To Hell with Godwin’s Law

Need to tie it into Currrent Event, or it goes in History.
Why do you get pissed because a company changes its movies selection for viewers, they all do it and have since they began.
Need to tie it into Currrent Event, or it goes in History.
Ok, look at how the Left hates Jews today and capitalism, just like their national socialist brothers

The leftist I know don't hate Jews...

They do, they just call them Zionists to give themselves some cover.

You are aware members of the far right don't like Jews either. Common folk that are left leaning Democrats are usually Jews themselves. It would be nice if the pigeon hole tactics from people could stop and a more specific form of nomenclature was used to make the writer look like they at least have some idea of political science and not the echo chamber style.

so true----but DA TIMES THEY ARE A'CHANGIN' ---the face of the donkey and the elephant have changed.
Need to tie it into Currrent Event, or it goes in History.
Ok, look at how the Left hates Jews today and capitalism, just like their national socialist brothers

The leftist I know don't hate Jews...

They do, they just call them Zionists to give themselves some cover.

You are aware members of the far right don't like Jews either. Common folk that are left leaning Democrats are usually Jews themselves. It would be nice if the pigeon hole tactics from people could stop and a more specific form of nomenclature was used to make the writer look like they at least have some idea of political science and not the echo chamber style.

I'm pretty far right, and I have no problem with Jews. I live near a jewish neighbor hood and I like it there. Lots of nice shops and restaurants.
Need to tie it into Currrent Event, or it goes in History.
Ok, look at how the Left hates Jews today and capitalism, just like their national socialist brothers

The leftist I know don't hate Jews...

They do, they just call them Zionists to give themselves some cover.

You are aware members of the far right don't like Jews either. Common folk that are left leaning Democrats are usually Jews themselves. It would be nice if the pigeon hole tactics from people could stop and a more specific form of nomenclature was used to make the writer look like they at least have some idea of political science and not the echo chamber style.

And I often wonder how many Jews voted for Hitler as well. He was a big socialist, after all, and we know how they tend to lean Left.

In fact, look at the overall wealthy in the US today. Bill Gates, George Soros, Bezos, they all are Left wingers.

The Left has become the representative of the super rich and super poor. As Marx explained, the Middle class must be destroyed.
Need to tie it into Currrent Event, or it goes in History.
Ok, look at how the Left hates Jews today and capitalism, just like their national socialist brothers

The leftist I know don't hate Jews...

They do, they just call them Zionists to give themselves some cover.

You are aware members of the far right don't like Jews either. Common folk that are left leaning Democrats are usually Jews themselves. It would be nice if the pigeon hole tactics from people could stop and a more specific form of nomenclature was used to make the writer look like they at least have some idea of political science and not the echo chamber style.

I'm pretty far right, and I have no problem with Jews. I live near a jewish neighbor hood and I like it there. Lots of nice shops and restaurants.

You are a member of the Aryan Nation?
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

@ 5:57 into the video: “The first thing every totalitarian regime does, along with confiscation and mutilation of reality, is confiscation of history and confiscation of culture. I think they all happen almost simultaneously.”

So what's the deal here? To hell with Godwin's Law because you want to be a Nazi?
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

@ 5:57 into the video: “The first thing every totalitarian regime does, along with confiscation and mutilation of reality, is confiscation of history and confiscation of culture. I think they all happen almost simultaneously.”

So what's the deal here? To hell with Godwin's Law because you want to be a Nazi?

Go troll another thread.
Need to tie it into Currrent Event, or it goes in History.
Ok, look at how the Left hates Jews today and capitalism, just like their national socialist brothers

The leftist I know don't hate Jews...

They do, they just call them Zionists to give themselves some cover.

You are aware members of the far right don't like Jews either. Common folk that are left leaning Democrats are usually Jews themselves. It would be nice if the pigeon hole tactics from people could stop and a more specific form of nomenclature was used to make the writer look like they at least have some idea of political science and not the echo chamber style.

I'm pretty far right, and I have no problem with Jews. I live near a jewish neighbor hood and I like it there. Lots of nice shops and restaurants.

You are a member of the Aryan Nation?

Ideologically speaking, I am a Paleo-conservative, which is oddly lumped with the Alt-Right.

And I have no problem with jews. Plenty of my friends are pretty far right. NOne of us have any problem with jews. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've actually met a real far right person, who had a problem with jews. With fingers left over for nose picking.

Just saying.
Need to tie it into Currrent Event, or it goes in History.
Ok, look at how the Left hates Jews today and capitalism, just like their national socialist brothers

The leftist I know don't hate Jews...

They do, they just call them Zionists to give themselves some cover.

You are aware members of the far right don't like Jews either. Common folk that are left leaning Democrats are usually Jews themselves. It would be nice if the pigeon hole tactics from people could stop and a more specific form of nomenclature was used to make the writer look like they at least have some idea of political science and not the echo chamber style.

antisemitism crosses the left-right line. And the ones on the far-far right that don't like jews are Nazis that most on the more mainline right want nothing to do with. Many mainstream lefties however are fans of BDS movement, which is cover for jew hate.
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

@ 5:57 into the video: “The first thing every totalitarian regime does, along with confiscation and mutilation of reality, is confiscation of history and confiscation of culture. I think they all happen almost simultaneously.”

So what's the deal here? To hell with Godwin's Law because you want to be a Nazi?

Go troll another thread.

I was serious, lol. I don't get what you're after.
Need to tie it into Currrent Event, or it goes in History.
Ok, look at how the Left hates Jews today and capitalism, just like their national socialist brothers

The leftist I know don't hate Jews...

give it time---the indoctrination is just getting

Not all people feel the need to be a collective of haters.

not all people are JOINERS. BUT we saw lots of
JOINERS this past week.-----people 'taking a knee'
quickly concluding that george was MURDERED,
happy to call cops, pigs. Even happily smashing
store windows FOR GEORGE. even two lawyers
(gawd help us) wielding molotov cocktails

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