supported by the scientific analysis of the situation.
How is it paranoid to be an AGW denier? For example, during Roman times, the temperatures were much higher than now, yet there was no industrial CO2. This current CO2 curve and temperature rise may then be just somewhat coincidental, but not necessarily interlinked.
How is it paranoid to be an AGW denier? For example, during Roman times, the temperatures were much higher than now, yet there was no industrial CO2. This current CO2 curve and temperature rise may then be just somewhat coincidental, but not necessarily interlinked.

Temperatures were not "much higher during Roman times". That is a fraudulent denier cult myth that contradicts the actual evidence.

CO2 is a powerful greenhouse gas and the well established scientific causal connection between rising CO2 levels and rising temperatures is very well supported by the evidence, data and the laws of physics.

You denier cult dupes of the fossil fuel industry's propaganda campaign to deceive people about the reality and dangers of human caused global warming and its consequent climate changes in an attempt to preserve their profits and stock prices, just absolutely HAVE to ignore the testimony of the world scientific community that strongly affirms the reality of AGW/CC so you have turned to extremely ridiculous paranoid conspiracy theories to explain why all of the scientists say that your denial of reality is completely insane. That's how you are paranoid, you poor confused retard.
CO2 is a powerful greenhouse gas and the well established scientific causal connection between rising CO2 levels and rising temperatures is very well supported by the evidence, data and the laws of physics.

Sorry guy, but what is well established for a very long time is that CO2 is not a powerful greenhouse gas. Way back, Tyndall said about CO2...

Tyndall said:
“Carbonic acid gas is one of the feeblest of absorbers of the radiant heat emitted by solid sources. It is, for example, extremely transparent to the rays emitted by the heated copper plate already referred to."

He went on to report that no matter how much CO2 you put in the air, it didn't have an effect on temperature:

Tyndall said:
“Through air . . . the waves of ether pass without absorption, and these gases are not sensibly changed in temperature by the most powerful calorific rays.”

There is a reason you guys can't post an experiment showing the effect that CO2 has on temperature.....every time one is done, it is found that CO2 doesn't have an effect on temperature.

Then around 1900, a scientist named Ångström did an experiment to test
Arrhenius’ hypothesis that adding CO2 to the atmosphere would raise temperature and published his findings in a paper entitled “On The Importance Of Water Vapor And Carbon Dioxide In The Absorption Of The Atmosphere.”

Ångström filled a tube with the amount of carbon dioxide that would be present in a column of air reaching to the top of the atmosphere (TOA) and then passed infrared radiation through it. He first doubled and then halved that amount and repeated the test several times , which demonstrated virtually no temperature change between these differing amounts of carbon dioxide.

Those experimental results have then been verified over and over via millions of hours of commercial heat transference applications. Here are comments made by manufacturers and designers of radiant heating equipment...

“Infrared energy travels at the speed of light without heating the air it passes through, the amount of infrared radiation absorbed by carbon dioxide, water vapor and other particles in the air typically is negligible.”

“Infrared heating technology by definition does not heat up the air, instead it targets the objects leaving the Oxygen and humidity intact.”

“These infrared rays pass through the air in the room and start heating any object they hit. These rays, however, do not heat the air of the room or area, making it more comfortable for you.”

Experiment and practical observation has shown us over and over that the only thing that increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere actually does is increase the emissivity of the atmosphere. Sorry that you and yours have been so thoroughly duped.

Do you know what the opposite of skeptical is? Do you? The opposite of skeptical is gullible.

The waves of ether? Let's see... John Tyndall (2 August 1820 – 4 December 1893). Yeah, that's state of the art. That precedes Angstrom and Koch. Let me guess, you went looking for something BESIDES the Grand Conspiracy Theory and this is where you finally found something. Well... I'm sold.

We've both been accusing each other of gullibility for a long time dude. What hasn't been shown here is that you who claim to be a skeptic have ever demonstrated skepticism on any topic. Yes, the opposite of skeptic is gullible. But denier is not synonymous. Never was.
The OP has it exactly backwards. The left accuses those opposed to them, of the exact thing they are guilty of. They do this with many issues.
My predictions are right on the money when unaltered data is used.

So, you're claiming that the el Nino is over and done with? You're claiming that the world's experts are all lying about ocean temperatures and weather patterns? You're claiming the Grand Conspiracy has taken over ENSO as well?

You are either extraordinarily stupid or extraordinarily insane.

Tell us again how we measured ocean temperatures of the deep Pacific 150 years ago. Cuz, this is the warmest ocean EVAH!!!!!

IPCC told us AGW was a wealth redistribution scheme and we know people lie for money all the time. Ain't that right, Crick
That's P-A-R-A-N-O-I-D and I couldn't care less where you spend your days. If your arguments against AGW includes lies and falsification by scientists and politicians, you're a paranoid idiot.
what is it we're supposed to be P A R A N O I D about? Sorry you lost me.
At least we don't see the hockey stick crap anymore. And those emails sure got squelched. Gotta throw the :bsflag:on AGW.


They are in full delete mode these days. Failed predictions are being deleted all over the place..

