To Kill A Kid

That kid may have not been doing anything wrong, and nothing would have happened if he hadn't turned around and followed Zimmerman back to his truck. THAT's when he did something wrong!
What is a neg rep?

Rep stands for "reputation." See your rep points? You have 16. When they neg rep you, they take some of that away. For every thousand rep points they have, it takes one of yours away.

They think they're big shots for doing that. What they are is a bunch of Nazis.

Especially Sunshine. I'm learning via PMs that she makes a habit of doing that.

Just ignore them. I'm beginning to realize that having a lot of rep points doesn't mean you're a good person. The opposite may even be true on THIS forum. ; )

It won't hurt you to lose your rep points. I'll postive rep you and perhaps some others will, too. I don't have much rep so I can't repair the damage they do, but every little bit helps, right?
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If you were a kid, at night, doing nothing wrong, and then a strange adult started following you, then you ran, and they still followed you, and if this adult got close to you and reached for something...

Would bashing his head (IF he did) be reasonable under the circumstances?

Especially in a state where you are allowed to stand your ground?

Thing is, people wanna apply SYG to Zimmerman, and use TM trying to defend himself as if the KID is wrong!

It was said Zimmerman followed him, but then went back to his truck.....Trayvon followed him back. THAT was his mistake! If I'm wrong, prove it please.
Let me tell you something...


1. TM was a kid, that was doing nothing wrong.

2. TM became frightened by a stranger stalking him in the night and TM RAN!

3. Real men don't like running in fear from another man.

4. IF... TM confronted Zim, unarmed, in the night, as a kid... to STAND HIS GROUND against a stranger intimidating him.. HIS FATHER SHOULD BE PROUD!!


He walked to the store as a kid, but he died a man! Refusing to be bullied, intimidated, or discriminated against! IF ... he approached a grown man, unarmed, as a teen, in the night ... and then BEAT ZIMMERMAN ASS for putting him unjustly through this ordeal, I STILL think he had a right to do so!

I say TM was acting in self defense.

It is self defense to ask someone why they are following you at night.

It is self defense to attack your stalker in the dark while he reaches for something.

TM is innocent.

Let me tell you something...


1. TM was a kid, that was doing nothing wrong.

2. TM became frightened by a stranger stalking him in the night and TM RAN!

3. Real men don't like running in fear from another man.

4. IF... TM confronted Zim, unarmed, in the night, as a kid... to STAND HIS GROUND against a stranger intimidating him.. HIS FATHER SHOULD BE PROUD!!


He walked to the store as a kid, but he died a man! Refusing to be bullied, intimidated, or discriminated against! IF ... he approached a grown man, unarmed, as a teen, in the night ... and then BEAT ZIMMERMAN ASS for putting him unjustly through this ordeal, I STILL think he had a right to do so!

I say TM was acting in self defense.

It is self defense to ask someone why they are following you at night.

It is self defense to attack your stalker in the dark while he reaches for something.

TM is innocent.


ty Judge Judy
Let me tell you something...


1. TM was a kid, that was doing nothing wrong.

2. TM became frightened by a stranger stalking him in the night and TM RAN!

3. Real men don't like running in fear from another man.

4. IF... TM confronted Zim, unarmed, in the night, as a kid... to STAND HIS GROUND against a stranger intimidating him.. HIS FATHER SHOULD BE PROUD!!


He walked to the store as a kid, but he died a man! Refusing to be bullied, intimidated, or discriminated against! IF ... he approached a grown man, unarmed, as a teen, in the night ... and then BEAT ZIMMERMAN ASS for putting him unjustly through this ordeal, I STILL think he had a right to do so!

I say TM was acting in self defense.

It is self defense to ask someone why they are following you at night.

It is self defense to attack your stalker in the dark while he reaches for something.

TM is innocent.


Shut up, you wacko.

I get so sick of weirdo progressives insisting that children dying in abortion clinics are worthless, but criminals are victims and the people they attack are the ones who should be punished.

The kid was a punk, a criminal, and a thug. He was high, he had delusions of his own invincibility, and I believe he meant to kill Zimmerman and would have killed Zimmerman.

You have no idea if he was "not doing anything" or not. You're just going to bat for a criminal.

Probably because you are one, yourself. That's the way it usually works.
TM is being slandered.

TM is being put on trial.

Tm is accused by Koshergrl of being a punk, a thug, and a criminal.

Yet in reality, his killer is the one with a criminal record, someone who couldn't even beat up a teenager, and who followed kids around in the night intimidating them.

Progressives won't be happy until they can walk into our houses and kill us in our sleep, with no fear of repercussions. That's where this is taking us. The criminals are taking over. Arm yourselves now.
We are all familiar with The Zimmerman Case. Yet often, I think we forget that a kid was killed. A kid doing nothing wrong. Now, NORMALLY in America, this would be a cause for outrage! Lynch mobs have been formed for less!

But for some reason, there is unprecedented support for GZ's killing of an unarmed kid doing nothing wrong.

Why is that?

Look, Solomon, the mistake you're making right now is assuming an outcome before all of the knowledge is relayed. You're not the judge, or the jury. You're one person on one side of the issue who's made up his mind already.

No way is any good debate going to happen when you already assume one end of this spectrum is true. You don't know that Martin did nothing wrong. You don't know one bit, so to see you stand up and assume he's innocent without actually being there and knowing it... well, this won't end well.

It's partisan, unreasonable thinking, and it is people like you who have bred strife, contention, and violence throughout history.
What we know for a fact is that TM was not charged with any crime while walking to and from the store to buy Skittles.

Also, I've never heard of a burglar trying to do a crime while talking on the phone to his girlfriend, eating Skittles, and right in front his house.
Ask him if he has a criminal background...I guarantee you he does.

Having a criminal background does not always guarantee that that person will do wrong, or is guilty.
No, I'm talking about solomon.

Criminal thinking 101...the guy is a criminal. Which is why he's so threatened by people who defend themselves, and so eager to see them "punished" for doing so.

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