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To hell with the GOP


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Conservatives lambaste Republican leaders over Planned Parenthood Export-Import Bank

Conservative grassroots anger at Republican leadership in Congress and in the presidential contest has crescendoed in recent days, and the outrage on the right is forcing the GOP to respond.

The unrest came to a climax on Monday when conservatives tuning back into the political discussion after the weekend saw that on Sunday, the Senate had failed to take up a bill to eliminate taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. Meanwhile on Friday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., had forced through an amendment to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank, which some conservatives decry as an expression of big government crony capitalism for its work to help foreign purchasers buy American goods.

The Senate’s actions on the two issues — particularly in light of recent videos released by an anti-abortion group that posed as a medical purchaser, which show Planned Parenthood officials discussing the disposition of hearts, lungs and livers taken from fetuses donated by women who had abortions — sent some conservatives in paroxysms of anger.

“Why does the Republican party exist?” wrote Ben Domenech, founder of the Federalist, a conservative news and opinion website. “Perhaps you believe the Republican Party exists as today the lone pro-life party in the United States. This cannot be possible after the weekend, where Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell blocked any attempt to force President Obama and all his fellow Senate Democrats to take a stand for or against not even the legality, but the taxpayer subsidization of harvesting organs from aborted babies.”

Talk radio personality Rush Limbaugh said Republican leaders in Congress have “turned to mush,” and he attributed the rise of Donald Trump in the Republican presidential primary to the lack of fighting spirit in the GOP.

“Trump is filling the void, which is a partial explanation for why Trump is experiencing such overwhelming support,” Limbaugh said. “Because the people of this country are understandably fed up. They’re fed up with all.”

And conservative blogger Erick Erickson lashed out at the Republican presidential candidates for not saying or doing more to aid the lawmakers in Washington — namely Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah — in their fight against McConnell and the GOP establishment in the Senate.

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By wanting to defund Planned Parenthood Rand Paul has betrayed his Libertarian base in favor of the extremist rightwingers.

As for the rest of the GOP this is just a red meat issue that incites the base while giving the Dems ammunition to use that the GOP is still waging a war on women.

Those quotes in the OP will be used against whomever is the GOP candidate.
Planned Parenthood; Such a nice name!

Reminds me of Arbeit Macht Frei.
The unrest came to a climax on Monday when conservatives tuning back into the political discussion after the weekend saw that on Sunday, the Senate had failed to take up a bill to eliminate taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. Meanwhile on Friday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., had forced through an amendment to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank, which some conservatives decry as an expression of big government crony capitalism for its work to help foreign purchasers buy American goods.

Defunding Planned Parenthood never had a chance in Hell. The real failure of the Republican leadership is the action concerning the Ex-Im. That organization is rife with cronyism and corruption and needs to go the way of the dodo.

And well they should. The Republicans need to be taught a lesson. The true conservatives should walk out and form their own party. I mean, right now. Don't even stop to think about it. Just go.

A quick question, Prat

Just who are the real conservatives? Are they the Tea party, the establishment, or those who follow a dogmatic notion of what conservatism suppose to mean?

Hate to say it, but the GOP look like they are in the middle of an all out civil war. The dogmatist versus the realist versus the idealist.
By wanting to defund Planned Parenthood Rand Paul has betrayed his Libertarian base in favor of the extremist rightwingers.

How did he do that?

Platform Libertarian Party

1.5 Abortion

Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration."​

The Libertarian platform is that no government action should be taken when it comes to abortion.

Rand Paul is demanding government action to punish a non profit organization that provides healthcare services to women using the partisan excuse of opposition to abortion as a blunt object.
By wanting to defund Planned Parenthood Rand Paul has betrayed his Libertarian base in favor of the extremist rightwingers.

How did he do that?

Platform Libertarian Party

1.5 Abortion

Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration."​

The Libertarian platform is that no government action should be taken when it comes to abortion.

Rand Paul is demanding government action to punish a non profit organization that provides healthcare services to women using the partisan excuse of opposition to abortion as a blunt object.

Rand Paul is a pro life Senator. This is no secret to anybody. He is also not a member of the Libertarian Party. Now show me where in the Libertarian Party platform they advocate providing taxpayer dollars to private organizations like Planned Parenthood or any other for that fact and then maybe you'll have a point.

It seems all you have today is hyperbole and wide speculation.
Planned Parenthood; Such a nice name!

Reminds me of Arbeit Macht Frei.

Post #5 has to be a record for invoking Godwin's law.

