To be an AGW denier is to be paranoid

What a load of BS. Statistically that graph isn't even unusual for self correlated data.

what with spamming constantly that Science is BS that even allowed to spam like that
This is climate skeptics’ latest argument about melting polar ice — and why it’s wrong

sharp decline in Arctic sea ice, a modest increase in Antarctic ice, and an overall decline in total sea ice.
And even when it comes to sea ice, the argument falters.
[This is climate skeptics’ top argument about Antarctica — and why it’s wrong]

At Cryosphere Today, researchers have penned a rebuttal to Taylor, stating that contrary to his claim, there is a 5.5 percent downtrend in overall sea ice area over the period in question.

“It is misleading to claim that polar sea ice has not decreased over the historic record,” the site states. “In his last paragraph, Taylor correctly asserts that receding polar ice caps are an expected result of a warming planet. In fact, the data shows that this is exactly what is happening.

Tell me what you think I'm wrong about, preferably with a quote of my words. Then if you want to quote an outside citation, pick out a quote that specifically addresses the issue.
Warmest year ever?

What a retard

See the post above ...that is your version of "Einstein" lol


So Marty Mcfly, Are you going to hop in your delorean and go back 835 and read the temperature for us?

Again only a ignorant retard would post 2015 hottest year evah!
Again only a ignorant retard would post 2015 hottest year evah!
If you look at the bottom right side corner of the chart I posted you will read the word "Bloomberg" it is a publication aimed at the Business Market the "smart money" is owned by a Billionaire of the same same that may run for President this on the other hand are an anonymous schlep named "bear513" ...'Nuff said...I posted what Bloomberg posted...
Again only a ignorant retard would post 2015 hottest year evah!
If you look at the bottom right side corner of the chart I posted you will read the word "Bloomberg" it is a publication aimed at the Business Market the "smart money" is owned by a Billionaire of the same same that may run for President this on the other hand are an anonymous schlep named "bear513" ...'Nuff said...I posted what Bloomberg posted...
I posted what Bloomberg posted...

The thing about real conspiracies is that they always get busted eventually, provided enough people know about them. Think of Watergate, or the US govt syphilis experiments, or the NSA programs revealed by Snowden as examples. All busted, and there tends to be an inverse relation of time-to-bust and people involved. The more people involved, the quicker it gets busted.

Look at the denier conspiracy to fake all the data. There aren't that many deniers out actively faking the data, but they got busted fairly quickly. Marc Morano said on camera that yes, he's just doing it because it pays so well. Or Michaels and McKitrick got busted red-handed faking a graph and attributing the faked graph to Mann. And so on.

That is, a conspiracy always ends up busted eventually, provided there are more than a few people in that conspiracy. The more people in it, the less time it will take to get busted.

Now look at the conspiracy the deniers propose, which would have to involve many thousands of people. It's simply not possible that a conspiracy of such a magnitude could be hidden for decades. Hence, it's clear that such a conspiracy can't exist, and that deniers are just paranoid kooks.
The thing about real conspiracies is that they always get busted eventually, provided enough people know about them. Think of Watergate, or the US govt syphilis experiments, or the NSA programs revealed by Snowden as examples. All busted, and there tends to be an inverse relation of time-to-bust and people involved. The more people involved, the quicker it gets busted.

Look at the denier conspiracy to fake all the data. There aren't that many deniers out actively faking the data, but they got busted fairly quickly. Marc Morano said on camera that yes, he's just doing it because it pays so well. Or Michaels and McKitrick got busted red-handed faking a graph and attributing the faked graph to Mann. And so on.

That is, a conspiracy always ends up busted eventually, provided there are more than a few people in that conspiracy. The more people in it, the less time it will take to get busted.

Now look at the conspiracy the deniers propose, which would have to involve many thousands of people. It's simply not possible that a conspiracy of such a magnitude could be hidden for decades. Hence, it's clear that such a conspiracy can't exist, and that deniers are just paranoid kooks.
Actually, it would involve millions of trained scientists, as they state that the Scientific Societies are actively in on that conspiracy. But they have the ignorant know nothings to depend on to believe that sort of nonsense. Since they actively resent the fact that those that have taken the time and made the effort to get an education are making far more money than they are, they are quite willing to believe any kind of nonsense the far right wing spews.
Crick and Old Rocks and mamooth keep saying that a conspiracy has been declared by skeptics. Has it?

