To Hell With First Amendment: DOJ To Enforce Muslim Blasphemy Laws


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[Its apparently full steam ahead "To Hell with the First Amendment" today in this Second Coming of the Obama Administration. The DOJ will be coming after you if you say or write anything that hurts some poor Muslim's feelings, anyway, anywhere, Facebook, usmessageboard, Huffpo......well maybe not on the Huffpo, but you get the drift. As Dan Pfeiffer said on the Sunday Talk Show Circuit, the scandals the Obama Administration is supposedly involved in are irrelevant, any laws the Great and Almighty Obama broke in the process of committing or fomenting those scandals are irrelevant, but don't you dare transgress in any way or manner anything that might possibly offend the Great and Mighty Obama, especially if it should involve denigrating the prophet or his followers. Even if its a law that Congress hasn't yet put on the books. After all, the Great and Mighty Obama doth wear a ring that states "There is No God But Allah". Right now he claims its his wedding ring to Michelle, but strangely he was wearing it when he was schmoozing with his radical friends at Occidental, Columbia and at Harvard where Michelle was nowhere around and the most notable sights visible were voluminous clouds of marijuana smoke.

BTW, did you hear of the new behavioral groundrules over at DOJ. If a colleague comes out of the closet at DOJ announcing that they are either gay, lesbian, transvestite, surgically altered to add a male appendage, delete a male appendage, pedophiles, fond of bestiality etc, you are to praise them warmly, hug them, offer to take them out to dinner, lend them your domicile to practice their varied activities, even offer to let them sodomize or fellate you, anything but silence, because silence implies disapproval. So much for the First Amendment in this wonderful age of Obama.....I wonder how long it will be before we are all ordered to fall down on our knees and worship the Boy King, the God/Man Obama? Are you getting the feeling yet that the country is being run by a Muslim pervert "Little Boots"? Rome didn't fare so well after its encounters with the original 'Little Boots". The many and novel perversions he brought to Rome were indelibly stamped onto Roman society even after his passing.

Obama used pandering to this class of piglets in 2008

Welfare Queen: ?Who Would Want To Work In America? This Is What The Taxpayers Are Paying For?? | Weasel Zippers

to gain power in order to wreak the remainder of his havoc on the rest of America]

"IT'S COME TO THIS: Holder Justice Department Says It Will Help Enforce Islamic Sharia Law

You just knew this was coming, didn't you?

DOJ: Social Media Posts Trashing Muslims May Violate Civil Rights

In its latest effort to protect followers of Islam in the U.S. the Obama Justice Department warns against using social media to spread information considered inflammatory against Muslims, threatening that it could constitute a violation of civil rights.

[Ed.: Apparently the DOJ needs to read the Bill of Rights again and, in particular, the First Amendment.]

The move comes a few years after the administration became the first in history to dispatch a U.S. Attorney General to personally reassure Muslims that the Department of Justice (DOJ) is dedicated to protecting them. In the unprecedented event, Attorney General Eric Holder assured a San Francisco-based organization (Muslim Advocates) that urges members not to cooperate in federal terrorism investigations that the “us versus them” environment created by the U.S. government, law enforcement agents and fellow citizens is unacceptable and inconsistent with what America is all about"

Doug Ross @ Journal: IT'S COME TO THIS: Holder Justice Department Says It Will Help Enforce Islamic Sharia Law
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Yes, here it comes. This is because Eric Holder is the one who refused to do his job and ordered DOJ employees to not prosecute CAIR. That after they were indicted as CO-CONSPIRATORS in the HLF Trial. Incredible, isn't it?
I'm not worried about it. Eric Holder is in no position to enforce a law that violates our constitution. Neither is Obama. Fear not. Carry on............

This is where we're headed with this..
[ame=]Ezra Levant interview with Mark Steyn.flv - YouTube[/ame]
[Its apparently full steam ahead "To Hell with the First Amendment" today in this Second Coming of the Obama Administration. The DOJ will be coming after you if you say or write anything that hurts some poor Muslim's feelings, anyway, anywhere, Facebook, usmessageboard, Huffpo......well maybe not on the Huffpo, but you get the drift. As Dan Pfeiffer said on the Sunday Talk Show Circuit, the scandals the Obama Administration is supposedly involved in are irrelevant, any laws the Great and Almighty Obama broke in the process of committing or fomenting those scandals are irrelevant, but don't you dare transgress in any way or manner anything that might possibly offend the Great and Mighty Obama, especially if it should involve denigrating the prophet or his followers. Even if its a law that Congress hasn't yet put on the books. After all, the Great and Mighty Obama doth wear a ring that states "There is No God But Allah". Right now he claims its his wedding ring to Michelle, but strangely he was wearing it when he was schmoozing with his radical friends at Occidental, Columbia and at Harvard where Michelle was nowhere around and the most notable sights visible were voluminous clouds of marijuana smoke.

