To be an AGW denier is to be paranoid

Stupid, jc, stupid. All flap yap, nothing at all to back it up. This is going to be the hottest year on record. The present El Nino is the strongest on record. And you 'Conservatives' are going into an election year claiming nothing at all is happening. Meanwhile, the weather events are proving what liars you are. How do you think that is going to set with the American Voter?
Okay, I'll keep saying you're paranoid. You keep raving about a global conspiracy, with no evidence to back it up. You're obviously putting your paranoia on open display.
It has already been proven to be a global conspiracy beyond any shadow of doubt.

1) It consists of more than one person. Therefore, by definition it is a conspiracy.

2) This conspiracy consists of people from several countries around the globe.

3) Therefore, by definition, it is a global conspiracy.

Hence it is a global conspiracy, you ignorant twit!
Stupid, jc, stupid. All flap yap, nothing at all to back it up. This is going to be the hottest year on record. The present El Nino is the strongest on record. And you 'Conservatives' are going into an election year claiming nothing at all is happening. Meanwhile, the weather events are proving what liars you are. How do you think that is going to set with the American Voter?
flap yap, you got nothing. Your claim on Paranoid. What is it I'm paranoid of? Still no one has answered what is it we're supposed to be paranoid about. Can you supply that answer?
And you are still this ignorant? Of course, I am the reincarnation of Napoleon. See how that works? You can post anything, since we are not known to each other. Prove that you actually know something by linking us to peer reviewed articles from scientific journals backing your points. Otherwise, we just have to consider you another liar from the quality of your posts.
Okay, I'll keep saying you're paranoid. You keep raving about a global conspiracy, with no evidence to back it up. You're obviously putting your paranoia on open display.
It has already been proven to be a global conspiracy beyond any shadow of doubt.

1) It consists of more than one person. Therefore, by definition it is a conspiracy.

2) This conspiracy consists of people from several countries around the globe.

3) Therefore, by definition, it is a global conspiracy.

Hence it is a global conspiracy, you ignorant twit!
Hence you are one paranoid ignorant asshole. Put up some real information from real scientists published in a peer reviewed journal backing up your nonsense. Otherwise, we know that your posts are just the ravings of a willfully ignorant know nothing.
I am a real scientist, dumbass.

Okay, I'll keep saying you're paranoid. You keep raving about a global conspiracy, with no evidence to back it up. You're obviously putting your paranoia on open display.
It has already been proven to be a global conspiracy beyond any shadow of doubt.

1) It consists of more than one person. Therefore, by definition it is a conspiracy.

2) This conspiracy consists of people from several countries around the globe.

3) Therefore, by definition, it is a global conspiracy.

Hence it is a global conspiracy, you ignorant twit!
Hence you are one paranoid ignorant asshole. Put up some real information from real scientists published in a peer reviewed journal backing up your nonsense. Otherwise, we know that your posts are just the ravings of a willfully ignorant know nothing.
I am a real scientist, dumbass.

Really? Do you know how to back up statements with referances to published literature on the relevant subject? From your posts, that does not seem to be the case. Perhaps you should learn that. Seems that it is taught even at Community College level. Again, unverified claims don't mean a thing.
And you are still this ignorant? Of course, I am the reincarnation of Napoleon. See how that works? You can post anything, since we are not known to each other. Prove that you actually know something by linking us to peer reviewed articles from scientific journals backing your points. Otherwise, we just have to consider you another liar from the quality of your posts.
do you have any peer reviewed articles? Funny the demand you make and yet you got shit. Now that post was indeed Paranoia.

Funny stuff rocks.
Okay, I'll keep saying you're paranoid. You keep raving about a global conspiracy, with no evidence to back it up. You're obviously putting your paranoia on open display.
It has already been proven to be a global conspiracy beyond any shadow of doubt.

1) It consists of more than one person. Therefore, by definition it is a conspiracy.

2) This conspiracy consists of people from several countries around the globe.

