To Kill a Mockingbird becomes an Obama Re election commercial

You are reading far too much into this, Katzndogz, and if you continue, folks will simply laugh.

I disagree....

But we do know Obamas son would look just like Trayvon. Dead after the assault.

Some of what I read here makes me so damn sad. Would you sick rw's also murder his daughters? Bet you'd kill our First Lady because she's so damn uppity for helping our vets and their families and for advocating for children's health. Would you murder other family members as well?

So sick that kkk, white supremacist, aryan nation slimy scum don't even bother to hide under rocks and white sheets anymore.

Attack my family and I will eliminate yours.

In other words go out of your way to harass me and I will return the favor.

Leave me alone and you dont even know I exist.

Its that simple, but you wont get it.

Instead the low life on your side had to make it a racial issue. Ok bring it. See what happens.
obama wants to create a connection between himself and the treatment that black people got in the 30s and 40s. He wants to assume a figment that he is the descendant of slaves.

In a sane world American black people would be infuriated that this usurper was usruping their history and taking it for his own.

To put it in perspective, someone whose parents came here from New Delhi would claim the Trail of Tears because an Indian is an Indian.

You are reading far too much into this, Katzndogz, and if you continue, folks will simply laugh.

Well, Katz is seeing it exactly for what it is.

And the joke is on you Jake.
Do you think the movie To Kill a Mockingbird helped or hurt race relations at the time?
obama wants to create a connection between himself and the treatment that black people got in the 30s and 40s. He wants to assume a figment that he is the descendant of slaves.

I think you are looking for something that isn't there Katz. I saw nothing from his introduction that would suggest that in any way. You I said....I am no great rush to defend Obama. Generally, I rate him as about the worst President we have ever had with the exceptions of Buchanan, Pierce, and Fillmore......actually I think Fillmore might have even been a little better. Anyhow, the media and the left race bait like crazy...we all know that and certainly we have a legitimate cause to call them out on it when we see it. doesn't help that cause to manufacture occasions where none exist. It just makes us look like a collection of asses.

Hit them where they are guilty and hit them hard...don't stoop to their level and create something to hit them for. JMHO

No. I am right. He's using this film as a campaign spot.

Well all of us are aware that whatever you say is always right, Katz. However, I highly doubt Obama went to USA network and said "hey will you guys run this film and let me introduce it so I can link myself to the history of oppression in America?"

Come on, man. Presidents get asked to do ceremonial stuff like this all the damned time. They throw out the first pitch, they do a commercial to raise funds for places hit by natural disasters, they go speak at the 50th anniversary of Disneyland as was shown below. As much as it chaps my ass, Obama is the president and he will get asked to do stuff like this, and there's nothing wrong with him doing it. he didn't make a political speech, he didn't rail on about racism; he introduced the fucking movie. Big deal.

Now "if I had a son he would look like Trayvon" that's politicizing a tragic event for political gain. Hit him on that and other shit like it with all gusto. He has given us plenty to work with here as it is.
Some of what I read here makes me so damn sad. Would you sick rw's also murder his daughters? Bet you'd kill our First Lady because she's so damn uppity for helping our vets and their families and for advocating for children's health. Would you murder other family members as well?

So sick that kkk, white supremacist, aryan nation slimy scum don't even bother to hide under rocks and white sheets anymore.

You know luddly....if anyone here cared a bit about your opinions and comments I might be enticed into educating you and attempting to remedy your lack of intellectual prowess. Fortunately, no one does so I don't have to waste the time.
Come on, man. Presidents get asked to do ceremonial stuff like this all the damned time.

What? Say it isn't so...

[ame=]Disneyland 35th Anniversary Celebration Part 3 - YouTube[/ame]
You are reading far too much into this, Katzndogz, and if you continue, folks will simply laugh.

I disagree....

But we do know Obamas son would look just like Trayvon. Dead after the assault.

Some of what I read here makes me so damn sad. Would you sick rw's also murder his daughters? Bet you'd kill our First Lady because she's so damn uppity for helping our vets and their families and for advocating for children's health. Would you murder other family members as well?

So sick that kkk, white supremacist, aryan nation slimy scum don't even bother to hide under rocks and white sheets anymore.

Yes, and we're all Aryan-Nation scum? Or even worse...........Tea Party members?

Personally, I think you should be ashamed of yourself.
You are reading far too much into this, Katzndogz, and if you continue, folks will simply laugh.

Well, Katz is seeing it exactly for what it is.

And the joke is on you Jake.
Do you think the movie To Kill a Mockingbird helped or hurt race relations at the time?

We were assigned to watch it in the 8th grade. It didn't help the teacher any because she got multiple complaints from parents for assigning a movie about a rape case to 13 year olds. 13 in that day was nothing like 13 is now.
obama wants to create a connection between himself and the treatment that black people got in the 30s and 40s. He wants to assume a figment that he is the descendant of slaves.