One of the longest running climate prediction blunders has disappeared from the Internet

AR5 has hockey sticks coming out the kazoo and if you want to talk about failed predictions, let's talk about all of YOURS. Where is the model that can recreate the last 50 years without inlcuding AGW? What's been YOUR personal record with el Nino predictions Billy?
hahahahahahahaahahahaa, again you have it backward jacko. Where is your proof that the last fifty years were due to AGW? S0n, I've been asking and asking and you fail everyday to provide one slice of evidence to your delusional sch-peel. Come now, surely you have some sort of justification for your claim on AGW, why are you so scared to present your data?

You deny the fact that the world is quite fine without anyone talking about. talk, talk, talk, but no walk, walk, walk. Can't walk the walk of your delusional talk, your so-called evidence is a bunch of denier cult bullcrap you got off of various rightwingnut sources....two blogs, a denier cult reporter in a Rupert Murdoch rag, a rightwingnut publication and a newspaper owned by the Moonies. LOL.

You are a freaking nitwit who searched out blatent denier cult propaganda written by non-scientists stooging for the fossil fuel industry, and you idiotically imagine that that fraudulent twaddle constitutes actual evidence.
Now this is a pure denial post if there ever was one.

* Adhomenim attacks all over the place..
* Attacks the persons telling the story and never the data..
*Shows pure fear that man is somehow to blame without facts to support his supposition all the while using conjecture and conspiracy theroy to support his own..

It appears to me its the left wing nut bags who are paranoid without cause.. and the above post is proof positive of it!

Too bad you're so insane, Booby. I point out the fraudulent nature of the denier cult propaganda that the Lackwit cited to try to criticize the real working climate scientists and their conclusions, and you moronically conclude that that constitutes "denial". LOL.
denier is your middle name. son you look so scared in this thread and afraid, not paranoid, afraid that someone doesn't believe in what you do. Holy shit, can you come more unglued during a discussion? Yell a little louder paranoid freak. You obviously don't respect the opinions of others, it's your way or no way, right? Yet, your dumbass can't find one piece of evidence to support the delusional mumbo jumbo you unleash in here. I laugh at you.
AR5 has hockey sticks coming out the kazoo and if you want to talk about failed predictions, let's talk about all of YOURS. Where is the model that can recreate the last 50 years without inlcuding AGW? What's been YOUR personal record with el Nino predictions Billy?

My predictions are right on the money when unaltered data is used. [...ROTFLMFAO...] But keep the faith man... your lies will be pronounced in Paris and then withdrawn in a few months after the crap is exposed..

So extremely delusional and out of touch with reality, it borders on pathologically insane....

Keep up the good work,'re making your deranged little cult of reality denial look even more ridiculous and absurd than they already do....
so s0n, still don't understand what is bothering you. Holy shit, deny much? You seem like your manhood has been called on. What is it bothers you? Why are you angry because someone doesn't see it like you? LOL, dude way to go to nutsville.

Why are you so paranoid?
My predictions are right on the money when unaltered data is used.

So, you're claiming that the el Nino is over and done with? You're claiming that the world's experts are all lying about ocean temperatures and weather patterns? You're claiming the Grand Conspiracy has taken over ENSO as well?

You are either extraordinarily stupid or extraordinarily insane.
yes, I believe the el nino is over if there really ever was one. Snow expected this week in Chicago. If there was a an el nino, that wouldn't be happening now would it? The cool air aloft wouldn't be coming south. Or don't you know how an el nino affects the US?

You sir are one paranoid pup.
The waves of ether? Let's see... John Tyndall (2 August 1820 – 4 December 1893). Yeah, that's state of the art. That precedes Angstrom and Koch. Let me guess, you went looking for something BESIDES the Grand Conspiracy Theory and this is where you finally found something. Well... I'm sold.

You got some experimental results that prove Tyndall, Angstrom, and a million hours of observation of radiant heaters wrong?.....didn't think a logical fallacy is your response?
My predictions are right on the money when unaltered data is used.

So, you're claiming that the el Nino is over and done with? You're claiming that the world's experts are all lying about ocean temperatures and weather patterns? You're claiming the Grand Conspiracy has taken over ENSO as well?

You are either extraordinarily stupid or extraordinarily insane.

Tell us again how we measured ocean temperatures of the deep Pacific 150 years ago. Cuz, this is the warmest ocean EVAH!!!!!

IPCC told us AGW was a wealth redistribution scheme and we know people lie for money all the time. Ain't that right, Crick

Yup crick is like normal spouting "belief" and "faith"..

I noticed how crick refused to comment on this thread where I asked is there any hard data exists on day to day ocean temperature before we started putting bouys in the ocean 2004 to monitor it...

Ocean temperture records | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I noticed how crick refused to comment on this thread where I asked is there any hard data exists on day to day ocean temperature before we started putting bouys in the ocean 2004 to monitor it...

When you fail that badly, you should be grateful that everyone ignored you. You have such an amusingly inflated opinion of yourself. No, you're not making your opponents run away with your keen intellect. You're being ignored because your nonsense isn't worth bothering with.

If you're wondering where you went wrong ... ships. With thermometers. Logging regular temperature readings since ye olde days. Those logs still exist. Buoys are not necessary to get historical sea surface temperatures.

(And thanks for the fine paranoia example.)

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