To liberals: Why were you whining about the Citizens United decision?

Obama beat the 47 percent guy and the trend suggests that a socialist will become President,as he is about to surpass the super rich Hillary, and he leads the even richer Trump. In general election match ups. Do you admit that you were grossly exaggerating the impact of that decision?

Because I still think it was a bad decision- neither Corporations or Unions should be allowed to donate unlimited amounts of money.

Progressives will find some way to exempt Unions from any controls, don't you know that?

"We don't hate speech, we hate YOUR speech"

Conservatives will find some way to exempt Corporations from any controls, don't you know that?

I don't see conservatives trying to stop unions from spending money.

Now we do see them trying to stop unions from getting money from people who don't want to pay it.

Any form of campaign finance reform will be tailored to help the side making the laws, and hurt the side not in power.

you're kidding, right?

no... they just try to stop unions from GETTING money or having any collective bargaining power.

That's what I said partially in the bolded line.

Most conservatives are against closed shops in general, and public unions as a whole. Even FDR thought public sector unions were a terrible idea. I am not against the idea of unions, they are useful and needed in the private sector in some fields, but public sector unions are terrible.
None of you mentioned Obama's victories and the socialist's good prospect of winning. Pay attention.
Obama's victories were few and all were watered down. The biggest one (ACA) was a poor excuse for the single-payer legislation we needed and which he previously supported.

Even worse, Obama wants to enact TPP - his biggest mistake of all.
Note: The Supreme Courts conservative caucus is poised to outlaw unions from
None of you mentioned Obama's victories and the socialist's good prospect of winning. Pay attention.

One data point, and one supposition, Please try to keep up.
Republicans celebrated Citizens United

It is going to end up giving them Donald Trump
Obama beat the 47 percent guy and the trend suggests that a socialist will become President,as he is about to surpass the super rich Hillary, and he leads the even richer Trump. In general election match ups. Do you admit that you were grossly exaggerating the impact of that decision?

1. if you do a call out thread, it should probably be in the flame section.

2. no one is "whining".... it was a terrible decision. probably the worst since dred scott.

3. the impact of the decision hasn't been exaggerated.

you're welcome.
You are not ignoring the question because it's bait. You are ignoring it because you can't answer why Obama won twice and a socialist is about to become President. Stop pretending you have an answer.
Because money is not free speech, and it takes a special degree of dishonesty to pretend that is it. Money is money, speech is speech, and they are two entirely different things.
You have to spend money to buy air time. And air time is speech. If you ban the spending of money, you are banning access to free speech.

It's very simple to grasp want to.

Oh, and Bernie is not going to be President. Bank it.

Bank it! Get it? BWA-HA-HA-HA!
You can donate your hard-earned nickles and dimes to an association which can greatly amplify your voice. That's another freedom guaranteed by the First Amendment. Free association.

There's a big megaphone outlet for every cause. No one is excluded or locked out. Those who say otherwise are lying to you.

The evidence is right in front of you. The very politicians who whine about big money in politics are raking it in.
Because money is not free speech, and it takes a special degree of dishonesty to pretend that is it. Money is money, speech is speech, and they are two entirely different things.

The issue is not that you want to take money out of politics, you want to take the other sides money out of politics.

Bull shit! Elections ought to be about ideas and character and who benefits. Today we get character assassinations, bigotry and 30-second hit pieces on the TV and Radio. It's the goal of the conservatives, dumb down Americans; in reading the posts from the 21st Century self defined Conservatives on this message board, it is working.
Because money is not free speech, and it takes a special degree of dishonesty to pretend that is it. Money is money, speech is speech, and they are two entirely different things.

The issue is not that you want to take money out of politics, you want to take the other sides money out of politics.

Bull shit! Elections ought to be about ideas and character and who benefits. Today we get character assassinations, bigotry and 30-second hit pieces on the TV and Radio. It's the goal of the conservatives, dumb down Americans; in reading the posts from the 21st Century self defined Conservatives on this message board, it is working.

You must be one of those people that believe the Ideal Gas Law applies to all situations as well. Reality impinges upon the fantasy that seems to muddle in your head. And the fact that you blame this only on "conservatives" means you are either blind, a hack, or a bit of both.

Also, your last sentence makes no sense whatsoever, I suggest taking a breath and trying to re-type it.
You can donate your hard-earned nickles and dimes to an association which can greatly amplify your voice. That's another freedom guaranteed by the First Amendment. Free association.

There's a big megaphone outlet for every cause. No one is excluded or locked out. Those who say otherwise are lying to you.

The evidence is right in front of you. The very politicians who whine about big money in politics are raking it in.

Again, each side will try to tailor any money restrictions to help their side, and hurt the other.

Letting everyone spend as they see fit is better than trying to control it.
Because money is not free speech, and it takes a special degree of dishonesty to pretend that is it. Money is money, speech is speech, and they are two entirely different things.
You have to spend money to buy air time. And air time is speech. If you ban the spending of money, you are banning access to free speech.

It's very simple to grasp want to.

Oh, and Bernie is not going to be President. Bank it.

Bank it! Get it? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Using money to buy air time and print time creates an unlevel playing field and and prevents honest, open and critical debate on candidates and issues.

It's really that simple, for those capable of understanding.
Because money is not free speech, and it takes a special degree of dishonesty to pretend that is it. Money is money, speech is speech, and they are two entirely different things.
You have to spend money to buy air time. And air time is speech. If you ban the spending of money, you are banning access to free speech.

It's very simple to grasp want to.

Oh, and Bernie is not going to be President. Bank it.

Bank it! Get it? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Using money to buy air time and print time creates an unlevel playing field and and prevents honest, open and critical debate on candidates and issues.

It's really that simple, for those capable of understanding.

Using print has been part of campaigning since the founding of the Country. Proxies used to campaign for candidates in local areas. How is that different from current print/internet and TV commercials?
Bernie beats Trump in the polls almost every time.

The millennials have discovered Bernie, much to Trump's dismay.

Here's my take on both of these candidates:

Trump lacks the temperament to be POTUS, he is offensive and his use of Brinkmanship in a nuclear age is foolish.

Sanders has the heart but lacks the politics. His economic plans may be good for most of the people but not for the powerful people. Thus nothing he wants and promises will ever get through the Congress or be acceptable to the five conservative justices on the Supreme Court.

Cruz and Rubio, BTW, have similar flaws in their character as does Trump, and their economic policies will please the powerful and widen the divide between the well off and the majority of our citizens.

HRC by default is the most experienced candidate and if one learns by their mistakes, will chart a moderate course through through the hazards that await the next POTUS.
Bernie beats Trump in the polls almost every time.

The millennials have discovered Bernie, much to Trump's dismay.

Here's my take on both of these candidates:

Trump lacks the temperament to be POTUS, he is offensive and his use of Brinkmanship in a nuclear age is foolish.

Sanders has the heart but lacks the politics. His economic plans may be good for most of the people but not for the powerful people. Thus nothing he wants and promises will ever get through the Congress or be acceptable to the five conservative justices on the Supreme Court.

Cruz and Rubio, BTW, have similar flaws in their character as does Trump, and their economic policies will please the powerful and widen the divide between the well off and the majority of our citizens.

HRC by default is the most experienced candidate and if one learns by their mistakes, will chart a moderate course through through the hazards that await the next POTUS.

Hillary is not a moderate.
By normal definitions and terms HRC is moderate.

You are the libertarian, Marty.

The only people who call Hillary moderate are people who are just as lefty as she is.

Own up to your progressiveness, don't try to hide it.

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