To my fellow Trump voters...

"Trump voters are not exactly Policy wonks "
....they are more like gerbils being led into a "nether Region" .....
You said that he promised a Muslim ban - did not happen

I know it didn't happen, because of constitutional issues, But Trump promised to enact a muslim ban.

Donald Trumpā€™s ā€˜Muslim banā€™ promise is ā€˜evidenceā€™ against executive order: Court

Court: Trumpā€™s ā€˜Muslim banā€™ promise is ā€˜evidenceā€™ against executive order

Judge Richard R. Clifton wasnā€™t satisfied with that dodge, saying that if Mr. Trump and his advisers did in fact say they were trying to impose a Muslim ban,

ā€œI understand the argument they shouldnā€™t be given much weight, but when you say we shouldnā€™t be looking at newspaper articles ā€” weā€™re all on the fast track here,ā€ Judge Clifton said. ā€œEither those kinds of statements were made, or theyā€™re not. Now if they were made not to be a serious policy principle, I can understand that. But if they were made, it is potential evidence, it is the basis for an argument.ā€

Mr. Trump spent months during the campaign parsing what, exactly, he meant when he announced in December 2015 that he wanted ā€œa total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United Statesā€ until the government could get a handle on things.
Again, you continue to lie

He did not promise to ban Moooslums

I really don't get why you want to lie about this?

The blocking of his EO'S was illegal and unconstitutional

I have a feeling that will be settled by SCOTUS

But seriously, why lie? Just makes you feel better?

OR do you really not understand what you are speaking about?

guliani himself admitted it was. he was consulted on how to do it so the ban skirts around that little thing called the constitution. lol.... it was painfully obvious that the countries on that list had ZERO acts of terrorism waged against us.
however, saudi arabia... who had some 13 out of 19 animals wage war against us on 9/11 strangely enough were absent from that list.

And that's why OBAMA administration produced the list?

Oh wait...

Of course, a hack such as yourself would welcome in terrorists in droves.

lol... oh how a little research does wonders. btw, there was never a travel ban implemented by obama... but i wouldn't expect those who regurgitate rw talking points to actually find out what is true & what is just plain bullshit.

The Obama connection

The travel part of Trumpā€™s order does target the same seven countries that were singled out with a law Obama signed in December 2015.

The Obama-signed law contains provisions that restrict travel to the United States for people who lived in or visited Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria since March 2011. They must have a visa to enter the United States; they canā€™t use what is known as the Visa Waiver Program, which allows 90-day U.S. visits to other foreign visitors.

The law was soon expanded by Obamaā€™s Department of Homeland Security to cover Libya, Somalia, and Yemen. They were identified in the agencyā€™s announcement as "countries of concern," a phrase used in the law.

7 nations in Trump travel ban were named by Obama?
....why are some of you upset?

Did you really think that YOU would get everything you wanted and nothing you didn't want?

Do you really think that the POTUS can just do whatever he wants to?

Do you understand that negotiations ALWAYS have to be made?

I am a Trump supporter, just to clarify.
But I thought NAFTA was a horrible deal. Now it's not? China's not manipulating currency? He's not bringing jobs back home?
that flip flop stuff is what we get when we put a guy into our wh who has no experience no knowledge knows nothing of foreign affairs Just likes vacations while letting others including his son in law make all decisions
Anyone know how much the ah has cost us so far ?
I'm actually relieved he is flip flopping on his ridiculous comments. You know, the comments that got his minions of deplorable a to vote for him.

And he gets their vote no matter what because they believe the alternative is worse.

Meanwhile the GOP are gonna cut their social security 30%
....why are some of you upset?

Did you really think that YOU would get everything you wanted and nothing you didn't want?

Do you really think that the POTUS can just do whatever he wants to?

Do you understand that negotiations ALWAYS have to be made?

