To my fellow Trump voters...

You said that he promised a Muslim ban - did not happen

I know it didn't happen, because of constitutional issues, But Trump promised to enact a muslim ban.

Donald Trumpā€™s ā€˜Muslim banā€™ promise is ā€˜evidenceā€™ against executive order: Court

Court: Trumpā€™s ā€˜Muslim banā€™ promise is ā€˜evidenceā€™ against executive order

Judge Richard R. Clifton wasnā€™t satisfied with that dodge, saying that if Mr. Trump and his advisers did in fact say they were trying to impose a Muslim ban,

ā€œI understand the argument they shouldnā€™t be given much weight, but when you say we shouldnā€™t be looking at newspaper articles ā€” weā€™re all on the fast track here,ā€ Judge Clifton said. ā€œEither those kinds of statements were made, or theyā€™re not. Now if they were made not to be a serious policy principle, I can understand that. But if they were made, it is potential evidence, it is the basis for an argument.ā€

Mr. Trump spent months during the campaign parsing what, exactly, he meant when he announced in December 2015 that he wanted ā€œa total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United Statesā€ until the government could get a handle on things.

Irony: calling Obama an "illegitimate president" for eight years and then becoming one.
You said that he promised a Muslim ban - did not happen

I know it didn't happen, because of constitutional issues, But Trump promised to enact a muslim ban.

Donald Trumpā€™s ā€˜Muslim banā€™ promise is ā€˜evidenceā€™ against executive order: Court

Court: Trumpā€™s ā€˜Muslim banā€™ promise is ā€˜evidenceā€™ against executive order

Judge Richard R. Clifton wasnā€™t satisfied with that dodge, saying that if Mr. Trump and his advisers did in fact say they were trying to impose a Muslim ban,

ā€œI understand the argument they shouldnā€™t be given much weight, but when you say we shouldnā€™t be looking at newspaper articles ā€” weā€™re all on the fast track here,ā€ Judge Clifton said. ā€œEither those kinds of statements were made, or theyā€™re not. Now if they were made not to be a serious policy principle, I can understand that. But if they were made, it is potential evidence, it is the basis for an argument.ā€

Mr. Trump spent months during the campaign parsing what, exactly, he meant when he announced in December 2015 that he wanted ā€œa total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United Statesā€ until the government could get a handle on things.
Again, you continue to lie

He did not promise to ban Moooslums

I really don't get why you want to lie about this?

The blocking of his EO'S was illegal and unconstitutional

I have a feeling that will be settled by SCOTUS

But seriously, why lie? Just makes you feel better?

OR do you really not understand what you are speaking about?
Trump was mistaken about Obama needing approval

As you were mistaken about Trump promising to repeal gun-free zones.

"I will get rid of gun-free zones in schools and you have to, and on military bases. My first day it gets signed. My first day it gets signed. My first day. Thereā€™s no more gun-free zones. Think of it." [Burlington, VT, 1/7/16]

Yep, he did say that, I was unaware, he also backed off that pledge

There is still this outstanding issue.

Why do you feel compelled to lie?
And y'all can keep saying whatever you want, the fact is that we have never seen a president work so hard to keep campaign promises, never

Really? Trump works hard every weekend. And the part you left out is even if Trump is the hardest working president ever, which he is far from, he's also the least successful in carrying out his campaign promises.

Trump promised to 'unsign' Obamacare
Trump promised a 90 day complete muslim ban
Build a wall and make mexico pay for it
Impose tariffs on goods made abroad
Have China declared a currency manipulator
Cancel payments to the united nations
Eliminate gun free zones
And dozens more.
And he's on his 7th trip to Florida Bet the sweat is dripping off him lol
Donald Trumpā€™s ā€˜Muslim banā€™ promise is ā€˜evidenceā€™ against executive order: Court

Court: Trumpā€™s ā€˜Muslim banā€™ promise is ā€˜evidenceā€™ against executive order

Judge Richard R. Clifton wasnā€™t satisfied with that dodge, saying that if Mr. Trump and his advisers did in fact say they were trying to impose a Muslim ban,