Nice try, but you have to read beyond the caption:

Although falling foul of Godwin's law tends to cause the individual making the comparison to lose his argument or credibility, Godwin's law itself can be abused as a distraction, diversion or even as censorship, fallaciously miscasting an opponent's argument as hyperbole when the comparisons made by the argument are actually appropriate. (Wikipedia)

In this case, the analogy fits perfectly, both as to deceptive phraseology and end result. But don't let that stop you from worshiping at the shrine of infanticide.
By wanting to defund Planned Parenthood Rand Paul has betrayed his Libertarian base in favor of the extremist rightwingers.

How did he do that?

Platform Libertarian Party

1.5 Abortion

Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration."​

The Libertarian platform is that no government action should be taken when it comes to abortion.

Rand Paul is demanding government action to punish a non profit organization that provides healthcare services to women using the partisan excuse of opposition to abortion as a blunt object.

A libertarian does not have to agree with the libertarian platform.

The same is true for liberals, and progressives when it comes to the Democratic platform.

There are liberals/progressives that are pro-life
Libertarians that want to see regulations
Conservatives for sanctuary cities and pathway for citizenship for illegal immigrants.

Labels are only good at generally locating the ideology of a person. Very few people can agree 100% with a party platform or the dogmatic definition of their label.

Rand Paul is a libertarian, probably not as much as a libertarian as Ron Paul, but still a libertarian.
By wanting to defund Planned Parenthood Rand Paul has betrayed his Libertarian base in favor of the extremist rightwingers.

How did he do that?

Platform Libertarian Party

1.5 Abortion

Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration."​

The Libertarian platform is that no government action should be taken when it comes to abortion.

Rand Paul is demanding government action to punish a non profit organization that provides healthcare services to women using the partisan excuse of opposition to abortion as a blunt object.

Rand Paul is a pro life Senator. This is no secret to anybody. He is also not a member of the Libertarian Party. Now show me where in the Libertarian Party platform they advocate providing taxpayer dollars to private organizations like Planned Parenthood or any other for that fact and then maybe you'll have a point.

It seems all you have today is hyperbole and wide speculation.

Libertarian Party thinks otherwise.

Rand Paul Could Win Libertarian Nomination Too - US News

Libertarians May Co-Nominate Rand Paul in 2016

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., may follow in his father’s footsteps not only by seeking the Republican presidential nomination, but also by receiving the Libertarian Party’s ballot line.

Members of the Libertarian Party are bracing for an internal struggle over whether to back the libertarian-leaning senator if he appears poised to win the Republican nomination in 2016.

Paul is unlikely to directly seek the third party’s support, but could win it anyhow through the work of eager activists like those who worked the campaigns of his father, former Texas Rep. Ron Paul, a GOP presidential contender in 2008 and 2012 and the Libertarian nominee in 1988.

A co-nomination from one of the nation’s most significant minor parties could help Paul - if he’s the Republican nominee - avoid losing hundreds of thousands of votes to an ideological ally. In some states, his name would appear twice on ballots.
By wanting to defund Planned Parenthood Rand Paul has betrayed his Libertarian base in favor of the extremist rightwingers.

How did he do that?

Platform Libertarian Party

1.5 Abortion

Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration."​

The Libertarian platform is that no government action should be taken when it comes to abortion.

Rand Paul is demanding government action to punish a non profit organization that provides healthcare services to women using the partisan excuse of opposition to abortion as a blunt object.

Rand Paul is a pro life Senator. This is no secret to anybody. He is also not a member of the Libertarian Party. Now show me where in the Libertarian Party platform they advocate providing taxpayer dollars to private organizations like Planned Parenthood or any other for that fact and then maybe you'll have a point.

It seems all you have today is hyperbole and wide speculation.

Libertarian Party thinks otherwise.

Rand Paul Could Win Libertarian Nomination Too - US News

Libertarians May Co-Nominate Rand Paul in 2016

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., may follow in his father’s footsteps not only by seeking the Republican presidential nomination, but also by receiving the Libertarian Party’s ballot line.

Members of the Libertarian Party are bracing for an internal struggle over whether to back the libertarian-leaning senator if he appears poised to win the Republican nomination in 2016.

Paul is unlikely to directly seek the third party’s support, but could win it anyhow through the work of eager activists like those who worked the campaigns of his father, former Texas Rep. Ron Paul, a GOP presidential contender in 2008 and 2012 and the Libertarian nominee in 1988.

A co-nomination from one of the nation’s most significant minor parties could help Paul - if he’s the Republican nominee - avoid losing hundreds of thousands of votes to an ideological ally. In some states, his name would appear twice on ballots.