Skeptics keep pointing out mistakes that have been made, and climate science refuses to fix or even explain why they made the mistake, usually insinuating that it 'doesn't matter'.

Groupthink, error cascade and willful incompetence does not necessarily add up to conspiracy.

Pick a field in climate science. I will show you how data has been inappropriately manipulated, methodologies have been incorrectly chosen, or exaggerated conclusions have been made that are not supported by the evidence presented.
Oh, Bloomberg said so. I'm sold. I don't care about all the altered data, fudged experiments and outright lies. Bloomberg said so.
Oh, Bloomberg said so. I'm sold. I don't care about all the altered data, fudged experiments and outright lies. Bloomberg said so.
LOL get Heartland Institute on the line NOW...they are real Scientist wooooooooooooooooo....Bloomberg is a well known News source wing nuts on here are in a word......Caca
Oh, Bloomberg said so. I'm sold. I don't care about all the altered data, fudged experiments and outright lies. Bloomberg said so.
LOL get Heartland Institute on the line NOW...they are real Scientist wooooooooooooooooo....Bloomberg is a well known News source wing nuts on here are in a word......Caca
too rich. Bloomberg is a well known News source. And? So what, WTF do I care? Are they like the only News source?

And BTW, who is their main audience, left or right wing folk?

BTW, you posting up caca, makes it look like you have a stuttering problem.. cacacacause I said so.
Oh, Bloomberg said so. I'm sold. I don't care about all the altered data, fudged experiments and outright lies. Bloomberg said so.
LOL get Heartland Institute on the line NOW...they are real Scientist wooooooooooooooooo....Bloomberg is a well known News source wing nuts on here are in a word......Caca


Bloomberg said so
Said so Bloomberg

Global Warming
Warming global
Oh, Bloomberg said so. I'm sold. I don't care about all the altered data, fudged experiments and outright lies. Bloomberg said so.
LOL get Heartland Institute on the line NOW...they are real Scientist wooooooooooooooooo....Bloomberg is a well known News source wing nuts on here are in a word......Caca

You know, several of your fellow cult member get paid to post the talking points, you should definitely ask about it because I think you're doing this for free and getting hosed
The denier cult is almost to this point, a few guys screaming on the street. You can see the same psychological mechanisms at work, in the way remaining hardcore 9/11 Truthers believe they hold the RealTruth, and keep chanting the same debunked nonsense, and that it's everybody else who is too terrified to face TheTruth. But they march on, reveling in their martyrdom. The cult is what now gives meaning to their lives, so they don't know what else to do.

The denier cult is almost to this point, a few guys screaming on the street. You can see the same psychological mechanisms at work, in the way remaining hardcore 9/11 Truthers believe they hold the RealTruth, and keep chanting the same debunked nonsense, and that it's everybody else who is too terrified to face TheTruth. But they march on, reveling in their martyrdom. The cult is what now gives meaning to their lives, so they don't know what else to do.

Yeah, a bunch of camel fuckers living in a cave in Pashtun planned and executed 9/11 without any outside help at all

The denier cult is almost to this point, a few guys screaming on the street. You can see the same psychological mechanisms at work, in the way remaining hardcore 9/11 Truthers believe they hold the RealTruth, and keep chanting the same debunked nonsense, and that it's everybody else who is too terrified to face TheTruth. But they march on, reveling in their martyrdom. The cult is what now gives meaning to their lives, so they don't know what else to do.

Same idiots who insisted for decades that lead wasn't poisoning our children.

Similar to what global warming deniers (corporations) are doing, the lead industry paid the government millions of dollars for them to remain ignorant to the problem. They even passed laws saying we couldn't even have public service announcements warning people about the "potential" harm that may have been caused by lead.

Fuck global warming deniers. They should move to Venus to see the future of earth if they keep doing what they are doing.

You might be surprised to know that Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System. With a global temperature of 735 Kelvin (462 degrees C), the surface of Venus is hot enough to melt lead. And if you could stand on the surface of Venus, you would experience atmospheric pressure 92 times greater than what you’re used to on Earth. Why is Venus so hot? The Venus greenhouse effect shows you what happens when this the process of trapping sunlight goes out of control into a runaway process.

