To Kill a Mockingbird becomes an Obama Re election commercial

Here's is the sum of President Obama introducing the movie:
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: 50 years ago, a film came along that instantly captivated the nation. Based on the timeless novel by Harper Lee, “To Kill A Mockingbird” brought to life an unforgettable tale of courage and conviction, of doing what was right no matter what the cost, and it gave us one of the great heroes of American cinema – Atticus Finch played so memorably by the late Gregory Peck.

Half a century later, the power of this extraordinary film endures. It still speaks to us. It still tells us something about who we are as a people, and the common values that we all share. So I hope you enjoy the film, and if you haven’t already, I hope you get a chance to read the book. It’s an American classic, and it’s one of my family’s favorites. Now, “To Kill A Mockingbird.”

That's it? That's what the outrage is over? Pffft....ridiculous. Obama does plenty of stupid shit that we can legitimately tear his ass for. This is no different than throwing out the first pitch on opening day.
Well.....I guess my take is this. As much as I am loathe to defend Obama I'm an not seeing anything outrageous here. I suppose the questions being suggested are: "Is Obama being asked to introduce this film because he is black? Because is the POTUS? Because he is a black POTUS?" I guess I would respond...does it matter?
Maybe FAUX Noise & Porky Limbaugh lobbied for David Duke to do the intro, but he'd turned-down the opportunity.

The movie depicted a small southern town in 1932, however a similar racial incident took place in Poplarville, Mississippi in 1959.

Poplarville, Mississippi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On the night of April 24, 1959, Mack Charles Parker, an African-American accused of rape, was abducted from the Pearl River County jail in Poplarville by a white mob and shot to death. His body was found in the Pearl River 10 days later. The FBI investigated and even obtained confessions from some of the eight white suspects. However, the county prosecutor refused to present evidence to a state grand jury and a federal grand jury refused to indict. The case focused national attention on the persistence of lynching in the South and helped accelerate the African-American Civil Rights Movement.
....Not to mention.....



"A thousand college students from the North are reported to be invading Mississippi this summer in order to engage in a Negro voter registration drive. It is unbelievable that a thousand college students would do this of their own volition. Those who know the ways of propaganda, especially of a Communist nature, probably correctly suspect that the idealism of some college youngsters has been taken advantage of by some very hard boiled left wingers and Communists who know exactly what they want to do--stir up trouble in the South.

This newspaper a long time ago pointed our that [a part of the Communist plan in the United States is to stir up racial strife]. The ultimate aim is . . . a black revolution. The invasion of Mississippi this summer is . . . part and parcel of this plan.

These young people who have gone to Mississippi have been attending training schools which can be described as nothing short of inflammatory . . . The naive inexperience of these youngsters has been preyed on, and they have been stirred up by tales of horror and violence that simply don't exist in Mississippi.

Entirely aside from the arrogance and the holier-than-thou attitude of these college students, who are going to Mississippi with no knowledge of the Negro problem, the really serious aspect of this invasion . . . is [that it] it is part of an over-all scheme to destroy the United States by way of a racial revolution."
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obama wants to create a connection between himself and the treatment that black people got in the 30s and 40s. He wants to assume a figment that he is the descendant of slaves.

In a sane world American black people would be infuriated that this usurper was usruping their history and taking it for his own.

To put it in perspective, someone whose parents came here from New Delhi would claim the Trail of Tears because an Indian is an Indian.
The movie depicted a small southern town in 1932, however a similar racial incident took place in Poplarville, Mississippi in 1959.

Poplarville, Mississippi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On the night of April 24, 1959, Mack Charles Parker, an African-American accused of rape, was abducted from the Pearl River County jail in Poplarville by a white mob and shot to death. His body was found in the Pearl River 10 days later. The FBI investigated and even obtained confessions from some of the eight white suspects. However, the county prosecutor refused to present evidence to a state grand jury and a federal grand jury refused to indict. The case focused national attention on the persistence of lynching in the South and helped accelerate the African-American Civil Rights Movement.

obama wants to create a connection between himself and the treatment that black people got in the 30s and 40s. He wants to assume a figment that he is the descendant of slaves.

In a sane world American black people would be infuriated that this usurper was usruping their history and taking it for his own.

To put it in perspective, someone whose parents came here from New Delhi would claim the Trail of Tears because an Indian is an Indian.

You are reading far too much into this, Katzndogz, and if you continue, folks will simply laugh.
obama wants to create a connection between himself and the treatment that black people got in the 30s and 40s. He wants to assume a figment that he is the descendant of slaves.

In a sane world American black people would be infuriated that this usurper was usruping their history and taking it for his own.

To put it in perspective, someone whose parents came here from New Delhi would claim the Trail of Tears because an Indian is an Indian.

Obama said it was one of his family's favorite.......if you can believe that.

If it is then he's pretty much dwelling in the past. A past that most of us want to bury but still remember and take to it will never happen again......regardless who the perp is and who the oppressed is.
Here's is the sum of President Obama introducing the movie:
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: 50 years ago, a film came along that instantly captivated the nation. Based on the timeless novel by Harper Lee, “To Kill A Mockingbird” brought to life an unforgettable tale of courage and conviction, of doing what was right no matter what the cost, and it gave us one of the great heroes of American cinema – Atticus Finch played so memorably by the late Gregory Peck.

Half a century later, the power of this extraordinary film endures. It still speaks to us. It still tells us something about who we are as a people, and the common values that we all share. So I hope you enjoy the film, and if you haven’t already, I hope you get a chance to read the book. It’s an American classic, and it’s one of my family’s favorites. Now, “To Kill A Mockingbird.”

Oh, the horror.

I can now see why so many are outraged :lol:
obama wants to create a connection between himself and the treatment that black people got in the 30s and 40s. He wants to assume a figment that he is the descendant of slaves.