To be honest, that would be a pretty heavy endorsement. If Rand Paul accepts, it is possible a political transformation could happen in this nation. A viable 3rd party could emerge.

Rand Paul could very well keep his seat as either a Libertarian or Republican. Also, it is not considered bad(may even be considered good!) for a Republican to turn Libertarian by conservatives.

Hell, most conservatives argue against voting libertarian because they believe it will hand the election over to the Democrats. But given what is coming to light in the GOP and how the base is taking it, anything is now possible!!
They'll blame it on Liberals and not their own inability to take responsibility or act on what they SAY is important.

To the GOP words speak louder than actions. They wont care in a day or two
To be honest, that would be a pretty heavy endorsement. If Rand Paul accepts, it is possible a political transformation could happen in this nation. A viable 3rd party could emerge.

Rand Paul could very well keep his seat as either a Libertarian or Republican. Also, it is not considered bad(may even be considered good!) for a Republican to turn Libertarian by conservatives.

Hell, most conservatives argue against voting libertarian because they believe it will hand the election over to the Democrats. But given what is coming to light in the GOP and how the base is taking it, anything is now possible!!

liberturdians are the cheap whores of the dimocrap scum party.

They lie to you, stick their dicks in your asses and you come back for more.

The only thing liberturdians are good for is to hand elections to dimocrap scum.

Most of the shit coming to you liberurdian MORONS in your emails and on your facebook pages about how mean Republicans are is straight from the DNC.

liberturdians are a waste of skin. Oxygen thieves. Stupid, disloyal, back-stabbing scumbags.

Mostly stupid. I mean -- REALLY stupid.

And dumb. I mean, salad girl dumb
By wanting to defund Planned Parenthood Rand Paul has betrayed his Libertarian base in favor of the extremist rightwingers.

How did he do that?

Platform Libertarian Party

1.5 Abortion

Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration."​

The Libertarian platform is that no government action should be taken when it comes to abortion.

Rand Paul is demanding government action to punish a non profit organization that provides healthcare services to women using the partisan excuse of opposition to abortion as a blunt object.

Rand Paul is a pro life Senator. This is no secret to anybody. He is also not a member of the Libertarian Party. Now show me where in the Libertarian Party platform they advocate providing taxpayer dollars to private organizations like Planned Parenthood or any other for that fact and then maybe you'll have a point.

It seems all you have today is hyperbole and wide speculation.

Libertarian Party thinks otherwise.

Rand Paul Could Win Libertarian Nomination Too - US News

Libertarians May Co-Nominate Rand Paul in 2016

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., may follow in his father’s footsteps not only by seeking the Republican presidential nomination, but also by receiving the Libertarian Party’s ballot line.

Members of the Libertarian Party are bracing for an internal struggle over whether to back the libertarian-leaning senator if he appears poised to win the Republican nomination in 2016.

Paul is unlikely to directly seek the third party’s support, but could win it anyhow through the work of eager activists like those who worked the campaigns of his father, former Texas Rep. Ron Paul, a GOP presidential contender in 2008 and 2012 and the Libertarian nominee in 1988.

A co-nomination from one of the nation’s most significant minor parties could help Paul - if he’s the Republican nominee - avoid losing hundreds of thousands of votes to an ideological ally. In some states, his name would appear twice on ballots.

To be honest, that would be a pretty heavy endorsement. If Rand Paul accepts, it is possible a political transformation could happen in this nation. A viable 3rd party could emerge.

Rand Paul could very well keep his seat as either a Libertarian or Republican. Also, it is not considered bad(may even be considered good!) for a Republican to turn Libertarian by conservatives.

Hell, most conservatives argue against voting libertarian because they believe it will hand the election over to the Democrats. But given what is coming to light in the GOP and how the base is taking it, anything is now possible!!

Your point is a good one and just to play devil's advocate I will advance the argument against it.

If the GOP openly embraces the Libertarian Party platform then it opens itself up to criticism. (The differences are not all that significant anyway because if you go back the Libertarian party platform that the Koch's ran on in the 1980's it is very close to the current GOP platform of today.)

With that said the GOP now has to deal with another group with an agenda that already has a powerful voice when it comes to funding. As a merged party the Libertarians candidates could be preferred over the Tea Party candidates and that further marginalizes out the GOP establishment candidates.

The GOP establishment won't be happy to have the party identified as belonging to the "crazy fringes" but they are running out of old white people according to Lindsay Graham so they may not have too much in the way of choices.

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