ā€œI understand the argument they shouldnā€™t be given much weight, but when you say we shouldnā€™t be looking at newspaper articles ā€” weā€™re all on the fast track here,ā€ Judge Clifton said. ā€œEither those kinds of statements were made, or theyā€™re not. Now if they were made not to be a serious policy principle, I can understand that. But if they were made, it is potential evidence, it is the basis for an argument.ā€

Mr. Trump spent months during the campaign parsing what, exactly, he meant when he announced in December 2015 that he wanted ā€œa total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United Statesā€ until the government could get a handle on things.
Again, you continue to lie

He did not promise to ban Moooslums

Read the judges order. It was based on Trump promising a muslim ban. If Trump never promised a muslim ban, there would have been no orders blocking his executive orders.
But we have Gorsuch & common sense has returned to government
Gorsuch was the Judge that wanted the Truck driver to die because of the stupidity of his company...perfect common sense...
Donald Trump has been so very moved by the footage of children in Syria. Not enough to grant them refuge but you know... enough to want to blow stuff up.
Yeah, he followed the law instead of making a decision based on "feelings"

That's what a judge is supposed to do

Wasn't it a bad law?

Probably, but it is not the place of the judiciary to change it, needs to be the legislature

The snowflakes have made it clear they don't care what the law actually says. They think a judge is supposed to make new law based on whatever the mob is shouting for at the moment.
Donald Trumpā€™s ā€˜Muslim banā€™ promise is ā€˜evidenceā€™ against executive order: Court

Court: Trumpā€™s ā€˜Muslim banā€™ promise is ā€˜evidenceā€™ against executive order

Judge Richard R. Clifton wasnā€™t satisfied with that dodge, saying that if Mr. Trump and his advisers did in fact say they were trying to impose a Muslim ban,

ā€œI understand the argument they shouldnā€™t be given much weight, but when you say we shouldnā€™t be looking at newspaper articles ā€” weā€™re all on the fast track here,ā€ Judge Clifton said. ā€œEither those kinds of statements were made, or theyā€™re not. Now if they were made not to be a serious policy principle, I can understand that. But if they were made, it is potential evidence, it is the basis for an argument.ā€

Mr. Trump spent months during the campaign parsing what, exactly, he meant when he announced in December 2015 that he wanted ā€œa total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United Statesā€ until the government could get a handle on things.
Again, you continue to lie

He did not promise to ban Moooslums

Read the judges order. It was based on Trump promising a muslim ban. If Trump never promised a muslim ban, there would have been no orders blocking his executive orders.

We already know the judge is a dishonest scumbag.
I'm pretty upset with this Syria bombing thing. Other than that, as long as ww3 doesn't kick off, I'm good.

Understandable. My personal opinion is that they are all animals over there and we should let them kill each other. But hey, I didn't expect to get everything I wanted from Trump even when I pulled the lever.

I'm actually way more pleased with him so far than I thought I would be.

And you've got nothing & you're going to get NOTHING--LOL

Obamacare (repeal & replace) KABOOM
Executive order to ban Muslins KABOOM
Wall up in SMOKE--KABOOM
Remove all illegals immigrants (off the table)--KABOOM
A U.S. Supreme court nominee that stated Roe V Wade is set in stone, and one that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer and Diane Fienstein voted FOR in the past--KABOOM
China renogiation of trade deal off the table. (Trump met with the Prime Minster and used that to get China to put pressure on N. Korea.) The prime minister called Kim Jun Un and said if he didn't knock it off--no more oil would be shipped to N. Korea.--KABOOM.

But he has accomplished 3 Russian ongoing investigations & his connections with the Russians over the last 100 days--and have put us on the verge of 2 new wars (if you want to consider those accomplishments.)

What's Hillary accomplished the last 90 days? :dev3:


We get it, butthurt tard is butthurt.

Hillary Clinton hasn't spent 21 million taxpayer dollars to get down to Mar a Lago that's for certain. Nor does she have 3 adult kids that are all enjoying themselves on the taxpayer dime.

"President Donald Trump has faced his fair share of criticism since taking office, but now his adult children have come under fire for their recent spring break trip to the ski and snowboard haven of Aspen, Colorado.

Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump were all spotted in Aspen during a mid-March weekend, drawing reaction from both residents in Aspen and observers on social media.

