To Kill A Kid

Tjvh, you mean minor's shouldn't defend themselves?

Should minors just do whatever any stranger asks them to do?

Whether they feel threatened or not?

A person aged 13 to 19 years.

Adolescent - teener - stripling - JUVENILE - YOUTH

The purpose of referring to TM as a kid, is because he isn't an adult.

Example. Someone can get into a fight with a 12 year old. But if that person is 14, it's not looked at like child abuse, or too big of a disproportionate difference.

Even though according to the technical definitions we've used, they are in two different classes of being.

One is a child, one is a teenager.

Yet, when you have a difference of over 10 years, and one is not an adult, this is an entirely different scenario. Teens have not fully developed, and do not make the same judgements as an adult whatsoever.

In this case, Zim was trained in law enforcement, weighed more, and packing a gun.


and unarmed.

For these reasons, I consider him a KID... especially in comparison to a trained, grown man with a gun.

I stand by that.
Whatever lies you need to tell yourself to keep your complete bullshit going....


You just said that the dictionary was wrong.

That is how utterly fucked in the head your "thinking" is.
The poor sweet little Trayvon was doing what? Trying to kill a man with his bare hands by pummelling his head into the pavements repetitively?

Too bad his school report was so dismal.

As it turns out, Martin was suspended a number of times from Krop Senior High School in Miami Gardens for infractions ranging from tardiness and truancy up to possession of marijuana and a screwdriver that the school's security staff described as a "burglary tool."
The troubling incidents date back to October 2011, when Martin was allegedly caught with a horde of women's jewelry and the aforementioned screwdriver, according the Miami Herald. According to a report issued by Trayvon's school district, on October 21, security camera footage showed Trayvon Martin and two other students writing "W.T.F." on a hallway locker. A security guard saw the footage, detained Trayvon and searched his bag for the offending marker. In the process of the search, the guard uncovered 12 pieces of women's jewelry, a watch and the screwdriver.
Trayvon Martin found with jewelry and burglary tool

It costs about $900 to remove, decoat and rebake paint onto a school locker not to mention putting it back without damaging adjacent lockers. The school shouldn't have to be disciplining criminal activity within the school, parents should make certain their children know better that to inflict expensive problems on their school.

I'm not buying "somebody should pay me for my trouble" parental diatribe in raising this sneaking, thieving habitual criminal to deface school property and act suspicious in the vicinity of homes that have been recently broken into and having had valuable jewelry and things removed from them by destructive animals laying their hands on anything they could resell for smokes and drugs. :evil:
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We are all familiar with The Zimmerman Case. Yet often, I think we forget that a kid was killed. A kid doing nothing wrong. Now, NORMALLY in America, this would be a cause for outrage! Lynch mobs have been formed for less!

But for some reason, there is unprecedented support for GZ's killing of an unarmed kid doing nothing wrong.

Why is that?

Let's look at this subtle treachery on behalf of the Justice Department of Florida...

1. Florida charged Zimmerman with Murder2. Ok, Florida already knew they had a law called "Stand Your Ground". In SYG, a person may kill you if you feel they are threatening your life. So WHY charge GZ with something that YOU ALREADY KNOW is going to tough as hell to prosecute? When you also ALREADY KNOW that the kid was innocent, and was killed by an adult who was asked not to engage the KID!

Why not MAKE SURE the killer doesn't slip through your slippery state laws, and charge him with something YOU KNOW you can convict him on?

Let's look at this odd phenomenon called The Sanford Police Department...

But for some reason, there is unprecedented support for GZ's killing of an unarmed kid doing nothing wrong.

Support for a guy defending himself against a punk beating on him.

It's sad that he won't grow up to commit even more serious crime/mayhem.

When you also ALREADY KNOW that the kid was innocent

Did Zimmermann imagine the beating the innocent "kid" was giving him?
2. Any time a police officer arrives at a scene of homicide, and a person tells them that they have just KILLED AN UNARMED KID with their gun, and the kid was not in the commission of a crime...

The police officer is supposed to take that person into custody. When you have just killed a human bring, a police officer isn't supposed to take chances. They are to HANDCUFF you (as a common sense precautionary measure), read you your rights, and arrest you and take you to Booking.

REGARDLESS, of what the officer on the scene THINKS may have happened, this is THEIR JOB!

Let me remind you of one of law reinforcements most famous sayings..

"Tell it to the judge!"

This means that cops often are not the one who are supposed to assume anything! They just apprehend, and leave matters of nuance to other professionals!

They are not supposed to listen to ONE SIDE of a kid killer's testimony, and determine to free a confessed killer back into streets UNTIL AFTER a legal process has been undertaken to validate such an action!

and the kid was not in the commission of a crime...

And when the "kid" was.....?
I have no idea what actually happened between Zimmerman and Martin. All I know is what I've read, heard, and seen via the media and the Internet.

Zimmerman said he followed Martin. He said at some point Martin angrily confronted him, struck him, knocked him to the ground and continued to batter him. If that's the truth it seems clear enough Zimmerman used his gun in self defense. Whether or not he should have followed Martin is a separate issue.
If a person doesn't have on a uniform, nor identify themselves in any fashion...

But they are following me in the night???

I run away, and they're still following me??

We engage, and they reach for something??

Listen, according to the law, TM had A RIGHT TO KILL ZIMMERMAN!

So it's remarkable how people are trying to use his alledged fighting for his life as somehow indicative of the KID doing something wrong!

Wild isn't it?

Listen, according to the law, TM had A RIGHT TO KILL ZIMMERMAN!

Which law? The "You can't follow me law"?

A person aged 13 to 19 years.

Adolescent - teener - stripling - JUVENILE - YOUTH

The purpose of referring to TM as a kid, is because he isn't an adult.

Example. Someone can get into a fight with a 12 year old. But if that person is 14, it's not looked at like child abuse, or too big of a disproportionate difference.

Even though according to the technical definitions we've used, they are in two different classes of being.

One is a child, one is a teenager.

Yet, when you have a difference of over 10 years, and one is not an adult, this is an entirely different scenario. Teens have not fully developed, and do not make the same judgements as an adult whatsoever.

In this case, Zim was trained in law enforcement, weighed more, and packing a gun.


and unarmed.

For these reasons, I consider him a KID... especially in comparison to a trained, grown man with a gun.

I stand by that.


Did he show Zimmermann a drivers license? How was Zimmermann supposed to know the punk beating on him had not yet reached the age of 18? If he had, would defending against the assault have been okay with you? Why?
Freedombeki, is that it? A teenager got in a fight, smoked a joint, and stole a necklace?

I have no idea what state you reside in, but in my state, if that's all they have on a 17 year old.... that kid was AN ANGEL!

Now run down Zimmerman's ADULT run-in's with the law.

[MENTION=29707]Toddsterpatriot[/MENTION], in your opinion,do you think Zim did ANYTHING wrong that night?

He shouldn't have let the "kid" knock him down.

He shouldn't have let the "kid" break his nose.

He shouldn't have let the "kid" beat his head against the sidewalk.
Hang in there, king.solomon. Don't let all this neg repping get you down. They're assholes for neg repping you, remember that. Keep speaking your mind. (Notice my signature?)
Soooooo, you do understand I'm dragging y'all around this topic right? I should be ashamed of how I'm treating y'all!

Like how about this....???

Imagine. Screaming "HELP!!!".... at the same time you're pulling out a gun and killing someone!

^^ Put down your phone, and TRY TO DO THAT!!

Then, you will have an epiphany!

You're welcome.

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