I am a Trump supporter, just to clarify.
But I thought NAFTA was a horrible deal. Now it's not? China's not manipulating currency? He's not bringing jobs back home?
that flip flop stuff is what we get when we put a guy into our wh who has no experience no knowledge knows nothing of foreign affairs Just likes vacations while letting others including his son in law make all decisions
Anyone know how much the ah has cost us so far ?
I'm actually relieved he is flip flopping on his ridiculous comments. You know, the comments that got his minions of deplorable a to vote for him.

And he gets their vote no matter what because they believe the alternative is worse.

Meanwhile the GOP are gonna cut their social security 30%
my hope is trumpette nitwits get all that's coming to them ,,,no hc tax cuts for wealthy and maybe a draft to fight a trump war ,,I wish it on them
....why are some of you upset?

Did you really think that YOU would get everything you wanted and nothing you didn't want?

Do you really think that the POTUS can just do whatever he wants to?

Do you understand that negotiations ALWAYS have to be made?

I am a Trump supporter, just to clarify.
But I thought NAFTA was a horrible deal. Now it's not? China's not manipulating currency? He's not bringing jobs back home?
that flip flop stuff is what we get when we put a guy into our wh who has no experience no knowledge knows nothing of foreign affairs Just likes vacations while letting others including his son in law make all decisions
Anyone know how much the ah has cost us so far ?
I'm actually relieved he is flip flopping on his ridiculous comments. You know, the comments that got his minions of deplorable a to vote for him.

And he gets their vote no matter what because they believe the alternative is worse.

Meanwhile the GOP are gonna cut their social security 30%
my hope is trumpette nitwits get all that's coming to them ,,,no hc tax cuts for wealthy and maybe a draft to fight a trump war ,,I wish it on them
The masses have been convinced it doesn't matter. Meanwhile we see it does matter.
meanwhile trump is expert at getting his name on buildings ,bankruptcy and cake,,,,and inciting nitwits to vote for him
My memory may not be that great, but it seems to me he ran on repealing Obamacare, building the wall, $1T in infrastructure spending, putting China in its place, tax reform.

Was that someone else?

Gorsuch is a clear win for him. Other than that....

A "win", maybe. There's always going to be an asterisk by Gorsuch* in the history books.

*Merrick Garland's seat stolen from the first black president because black Presidents only get 3/5ths of a Presidency.

Limbaugh said that is exactly what snowflakes like you were thinking. You're all a bunch of brainwashed drones. You're so easy to figure out.

^^^ says the dittohead ^^^ :lmao:
Limbaugh proved that you're a brainwashed drone. He predicted your behavior.

sure sure... was that before or after he was arrested for the very drug use he insisted others get 'sent up' for?

What does that have to do with the fact that you're a brainwashed drone?
Something I find astounding is the Trump Alpha Male Pussies [TAMP] on USMB...these POS s , like , cheer when Trump flames some hapless target on Twitter or during a speech...they can't get enough of Trump doing an "Ad Hominem ra-ta-tat" on someone ...then you flame that "Trump TAMP Tramp" on these boards or you flame Rush Limbaugh or Trump and they start crying and whining about personal attacks ... Fuck all of you Pathetic Trump prostrated slaves.
<--Tell me this is not an Orange Anus King of Douchebags

You mean like Susan Rice? That hapless target?
....why are some of you upset?

Did you really think that YOU would get everything you wanted and nothing you didn't want?

Do you really think that the POTUS can just do whatever he wants to?

Do you understand that negotiations ALWAYS have to be made?

I am a Trump supporter, just to clarify.
But I thought NAFTA was a horrible deal. Now it's not? China's not manipulating currency? He's not bringing jobs back home?
that flip flop stuff is what we get when we put a guy into our wh who has no experience no knowledge knows nothing of foreign affairs Just likes vacations while letting others including his son in law make all decisions
Anyone know how much the ah has cost us so far ?

Who might that be?
....why are some of you upset?

Did you really think that YOU would get everything you wanted and nothing you didn't want?

Do you really think that the POTUS can just do whatever he wants to?

Do you understand that negotiations ALWAYS have to be made?