According to The Aspen Times, the Trump family arrived in Aspen with a cohort of Secret Service agents for their protection. A recent report by The Aspen Times found the Secret Service signed a contract for more than $12,000 for ski equipment rentals and clothing for the duration of the Trump family vacation."

Now just imagine the cost with lodging, food & ski lift tickets for a 100 security agents--LOL
Trump Family Photo Sparks Outrage (Photo)


Now we also have Trumps frequent trips (11 times,) within his first 100 days, to what he refers to as the Southern Whitehouse every weekend at his resort at Mar a Lago costing the taxpayers 700K per trip. While Mar a Lago just doubled it's membership fees to $200K per year. Now that's the "Art of the Deal."
Trump's Mar-a-Lago club just doubled its new membership fee to $200,000

Then we have the Trump kids flying all over the world to expand the Trump empire, like that new golf course they just opened up in Dubia.
Trump sons open Dubai golf club as namesake now US president

In one single month Trump and family have cost the taxpayers more in travel alone,than the Obama's did in a year.
In a month, the Trump family has cost taxpayers almost as much as the Obamas did in a year

And it's just great, because Ivanka can make all these travel plans right from the White House, as apparently they have given her an office there--which will require a secretary and staff also.
Ivanka Trump to receive White House office, security clearance
The snowflakes have made it clear they don't care what the law actually says. They think a judge is supposed to make new law based on whatever the mob is shouting for at the moment.
Oh really ...Gorsuch was the only one of seven judges to rule against the Trucker... I guess the mob of Judges was wrong on the Law
this case was heard by seven judges. Only one ruled against him, and that judge was the current Supreme Court Judge Gorsuch
Trump was mistaken about Obama needing approval

As you were mistaken about Trump promising to repeal gun-free zones.

"I will get rid of gun-free zones in schools and you have to, and on military bases. My first day it gets signed. My first day it gets signed. My first day. Thereā€™s no more gun-free zones. Think of it." [Burlington, VT, 1/7/16]

Yep, he did say that, I was unaware, he also backed off that pledge

There is still this outstanding issue.

Why do you feel compelled to lie?
Well, promising to restrict travel from terror prone zones does not constitute a Muslim ban

Do you really not understand this or are you lying?

Seriously, honestly asking....
Trump voters

Did you really believe Trump meant any of that shit he was shoveling?
We know he meant it, and so do the folks on the left and in the media, or at least they know now

That's why y'all are so upset

It's ok to admit it baw, it can be our little secret...
PT Barnham said it best.......there is a sucker born every minute
Trump was mistaken about Obama needing approval

As you were mistaken about Trump promising to repeal gun-free zones.

"I will get rid of gun-free zones in schools and you have to, and on military bases. My first day it gets signed. My first day it gets signed. My first day. Thereā€™s no more gun-free zones. Think of it." [Burlington, VT, 1/7/16]

Yep, he did say that, I was unaware, he also backed off that pledge

There is still this outstanding issue.

Why do you feel compelled to lie?
Well, promising to restrict travel from terror prone zones does not constitute a Muslim ban

Do you really not understand this or are you lying?

Seriously, honestly asking....
Donald Trumpā€™s ā€˜Muslim banā€™ promise is ā€˜evidenceā€™ against executive order: Court

Court: Trumpā€™s ā€˜Muslim banā€™ promise is ā€˜evidenceā€™ against executive order

Judge Richard R. Clifton wasnā€™t satisfied with that dodge, saying that if Mr. Trump and his advisers did in fact say they were trying to impose a Muslim ban,

ā€œI understand the argument they shouldnā€™t be given much weight, but when you say we shouldnā€™t be looking at newspaper articles ā€” weā€™re all on the fast track here,ā€ Judge Clifton said. ā€œEither those kinds of statements were made, or theyā€™re not. Now if they were made not to be a serious policy principle, I can understand that. But if they were made, it is potential evidence, it is the basis for an argument.ā€

Mr. Trump spent months during the campaign parsing what, exactly, he meant when he announced in December 2015 that he wanted ā€œa total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United Statesā€ until the government could get a handle on things.
Again, you continue to lie

He did not promise to ban Moooslums

Read the judges order. It was based on Trump promising a muslim ban. If Trump never promised a muslim ban, there would have been no orders blocking his executive orders.
OK, I am beginning to think that you are confused and may not be lying

Trump was well within his authority to issue those EO'S

I expect this issue to come before SCOTUS

This is very similar to when leftists claimed "Bush lied" about WMDs

Relying on intelligence that turned out to be wrong was not a lie

And Trump did not promise a Muslim ban

I wish that you and other liberals would be honest about this...
I'm pretty upset with this Syria bombing thing. Other than that, as long as ww3 doesn't kick off, I'm good.