I think you are looking for something that isn't there Katz. I saw nothing from his introduction that would suggest that in any way. You I said....I am no great rush to defend Obama. Generally, I rate him as about the worst President we have ever had with the exceptions of Buchanan, Pierce, and Fillmore......actually I think Fillmore might have even been a little better. Anyhow, the media and the left race bait like crazy...we all know that and certainly we have a legitimate cause to call them out on it when we see it. doesn't help that cause to manufacture occasions where none exist. It just makes us look like a collection of asses.

Hit them where they are guilty and hit them hard...don't stoop to their level and create something to hit them for. JMHO

It's free advertising. His opponent should start calling for equal time. We had a local DJ who decided to run for office. He was off the air the day he filed. He could still work around the station, but not on the air.
Have you ever seen the movie? I think you might have missed the point of it.

Seen it and read the book. Excellent work of fiction he would do well to address the real racial divide in the country

What do you think Obama should do to "address the real racial divide"?

What does it have to do with him introducing this movie?

for starters he could arrest the NBP for bounty hunting. bounty hunting is illegal,, any arrests made yet?
How many movies will be remastered and released on their 50th Anniversary?

How many will obama use as a relection stunt so no one forgets he's black?
obama wants to create a connection between himself and the treatment that black people got in the 30s and 40s. He wants to assume a figment that he is the descendant of slaves.

I think you are looking for something that isn't there Katz. I saw nothing from his introduction that would suggest that in any way. You I said....I am no great rush to defend Obama. Generally, I rate him as about the worst President we have ever had with the exceptions of Buchanan, Pierce, and Fillmore......actually I think Fillmore might have even been a little better. Anyhow, the media and the left race bait like crazy...we all know that and certainly we have a legitimate cause to call them out on it when we see it. doesn't help that cause to manufacture occasions where none exist. It just makes us look like a collection of asses.

Hit them where they are guilty and hit them hard...don't stoop to their level and create something to hit them for. JMHO

Can't just call one of your friends a fucking idiot, can you? This guy is out to lunch and you padded his cell with all that blather about your disdain for the POTUS and how much real race baiting there is to attack. Whats the matter......don't think the dummy can handle being put in his place by someone he thinks is a con?
obama wants to create a connection between himself and the treatment that black people got in the 30s and 40s. He wants to assume a figment that he is the descendant of slaves.

In a sane world American black people would be infuriated that this usurper was usruping their history and taking it for his own.

To put it in perspective, someone whose parents came here from New Delhi would claim the Trail of Tears because an Indian is an Indian.

You are reading far too much into this, Katzndogz, and if you continue, folks will simply laugh.

Well, Katz is seeing it exactly for what it is. And the joke is on you Jake.

Not at all, mud, Katz is whining as usual, and you are joining in on the chorus. You are the reasons my GOP is going to lose again this fall. Your cultural coarseness and lack of civil discourse hurts America.
Seen it and read the book. Excellent work of fiction he would do well to address the real racial divide in the country

What do you think Obama should do to "address the real racial divide"?

What does it have to do with him introducing this movie?

for starters he could arrest the NBP for bounty hunting. bounty hunting is illegal,, any arrests made yet?

You are reading far too much into this, Katzndogz, and if you continue, folks will simply laugh.

Well, Katz is seeing it exactly for what it is. And the joke is on you Jake.

Not at all, mud, Katz is whining as usual, and you are joining in on the chorus. You are the reasons my GOP is going to lose again this fall. Your cultural coarseness and lack of civil discourse hurts America.

what is he gonna do about illegal bountry hunting,, and civil discourse doyathink?
You are reading far too much into this, Katzndogz, and if you continue, folks will simply laugh.

I disagree....

But we do know Obamas son would look just like Trayvon. Dead after the assault.

Some of what I read here makes me so damn sad. Would you sick rw's also murder his daughters? Bet you'd kill our First Lady because she's so damn uppity for helping our vets and their families and for advocating for children's health. Would you murder other family members as well?

So sick that kkk, white supremacist, aryan nation slimy scum don't even bother to hide under rocks and white sheets anymore.

The First Your Excellency (her preferred use) Michelle Obama Jokes: “I Kinda Like” Being Called Your Excellency | The Gateway Pundit might well choke to death on a fat cake.

I don't wish it, because I'd rather see her dragged out of the white house in handcuffs, but it would not surprise me.
I disagree....

But we do know Obamas son would look just like Trayvon. Dead after the assault.

Some of what I read here makes me so damn sad. Would you sick rw's also murder his daughters? Bet you'd kill our First Lady because she's so damn uppity for helping our vets and their families and for advocating for children's health. Would you murder other family members as well?

So sick that kkk, white supremacist, aryan nation slimy scum don't even bother to hide under rocks and white sheets anymore.

The First Your Excellency (her preferred use) Michelle Obama Jokes: “I Kinda Like” Being Called Your Excellency | The Gateway Pundit might well choke to death on a fat cake.

I don't wish it, because I'd rather see her dragged out of the white house in handcuffs, but it would not surprise me.

Compared to everything you have ever written here, Katzandogz, the Obamas are far finer Americans than you can ever hope to be. Stop hating.

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