I am a Trump supporter, just to clarify.
I get your points completely. Having said that I was not a Trump supporter. In fact I think it's wrong to be a cheerleader for any individual. I am a supporter of my ideals & what I think is right. Trump just happens to say a lot of the things I believe in. That could just be calculated bloviating on his part or it could be heartfelt. I don't know & honestly at this point I don't care. He deserves time to attain his goals and prove himself to be the man he claims to be and not the democrat he always was.
If he does a good job he will get my vote next time, if he doesn't, he won't. I will not blindly support anyone any longer.
....why are some of you upset?

Did you really think that YOU would get everything you wanted and nothing you didn't want?

Do you really think that the POTUS can just do whatever he wants to?

Do you understand that negotiations ALWAYS have to be made?

I am a Trump supporter, just to clarify.
But I thought NAFTA was a horrible deal. Now it's not? China's not manipulating currency? He's not bringing jobs back home?
that flip flop stuff is what we get when we put a guy into our wh who has no experience no knowledge knows nothing of foreign affairs Just likes vacations while letting others including his son in law make all decisions
Anyone know how much the ah has cost us so far ?

Who might that be?

Can that poster really be so ignorant of how that description represents his 'messiah'??? self-realization.
....why are some of you upset?

Did you really think that YOU would get everything you wanted and nothing you didn't want?

Do you really think that the POTUS can just do whatever he wants to?

Do you understand that negotiations ALWAYS have to be made?

I am a Trump supporter, just to clarify.
But I thought NAFTA was a horrible deal. Now it's not? China's not manipulating currency? He's not bringing jobs back home?
that flip flop stuff is what we get when we put a guy into our wh who has no experience no knowledge knows nothing of foreign affairs Just likes vacations while letting others including his son in law make all decisions
Anyone know how much the ah has cost us so far ?

Who might that be?

Can that poster really be so ignorant of how that description represents his 'messiah'??? self-realization.
now that's an outright lie ,,,,, Frank Underwood could do a better job than trump
....why are some of you upset?

Did you really think that YOU would get everything you wanted and nothing you didn't want?

Do you really think that the POTUS can just do whatever he wants to?

Do you understand that negotiations ALWAYS have to be made?

I am a Trump supporter, just to clarify.
But I thought NAFTA was a horrible deal. Now it's not? China's not manipulating currency? He's not bringing jobs back home?
that flip flop stuff is what we get when we put a guy into our wh who has no experience no knowledge knows nothing of foreign affairs Just likes vacations while letting others including his son in law make all decisions
Anyone know how much the ah has cost us so far ?

Who might that be?

Can that poster really be so ignorant of how that description represents his 'messiah'??? self-realization.
now that's an outright lie ,,,,, Frank Underwood could do a better job than trump
The bar is not very high from the last eight yearsā€¦ How low can you go?
But I thought NAFTA was a horrible deal. Now it's not? China's not manipulating currency? He's not bringing jobs back home?
that flip flop stuff is what we get when we put a guy into our wh who has no experience no knowledge knows nothing of foreign affairs Just likes vacations while letting others including his son in law make all decisions
Anyone know how much the ah has cost us so far ?

Who might that be?

Can that poster really be so ignorant of how that description represents his 'messiah'??? self-realization.
now that's an outright lie ,,,,, Frank Underwood could do a better job than trump
The bar is not very high from the last eight yearsā€¦ How low can you go?
75 straight months of triple digit job gains , rescued us from bush great recession ,new highs on the dow and even stupid repubs had a chance to get back what they lost with gwb,,, 4.8 unemployment no 9/11 ,,,, What the hell did you want ?? BLOOD???
that flip flop stuff is what we get when we put a guy into our wh who has no experience no knowledge knows nothing of foreign affairs Just likes vacations while letting others including his son in law make all decisions
Anyone know how much the ah has cost us so far ?

Who might that be?