3) Therefore, by definition, it is a global conspiracy.

Hence it is a global conspiracy, you ignorant twit!
Hence you are one paranoid ignorant asshole. Put up some real information from real scientists published in a peer reviewed journal backing up your nonsense. Otherwise, we know that your posts are just the ravings of a willfully ignorant know nothing.
I am a real scientist, dumbass.

Really? Do you know how to back up statements with referances to published literature on the relevant subject? From your posts, that does not seem to be the case. Perhaps you should learn that. Seems that it is taught even at Community College level. Again, unverified claims don't mean a thing.
If I am extraordinarily much smarter and well educated than those jerks then their opinion don't mean jack shit to anyone except fools like you.
If I am extraordinarily much smarter and well educated than those jerks then their opinion don't mean jack shit to anyone except fools like you.

On the other hand, if you really are, as you certainly appear to be, just a blovating blowhard...a clueless, reality-challenged retard severely afflicted by the Dunning-Kruger Effect, foolishly imagining that you are smarter and know more about science that all of the world's scientists...a denier cult dimwit, bamboozled by the clever propaganda created by the greedheads in the fossil fuel industry...a flaming conspiracy theory crackpot....THEN your ignorant opinions are utterly worthless.....and that absolutely seems to be the case with you.
And you came to that conclusion via your total ignorance.
Nope! I came to that very firm conclusion by reading your demented, dimwitted, dead ignorant, dumbfuck posts, you poor retarded douchebag.
The likelihood that you have an IQ within 50 points of mine is very remote.
158 is no joke dude.

The likelihood of you having an IQ higher than room temperature is very remote, judging by your deranged posts. You ARE the joke, you ignorant, anti-science douchewipe.
You are anti-science.
The only argument you folks have any more is the grand conspiracy. Let me offer some enlightenment: the grand conspiracy isn't a viable argument. It's not even sane. Open your eyes and look where you're going.

Not a "grand" conspiracy. Just your typical banal one.
The only argument you folks have any more is the grand conspiracy. Let me offer some enlightenment: the grand conspiracy isn't a viable argument. It's not even sane. Open your eyes and look where you're going.
No, we just don't want to pay your stupid carbon tax to let you issue your new bonds and cash in on our pockets, AGW crooks.

Then you must think it will be cheaper to do nothing - or you don't give a fuck what happens to the world around you.

Don't try to deny it. The unstated premise to that argument is that global warming isn't going to do us any harm. And the premise to that argument is that the scientists who say it will are lying. And we're right back to the Giant Global Conspiracy.

Yes. It will be cheaper, by far, to do nothing. Your solution is to waste 76 trillion dollars in the hope that you will lower global temps by one degree in 100 years. You have yet to show that a one degree rise is harmful. Historical FACT shows it is not but we'll ignore that for the moment, and simply ask how many better uses could that 76 trillion be put to that would actually benefit the planet instead of merely enriching already very rich people.
Deniers aren't anything new in the world. There are always those who, for emotional reasons, cling to debunked science. For example, after plate tectonics was proven by a team of Navy scientists around 1968, almost everyone in the field of geology quickly embraced the new theory. Evidence has that effect on actual scientists. However, a few diehard plate tectonics deniers remained diehard deniers for the rest of their lives, blindly rejecting all evidence for plate tectonics just as current deniers blindly reject all evidence for global warming.

And before anyone brings up Wegener, note that Wegener was 100% wrong with his theory of continental drift, being Wegener claimed continents plowed straight through the mantle, something that was absolutely impossible. Replacing one wrong theory with a different wrong theory isn't making any progress in science, so Wegener was correctly rejected.
Deniers aren't anything new in the world. There are always those who, for emotional reasons, cling to debunked science. For example, after plate tectonics was proven by a team of Navy scientists around 1968, almost everyone in the field of geology quickly embraced the new theory. Evidence has that effect on actual scientists. However, a few diehard plate tectonics deniers remained diehard deniers for the rest of their lives, blindly rejecting all evidence for plate tectonics just as current deniers blindly reject all evidence for global warming.

