To Kill a Mockingbird becomes an Obama Re election commercial

"Nigrah" is what refined whites called blacks in public in those days. They still got half the word in! LOL. Do peole have to explain everything to you? Obviously so!
Peck (Harper Lee) referred to Negroes, because that was the terminology back then. Duh.

That wasn't what made me go Wow.

Your response to Peck's closing arguments was:
"Classic. Blame the victim."

Is that what you took away from the movie, that scene where Peck defends the "negro" who was accused of raping a white woman?

That was your reaction?

You're right, of course, but you're arguing with an imbecile incapable of rational, intelligent thought. Possessing the mental acumen of an amoeba, she's sorely lacking in the ability to comprehend the world around her, much less this speech. Pathetic, moronic comments such as this are to be expected from her --- it's a predictable, involuntary response. She just can't help herself.
Thanks. I figured as much, though I have not had much interaction with her.

After a while you begin to see the characters for who they are, and recognize the ones that produce nothing but brainless shit piles.

All well and good. Saves ya the time in taking them seriously.
The book was written in 1960, during the height of the Civil Rights movement. It's a powerful novel based loosely on actual experiences that occurred in the 1930s.

A smart conservative should latch on to the fact that even then, in the deep South someone white was willing to step and do the right thing. They should emphasize that while things are not perfect thanks to the work of MLK, Jr. we have come so far from those days. We mustn't forget our past, we mustn't forget the in the early days of this great Republic, people were persecuted and treated badly based on the color of their skin.

A smart conservative should point out how far we've come and what's left to do. Obama wants everyone to think we have reverted to the 1930s, the divider-in-chief is truly a race baiter and he himself has no blood line related to any of those early days of these United States of America...............he wants to make his black base believe white folks are still after them.

Piss poor example of a leader, great example of a great divider.

I was discussing the ramifications of Obama's divisive acts with somebody close.....and it seems that all of the fears of all of those racist Crackers has come to fruition.

They used to say if a Black is ever elected POTUS blacks would try to get even with whites. I was hoping that would never happen, but it looks like blacks are taking advantage of this......even if it appears Obama is not directly responsible for most of it. Then again, he may be in on it.

Eric Holder comes to mind. Van Jones?
Nope. You act like it's the only iconic American movie in existence.

Not at all...but how many of them are turning 50 and appearing on national TV to celebrate the fact that they are turning 50?

If you don't think there is significance in having the first African American President introduce the film, then you're nuts...but it is hardly "race baiting".

Would you feel better if they had the Romneybot introduce the Manchurian Candidate? Michelle Bachman or Sarah Palin could introduce "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane". :lol:

If you can show precedence I will accept it.

I think a real President has enough on his plate already. This is simply an example of a guy that's campaigning rather than doing his fucken J.O.B.

[ame=]Disneyland 35th Anniversary Celebration Part 3 - YouTube[/ame]
Not at all...but how many of them are turning 50 and appearing on national TV to celebrate the fact that they are turning 50?

If you don't think there is significance in having the first African American President introduce the film, then you're nuts...but it is hardly "race baiting".

Would you feel better if they had the Romneybot introduce the Manchurian Candidate? Michelle Bachman or Sarah Palin could introduce "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane". :lol:

If you can show precedence I will accept it.

I think a real President has enough on his plate already. This is simply an example of a guy that's campaigning rather than doing his fucken J.O.B.

[ame=]Disneyland 35th Anniversary Celebration Part 3 - YouTube[/ame]

Reagen took care of business and had the extra time. That was with democrats constantly lying to him.

Obama is fucking inept as they come.
Not at all...but how many of them are turning 50 and appearing on national TV to celebrate the fact that they are turning 50?

If you don't think there is significance in having the first African American President introduce the film, then you're nuts...but it is hardly "race baiting".

Would you feel better if they had the Romneybot introduce the Manchurian Candidate? Michelle Bachman or Sarah Palin could introduce "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane". :lol:

If you can show precedence I will accept it.

I think a real President has enough on his plate already. This is simply an example of a guy that's campaigning rather than doing his fucken J.O.B.

[ame=""]Disneyland 35th Anniversary Celebration Part 3 -[/ame]
:lol: :clap2:

Well done. :clap2:
Wow...the President is introducing a movie and the RW want to make it into a reason to accuse the President of "race baiting". Gee, I wonder why Republican approval is at an all time low...

Just how many movies has this president endorsed? Why this one?
Lemme guess.

You'd prefer Birth Of A Nation??????

[ame=]Birth of a Nation by D.W. Griffith - Trailer (1915) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Birth of a Nation Clip 1 - YouTube[/ame]​
So it looks like this thread has been boiled down to (pardon the Easter Egg pun) "Oh my God, the President is campaigning in an election year!" :eek:

It makes it his fifth straight year.

That has to be a first.
Well.....I guess my take is this. As much as I am loathe to defend Obama I'm an not seeing anything outrageous here. I suppose the questions being suggested are: "Is Obama being asked to introduce this film because he is black? Because is the POTUS? Because he is a black POTUS?" I guess I would respond...does it matter?

What I am getting at here is that obviously there is race baiting in the media and by the left, blah, blah, blah....but as Freud pointed out: "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar". I think some people may be assuming that this is a political may just be that he is introducing a classic piece of Americana and nothing more.

So I would encourage everyone to reserve judgement. If he introduces the book by making a political campaign speech...ok...he's fair game. Fire away. If he limits the introduction to the importance and content of the story...what's the big deal?
Here's is the sum of President Obama introducing the movie:
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: 50 years ago, a film came along that instantly captivated the nation. Based on the timeless novel by Harper Lee, “To Kill A Mockingbird” brought to life an unforgettable tale of courage and conviction, of doing what was right no matter what the cost, and it gave us one of the great heroes of American cinema – Atticus Finch played so memorably by the late Gregory Peck.

Half a century later, the power of this extraordinary film endures. It still speaks to us. It still tells us something about who we are as a people, and the common values that we all share. So I hope you enjoy the film, and if you haven’t already, I hope you get a chance to read the book. It’s an American classic, and it’s one of my family’s favorites. Now, “To Kill A Mockingbird.”
Here's is the sum of President Obama introducing the movie:
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: 50 years ago, a film came along that instantly captivated the nation. Based on the timeless novel by Harper Lee, “To Kill A Mockingbird” brought to life an unforgettable tale of courage and conviction, of doing what was right no matter what the cost, and it gave us one of the great heroes of American cinema – Atticus Finch played so memorably by the late Gregory Peck.

Half a century later, the power of this extraordinary film endures. It still speaks to us. It still tells us something about who we are as a people, and the common values that we all share. So I hope you enjoy the film, and if you haven’t already, I hope you get a chance to read the book. It’s an American classic, and it’s one of my family’s favorites. Now, “To Kill A Mockingbird.”

Thanks, sounds good to me. The only problem I have is although the book was written about an America in 1930, this could lead to everyone thinking this was 1960, Deep South. I didn't live in Georgia in 1930 or 1960 but I will tell you things have changed, considerably. :D
The movie depicted a small southern town in 1932, however a similar racial incident took place in Poplarville, Mississippi in 1959.

Poplarville, Mississippi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On the night of April 24, 1959, Mack Charles Parker, an African-American accused of rape, was abducted from the Pearl River County jail in Poplarville by a white mob and shot to death. His body was found in the Pearl River 10 days later. The FBI investigated and even obtained confessions from some of the eight white suspects. However, the county prosecutor refused to present evidence to a state grand jury and a federal grand jury refused to indict. The case focused national attention on the persistence of lynching in the South and helped accelerate the African-American Civil Rights Movement.

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