Scientists think that Venus used to be more similar to Earth, with lower temperatures and even liquid water on the surface of the planet. At some point, billions of years ago, the planet started to heat up. At some point, all the water on the surface evaporated into the atmosphere. Water vapor is an even more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide and this caused temperatures to rise even more. Then the surface of Venus got so hot that the carbon trapped in rocks sublimated into the atmosphere and mixed with oxygen to form even more carbon dioxide. And so today we have a carbon dioxide atmosphere on Venus which is 92 times more dense than Earth’s atmosphere at the surface.

Could this happen on Earth? Scientists think that if the same process happened on Earth, we would have temperatures with several hundred degrees C, and an atmosphere 100 times as dense as we have right now.
The thing about real conspiracies is that they always get busted eventually, provided enough people know about them. Think of Watergate, or the US govt syphilis experiments, or the NSA programs revealed by Snowden as examples. All busted, and there tends to be an inverse relation of time-to-bust and people involved. The more people involved, the quicker it gets busted.

Look at the denier conspiracy to fake all the data. There aren't that many deniers out actively faking the data, but they got busted fairly quickly. Marc Morano said on camera that yes, he's just doing it because it pays so well. Or Michaels and McKitrick got busted red-handed faking a graph and attributing the faked graph to Mann. And so on.

That is, a conspiracy always ends up busted eventually, provided there are more than a few people in that conspiracy. The more people in it, the less time it will take to get busted.

Now look at the conspiracy the deniers propose, which would have to involve many thousands of people. It's simply not possible that a conspiracy of such a magnitude could be hidden for decades. Hence, it's clear that such a conspiracy can't exist, and that deniers are just paranoid kooks.
That about sums it up. Doesn't help them that one of their proponents (Frank57) has a criminal Repub President in his siggie [32 criminal convictions] and he's a Benghazi alarmist YET he isn't an Iraq alarmist given that Repub-instigated optional disaster cost this nation dearly.

Back to topic- 96% of scientists agree
The Warmers can start to convince me by first posting a repeatable lab experiment that shows a us a temperature increase form a 120PPM increase in CO2

The denier cult is almost to this point, a few guys screaming on the street. You can see the same psychological mechanisms at work, in the way remaining hardcore 9/11 Truthers believe they hold the RealTruth, and keep chanting the same debunked nonsense, and that it's everybody else who is too terrified to face TheTruth. But they march on, reveling in their martyrdom. The cult is what now gives meaning to their lives, so they don't know what else to do.

Same idiots who insisted for decades that lead wasn't poisoning our children.

Similar to what global warming deniers (corporations) are doing, the lead industry paid the government millions of dollars for them to remain ignorant to the problem. They even passed laws saying we couldn't even have public service announcements warning people about the "potential" harm that may have been caused by lead.

Fuck global warming deniers. They should move to Venus to see the future of earth if they keep doing what they are doing.

You might be surprised to know that Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System. With a global temperature of 735 Kelvin (462 degrees C), the surface of Venus is hot enough to melt lead. And if you could stand on the surface of Venus, you would experience atmospheric pressure 92 times greater than what you’re used to on Earth. Why is Venus so hot? The Venus greenhouse effect shows you what happens when this the process of trapping sunlight goes out of control into a runaway process.

Scientists think that Venus used to be more similar to Earth, with lower temperatures and even liquid water on the surface of the planet. At some point, billions of years ago, the planet started to heat up. At some point, all the water on the surface evaporated into the atmosphere. Water vapor is an even more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide and this caused temperatures to rise even more. Then the surface of Venus got so hot that the carbon trapped in rocks sublimated into the atmosphere and mixed with oxygen to form even more carbon dioxide. And so today we have a carbon dioxide atmosphere on Venus which is 92 times more dense than Earth’s atmosphere at the surface.

Could this happen on Earth? Scientists think that if the same process happened on Earth, we would have temperatures with several hundred degrees C, and an atmosphere 100 times as dense as we have right now.

since you went to Flint, is fluoride good or bad for you?

Read up:

10 Facts About Fluoride You Need to Know

10 Fluoride Facts You Should Know

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