And before anyone brings up Wegener, note that Wegener was 100% wrong with his theory of continental drift, being Wegener claimed continents plowed straight through the mantle, something that was absolutely impossible. Replacing one wrong theory with a different wrong theory isn't making any progress in science, so Wegener was correctly rejected.

What's funny is you call us deniers yet can never quite pinpoint what we're supposed to be denying. Here's a fact for you to mull over, there is not a single carbon control program that mandates a reduction in production. Not one. You merely have to pay for the privilege of polluting.

Now if the reality was as dire as the claims don't you think the pushers of this bullshit would actually try and stop the "polluting" rather than merely profiting from it?
What's funny is you call us deniers yet can never quite pinpoint what we're supposed to be denying. Here's a fact for you to mull over, there is not a single carbon control program that mandates a reduction in production. Not one. You merely have to pay for the privilege of polluting.

A sulfur dioxide cap-and-trade program was implemented starting in 1995. SO2 emissions are down 40% since then. Hence, it has been conclusively demonstrated that "paying for the privilege" results in reduced pollution.

Now if the reality was as dire as the claims don't you think the pushers of this bullshit would actually try and stop the "polluting" rather than merely profiting from it?

The answer is that you're pushing bullshit there by way of two big lies -- that such programs don't work, and that those pushing them are profiting from it.

However, if you're that dead set against capitalism, the socialist Europeans cut their SO2 emissions 70%, using conventional regulation by government decree. Would that socialist solution be more to your liking, given how the evil capitalist influence has been removed from it?
The only argument you folks have any more is the grand conspiracy. Let me offer some enlightenment: the grand conspiracy isn't a viable argument. It's not even sane. Open your eyes and look where you're going.

Yes the AGW cult, the true deniers, are absolutely paranoid..
The only argument you folks have any more is the grand conspiracy. Let me offer some enlightenment: the grand conspiracy isn't a viable argument. It's not even sane. Open your eyes and look where you're going.
No, we just don't want to pay your stupid carbon tax to let you issue your new bonds and cash in on our pockets, AGW crooks.

Then you must think it will be cheaper to do nothing - or you don't give a fuck what happens to the world around you.

Don't try to deny it. The unstated premise to that argument is that global warming isn't going to do us any harm. And the premise to that argument is that the scientists who say it will are lying. And we're right back to the Giant Global Conspiracy.

Then we should fix OUR OWN issues. And not open an entire global can of worms about what we owe Tivalu or Borneo. Wouldn't hurt to keep folks from building right on the beaches or fuck the eco-weirds and continuing developing GM crops that are more enviro tolerant.
What's funny is you call us deniers yet can never quite pinpoint what we're supposed to be denying. Here's a fact for you to mull over, there is not a single carbon control program that mandates a reduction in production. Not one. You merely have to pay for the privilege of polluting.

A sulfur dioxide cap-and-trade program was implemented starting in 1995. SO2 emissions are down 40% since then. Hence, it has been conclusively demonstrated that "paying for the privilege" results in reduced pollution.

Now if the reality was as dire as the claims don't you think the pushers of this bullshit would actually try and stop the "polluting" rather than merely profiting from it?

The answer is that you're pushing bullshit there by way of two big lies -- that such programs don't work, and that those pushing them are profiting from it.

However, if you're that dead set against capitalism, the socialist Europeans cut their SO2 emissions 70%, using conventional regulation by government decree. Would that socialist solution be more to your liking, given how the evil capitalist influence has been removed from it?

I was all for that.. Because it was easy to measure "harm" by externalities like a polluting source. CO2 is not pollution and there is no rational way of assigning external damages to it's emissions.