In a sane world American black people would be infuriated that this usurper was usruping their history and taking it for his own.

To put it in perspective, someone whose parents came here from New Delhi would claim the Trail of Tears because an Indian is an Indian.

You are reading far too much into this, Katzndogz, and if you continue, folks will simply laugh.

Well, Katz is seeing it exactly for what it is.

And the joke is on you Jake.
obama wants to create a connection between himself and the treatment that black people got in the 30s and 40s. He wants to assume a figment that he is the descendant of slaves.

In a sane world American black people would be infuriated that this usurper was usruping their history and taking it for his own.

To put it in perspective, someone whose parents came here from New Delhi would claim the Trail of Tears because an Indian is an Indian.

You are reading far too much into this, Katzndogz, and if you continue, folks will simply laugh.

Too late.
obama wants to create a connection between himself and the treatment that black people got in the 30s and 40s. He wants to assume a figment that he is the descendant of slaves.

In a sane world American black people would be infuriated that this usurper was usruping their history and taking it for his own.

To put it in perspective, someone whose parents came here from New Delhi would claim the Trail of Tears because an Indian is an Indian.

You are reading far too much into this, Katzndogz, and if you continue, folks will simply laugh.

I disagree....

But we do know Obamas son would look just like Trayvon. Dead after the assault.
President Obama to introduce 'To Kill a Mockingbird' on TV -

racial prejudice will never fully go away, all races are to blame, not just the white
But I am so sick of these race baiting the main stream media and our president are lock step in

A great Movie becomes a damn commercial for the re-elect Obama caimpaign

Could you see GWB given the same chance?
Where does this crap stop?
racial prejudce in the work force is over. If some stupip SOB does not like you because of your race
IGNORE the POS and move on
At work, you dont have to tolerate it

We have millions of people needing work,
Yet we have 3 major news orginizations lying about an event that took place in Florida in which is so out of control and so far from the norm of what really occured, it is sick

When is enough enough people?

I am going to enjoy this movie as I did 40 years ago, in the deep south having no idea I was suppose to hate any-one

Well libs, you have found a new low here, or should say the main stream media has

If you think any-one has to tolerate racial in-justice, your dead wrong
Again, those few who hate, IGNORE The POS and move on

And if you think getting BHO re-elected like this? its back-firing I promise you. In the work place we have laws to protect every-one but the white man, what else is it we need to do?

Well, there you have it, another failed attempt to race bait the election on the back of one of the greatest movies of all time

Why lie about this?

President Obama is introducing a very timely and appropriate movie. Whether right and left, black and white, rich and poor, he has worked tirelessly to bring people together and the R's have fought him every inch of the way.

How sadly ironic that you would use this to push racism.
obama wants to create a connection between himself and the treatment that black people got in the 30s and 40s. He wants to assume a figment that he is the descendant of slaves.

In a sane world American black people would be infuriated that this usurper was usruping their history and taking it for his own.

To put it in perspective, someone whose parents came here from New Delhi would claim the Trail of Tears because an Indian is an Indian.

You are reading far too much into this, Katzndogz, and if you continue, folks will simply laugh.

I disagree....

But we do know Obamas son would look just like Trayvon. Dead after the assault.

Your head is hurting again, isn't it?
obama wants to create a connection between himself and the treatment that black people got in the 30s and 40s. He wants to assume a figment that he is the descendant of slaves.

I think you are looking for something that isn't there Katz. I saw nothing from his introduction that would suggest that in any way. You I said....I am no great rush to defend Obama. Generally, I rate him as about the worst President we have ever had with the exceptions of Buchanan, Pierce, and Fillmore......actually I think Fillmore might have even been a little better. Anyhow, the media and the left race bait like crazy...we all know that and certainly we have a legitimate cause to call them out on it when we see it. doesn't help that cause to manufacture occasions where none exist. It just makes us look like a collection of asses.

Hit them where they are guilty and hit them hard...don't stoop to their level and create something to hit them for. JMHO
To Kill a Mockingbird is a great movie.

Rent it, stream it with Netflix, where obama isn't polluting it.
obama wants to create a connection between himself and the treatment that black people got in the 30s and 40s. He wants to assume a figment that he is the descendant of slaves.

I think you are looking for something that isn't there Katz. I saw nothing from his introduction that would suggest that in any way. You I said....I am no great rush to defend Obama. Generally, I rate him as about the worst President we have ever had with the exceptions of Buchanan, Pierce, and Fillmore......actually I think Fillmore might have even been a little better. Anyhow, the media and the left race bait like crazy...we all know that and certainly we have a legitimate cause to call them out on it when we see it. doesn't help that cause to manufacture occasions where none exist. It just makes us look like a collection of asses.

Hit them where they are guilty and hit them hard...don't stoop to their level and create something to hit them for. JMHO

No. I am right. He's using this film as a campaign spot.
obama wants to create a connection between himself and the treatment that black people got in the 30s and 40s. He wants to assume a figment that he is the descendant of slaves.

In a sane world American black people would be infuriated that this usurper was usruping their history and taking it for his own.

To put it in perspective, someone whose parents came here from New Delhi would claim the Trail of Tears because an Indian is an Indian.

You are reading far too much into this, Katzndogz, and if you continue, folks will simply laugh.

I disagree....

But we do know Obamas son would look just like Trayvon. Dead after the assault.

Some of what I read here makes me so damn sad. Would you sick rw's also murder his daughters? Bet you'd kill our First Lady because she's so damn uppity for helping our vets and their families and for advocating for children's health. Would you murder other family members as well?

So sick that kkk, white supremacist, aryan nation slimy scum don't even bother to hide under rocks and white sheets anymore.

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