Can that poster really be so ignorant of how that description represents his 'messiah'??? self-realization.
now that's an outright lie ,,,,, Frank Underwood could do a better job than trump
The bar is not very high from the last eight yearsā€¦ How low can you go?
75 straight months of triple digit job gains , rescued us from bush great recession ,new highs on the dow and even stupid repubs had a chance to get back what they lost with gwb,,, 4.8 unemployment no 9/11 ,,,, What the hell did you want ?? BLOOD???
He took in way more in revenue than in history and spent way more than what he took inā€¦ Barry is a fucking piece of shit that's all there is to it no two ways about itā€¦ Shit for brains
Who might that be?

Can that poster really be so ignorant of how that description represents his 'messiah'??? self-realization.
now that's an outright lie ,,,,, Frank Underwood could do a better job than trump
The bar is not very high from the last eight yearsā€¦ How low can you go?
75 straight months of triple digit job gains , rescued us from bush great recession ,new highs on the dow and even stupid repubs had a chance to get back what they lost with gwb,,, 4.8 unemployment no 9/11 ,,,, What the hell did you want ?? BLOOD???
He took in way more in revenue than in history and spent way more than what he took inā€¦ Barry is a fucking piece of shit that's all there is to it no two ways about itā€¦ Shit for brains
guess only ah's think recovering from the greatest recession ever is easy
that flip flop stuff is what we get when we put a guy into our wh who has no experience no knowledge knows nothing of foreign affairs Just likes vacations while letting others including his son in law make all decisions
Anyone know how much the ah has cost us so far ?

Who might that be?

Can that poster really be so ignorant of how that description represents his 'messiah'??? self-realization.
now that's an outright lie ,,,,, Frank Underwood could do a better job than trump
The bar is not very high from the last eight yearsā€¦ How low can you go?
75 straight months of triple digit job gains , rescued us from bush great recession ,new highs on the dow and even stupid repubs had a chance to get back what they lost with gwb,,, 4.8 unemployment no 9/11 ,,,, What the hell did you want ?? BLOOD???

Who is the only President in nearly a hundred years who never had even one year of 3% or better GDP growth.

Who might that be?

Can that poster really be so ignorant of how that description represents his 'messiah'??? self-realization.
now that's an outright lie ,,,,, Frank Underwood could do a better job than trump
The bar is not very high from the last eight yearsā€¦ How low can you go?
75 straight months of triple digit job gains , rescued us from bush great recession ,new highs on the dow and even stupid repubs had a chance to get back what they lost with gwb,,, 4.8 unemployment no 9/11 ,,,, What the hell did you want ?? BLOOD???

Who is the only President in nearly a hundred years who never had even one year of 3% or better GDP growth.

Just like I said how low can you go? And the funny thing is the United States brought in record revenue during his time and he still spent more than everyone else combinedā€¦
Can that poster really be so ignorant of how that description represents his 'messiah'??? self-realization.
now that's an outright lie ,,,,, Frank Underwood could do a better job than trump
The bar is not very high from the last eight yearsā€¦ How low can you go?
75 straight months of triple digit job gains , rescued us from bush great recession ,new highs on the dow and even stupid repubs had a chance to get back what they lost with gwb,,, 4.8 unemployment no 9/11 ,,,, What the hell did you want ?? BLOOD???
He took in way more in revenue than in history and spent way more than what he took inā€¦ Barry is a fucking piece of shit that's all there is to it no two ways about itā€¦ Shit for brains
guess only ah's think recovering from the greatest recession ever is easy

"....the greatest recession ever...."



Here's the 'Obama Touch'...

"Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession
. ...the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey ....indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession."
Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession

"More Businesses Shutting Down than Starting Up
'Business deaths now exceed business births for the first time' in decades.
The American economy is less entrepreneurial now than at any point in the last three decades. That's the conclusion of a new study out from the Brookings Institution, which looks at the rates of new business creation and destruction since 1978.

Not only that, but during the most recent three years of the study -- 2009, 2010 and 2011 -- businesses were collapsing faster than they were being formed, a first. Overall, new businesses creation (measured as the share of all businesses less than one year old) declined by about half from 1978 to 2011." More Businesses Shutting Down than Starting Up

"...recovering from the greatest recession ever..."

Since you can't be that much of a fool, you must be this much of a liar.

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