Certainly exempting cows would be one thing I think is fair. Because they replaced the buffalo that were so thick -- they turned the prairie horizons brown. That's the ridiculous shit you get into when compare CO2 to "a pollutant"..
The only argument you folks have any more is the grand conspiracy. Let me offer some enlightenment: the grand conspiracy isn't a viable argument. It's not even sane. Open your eyes and look where you're going.
No, we just don't want to pay your stupid carbon tax to let you issue your new bonds and cash in on our pockets, AGW crooks.

Then you must think it will be cheaper to do nothing - or you don't give a fuck what happens to the world around you.

Don't try to deny it. The unstated premise to that argument is that global warming isn't going to do us any harm. And the premise to that argument is that the scientists who say it will are lying. And we're right back to the Giant Global Conspiracy.
Even if AGW was true, we could do nothing about it. History records, that every time people make preventive plans against anything, they blunder. The more sophisticated the plan, the bigger the blunder. And the more expensive the plan, the costlier the blunder. Preventing blunders by at least doing nothing has always been the better thing to do, after hindsight, all through history. Doing nothing will harm us less than the blunder we would put ourselves under, as usual.
Scientists are well known to make up whatever, for banks and governments, especially when it is about issuing new tax backed bonds. Scientists just don't have the dexterity to cash in on it for themselves.

That's grade-A conspiracy nuttery, unsupported by any actual evidence.

Astronomy is not as statistical as environmental science.

It's quite similar. You can't run lab experiments with stars or dark matter, for example, but you can collect statistics on it, theorize on it, and run models for it. Yet nobody claims astronomy is a socialist plot. Go fig.

Whilst they may see some level of correlation between CO2 and temperature, and may run simulations, throwing parameters at things to invent explanations is a game, not science.

You're ignoring all the direct evidence for global warming, like stratospheric cooling, increasing backradiation and decreasing OLR in the GHG bands. Those are all smoking guns for human-caused global warming, and they don't use any models. No "natural cycles" theory explains such evidence, hence those "natural cycles" theories are wrong.

You didn't even know that evidence existed, because your cult didn't bother to inform you. There's no conspiracy. You're just poorly informed on the science.

You last statement is a good example of a religious deflection on known facts. But even forgetting that, try to keep any army fightworthy in today's England with only Roman red towels and no shirts and pants. Obvious, that climate is still colder. And then, the normal temperature of Earth has always been ~25C, several degrees higher than the current glaciation age.

Looks like somebody has been watching "300" too often, and thinks that Roman soldiers were like the Greeks in that movie, dressed only in red capes and speedos. Back in reality, the Romans, not being morons, were quite capable of dressing for colder weather.
HEHE You pick the evidence you like and throw away the one you don't. HEHE AGW science is interesting, and human science is interesting too. Your "evidence" is an interaction between the two. Every scientist admits that science moves in trends, not just by experimental evidence, even in the field of experimental sciences. So much more must this be true in such politicized sciences as AGW or feminism, or financial modeling. Show me a picture of a roman soldier in winter coat. Okay, you can use photoshop. HEHE
What's funny is you call us deniers yet can never quite pinpoint what we're supposed to be denying. Here's a fact for you to mull over, there is not a single carbon control program that mandates a reduction in production. Not one. You merely have to pay for the privilege of polluting.

A sulfur dioxide cap-and-trade program was implemented starting in 1995. SO2 emissions are down 40% since then. Hence, it has been conclusively demonstrated that "paying for the privilege" results in reduced pollution.

Now if the reality was as dire as the claims don't you think the pushers of this bullshit would actually try and stop the "polluting" rather than merely profiting from it?

The answer is that you're pushing bullshit there by way of two big lies -- that such programs don't work, and that those pushing them are profiting from it.

However, if you're that dead set against capitalism, the socialist Europeans cut their SO2 emissions 70%, using conventional regulation by government decree. Would that socialist solution be more to your liking, given how the evil capitalist influence has been removed from it?


SO2 was mandated to be reduced and scrubbed from US emissions over 25 years ago. They are not allowed to put it into the atmosphere moron... You cant buy that privilege in the US...

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