BTW, did you hear of the new behavioral groundrules over at DOJ. If a colleague comes out of the closet at DOJ announcing that they are either gay, lesbian, transvestite, surgically altered to add a male appendage, delete a male appendage, pedophiles, fond of bestiality etc, you are to praise them warmly, hug them, offer to take them out to dinner, lend them your domicile to practice their varied activities, even offer to let them sodomize or fellate you, anything but silence, because silence implies disapproval. So much for the First Amendment in this wonderful age of Obama.....I wonder how long it will be before we are all ordered to fall down on our knees and worship the Boy King, the God/Man Obama? Are you getting the feeling yet that the country is being run by a Muslim pervert "Little Boots"? Rome didn't fare so well after its encounters with the original 'Little Boots". The many and novel perversions he brought to Rome were indelibly stamped onto Roman society even after his passing.

Obama used pandering to this class of piglets in 2008

Welfare Queen: ?Who Would Want To Work In America? This Is What The Taxpayers Are Paying For?? | Weasel Zippers

to gain power in order to wreak the remainder of his havoc on the rest of America]

"IT'S COME TO THIS: Holder Justice Department Says It Will Help Enforce Islamic Sharia Law

You just knew this was coming, didn't you?

DOJ: Social Media Posts Trashing Muslims May Violate Civil Rights

In its latest effort to protect followers of Islam in the U.S. the Obama Justice Department warns against using social media to spread information considered inflammatory against Muslims, threatening that it could constitute a violation of civil rights.

[Ed.: Apparently the DOJ needs to read the Bill of Rights again and, in particular, the First Amendment.]

The move comes a few years after the administration became the first in history to dispatch a U.S. Attorney General to personally reassure Muslims that the Department of Justice (DOJ) is dedicated to protecting them. In the unprecedented event, Attorney General Eric Holder assured a San Francisco-based organization (Muslim Advocates) that urges members not to cooperate in federal terrorism investigations that the “us versus them” environment created by the U.S. government, law enforcement agents and fellow citizens is unacceptable and inconsistent with what America is all about"

Doug Ross @ Journal: IT'S COME TO THIS: Holder Justice Department Says It Will Help Enforce Islamic Sharia Law

So...if you are not lying, they will come after me for saying:

"Islams Sucks!...It sucks big time! No doubt about it, Islam SUCKS!"

Ok, I'll let you know when they come after me.
This is why our guys are in the Middle East, so that the DOJ can go after FaceBook posts.

As a result of religion, and particularly of late as a result of Islam, many innocents have been mass slaughtered.

Therefore, before you can practice religion, we need to institute universal background checks on anyone who wants to go to a church or mosque.

We also need to reduce the capacity of churches and mosques so they cannot hold more than 10 congregants at a time. The elimination of high capacity churches (and especially Mega Mosques of DOOOOOOOOM) is a common sense solution.

While we do not wish to outright ban all religions, we do need to ban Muslims. Assault Muslims have been in the headlines quite a lot lately, and we need to keep them off our streets.

And states and municipalities need to be able to decide for themselves whether or not to ban all religions at their level.

If you want to practice a religion, you should pay a $50 registration fee, go through a background check, and be forbidden from churches if you are mentally unstable or have a criminal background.
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A very silly analogy there, g. And as a lifelong gun owner, I would like the see special laws concerning the high capacity war weapons.
Fruitloops of the world, unite, you have no minds to lose.

These nutballs are funny stuff!

I have been following these kookers for the last 40 years, remember when the European union was formed, the kookers said as it was foretold in the bible and it meant the ten horns of the anti christ :cuckoo:

Then it was the soviet union in the big battle with gog and magog!! that fell apart fast!

Now the Muslims are taking over america!!! and everyone guns will be seized :cuckoo:
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We are just going to have to go through the same thing everyone else who wants to be inclusive is going through.
Depends on how many lawsuits these Democrats and DOJ can afford. There was a class action suit filed against them for the IRS case - the people who were targeted are now bringing a lawsuit. I heard it on news last night. Just how many lawsuits do you think they will be able to handle?

The DOJ is not going to step into these waters. I don't believe they will. - Jeri
I'm not worried about it. Eric Holder is in no position to enforce a law that violates our constitution. Neither is Obama. Fear not. Carry on............

I take it that was sarcasm?

No! I am serious. I have no intention of allowing Holder to take away my freedom of speech. I'll see him and his boys in court first.


Any wonder why America laughs at you bible thumping clowns?

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