Understandable. My personal opinion is that they are all animals over there and we should let them kill each other. But hey, I didn't expect to get everything I wanted from Trump even when I pulled the lever.

I'm actually way more pleased with him so far than I thought I would be.

And you've got nothing & you're going to get NOTHING--LOL

Obamacare (repeal & replace) KABOOM
Executive order to ban Muslins KABOOM
Wall up in SMOKE--KABOOM
Remove all illegals immigrants (off the table)--KABOOM
A U.S. Supreme court nominee that stated Roe V Wade is set in stone, and one that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer and Diane Fienstein voted FOR in the past--KABOOM
China renogiation of trade deal off the table. (Trump met with the Prime Minster and used that to get China to put pressure on N. Korea.) The prime minister called Kim Jun Un and said if he didn't knock it off--no more oil would be shipped to N. Korea.--KABOOM.

But he has accomplished 3 Russian ongoing investigations & his connections with the Russians over the last 100 days--and have put us on the verge of 2 new wars (if you want to consider those accomplishments.)

What's Hillary accomplished the last 90 days? :dev3:


We get it, butthurt tard is butthurt.

Hillary Clinton hasn't spent 21 million taxpayer dollars to get down to Mar a Lago that's for certain. Nor does she have 3 adult kids that are all enjoying themselves on the taxpayer dime.

"President Donald Trump has faced his fair share of criticism since taking office, but now his adult children have come under fire for their recent spring break trip to the ski and snowboard haven of Aspen, Colorado.

Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump were all spotted in Aspen during a mid-March weekend, drawing reaction from both residents in Aspen and observers on social media.

According to The Aspen Times, the Trump family arrived in Aspen with a cohort of Secret Service agents for their protection. A recent report by The Aspen Times found the Secret Service signed a contract for more than $12,000 for ski equipment rentals and clothing for the duration of the Trump family vacation."

Now just imagine the cost with lodging, food & ski lift tickets for a 100 security agents--LOL
Trump Family Photo Sparks Outrage (Photo)


Now we also have Trumps frequent trips (11 times,) within his first 100 days, to what he refers to as the Southern Whitehouse every weekend at his resort at Mar a Lago costing the taxpayers 700K per trip. While Mar a Lago just doubled it's membership fees to $200K per year. Now that's the "Art of the Deal."
Trump's Mar-a-Lago club just doubled its new membership fee to $200,000

Then we have the Trump kids flying all over the world to expand the Trump empire, like that new golf course they just opened up in Dubia.
Trump sons open Dubai golf club as namesake now US president

In one single month Trump and family have cost the taxpayers more in travel alone,than the Obama's did in a year.
In a month, the Trump family has cost taxpayers almost as much as the Obamas did in a year

And it's just great, because Ivanka can make all these travel plans right from the White House, as apparently they have given her an office there--which will require a secretary and staff also.
Ivanka Trump to receive White House office, security clearance

Hillary Clinton spent $1.4 billion just trying to get elected and failed. :badgrin:

Trumps spent far less and won. :D

Hillary had motivation, every rogue head of state around the world donated to her campaign. :asshole:

How much money is behind each campaign?
Well, promising to restrict travel from terror prone zones does not constitute a Muslim ban

Do you really not understand this or are you lying?

No matter how much Trump later walked back his statement, that he promised a "muslim ban" is a documented FACT. Your claim he didn't say it, is completely dishonest.

Trump spent many months on the campaign trail, and while trying to stir the crowds he did announce in those exact words, a complete muslim ban. What he said later only shows he flipped and flopped, but his muslim ban was told in Trumps plain simple language the crowd lapped up.
OK, I am beginning to think that you are confused and may not be lying

And Trump did not promise a Muslim ban

From Judges order: he [Trump] announced in December 2015 that he wanted ā€œa total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United Statesā€until the government could get a handle on things.

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